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Last active October 31, 2021 11:28
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Animated map of New Zealand's August 2021 Covid outbreak locations of interest over time
from pathlib import Path
from git import Repo
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import dateutil.parser as dateparser
import as px
# # requirements.txt:
# gitpython
# pandas
# plotly
poi_repo_url = ""
repo_dir = "/tmp/nz-covid-data"
loi_csv_path = Path(repo_dir)/"locations-of-interest"/"august-2021"/"locations-of-interest.csv"
def read_locations_of_interest(csv_path:Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
loi = pd.read_csv(csv_path, encoding = "ISO-8859-1", engine='python')
if "id" not in loi.columns:
raise ValueError("Exepected id column not found in location of interest data")
if "Updated" not in loi.columns:
# if updated field not present, use Start
loi["Added"] = loi.Start
loi["Updated"] = loi.Start
for column_name in ["Start", "End", "Added", "Updated"]:
loi[column_name] = loi[column_name].apply(parse_locations_of_interest_time_str)
return loi
def parse_locations_of_interest_time_str(time_str:str) -> datetime:
Convert time string as recorded in location of interest date to
datetime type.
Complicated because at least four formats exist:
12/09/2021 10:29
2021-09-13 16:33:29
15/09/2021, 10:30 am
dateutil parser can handle these
return dateparser.parse(time_str, dayfirst=True, yearfirst=True)
except TypeError:
return pd.NaT
except ValueError:
return pd.NaT
def read_all_location_of_interest_data(repo_dir) -> pd.DataFrame:
repo = Repo(repo_dir)
assert not repo.bare
locations_of_interest = read_locations_of_interest(loi_csv_path)
# read LOI file at all commits, and append into one tall dataframe
# for commit in list(repo.iter_commits())[0:10]:
for commit in repo.iter_commits():
print(f"{commit} ({commit.authored_date}): {commit.message}")
if loi_csv_path.is_file():
loi_at_commit = read_locations_of_interest(loi_csv_path)
loi_at_commit["source_sha1"] = str(commit) # for tracing info back to source
locations_of_interest = locations_of_interest.append(loi_at_commit)
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
print(f"Warning: Discarding data due to unicode decode error parsing LOI file {} at commit {commit}")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Warning: discarding data at commit {commit} due to error (error follows)")
print(f"Warning, LOI file {} does not exist in commit {commit}")
# get rid of rows without coord data
locations_of_interest = locations_of_interest.dropna(subset=["LAT", "LNG"])
# reset index
locations_of_interest = locations_of_interest.reset_index(drop=True)
# correct apparent typo: exposure a0l4a0000004XEG is recorded ending at
# 30/9, although at time of writing that date is in the future
# note that start date was 30/8, so I'm assuming end date is supposed to be the same
locations_of_interest.loc[ == "a0l4a0000004XEG", "End"] = parse_locations_of_interest_time_str("30/08/2021, 3:00 pm")
# Will now have a big dataframe, but many locations will be duplicated.
# De-duplication policy:
# - detect duplicates by ID
# - keep the one with the most recent updated date
# All locations have an 'added' date, but not all have an 'updated' date
# To fill out the 'updated' date, wherever the 'updated' date does not
# exist, fill with the 'added' date
locations_of_interest.loc[locations_of_interest.Updated.isnull(),"Updated"] = locations_of_interest.Added[locations_of_interest.Updated.isnull()]
# for dup ids with different values, keep most recent
num_unique_locations = len(
locations_of_interest = locations_of_interest.iloc[idx,]
# make sure we end up with a df with one row per exposure id
assert locations_of_interest.shape[0] == num_unique_locations
assert len( == num_unique_locations
locations_of_interest = locations_of_interest.reset_index(drop=True)
return locations_of_interest
def get_time_since_active(query_time:datetime, start_time:datetime, end_time:datetime) -> timedelta:
Given a query time and location of interest start and end times return 'days_since_active',
specifying the timedelta between the query time and the location end time.
If the location is active at the given time, time since active will be zero.
If the given time is before the location start time, time since active will be negative.
if query_time > end_time:
# location no longer active
return query_time - end_time # result will be positive
elif query_time < start_time:
# location not yet active
return query_time - start_time # result will be negative
# location curently active
return timedelta(0)
def create_timeseries(locations_of_interest:pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Create dataframe where, for each date over a range of dates covering the outbreak,
all the LOI info is present along with a time_since_active column for that date
(see get_time_since_active)
# start animation a bit before latest location of interest
timeseries_start_time=locations_of_interest.Start.min() - timedelta(days=1)
date_samples = pd.date_range(start=timeseries_start_time, end=timeseries_end_time, freq='6H')
loi_timeseries = pd.DataFrame()
for query_time in date_samples:
time_since_active_for_row = lambda row : get_time_since_active(query_time, row.Start, row.End)
time_since_active:pd.Series = locations_of_interest.apply(time_since_active_for_row, axis=1) = "TimeSinceActive"
location_info_for_time = pd.concat([locations_of_interest, time_since_active], axis=1)
location_info_for_time["Time"] = query_time
loi_timeseries = loi_timeseries.append(location_info_for_time)
return loi_timeseries
def alpha_from_time_since_active(time_since_active: timedelta) -> float:
Return an alpha value for visualising a given location of interest, based on
how long it has been since it was active
# desired time_since_active to alpha mapping:
# -ve -> 0
# 0 -> 1
# 1/2 fade_time -> 0.5
# fade_time -> 0
# fade time determines how long after active the location becomes invisible
fade_time = timedelta(days=5)
max_alpha = 0.75
alpha = (fade_time - time_since_active) / fade_time
if alpha > 1.0 or alpha < 0.0:
alpha = 0
return alpha * max_alpha
def size_from_time_since_active(time_since_active: timedelta) -> float:
# for size, decay nonlinear (want more emphasis initially, then more gradual decay)
fade_time = timedelta(days=5)
fade_portion = time_since_active / fade_time
if fade_portion < 0:
size = 0.
elif fade_portion > 1.0:
size = 0.
size = 1 - np.sin(fade_portion * np.pi/2) # take a segment of a sin curve
return size
def animate_loi_timeseries(loi_timeseries:pd.DataFrame):
# fade locations based on time since active
loi_timeseries["alpha"] = loi_timeseries.TimeSinceActive.apply(alpha_from_time_since_active)
# scatter_mapbox errors if time is provided as datetime - so convert to str
loi_timeseries["Time"] = loi_timeseries.Time.apply(lambda t : str(t))
loi_timeseries["size"] = loi_timeseries.TimeSinceActive.apply(size_from_time_since_active)
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(loi_timeseries, lat="LAT", lon="LNG",
animation_frame = 'Time', animation_group = 'id',
title = 'August outbreak locations of interest',
hover_data = ['Start'],
# fig.update_traces( hovertemplate=None, hoverinfo='skip')
fig.layout.updatemenus[0].buttons[0].args[1]["frame"]["duration"] = 100
if __name__ == "__main__":
if not Path(repo_dir).is_dir():
Repo.clone_from(poi_repo_url, repo_dir)
locations_of_interest = read_all_location_of_interest_data(repo_dir)
# cache save/load to speed up dev:
# locations_of_interest.to_pickle("/tmp/loi.pickle")
# locations_of_interest = pd.read_pickle("/tmp/loi.pickle")
# write locations to .csv (can be uploaded to for further exploration)
loi_timeseries = create_timeseries(locations_of_interest)
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