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Last active December 31, 2015 21:09
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  • Save tildebyte/8045391 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tildebyte/8045391 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
First cut at Sublime Text completions for pyo.
"scope": "source.python",
{ "trigger": "Abs", "contents": "Abs(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Adsr", "contents": "Adsr(attack=0.01, decay=0.05, sustain=0.71, release=0.10, dur=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Allpass", "contents": "Allpass(input, delay=0.01, feedback=0, maxdelay=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Allpass2", "contents": "Allpass2(input, freq=1000, bw=100, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "AllpassWG", "contents": "AllpassWG(input, freq=100, feed=0.95, detune=0.50, minfreq=20, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Atan2", "contents": "Atan2(b=1, a=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "AToDB", "contents": "AToDB(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Atone", "contents": "Atone(input, freq=1000, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Average", "contents": "Average(input, size=10, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Balance", "contents": "Balance(input, input2, freq=10, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "BandSplit", "contents": "BandSplit(input, num=6, min=20, max=20000, q=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Beat", "contents": "Beat(time=0.12, taps=16, w1=80, w2=50, w3=30, poly=1)" },
{ "trigger": "Bendin", "contents": "Bendin(brange=2, scale=0, channel=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Between", "contents": "Between(input, min=-1.00, max=1.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Biquad", "contents": "Biquad(input, freq=1000, q=1, type=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Biquada", "contents": "Biquada(input, b0=0.01, b1=0.01, b2=0.01, a0=1.07, a1=-1.98, a2=0.93, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Biquadx", "contents": "Biquadx(input, freq=1000, q=1, type=0, stages=4, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Blit", "contents": "Blit(freq=100, harms=40, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "BrownNoise", "contents": "BrownNoise(mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "ButBP", "contents": "ButBP(input, freq=1000, q=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "ButBR", "contents": "ButBR(input, freq=1000, q=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "ButHP", "contents": "ButHP(input, freq=1000, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "ButLP", "contents": "ButLP(input, freq=1000, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "CallAfter", "contents": "CallAfter(function, time=1, arg=None)" },
{ "trigger": "CarToPol", "contents": "CarToPol(inreal, inimag, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Ceil", "contents": "Ceil(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "CentsToTranspo", "contents": "CentsToTranspo(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Change", "contents": "Change(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "ChebyTable", "contents": "ChebyTable(list=[1.0, 0.0], size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "Choice", "contents": "Choice(choice, freq=1.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Chorus", "contents": "Chorus(input, depth=1, feedback=0.25, bal=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Clip", "contents": "Clip(input, min=-1.00, max=1.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Cloud", "contents": "Cloud(density=10, poly=1)" },
{ "trigger": "Compare", "contents": "Compare(input, comp, mode=\"<\", mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Compress", "contents": "Compress(input, thresh=-20, ratio=2, risetime=0.01, falltime=0.10, lookahead=5.00, knee=0, outputAmp=False, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "ControlRead", "contents": "ControlRead(filename, rate=1000, loop=False, interp=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "ControlRec", "contents": "ControlRec(input, filename, rate=1000, dur=0.00)" },
{ "trigger": "Convolve", "contents": "Convolve(input, table, size, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Cos", "contents": "Cos(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "CosLogTable", "contents": "CosLogTable(list=[(0, 0.0), (8191, 1.0)], size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "CosTable", "contents": "CosTable(list=[(0, 0.0), (8191, 1.0)], size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "Count", "contents": "Count(input, min=0, max=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Counter", "contents": "Counter(input, min=0, max=100, dir=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "CrossFM", "contents": "CrossFM(carrier=100, ratio=0.50, ind1=2, ind2=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "CtlScan", "contents": "CtlScan(function, toprint=True)" },
{ "trigger": "CtlScan2", "contents": "CtlScan2(function, toprint=True)" },
{ "trigger": "CurveTable", "contents": "CurveTable(list=[(0, 0.0), (8191, 1.0)], tension=0, bias=0, size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "CvlVerb", "contents": "CvlVerb(input, impulse=\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\svn\\pyo\\utils\\build\\pyi.win32\\E-Pyo\\outPYZ1.pyz\\pyolib\\snds\\IRMediumHallStereo.wav\", bal=0.25, size=1024, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "DataTable", "contents": "DataTable(size, chnls=1, init=None)" },
{ "trigger": "DBToA", "contents": "DBToA(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "DCBlock", "contents": "DCBlock(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Degrade", "contents": "Degrade(input, bitdepth=16, srscale=1.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Delay", "contents": "Delay(input, delay=0.25, feedback=0, maxdelay=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Delay1", "contents": "Delay1(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Denorm", "contents": "Denorm(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Disto", "contents": "Disto(input, drive=0.75, slope=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Dummy", "contents": "Dummy(objs_list)" },
{ "trigger": "EQ", "contents": "EQ(input, freq=1000, q=1, boost=-3.00, type=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Expseg", "contents": "Expseg(list, loop=False, exp=10, inverse=True, initToFirstVal=False, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "ExpTable", "contents": "ExpTable(list=[(0, 0.0), (8192, 1.0)], exp=10, inverse=True, size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "Fader", "contents": "Fader(fadein=0.01, fadeout=0.10, dur=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "FFT", "contents": "FFT(input, size=1024, overlaps=4, wintype=2)" },
{ "trigger": "Floor", "contents": "Floor(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "FM", "contents": "FM(carrier=100, ratio=0.50, index=5, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Follower", "contents": "Follower(input, freq=20, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Follower2", "contents": "Follower2(input, risetime=0.01, falltime=0.10, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "FourBand", "contents": "FourBand(input, freq1=150, freq2=500, freq3=2000, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "FrameAccum", "contents": "FrameAccum(input, framesize=1024, overlaps=4, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "FrameDelta", "contents": "FrameDelta(input, framesize=1024, overlaps=4, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Freeverb", "contents": "Freeverb(input, size=0.50, damp=0.50, bal=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "FreqShift", "contents": "FreqShift(input, shift=100, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Gate", "contents": "Gate(input, thresh=-70, risetime=0.01, falltime=0.05, lookahead=5.00, outputAmp=False, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Granulator", "contents": "Granulator(table, env, pitch=1, pos=0, dur=0.10, grains=8, basedur=0.10, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Granule", "contents": "Granule(table, env, dens=50, pitch=1, pos=0, dur=0.10, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "HannTable", "contents": "HannTable(size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "Harmonizer", "contents": "Harmonizer(input, transpo=-7.00, feedback=0, winsize=0.10, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "HarmTable", "contents": "HarmTable(list=[1.0, 0.0], size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "Hilbert", "contents": "Hilbert(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "IFFT", "contents": "IFFT(inreal, inimag, size=1024, overlaps=4, wintype=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Input", "contents": "Input(chnl=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "InputFader", "contents": "InputFader(input)" },
{ "trigger": "Interp", "contents": "Interp(input, input2, interp=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "IRAverage", "contents": "IRAverage(input, order=256, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "IRFM", "contents": "IRFM(input, carrier=1000, ratio=0.50, index=3, order=256, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "IRPulse", "contents": "IRPulse(input, freq=500, bw=2500, type=0, order=256, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "IRWinSinc", "contents": "IRWinSinc(input, freq=1000, bw=500, type=0, order=256, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Iter", "contents": "Iter(input, choice, init=0.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "LFO", "contents": "LFO(freq=100, sharp=0.50, type=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Linseg", "contents": "Linseg(list, loop=False, initToFirstVal=False, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "LinTable", "contents": "LinTable(list=[(0, 0.0), (8191, 1.0)], size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "Log", "contents": "Log(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Log10", "contents": "Log10(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Log2", "contents": "Log2(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "LogTable", "contents": "LogTable(list=[(0, 0.0), (8191, 1.0)], size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "Lookup", "contents": "Lookup(table, index, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Looper", "contents": "Looper(table, pitch=1, start=0, dur=1.00, xfade=20, mode=1, xfadeshape=0, startfromloop=False, interp=2, autosmooth=False, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Lorenz", "contents": "Lorenz(pitch=0.25, chaos=0.50, stereo=False, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Map", "contents": "Map(min, max, scale)" },
{ "trigger": "MatrixMorph", "contents": "MatrixMorph(input, matrix, sources)" },
{ "trigger": "MatrixPointer", "contents": "MatrixPointer(matrix, x, y, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "MatrixRec", "contents": "MatrixRec(input, matrix, fadetime=0, delay=0)" },
{ "trigger": "MatrixRecLoop", "contents": "MatrixRecLoop(input, matrix)" },
{ "trigger": "Max", "contents": "Max(input, comp=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Metro", "contents": "Metro(time=1, poly=1)" },
{ "trigger": "MidiAdsr", "contents": "MidiAdsr(input, attack=0.01, decay=0.05, sustain=0.70, release=0.10, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Midictl", "contents": "Midictl(ctlnumber, minscale=0, maxscale=1, init=0, channel=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "MidiDelAdsr", "contents": "MidiDelAdsr(input, delay=0, attack=0.01, decay=0.05, sustain=0.70, release=0.10, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Min", "contents": "Min(input, comp=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Mirror", "contents": "Mirror(input, min=0.00, max=1.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Mix", "contents": "Mix(input, voices=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Mixer", "contents": "Mixer(outs=2, chnls=1, time=0.03, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "MToF", "contents": "MToF(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "MToT", "contents": "MToT(input, centralkey=60.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "NewMatrix", "contents": "NewMatrix(width, height, init=None)" },
{ "trigger": "NewTable", "contents": "NewTable(length, chnls=1, init=None, feedback=0.00)" },
{ "trigger": "NextTrig", "contents": "NextTrig(input, input2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Noise", "contents": "Noise(mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Notein", "contents": "Notein(poly=10, scale=0, first=0, last=127, channel=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "NoteinRead", "contents": "NoteinRead(filename, loop=False, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "NoteinRec", "contents": "NoteinRec(input, filename)" },
{ "trigger": "Osc", "contents": "Osc(table, freq=1000, phase=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "OscBank", "contents": "OscBank(table, freq=100, spread=1, slope=0.90, frndf=1, frnda=0, arndf=1, arnda=0, num=24, fjit=False, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "OscDataReceive", "contents": "OscDataReceive(port, address, function)" },
{ "trigger": "OscDataSend", "contents": "OscDataSend(types, port, address, host=\"\")" },
{ "trigger": "OscListReceive", "contents": "OscListReceive(port, address, num=8, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "OscLoop", "contents": "OscLoop(table, freq=1000, feedback=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "OscReceive", "contents": "OscReceive(port, address, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "OscSend", "contents": "OscSend(input, port, address, host=\"\")" },
{ "trigger": "OscTrig", "contents": "OscTrig(table, trig, freq=1000, phase=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Pan", "contents": "Pan(input, outs=2, pan=0.50, spread=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "ParaTable", "contents": "ParaTable(size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "Pattern", "contents": "Pattern(function, time=1)" },
{ "trigger": "Percent", "contents": "Percent(input, percent=50.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Phaser", "contents": "Phaser(input, freq=1000, spread=1.10, q=10, feedback=0, num=8, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Phasor", "contents": "Phasor(freq=100, phase=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "PinkNoise", "contents": "PinkNoise(mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Pointer", "contents": "Pointer(table, index, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "PolToCar", "contents": "PolToCar(inmag, inang, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Port", "contents": "Port(input, risetime=0.05, falltime=0.05, init=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Pow", "contents": "Pow(base=10, exponent=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Print", "contents": "Print(input, method=0, interval=0.25, message=\"\")" },
{ "trigger": "Programin", "contents": "Programin(channel=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Pulsar", "contents": "Pulsar(table, env, freq=100, frac=0.50, phase=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "PVAddSynth", "contents": "PVAddSynth(input, pitch=1, num=100, first=0, inc=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "PVAmpMod", "contents": "PVAmpMod(input, basefreq=1, spread=0)" },
{ "trigger": "PVAnal", "contents": "PVAnal(input, size=1024, overlaps=4, wintype=2)" },
{ "trigger": "PVBuffer", "contents": "PVBuffer(input, index, pitch=1.00, length=1.00)" },
{ "trigger": "PVBufLoops", "contents": "PVBufLoops(input, low=1.00, high=1.00, mode=0, length=1.00)" },
{ "trigger": "PVBufTabLoops", "contents": "PVBufTabLoops(input, speed, length=1.00)" },
{ "trigger": "PVCross", "contents": "PVCross(input, input2, fade=1)" },
{ "trigger": "PVDelay", "contents": "PVDelay(input, deltable, feedtable, maxdelay=1.00, mode=0)" },
{ "trigger": "PVFilter", "contents": "PVFilter(input, table, gain=1, mode=0)" },
{ "trigger": "PVFreqMod", "contents": "PVFreqMod(input, basefreq=1, spread=0, depth=0.10)" },
{ "trigger": "PVGate", "contents": "PVGate(input, thresh=-20, damp=0.00)" },
{ "trigger": "PVMix", "contents": "PVMix(input, input2)" },
{ "trigger": "PVMorph", "contents": "PVMorph(input, input2, fade=0.50)" },
{ "trigger": "PVMult", "contents": "PVMult(input, input2)" },
{ "trigger": "PVShift", "contents": "PVShift(input, shift=0)" },
{ "trigger": "PVSynth", "contents": "PVSynth(input, wintype=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "PVTranspose", "contents": "PVTranspose(input, transpo=1)" },
{ "trigger": "PVVerb", "contents": "PVVerb(input, revtime=0.75, damp=0.75)" },
{ "trigger": "RandDur", "contents": "RandDur(min=0.00, max=1.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Randh", "contents": "Randh(min=0.00, max=1.00, freq=1.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Randi", "contents": "Randi(min=0.00, max=1.00, freq=1.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "RandInt", "contents": "RandInt(max=100, freq=1.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "RCOsc", "contents": "RCOsc(freq=100, sharp=0.25, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Record", "contents": "Record(input, filename, chnls=2, fileformat=0, sampletype=0, buffering=4)" },
{ "trigger": "Reson", "contents": "Reson(input, freq=1000, q=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Resonx", "contents": "Resonx(input, freq=1000, q=1, stages=4, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Rossler", "contents": "Rossler(pitch=0.25, chaos=0.50, stereo=False, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Round", "contents": "Round(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SampHold", "contents": "SampHold(input, controlsig, value=0.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SawTable", "contents": "SawTable(order=10, size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "Scale", "contents": "Scale(input, inmin=0, inmax=1, outmin=0, outmax=1, exp=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Score", "contents": "Score(input, fname=\"event_\")" },
{ "trigger": "SDelay", "contents": "SDelay(input, delay=0.25, maxdelay=1, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Select", "contents": "Select(input, value=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Selector", "contents": "Selector(inputs, voice=0.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Seq", "contents": "Seq(time=1, seq=[1], poly=1)" },
{ "trigger": "Server", "contents": "Server(sr=44100, nchnls=2, buffersize=256, duplex=1, audio=\"portaudio\", jackname=\"pyo\")" },
{ "trigger": "SfMarkerLooper", "contents": "SfMarkerLooper(path, speed=1, mark=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SfMarkerShuffler", "contents": "SfMarkerShuffler(path, speed=1, interp=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SfPlayer", "contents": "SfPlayer(path, speed=1, loop=False, offset=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Sig", "contents": "Sig(value, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SigTo", "contents": "SigTo(value, time=0.03, init=0.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Sin", "contents": "Sin(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SincTable", "contents": "SincTable(freq=6.28, windowed=False, size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "Sine", "contents": "Sine(freq=1000, phase=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SineLoop", "contents": "SineLoop(freq=1000, feedback=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SLMap", "contents": "SLMap(min, max, scale, name, init, res=\"float\", ramp=0.03)" },
{ "trigger": "SLMapDur", "contents": "SLMapDur(init=1.00)" },
{ "trigger": "SLMapFreq", "contents": "SLMapFreq(init=1000)" },
{ "trigger": "SLMapMul", "contents": "SLMapMul(init=1.00)" },
{ "trigger": "SLMapPan", "contents": "SLMapPan(init=0.00)" },
{ "trigger": "SLMapPhase", "contents": "SLMapPhase(init=0.00)" },
{ "trigger": "SLMapQ", "contents": "SLMapQ(init=1.00)" },
{ "trigger": "Snap", "contents": "Snap(input, choice, scale=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SndTable", "contents": "SndTable(path=None, chnl=None, start=0, stop=None, initchnls=1)" },
{ "trigger": "SPan", "contents": "SPan(input, outs=2, pan=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Spectrum", "contents": "Spectrum(input, size=1024, wintype=2, function=None)" },
{ "trigger": "Sqrt", "contents": "Sqrt(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SquareTable", "contents": "SquareTable(order=10, size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "SumOsc", "contents": "SumOsc(freq=100, ratio=0.50, index=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SuperSaw", "contents": "SuperSaw(freq=100, detune=0.50, bal=0.70, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "SVF", "contents": "SVF(input, freq=1000, q=1, type=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Switch", "contents": "Switch(input, outs=2, voice=0.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TableIndex", "contents": "TableIndex(table, index, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TableMorph", "contents": "TableMorph(input, table, sources)" },
{ "trigger": "TablePut", "contents": "TablePut(input, table)" },
{ "trigger": "TableRead", "contents": "TableRead(table, freq=1, loop=0, interp=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TableRec", "contents": "TableRec(input, table, fadetime=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TableScale", "contents": "TableScale(table, outtable, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Tan", "contents": "Tan(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Thresh", "contents": "Thresh(input, threshold=0.00, dir=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Timer", "contents": "Timer(input, input2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Tone", "contents": "Tone(input, freq=1000, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Touchin", "contents": "Touchin(minscale=0, maxscale=1, init=0, channel=0, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TranspoToCents", "contents": "TranspoToCents(input, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Trig", "contents": "Trig(self)" },
{ "trigger": "TrigChoice", "contents": "TrigChoice(input, choice, port=0.00, init=0.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TrigEnv", "contents": "TrigEnv(input, table, dur=1, interp=2, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TrigExpseg", "contents": "TrigExpseg(input, list, exp=10, inverse=True, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TrigFunc", "contents": "TrigFunc(input, function, arg=None)" },
{ "trigger": "TrigLinseg", "contents": "TrigLinseg(input, list, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TrigRand", "contents": "TrigRand(input, min=0.00, max=1.00, port=0.00, init=0.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TrigRandInt", "contents": "TrigRandInt(input, max=100.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TrigTableRec", "contents": "TrigTableRec(input, trig, table, fadetime=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TrigVal", "contents": "TrigVal(input, value=0.00, init=0.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TrigXnoise", "contents": "TrigXnoise(input, dist=0, x1=0.50, x2=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "TrigXnoiseMidi", "contents": "TrigXnoiseMidi(input, dist=0, x1=0.50, x2=0.50, scale=0, mrange=(0, 127), mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Urn", "contents": "Urn(max=100, freq=1.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "VarPort", "contents": "VarPort(value, time=0.03, init=0.00, function=None, arg=None, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Vectral", "contents": "Vectral(input, framesize=1024, overlaps=4, up=1.00, down=0.70, damp=0.90, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Vocoder", "contents": "Vocoder(input, input2, freq=60, spread=1.25, q=20, slope=0.50, stages=24, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "VoiceManager", "contents": "VoiceManager(input, triggers=None, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Waveguide", "contents": "Waveguide(input, freq=100, dur=10, minfreq=20, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "WGVerb", "contents": "WGVerb(input, feedback=0.50, cutoff=5000, bal=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "WinTable", "contents": "WinTable(type=2, size=8192)" },
{ "trigger": "Wrap", "contents": "Wrap(input, min=0.00, max=1.00, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Xnoise", "contents": "Xnoise(dist=0, freq=1.00, x1=0.50, x2=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "XnoiseDur", "contents": "XnoiseDur(dist=0, min=0.00, max=1.00, x1=0.50, x2=0.50, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "XnoiseMidi", "contents": "XnoiseMidi(dist=0, freq=1.00, x1=0.50, x2=0.50, scale=0, mrange=(0, 127), mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "Yin", "contents": "Yin(input, tolerance=0.20, minfreq=40, maxfreq=1000, cutoff=1000, winsize=1024, mul=1, add=0)" },
{ "trigger": "ZCross", "contents": "ZCross(input, thresh=0.00, mul=1, add=0)" }
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