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Last active September 2, 2019 04:58
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Apple News .d.ts generator
import { Annotation } from "@atjson/document";
import HTMLSource from "@atjson/source-html";
import { writeFileSync } from "fs";
import * as puppeteer from "puppeteer";
import { Page } from "puppeteer";
interface Definition {
URL: string;
inherits?: string;
example?: string;
documentation: string;
definitions: {
[key: string]: {
deprecated: boolean;
required: boolean;
documentation: string;
type: string;
let definitions: {
[key: string]: Definition;
} = {};
let foundDefinitions: {
[key: string]: {
URL: string;
inherits?: string;
} = {};
function hasClass(className: string) {
return (a: Annotation<any>) => {
return (a.attributes.class || "").split(" ").indexOf(className) !== -1;
function isInside(
a: Record<"row", Annotation<any>>,
b: Annotation<any>
): boolean;
function isInside(a: Annotation<any>, b: Annotation<any>): boolean;
function isInside(
a: Annotation<any> | Record<"row", Annotation<any>>,
b: Annotation<any>
) {
if ("row" in a) {
return a.row.start < b.start && a.row.end > b.end;
return a.start < b.start && a.end > b.end;
async function fetchDefinitionFor(page: Page, URL: string, inherits?: string) {
await page.goto(URL);
let html = await page.evaluate(
() => document.querySelector("main")!.innerHTML
let doc = HTMLSource.fromRaw(html);
let title = [...doc.where({ type: "-html-h1" })][0]!;
let discussion = doc
.where({ attributes: { "-html-id": "discussion" } })
let discussionText = doc.where(hasClass("formatted-content")).as("contents");
let code = doc.where(hasClass("objectexample-object")).as("codeBlock");
let example = doc.where(hasClass("objectexample")).as("exampleBody");
let interfaceName = doc.slice(title.start, title.end).canonical().content;
let definition: Partial<Definition> = {
definitions: {}
.join(discussionText, isInside)
.outerJoin(code, isInside)
.outerJoin(example, isInside)
.update(({ contents, exampleBody, codeBlock }) => {
let hasExample = exampleBody.length;
if (hasExample) {
definition.documentation = doc.slice(
let example = doc
.slice(codeBlock[0]!.start, codeBlock[0]!.end)
example.where({ type: "-html-code" }).update(a => {
example.insertText(a.end, "\n");
definition.example = example.content;
} else {
definition.documentation = doc.slice(
let propertyRow = doc.where(hasClass("parametertable-row")).as("row");
let propertyName = doc.where(hasClass("parametertable-name")).as("names");
let propertyType = doc.where(hasClass("parametertable-type")).as("types");
let propertyRef = doc.where(hasClass("symbolref")).as("refs");
let propertyRequired = doc
let propertyDeprecated = doc
let propertyDescription = doc
let propertyTypes = doc.where(hasClass("possibletypes")).as("possibleTypes");
let propertyValues = doc
.join(propertyName, isInside)
.join(propertyType, isInside)
.outerJoin(propertyRef, isInside)
.outerJoin(propertyRequired, isInside)
.outerJoin(propertyDeprecated, isInside)
.outerJoin(propertyValues, isInside)
.join(propertyDescription, isInside)
.outerJoin(propertyTypes, isInside)
}) => {
let description = descriptions[0]!;
let name = names[0]!;
let type = types[0]!;
let isRequired = required.length > 0;
let tsType = doc
.slice(type.start, type.end)
let key = doc.slice(name.start, name.end).canonical().content;
if (key === "Any Key") {
key = "[key: string]";
isRequired = true;
// Use metadata to derive type
if (tsType === "*") {
tsType = "any";
} else if (tsType === "integer" || tsType === "float") {
tsType = "number";
} else if (tsType === "uri" || tsType === "date-time") {
tsType = "string";
let array = tsType.match(/^\[(.*)\]$/);
if (array) {
tsType = `${array[1]}[]`;
if (possibleValues[0]) {
let code = [
.slice(possibleValues[0].start, possibleValues[0].end)
.where({ type: "-html-code" })
tsType = doc
code.start + possibleValues[0].start,
code.end + possibleValues[0].start
.content.split(", ")
.map(value => {
if (value.match(/^\d+$/)) {
return value;
} else {
return `"${value}"`;
.join(" | ");
if (possibleTypes[0]) {
let code = [
.slice(possibleTypes[0].start, possibleTypes[0].end)
.where({ type: "-html-code" })
tsType = doc
code.start + possibleTypes[0].start,
code.end + possibleTypes[0].start
.content.replace(/string\(([^)]+)\)/, "$1")
.split(", ")
.map(value => {
let arr = value.match(/^\[(.*)\]$/);
if (arr) {
return `${arr[1]}[]`;
} else if (value === "integer" || value === "float") {
return "number";
} else if (value === "uri" || value === "date-time") {
return "string";
return value;
.join(" | ");
definition.definitions![key] = {
required: isRequired,
deprecated: deprecated.length > 0,
documentation: doc
.slice(description.start, description.end)
/<code class="code-voice"><span></g,
'<code class="code-voice"><span>&lt;'
type: tsType
refs.forEach(ref => {
doc.slice(ref.start, ref.end).canonical().content
] = {
URL: `${ref.attributes.href}`
definitions[interfaceName] = definition as Definition;
foundDefinitions[interfaceName] = {
async function fetchSubclassesFor(page: Page, URL: string, inherits: string) {
await page.goto(URL);
let html = await page.evaluate(
() => document.querySelector("main")!.innerHTML
let doc = HTMLSource.fromRaw(html);
let main = doc.where(hasClass("formatted-content")).as("main");
let allLinks = doc.where({ type: "-html-a" }).as("links");
main.join(allLinks, isInside).update(({ links }) => {
links.forEach(link => {
let name = doc
.slice(link.start, link.end)
if (name.indexOf(" ") === -1) {
foundDefinitions[name] = {
URL: `${link.attributes.href}`,
(async () => {
let browser = await puppeteer.launch();
let page = await browser.newPage();
await fetchDefinitionFor(
await fetchSubclassesFor(
await fetchSubclassesFor(
await fetchSubclassesFor(
let stillToFind = Object.keys(foundDefinitions).filter(
name => !definitions[name]
while (stillToFind.length) {
let toFind = foundDefinitions[stillToFind[0]];
await fetchDefinitionFor(page, toFind.URL, toFind.inherits);
stillToFind = Object.keys(foundDefinitions).filter(
name => !definitions[name]
writeFileSync("definitions.json", JSON.stringify(definitions, null, 2));
import OffsetSource from "@atjson/offset-annotations";
import CommonmarkRenderer from "@atjson/renderer-commonmark";
import HTMLSource from "@atjson/source-html";
import { writeFileSync, readFileSync } from "fs";
interface Definition {
URL: string;
inherits?: string;
example?: string;
documentation: string;
definitions: {
[key: string]: Property;
interface Property {
required: boolean;
deprecated: boolean;
documentation: string;
type: string;
let definitions = JSON.parse(readFileSync("definitions.json").toString()) as {
[key: string]: Definition;
let types: { [key: string]: any } = {
Color: "string",
SupportedUnits: "string"
.forEach(className => {
let inherits = definitions[className].inherits;
if (inherits) {
if (types[inherits]) {
types[inherits] = `${types[inherits]} | ${className}`;
} else {
types[inherits] = className;
function heredoc(html: string) {
let doc = HTMLSource.fromRaw(html).convertTo(OffsetSource);
doc.where({ type: "-offset-link" }).update(link => {
if (link.attributes.url.indexOf("/") === 0) {
link.attributes.url = `${link.attributes.url}`;
.where({ type: "-offset-list" })
.set({ attributes: { "-offset-tight": true } });
return CommonmarkRenderer.render(doc);
`declare module AppleNews {
.filter(className => className.indexOf(".") === -1)
.map(className => {
let definition = definitions[className];
if (types[className]) {
// This is a type;
return ` /**
* ${heredoc(definition.documentation)
.join("\n * ")}
* @see ${definition.URL}
export type ${className} = ${types[className]};`;
return ` /**
* ${heredoc(definition.documentation)
.join("\n * ")}${
? `\n * @example\n * \`\`\`json\n * ${definition.example
.join("\n * ")} \`\`\``
: ""
* @see ${definition.URL}
export interface ${className} {
.sort((a, b) => {
let propertyA = definition.definitions[a]!;
let propertyB = definition.definitions[b]!;
if (propertyA.required === propertyB.required) {
return a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? 1 : a === b ? 0 : -1;
} else {
return propertyA.required ? -1 : 1;
.map(propertyName => {
let property = definition.definitions[propertyName];
let type = property.type;
if (type === "RecordStore.records[]") {
type = "any[]"; // Derive from definitions
} else if (type.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
let reference = definitions[type];
if (Object.keys(reference.definitions).length) {
type = `{\n ${Object.keys(reference.definitions)
.map(nestedName => {
let def = reference.definitions[nestedName];
return `${nestedName}${def.required ? "" : "?"}: ${def.type};`;
.join("\n ")}
} else {
type = "any";
return ` /**
* ${heredoc(property.documentation)
.join("\n * ")}${property.deprecated ? "\n * @deprecated" : ""}
${propertyName}${property.required ? "" : "?"}: ${type};`;
writeFileSync("definitions.json", JSON.stringify(definitions, null, 2));
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