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Created February 8, 2016 11:55
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class Scrape
def initialize (pathname, options)
# pathname is required. when only called with pathname, recurses pathname and returns JSON with basic data (filename, size, creationdate) without writing JSON to cache
# options: if called with an optional cache_directory, scans cache if this scan has been done before and only scans if not in cache, if not in cache, writes JSON to cache directory
# options: if called with an optional dir_ignore array, ignores passed patterns, if not, uses default: dir_ignore=[".AppleDouble",".AppleDB",".AppleDesktop",".DS_Store", ".localized"]
def mediaspecs (pathname, options)
# pathname is required. when only called with pathname, looks for JSON from initialize method in cache and adds ffprober mediaspecs to JSON hash (Codec, Framsize, fps, etc.pp.), if no JSON from initializer in cache, runs initializer scan to cache directory and then mediaspecs scan
# options: if called with an optional ext_qualifier array, only scans those extensions, if not, uses default: qualifier_ext=[".mkv",".avi",".mp4",".m4v",".mov",".flv",".ogg",".mpeg",".jpg",".mpg",".mp3"]
def xxhash (pathname)
# pathname is required. looks for JSON from initialize method in cache and adds xxhash to JSON hash, if no JSON from initializer in cache, runs initializer scan to cache directory and then hashes the listed files
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