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Created May 6, 2017 18:24
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Select a sound to play from a picker view
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class SoundViewController: UIViewController {
var sounds: [String] = ["island", "jingle", "starwars", "wind", "does_no_exist"] // Files that will possibly available to paly
var selectedSoundString: String? = nil
var player: AVAudioPlayer?
@IBAction func play(_ sender: Any) {
guard let selectedSoundString = selectedSoundString else {
print("No selected sound to play...")
guard let soundData = NSDataAsset(name: selectedSoundString) else {
print("Asset is missing")
do {
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback)
try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true)
player = try AVAudioPlayer(data:, fileTypeHint: AVFileTypeWAVE)
} catch {
@IBAction func stop(_ sender: Any) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
selectedSoundString = sounds.first // picker view will always load with the first one selected, so let's just set the selected sound string now
extension SoundViewController: UIPickerViewDataSource {
func numberOfComponents(in pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int {
return 1
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int {
return sounds.count
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String? {
return sounds[row]
extension SoundViewController: UIPickerViewDelegate {
func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) {
selectedSoundString = sounds[row]
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