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Created March 21, 2012 10:11
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Save tilarids/2145957 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Solution for coursera's Cryptography programming task 1.1
open Batteries_uni
let regroup e n =
let next () =
if Enum.is_empty e then
raise Enum.No_more_elements
Enum.take n e in Enum.from next;;
let load_ciphers fname =
let lines = File.lines_of fname in
let process_line line =
let regroupped = regroup (String.enum line) 2 in
let get_ord x = int_of_string ("0x" ^ (String.of_enum x)) in get_ord regroupped in process_line lines;;
(* Should be fine for small files *)
let load_file fname =
File.with_file_in fname (fun f -> String.enum (BatInnerIO.read_all f));;
let get_histogram fname =
let arr = Array.make 256 0 in
let count = ref 0 in
let process_char c = let x = int_of_char c in begin
arr.(x) <-arr.(x) + 1;
count := !count + 1;
end in
(Enum.iter process_char (load_file fname);
let (hist, samples_count) = get_histogram "shakespeare.txt";;
let (msg, ciphers) =
let e = load_ciphers "ciphers.txt" in
let h = Array.of_enum (Option.get (Enum.get e)) in
let t = List.of_enum ( Array.of_enum e) in
let get_p x =
let p = hist.(x) in
(float_of_int p) /. (float_of_int samples_count);;
let calculate_probs msg ciphers =
let msg_len = Array.length msg in
let get_val x arr = try Array.get arr x with Invalid_argument _ -> 1 in
(* i is msg index(0--msg_len-1), j is 0--255 *)
let pseudo_p i j =
let multiply_p p cipher =
let m = ((get_val i msg) lxor (get_val i cipher)) in
p *. (get_p (j lxor m)) in
(get_p j) *. List.fold_left multiply_p 1. ciphers in
let unnormalized = Array.of_enum ( (fun i -> Array.of_enum ( (pseudo_p i) (0--255))) (0--(msg_len-1))) in
let get_maxprop_string probs =
let find_max arr =
let m = Array.max arr in
Array.findi (fun x -> 0 == compare x m) arr |> char_of_int in find_max probs |> Array.enum |> String.of_enum;;
let main () =
let s = calculate_probs msg ciphers |> get_maxprop_string in
print_endline s;;
let () = main ();;
(* P'[m0=i|m0+m1=b,m0+m2=c]=P[m0+m1=b,m0+m2=c|m0=i]*P[m0=i]=P[m1=b+i]*P[m2=c+i]*P[m0=i]*)
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