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Last active October 7, 2021 08:58
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This is a method to dynamically generate responsive class names as described in BEMIT: Taking the BEM Naming Convention a Step Further.

Named breakpoints

To get started, we need to define our breakpoints:

$breakpoints: (
    'small':  ( min-width:  700px ),
    'medium': ( min-width: 1000px ),
    'large':  ( min-width: 1200px )

Generate media queries for a specific breakpoint

You can use any media query you like! To make use of a specific breakpoint or a list of breakpoints, use @include respond-to():

@mixin respond-to($names: ()) {
    @each $name in $names {
        @if map-has-key($breakpoints, $name) {
            @media #{inspect(map-get($breakpoints, $name))} {
        } @else {
            @warn "Unfortunately, no value could be retrieved for `#{$name}`.";

Generate responsive classes using BEMIT naming convention

To generate BEMIT classes that respond to a certain breakpoint only (e.g. .test@medium), use @include responsive():

@mixin responsive($names: map-keys($breakpoints)) {

    @each $name in $names {
        @if map-has-key($breakpoints, $name) {
            &\@#{$name} {
                @media #{inspect(map-get($breakpoints, $name))} {
        } @else {
            @warn "Unfortunately, no value could be retrieved for `#{$name}`.";

Based on


Using the above mixins, the following code:

.test {
    @include respond-to(small medium) {
        color: red;

    @include responsive(medium large) {
        color: blue;

... would result in this CSS output:

.test {
  color: blue;

@media (min-width: 700px) {
  .test {
    color: red;

@media (min-width: 1000px) {
  .test {
    color: red;

@media (min-width: 1000px) {
  .test\@medium {
    color: blue;

@media (min-width: 1200px) {
  .test\@large {
    color: blue;
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