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Created October 12, 2015 05:51
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bootstrap.php (json rpc)
namespace S3\Cms;
* Class to call remote methods via protocol JSON-RPC 2.0
* Includes server and client functionality
* According to official JSON-RPC 2.0 specification
* Excluding "notifications" and "batch mode"
class JsonRpcBase
const JSON_RPC_VERSION = '2.0';
private $_server_url, $_server_port, $_server_timeout, $_server_object;
public function __construct( $pServerUrlOrObject )
if ( is_array( $pServerUrlOrObject ) )
if ( !$pServerUrlOrObject )
throw new \Exception( 'URL string can\'t be empty' );
$this->_server_url = $pServerUrlOrObject['url'];
$this->_server_port = $pServerUrlOrObject['port'];
$this->_server_timeout = $pServerUrlOrObject['timeout'];
elseif ( is_object( $pServerUrlOrObject ) )
$this->_server_object = $pServerUrlOrObject;
throw new \Exception( 'Input parameter must be URL string or server class object' );
public function __call( $pMethod, array $pParams )
if ( is_null( $this->_server_url ) )
throw new \Exception( 'This is server JSON-RPC object: you can\'t call remote methods' );
$request = new \stdClass();
$request->jsonrpc = self::JSON_RPC_VERSION;
$request->method = $pMethod;
$request->params = $pParams;
$request->id = md5( uniqid( microtime( true ), true ) );
$request_json = json_encode( $request );
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array( $ch,
array( CURLOPT_URL => $this->_server_url, CURLOPT_HEADER => 0, CURLOPT_POST => 1,
CURLOPT_PORT => $this->_server_port, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->_server_timeout
) );
$response_json = curl_exec( $ch );
if ( curl_errno( $ch ) )
throw new \Exception( curl_error( $ch ), curl_errno( $ch ) );
if ( curl_getinfo( $ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ) != 200 )
throw new \Exception( sprintf( 'Curl response http error code "%s"',
curl_getinfo( $ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ) ) );
curl_close( $ch );
$response = $this->_parseJson( $response_json );
$this->_checkResponse( $response, $request );
//return $response->result;
return $response_json;
public function process()
if ( is_null( $this->_server_object ) )
throw new \Exception( 'This is client JSON-RPC object: you can\'t process request' );
$request_json = file_get_contents( 'php://input' );
$response = new \stdClass();
$response->jsonrpc = self::JSON_RPC_VERSION;
$request = $this->_parseJson( $request_json );
$this->_checkRequest( $request );
$response->result = call_user_func_array(
array( $this->_server_object, $request->method ), $request->params );
$response->id = $request->id;
catch ( \Exception $ex )
$response->error = new \stdClass();
$response->error->code = $ex->getCode();
$response->error->message = $ex->getMessage();
$response->id = null;
echo json_encode( $response );
private function _parseJson( $pData )
$data = json_decode( $pData, false, 32 );
if ( is_null( $data ) )
throw new \Exception( 'Parse error', -32700 );
return $data;
private function _checkRequest( $pObject )
if ( !is_object( $pObject ) || !isset( $pObject->jsonrpc ) || $pObject->jsonrpc !== self::JSON_RPC_VERSION || !isset(
$pObject->method ) || !is_string( $pObject->method ) || !$pObject->method || ( isset(
$pObject->params ) && !is_array( $pObject->params ) ) || !isset( $pObject->id ) )
throw new \Exception( 'Invalid Request', -32600 );
if ( !is_callable( array( $this->_server_object, $pObject->method ) ) )
throw new \Exception( 'Method not found', -32601 );
if ( is_null( $pObject->params ) )
$pObject->params = array();
private function _checkResponse( $pObject, $pRequest )
if ( !is_object( $pObject ) || !isset( $pObject->jsonrpc ) || $pObject->jsonrpc !== self::JSON_RPC_VERSION || ( !isset(
$pObject->result ) && !isset( $pObject->error ) ) || ( isset( $pObject->result ) && ( !isset(
$pObject->id ) || $pObject->id !== $pRequest->id ) ) || ( isset( $pObject->error ) && ( !is_object(
$pObject->error ) || !isset( $pObject->error->code ) || !isset( $pObject->error->message ) ) ) )
throw new \Exception( 'Invalid Response', -32600 );
if ( isset( $pObject->error ) )
throw new \Exception( $pObject->error->message, $pObject->error->code );
class JsonRpcServer
public function add( $a, $b )
return $a + $b;
public function substract($a, $b)
return $a - $b;
class JsonRpc
static public function dispatch()
$server = new JsonRpcBase( new JsonRpcServer() );
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