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Created August 25, 2018 10:02
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Temporary fix for `firefox-webext-browser` until the PR is accepted (replace node_modules/@types/firefox-webext-browser/index.d.ts)
// Type definitions for WebExtension Development in FireFox 58.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: Jacob Bom <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.9
// Generated using script at
interface WebExtEventBase<TAddListener extends (...args: any[]) => any, TCallback> {
addListener: TAddListener;
removeListener(cb: TCallback): void;
hasListener(cb: TCallback): boolean;
type WebExtEvent<TCallback extends (...args: any[]) => any> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: TCallback) => void, TCallback>;
interface Window {
browser: typeof browser;
* Permissions: `alarms`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.alarms {
/* alarms types */
interface Alarm {
/** Name of this alarm. */
name: string;
/** Time when the alarm is scheduled to fire, in milliseconds past the epoch. */
scheduledTime: number;
/** When present, signals that the alarm triggers periodically after so many minutes. */
periodInMinutes?: number;
/* alarms functions */
* Creates an alarm. After the delay is expired, the onAlarm event is fired. If there is another alarm with the
* same name (or no name if none is specified), it will be cancelled and replaced by this alarm.
* @param alarmInfo Details about the alarm. The alarm first fires either at 'when' milliseconds past the epoch (if
* 'when' is provided), after 'delayInMinutes' minutes from the current time (if 'delayInMinutes' is provided
* instead), or after 'periodInMinutes' minutes from the current time (if only 'periodInMinutes' is provided).
* Users should never provide both 'when' and 'delayInMinutes'. If 'periodInMinutes' is provided, then the
* alarm recurs repeatedly after that many minutes.
function create(alarmInfo: {
/** Time when the alarm is scheduled to first fire, in milliseconds past the epoch. */
when?: number;
/** Number of minutes from the current time after which the alarm should first fire. */
delayInMinutes?: number;
/** Number of minutes after which the alarm should recur repeatedly. */
periodInMinutes?: number;
}): void;
* Creates an alarm. After the delay is expired, the onAlarm event is fired. If there is another alarm with the
* same name (or no name if none is specified), it will be cancelled and replaced by this alarm.
* @param name Optional name to identify this alarm. Defaults to the empty string.
* @param alarmInfo Details about the alarm. The alarm first fires either at 'when' milliseconds past the epoch (if
* 'when' is provided), after 'delayInMinutes' minutes from the current time (if 'delayInMinutes' is provided
* instead), or after 'periodInMinutes' minutes from the current time (if only 'periodInMinutes' is provided).
* Users should never provide both 'when' and 'delayInMinutes'. If 'periodInMinutes' is provided, then the
* alarm recurs repeatedly after that many minutes.
function create(name: string, alarmInfo: {
/** Time when the alarm is scheduled to first fire, in milliseconds past the epoch. */
when?: number;
/** Number of minutes from the current time after which the alarm should first fire. */
delayInMinutes?: number;
/** Number of minutes after which the alarm should recur repeatedly. */
periodInMinutes?: number;
}): void;
* Retrieves details about the specified alarm.
* @param [name] The name of the alarm to get. Defaults to the empty string.
function get(name?: string): Promise<Alarm>;
/** Gets an array of all the alarms. */
function getAll(): Promise<Alarm[]>;
* Clears the alarm with the given name.
* @param [name] The name of the alarm to clear. Defaults to the empty string.
function clear(name?: string): Promise<boolean>;
/** Clears all alarms. */
function clearAll(): Promise<boolean>;
/* alarms events */
* Fired when an alarm has expired. Useful for transient background pages.
* @param name The alarm that has expired.
const onAlarm: WebExtEvent<(name: Alarm) => void>;
/** Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages */
declare namespace browser._manifest {
/* _manifest types */
type OptionalPermission = _OptionalPermission;
type Permission = string | OptionalPermission | _Permission;
/** Represents a protocol handler definition. */
interface ProtocolHandler {
* A user-readable title string for the protocol handler. This will be displayed to the user in interface
* objects as needed.
name: string;
* The protocol the site wishes to handle, specified as a string. For example, you can register to handle SMS
* text message links by registering to handle the "sms" scheme.
protocol: string | _ProtocolHandlerProtocol;
* The URL of the handler, as a string. This string should include "%s" as a placeholder which will be replaced
* with the escaped URL of the document to be handled. This URL might be a true URL, or it could be a phone
* number, email address, or so forth.
uriTemplate: ExtensionURL | HttpURL;
/** Represents a WebExtension manifest.json file */
interface WebExtensionManifest {
/** A list of protocol handler definitions. */
protocol_handlers?: ProtocolHandler[];
default_locale?: string;
manifest_version: number;
minimum_chrome_version?: string;
minimum_opera_version?: string;
applications?: {
gecko?: FirefoxSpecificProperties;
browser_specific_settings?: {
gecko?: FirefoxSpecificProperties;
name: string;
short_name?: string;
description?: string;
author?: string;
version: string;
homepage_url?: string;
icons?: {
[key: number]: string;
incognito?: _WebExtensionManifestIncognito;
background?: {
page: ExtensionURL;
persistent?: PersistentBackgroundProperty;
} | {
scripts: ExtensionURL[];
persistent?: PersistentBackgroundProperty;
options_ui?: {
page: ExtensionURL;
browser_style?: boolean;
chrome_style?: boolean;
open_in_tab?: boolean;
content_scripts?: ContentScript[];
content_security_policy?: string;
permissions?: PermissionOrOrigin[];
optional_permissions?: OptionalPermissionOrOrigin[];
web_accessible_resources?: string[];
developer?: {
name?: string;
url?: string;
theme?: ThemeType;
browser_action?: {
default_title?: string;
default_icon?: IconPath;
/** Specifies icons to use for dark and light themes */
theme_icons?: ThemeIcons[];
default_popup?: string;
browser_style?: boolean;
/** Defines the location the browserAction will appear by default. The default location is navbar. */
default_area?: _WebExtensionManifestBrowserActionDefaultArea;
chrome_settings_overrides?: {
homepage?: string;
search_provider?: {
name: string;
keyword?: string;
search_url: string;
favicon_url?: string;
suggest_url?: string;
/** @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time. */
instant_url?: string;
/** @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time. */
image_url?: string;
/** @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time. */
search_url_post_params?: string;
/** @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time. */
instant_url_post_params?: string;
/** @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time. */
image_url_post_params?: string;
/** @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time. */
alternate_urls?: string[];
/** @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox. */
prepopulated_id?: number;
/** Sets the default engine to a built-in engine only. */
is_default?: boolean;
commands?: {
suggested_key?: {
default?: KeyName;
mac?: KeyName;
linux?: KeyName;
windows?: KeyName;
chromeos?: string;
android?: string;
ios?: string;
/** @deprecated Unknown platform name */
additionalProperties?: string;
description?: string;
devtools_page?: ExtensionURL;
omnibox?: {
keyword: string;
page_action?: {
default_title?: string;
default_icon?: IconPath;
default_popup?: string;
browser_style?: boolean;
sidebar_action?: {
default_title?: string;
default_icon?: IconPath;
browser_style?: boolean;
default_panel: string;
chrome_url_overrides?: {
newtab?: ExtensionURL;
/** @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time. */
bookmarks?: ExtensionURL;
/** @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time. */
history?: ExtensionURL;
interface ThemeIcons {
/** A light icon to use for dark themes */
light: ExtensionURL;
/** The dark icon to use for light themes */
dark: ExtensionURL;
/** The size of the icons */
size: number;
type OptionalPermissionOrOrigin = OptionalPermission | MatchPattern;
type PermissionOrOrigin = Permission | MatchPattern;
type HttpURL = string;
type ExtensionURL = string;
type ImageDataOrExtensionURL = string;
type ExtensionID = string;
interface FirefoxSpecificProperties {
id?: ExtensionID;
update_url?: string;
strict_min_version?: string;
strict_max_version?: string;
type MatchPattern = string | _MatchPattern;
/** Same as MatchPattern above, but includes moz-extension protocol */
type MatchPatternInternal = string | _MatchPatternInternal;
* Details of the script or CSS to inject. Either the code or the file property must be set, but both may not be
* set at the same time. Based on InjectDetails, but using underscore rather than camel case naming conventions.
interface ContentScript {
matches: MatchPattern[];
exclude_matches?: MatchPattern[];
include_globs?: string[];
exclude_globs?: string[];
/** The list of CSS files to inject */
css?: ExtensionURL[];
/** The list of CSS files to inject */
js?: ExtensionURL[];
* If allFrames is `true`, implies that the JavaScript or CSS should be injected into all frames of current
* page. By default, it's `false` and is only injected into the top frame.
all_frames?: boolean;
* If matchAboutBlank is true, then the code is also injected in about:blank and about:srcdoc frames if your
* extension has access to its parent document. Code cannot be inserted in top-level about:-frames. By default
* it is `false`.
match_about_blank?: boolean;
/** The soonest that the JavaScript or CSS will be injected into the tab. Defaults to "document_idle". */
run_at?: extensionTypes.RunAt;
type IconPath = {
[key: number]: ExtensionURL;
} | ExtensionURL;
type IconImageData = {
[key: number]: ImageData;
} | ImageData;
type ImageData = any;
/** @deprecated An unexpected property was found in the WebExtension manifest. */
type UnrecognizedProperty = any;
/** @deprecated Event pages are not currently supported. This will run as a persistent background page. */
type PersistentBackgroundProperty = boolean;
interface ThemeType {
images?: {
additional_backgrounds?: ImageDataOrExtensionURL[];
headerURL?: ImageDataOrExtensionURL;
theme_frame?: ImageDataOrExtensionURL;
colors?: {
accentcolor?: string;
frame?: number[];
tab_text?: number[];
textcolor?: string;
toolbar?: string;
toolbar_text?: string;
bookmark_text?: string;
toolbar_field?: string;
toolbar_field_text?: string;
toolbar_top_separator?: string;
toolbar_bottom_separator?: string;
toolbar_vertical_separator?: string;
icons?: {
back?: ExtensionURL;
forward?: ExtensionURL;
reload?: ExtensionURL;
stop?: ExtensionURL;
bookmark_star?: ExtensionURL;
bookmark_menu?: ExtensionURL;
downloads?: ExtensionURL;
home?: ExtensionURL;
app_menu?: ExtensionURL;
cut?: ExtensionURL;
copy?: ExtensionURL;
paste?: ExtensionURL;
new_window?: ExtensionURL;
new_private_window?: ExtensionURL;
save_page?: ExtensionURL;
print?: ExtensionURL;
history?: ExtensionURL;
full_screen?: ExtensionURL;
find?: ExtensionURL;
options?: ExtensionURL;
addons?: ExtensionURL;
developer?: ExtensionURL;
synced_tabs?: ExtensionURL;
open_file?: ExtensionURL;
sidebars?: ExtensionURL;
subscribe?: ExtensionURL;
text_encoding?: ExtensionURL;
email_link?: ExtensionURL;
forget?: ExtensionURL;
pocket?: ExtensionURL;
getmsg?: ExtensionURL;
newmsg?: ExtensionURL;
address?: ExtensionURL;
reply?: ExtensionURL;
replyall?: ExtensionURL;
replylist?: ExtensionURL;
forwarding?: ExtensionURL;
delete?: ExtensionURL;
junk?: ExtensionURL;
file?: ExtensionURL;
nextUnread?: ExtensionURL;
prevUnread?: ExtensionURL;
mark?: ExtensionURL;
tag?: ExtensionURL;
compact?: ExtensionURL;
archive?: ExtensionURL;
chat?: ExtensionURL;
nextMsg?: ExtensionURL;
prevMsg?: ExtensionURL;
QFB?: ExtensionURL;
conversation?: ExtensionURL;
newcard?: ExtensionURL;
newlist?: ExtensionURL;
editcard?: ExtensionURL;
newim?: ExtensionURL;
send?: ExtensionURL;
spelling?: ExtensionURL;
attach?: ExtensionURL;
security?: ExtensionURL;
save?: ExtensionURL;
quote?: ExtensionURL;
buddy?: ExtensionURL;
join_chat?: ExtensionURL;
chat_accounts?: ExtensionURL;
calendar?: ExtensionURL;
tasks?: ExtensionURL;
synchronize?: ExtensionURL;
newevent?: ExtensionURL;
newtask?: ExtensionURL;
editevent?: ExtensionURL;
today?: ExtensionURL;
category?: ExtensionURL;
complete?: ExtensionURL;
priority?: ExtensionURL;
saveandclose?: ExtensionURL;
attendees?: ExtensionURL;
privacy?: ExtensionURL;
status?: ExtensionURL;
freebusy?: ExtensionURL;
timezones?: ExtensionURL;
properties?: {
additional_backgrounds_alignment?: _ThemeTypeAdditionalBackgroundsAlignment[];
additional_backgrounds_tiling?: _ThemeTypeAdditionalBackgroundsTiling[];
type KeyName = string;
type _OptionalPermission =
| "cookies"
| "clipboardRead"
| "clipboardWrite"
| "geolocation"
| "idle"
| "notifications"
| "topSites"
| "webNavigation"
| "webRequest"
| "webRequestBlocking"
| "bookmarks"
| "find"
| "history"
| "activeTab"
| "tabs";
type _Permission =
| "downloads"
| ""
| "identity"
| "management"
| "alarms"
| "mozillaAddons"
| "storage"
| "unlimitedStorage"
| "privacy"
| "proxy"
| "nativeMessaging"
| "theme"
| "browsingData"
| "devtools"
| "geckoProfiler"
| "menus"
| "contextMenus"
| "pkcs11"
| "sessions";
type _ProtocolHandlerProtocol =
| "geo"
| "gopher"
| "im"
| "irc"
| "ircs"
| "magnet"
| "mailto"
| "mms"
| "news"
| "nntp"
| "sip"
| "sms"
| "smsto"
| "ssh"
| "tel"
| "urn"
| "webcal"
| "wtai"
| "xmpp";
type _WebExtensionManifestIncognito = "spanning";
/** Defines the location the browserAction will appear by default. The default location is navbar. */
type _WebExtensionManifestBrowserActionDefaultArea =
| "menupanel"
| "tabstrip"
| "personaltoolbar";
type _MatchPattern = "<all_urls>";
type _MatchPatternInternal = "<all_urls>";
type _ThemeTypeAdditionalBackgroundsAlignment =
| "center"
| "left"
| "right"
| "top"
| "center bottom"
| "center center"
| "center top"
| "left bottom"
| "left center"
| "left top"
| "right bottom"
| "right center"
| "right top";
type _ThemeTypeAdditionalBackgroundsTiling =
| "repeat"
| "repeat-x"
| "repeat-y";
* Use the `browser.browserSettings` API to control global settings of the browser.
* Permissions: `browserSettings`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.browserSettings {
/* browserSettings types */
/** How images should be animated in the browser. */
type ImageAnimationBehavior =
| "none"
| "once";
/* browserSettings properties */
/** Allows or disallows pop-up windows from opening in response to user events. */
const allowPopupsForUserEvents: types.Setting;
/** Enables or disables the browser cache. */
const cacheEnabled: types.Setting;
/** Returns the value of the overridden home page. Read-only. */
const homepageOverride: types.Setting;
* Controls the behaviour of image animation in the browser. This setting's value is of type
* ImageAnimationBehavior, defaulting to `normal`.
const imageAnimationBehavior: types.Setting;
/** Returns the value of the overridden new tab page. Read-only. */
const newTabPageOverride: types.Setting;
/** Disables webAPI notifications. */
const webNotificationsDisabled: types.Setting;
* Offers the ability to write to the clipboard. Reading is not supported because the clipboard can already be read
* through the standard web platform APIs.
* Permissions: `clipboardWrite`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.clipboard {
type ArrayBuffer = any;
/** The type of imageData. */
type _SetImageData = "jpeg" | "png";
/* clipboard functions */
* Copy an image to the clipboard. The image is re-encoded before it is written to the clipboard. If the image is
* invalid, the clipboard is not modified.
* @param imageData The image data to be copied.
* @param imageType The type of imageData.
function setImageData(imageData: ArrayBuffer, imageType: _SetImageData): Promise<void>;
* Use the `browser.contextualIdentities` API to query and modify contextual identity, also called as containers.
* Permissions: `contextualIdentities`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.contextualIdentities {
/* contextualIdentities types */
/** Represents information about a contextual identity. */
interface ContextualIdentity {
/** The name of the contextual identity. */
name: string;
/** The icon name of the contextual identity. */
icon: string;
/** The icon url of the contextual identity. */
iconUrl: string;
/** The color name of the contextual identity. */
color: string;
/** The color hash of the contextual identity. */
colorCode: string;
/** The cookie store ID of the contextual identity. */
cookieStoreId: string;
/* contextualIdentities functions */
* Retrieves information about a single contextual identity.
* @param cookieStoreId The ID of the contextual identity cookie store.
function get(cookieStoreId: string): Promise<ContextualIdentity>;
* Retrieves all contextual identities
* @param details Information to filter the contextual identities being retrieved.
function query(details: {
/** Filters the contextual identity by name. */
name?: string;
}): Promise<ContextualIdentity[]>;
* Creates a contextual identity with the given data.
* @param details Details about the contextual identity being created.
function create(details: {
/** The name of the contextual identity. */
name: string;
/** The color of the contextual identity. */
color: string;
/** The icon of the contextual identity. */
icon: string;
}): Promise<ContextualIdentity>;
* Updates a contextual identity with the given data.
* @param cookieStoreId The ID of the contextual identity cookie store.
* @param details Details about the contextual identity being created.
function update(cookieStoreId: string, details: {
/** The name of the contextual identity. */
name?: string;
/** The color of the contextual identity. */
color?: string;
/** The icon of the contextual identity. */
icon?: string;
}): Promise<ContextualIdentity>;
* Deletes a contetual identity by its cookie Store ID.
* @param cookieStoreId The ID of the contextual identity cookie store.
function remove(cookieStoreId: string): Promise<ContextualIdentity>;
/* contextualIdentities events */
/** Fired when a container is updated. */
const onUpdated: WebExtEvent<(changeInfo: {
/** Contextual identity that has been updated */
contextualIdentity: ContextualIdentity;
}) => void>;
/** Fired when a new container is created. */
const onCreated: WebExtEvent<(changeInfo: {
/** Contextual identity that has been created */
contextualIdentity: ContextualIdentity;
}) => void>;
/** Fired when a container is removed. */
const onRemoved: WebExtEvent<(changeInfo: {
/** Contextual identity that has been removed */
contextualIdentity: ContextualIdentity;
}) => void>;
* Use the `browser.cookies` API to query and modify cookies, and to be notified when they change.
* Permissions: `cookies`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.cookies {
/* cookies types */
/** Represents information about an HTTP cookie. */
interface Cookie {
/** The name of the cookie. */
name: string;
/** The value of the cookie. */
value: string;
/** The domain of the cookie (e.g. "", ""). */
domain: string;
* True if the cookie is a host-only cookie (i.e. a request's host must exactly match the domain of the cookie).
hostOnly: boolean;
/** The path of the cookie. */
path: string;
* True if the cookie is marked as Secure (i.e. its scope is limited to secure channels, typically HTTPS).
secure: boolean;
/** True if the cookie is marked as HttpOnly (i.e. the cookie is inaccessible to client-side scripts). */
httpOnly: boolean;
/** True if the cookie is a session cookie, as opposed to a persistent cookie with an expiration date. */
session: boolean;
* The expiration date of the cookie as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. Not provided for session
* cookies.
expirationDate?: number;
/** The ID of the cookie store containing this cookie, as provided in getAllCookieStores(). */
storeId: string;
* Represents a cookie store in the browser. An incognito mode window, for instance, uses a separate cookie store
* from a non-incognito window.
interface CookieStore {
/** The unique identifier for the cookie store. */
id: string;
/** Identifiers of all the browser tabs that share this cookie store. */
tabIds: number[];
/** Indicates if this is an incognito cookie store */
incognito: boolean;
* The underlying reason behind the cookie's change. If a cookie was inserted, or removed via an explicit call to
* `cookies.remove`, "cause" will be "explicit". If a cookie was automatically removed due to expiry, "cause" will
* be "expired". If a cookie was removed due to being overwritten with an already-expired expiration date, "cause"
* will be set to "expired_overwrite". If a cookie was automatically removed due to garbage collection, "cause"
* will be "evicted". If a cookie was automatically removed due to a "set" call that overwrote it, "cause" will be
* "overwrite". Plan your response accordingly.
type OnChangedCause =
| "expired"
| "explicit"
| "expired_overwrite"
| "overwrite";
/* cookies functions */
* Retrieves information about a single cookie. If more than one cookie of the same name exists for the given URL,
* the one with the longest path will be returned. For cookies with the same path length, the cookie with the
* earliest creation time will be returned.
* @param details Details to identify the cookie being retrieved.
function get(details: {
* The URL with which the cookie to retrieve is associated. This argument may be a full URL, in which case any
* data following the URL path (e.g. the query string) is simply ignored. If host permissions for this URL are
* not specified in the manifest file, the API call will fail.
url: string;
/** The name of the cookie to retrieve. */
name: string;
* The ID of the cookie store in which to look for the cookie. By default, the current execution context's
* cookie store will be used.
storeId?: string;
}): Promise<Cookie>;
* Retrieves all cookies from a single cookie store that match the given information. The cookies returned will be
* sorted, with those with the longest path first. If multiple cookies have the same path length, those with the
* earliest creation time will be first.
* @param details Information to filter the cookies being retrieved.
function getAll(details: {
/** Restricts the retrieved cookies to those that would match the given URL. */
url?: string;
/** Filters the cookies by name. */
name?: string;
/** Restricts the retrieved cookies to those whose domains match or are subdomains of this one. */
domain?: string;
/** Restricts the retrieved cookies to those whose path exactly matches this string. */
path?: string;
/** Filters the cookies by their Secure property. */
secure?: boolean;
/** Filters out session vs. persistent cookies. */
session?: boolean;
* The cookie store to retrieve cookies from. If omitted, the current execution context's cookie store will be
* used.
storeId?: string;
}): Promise<Cookie[]>;
* Sets a cookie with the given cookie data; may overwrite equivalent cookies if they exist.
* @param details Details about the cookie being set.
function set(details: {
* The request-URI to associate with the setting of the cookie. This value can affect the default domain and
* path values of the created cookie. If host permissions for this URL are not specified in the manifest file,
* the API call will fail.
url: string;
/** The name of the cookie. Empty by default if omitted. */
name?: string;
/** The value of the cookie. Empty by default if omitted. */
value?: string;
/** The domain of the cookie. If omitted, the cookie becomes a host-only cookie. */
domain?: string;
/** The path of the cookie. Defaults to the path portion of the url parameter. */
path?: string;
/** Whether the cookie should be marked as Secure. Defaults to false. */
secure?: boolean;
/** Whether the cookie should be marked as HttpOnly. Defaults to false. */
httpOnly?: boolean;
* The expiration date of the cookie as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch. If omitted, the cookie
* becomes a session cookie.
expirationDate?: number;
* The ID of the cookie store in which to set the cookie. By default, the cookie is set in the current
* execution context's cookie store.
storeId?: string;
}): Promise<Cookie | undefined>;
* Deletes a cookie by name.
* @param details Information to identify the cookie to remove.
function remove(details: {
* The URL associated with the cookie. If host permissions for this URL are not specified in the manifest file,
* the API call will fail.
url: string;
/** The name of the cookie to remove. */
name: string;
* The ID of the cookie store to look in for the cookie. If unspecified, the cookie is looked for by default in
* the current execution context's cookie store.
storeId?: string;
}): Promise<{
/** The URL associated with the cookie that's been removed. */
url: string;
/** The name of the cookie that's been removed. */
name: string;
/** The ID of the cookie store from which the cookie was removed. */
storeId: string;
} | undefined>;
/** Lists all existing cookie stores. */
function getAllCookieStores(): Promise<CookieStore[]>;
/* cookies events */
* Fired when a cookie is set or removed. As a special case, note that updating a cookie's properties is
* implemented as a two step process: the cookie to be updated is first removed entirely, generating a notification
* with "cause" of "overwrite" . Afterwards, a new cookie is written with the updated values, generating a second
* notification with "cause" "explicit".
const onChanged: WebExtEvent<(changeInfo: {
/** True if a cookie was removed. */
removed: boolean;
/** Information about the cookie that was set or removed. */
cookie: Cookie;
/** The underlying reason behind the cookie's change. */
cause: OnChangedCause;
}) => void>;
* Permissions: `downloads`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.downloads {
/* downloads types */
type FilenameConflictAction =
| "overwrite"
| "prompt";
type InterruptReason =
| "CRASH";
* *file*:
* The download's filename is suspicious.
* *url*:
* The download's URL is known to be malicious.
* *content*:
* The downloaded file is known to be malicious.
* *uncommon*:
* The download's URL is not commonly downloaded and could be dangerous.
* *safe*:
* The download presents no known danger to the user's computer.
* These string constants will never change, however the set of DangerTypes may change.
type DangerType =
| "url"
| "content"
| "uncommon"
| "host"
| "unwanted"
| "safe"
| "accepted";
* *in_progress*:
* The download is currently receiving data from the server.
* *interrupted*:
* An error broke the connection with the file host.
* *complete*:
* The download completed successfully.
* These string constants will never change, however the set of States may change.
type State =
| "interrupted"
| "complete";
interface DownloadItem {
/** An identifier that is persistent across browser sessions. */
id: number;
/** Absolute URL. */
url: string;
referrer?: string;
/** Absolute local path. */
filename: string;
/** False if this download is recorded in the history, true if it is not recorded. */
incognito: boolean;
/** Indication of whether this download is thought to be safe or known to be suspicious. */
danger: DangerType;
/** The file's MIME type. */
mime: string;
/** Number of milliseconds between the unix epoch and when this download began. */
startTime: string;
/** Number of milliseconds between the unix epoch and when this download ended. */
endTime?: string;
estimatedEndTime?: string;
/** Indicates whether the download is progressing, interrupted, or complete. */
state: State;
/** True if the download has stopped reading data from the host, but kept the connection open. */
paused: boolean;
canResume: boolean;
/** Number indicating why a download was interrupted. */
error?: InterruptReason;
/** Number of bytes received so far from the host, without considering file compression. */
bytesReceived: number;
/** Number of bytes in the whole file, without considering file compression, or -1 if unknown. */
totalBytes: number;
/** Number of bytes in the whole file post-decompression, or -1 if unknown. */
fileSize: number;
exists: boolean;
byExtensionId?: string;
byExtensionName?: string;
interface StringDelta {
current?: string;
previous?: string;
interface DoubleDelta {
current?: number;
previous?: number;
interface BooleanDelta {
current?: boolean;
previous?: boolean;
* A time specified as a Date object, a number or string representing milliseconds since the epoch, or an ISO 8601
* string
type DownloadTime = string | extensionTypes.Date;
* Parameters that combine to specify a predicate that can be used to select a set of downloads. Used for example
* in search() and erase()
interface DownloadQuery {
* This array of search terms limits results to DownloadItems whose `filename` or `url` contain all of the
* search terms that do not begin with a dash '-' and none of the search terms that do begin with a dash.
query?: string[];
/** Limits results to downloads that started before the given ms since the epoch. */
startedBefore?: DownloadTime;
/** Limits results to downloads that started after the given ms since the epoch. */
startedAfter?: DownloadTime;
/** Limits results to downloads that ended before the given ms since the epoch. */
endedBefore?: DownloadTime;
/** Limits results to downloads that ended after the given ms since the epoch. */
endedAfter?: DownloadTime;
/** Limits results to downloads whose totalBytes is greater than the given integer. */
totalBytesGreater?: number;
/** Limits results to downloads whose totalBytes is less than the given integer. */
totalBytesLess?: number;
/** Limits results to DownloadItems whose `filename` matches the given regular expression. */
filenameRegex?: string;
/** Limits results to DownloadItems whose `url` matches the given regular expression. */
urlRegex?: string;
* Setting this integer limits the number of results. Otherwise, all matching DownloadItems will be returned.
limit?: number;
* Setting elements of this array to DownloadItem properties in order to sort the search results. For example,
* setting `orderBy='startTime'` sorts the DownloadItems by their start time in ascending order. To specify
* descending order, prefix `orderBy` with a hyphen: '-startTime'.
orderBy?: string[];
id?: number;
/** Absolute URL. */
url?: string;
/** Absolute local path. */
filename?: string;
/** Indication of whether this download is thought to be safe or known to be suspicious. */
danger?: DangerType;
/** The file's MIME type. */
mime?: string;
startTime?: string;
endTime?: string;
/** Indicates whether the download is progressing, interrupted, or complete. */
state?: State;
/** True if the download has stopped reading data from the host, but kept the connection open. */
paused?: boolean;
/** Why a download was interrupted. */
error?: InterruptReason;
/** Number of bytes received so far from the host, without considering file compression. */
bytesReceived?: number;
/** Number of bytes in the whole file, without considering file compression, or -1 if unknown. */
totalBytes?: number;
/** Number of bytes in the whole file post-decompression, or -1 if unknown. */
fileSize?: number;
exists?: boolean;
/** The HTTP method to use if the URL uses the HTTP[S] protocol. */
type _DownloadMethod =
| "POST";
/* downloads functions */
* Download a URL. If the URL uses the HTTP[S] protocol, then the request will include all cookies currently set
* for its hostname. If both `filename` and `saveAs` are specified, then the Save As dialog will be displayed,
* pre-populated with the specified `filename`. If the download started successfully, `callback` will be called
* with the new DownloadItem's `downloadId`. If there was an error starting the download, then `callback` will be
* called with `downloadId=undefined` and browser.extension.lastError will contain a descriptive string. The error
* strings are not guaranteed to remain backwards compatible between releases. You must not parse it.
* @param options What to download and how.
function download(options: {
/** The URL to download. */
url: string;
/** A file path relative to the Downloads directory to contain the downloaded file. */
filename?: string;
/** Whether to associate the download with a private browsing session. */
incognito?: boolean;
conflictAction?: FilenameConflictAction;
* Use a file-chooser to allow the user to select a filename. If the option is not specified, the file chooser
* will be shown only if the Firefox "Always ask you where to save files" option is enabled (i.e. the pref
* `` is set to `false`).
saveAs?: boolean;
/** The HTTP method to use if the URL uses the HTTP[S] protocol. */
method?: _DownloadMethod;
* Extra HTTP headers to send with the request if the URL uses the HTTP[s] protocol. Each header is represented
* as a dictionary containing the keys `name` and either `value` or `binaryValue`, restricted to those allowed
* by XMLHttpRequest.
headers?: Array<{
/** Name of the HTTP header. */
name: string;
/** Value of the HTTP header. */
value: string;
/** Post body. */
body?: string;
}): Promise<number | undefined>;
* Find DownloadItems. Set `query` to the empty object to get all DownloadItems. To get a specific DownloadItem,
* set only the `id` field.
function search(query: DownloadQuery): Promise<DownloadItem[]>;
* Pause the download. If the request was successful the download is in a paused state. Otherwise
* browser.extension.lastError contains an error message. The request will fail if the download is not active.
* @param downloadId The id of the download to pause.
function pause(downloadId: number): Promise<void>;
* Resume a paused download. If the request was successful the download is in progress and unpaused. Otherwise
* browser.extension.lastError contains an error message. The request will fail if the download is not active.
* @param downloadId The id of the download to resume.
function resume(downloadId: number): Promise<void>;
* Cancel a download. When `callback` is run, the download is cancelled, completed, interrupted or doesn't exist
* anymore.
* @param downloadId The id of the download to cancel.
function cancel(downloadId: number): Promise<void>;
* Retrieve an icon for the specified download. For new downloads, file icons are available after the onCreated
* event has been received. The image returned by this function while a download is in progress may be different
* from the image returned after the download is complete. Icon retrieval is done by querying the underlying
* operating system or toolkit depending on the platform. The icon that is returned will therefore depend on a
* number of factors including state of the download, platform, registered file types and visual theme. If a file
* icon cannot be determined, browser.extension.lastError will contain an error message.
* @param downloadId The identifier for the download.
function getFileIcon(downloadId: number, options?: {
* The size of the icon. The returned icon will be square with dimensions size * size pixels. The default size
* for the icon is 32x32 pixels.
size?: number;
}): Promise<string>;
/** Open the downloaded file. */
function open(downloadId: number): Promise<void>;
/** Show the downloaded file in its folder in a file manager. */
function show(downloadId: number): Promise<boolean | undefined>;
function showDefaultFolder(): void;
/** Erase matching DownloadItems from history */
function erase(query: DownloadQuery): Promise<number[] | undefined>;
function removeFile(downloadId: number): Promise<void>;
* Prompt the user to either accept or cancel a dangerous download. `acceptDanger()` does not automatically accept
* dangerous downloads.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function acceptDanger(downloadId: number): Promise<void>;
* Initiate dragging the file to another application.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function drag(downloadId: number): void;
/** @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time. */
function setShelfEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
/* downloads events */
/** This event fires with the DownloadItem object when a download begins. */
const onCreated: WebExtEvent<(downloadItem: DownloadItem) => void>;
* Fires with the `downloadId` when a download is erased from history.
* @param downloadId The `id` of the DownloadItem that was erased.
const onErased: WebExtEvent<(downloadId: number) => void>;
* When any of a DownloadItem's properties except `bytesReceived` changes, this event fires with the `downloadId`
* and an object containing the properties that changed.
const onChanged: WebExtEvent<(downloadDelta: {
/** The `id` of the DownloadItem that changed. */
id: number;
/** Describes a change in a DownloadItem's `url`. */
url?: StringDelta;
/** Describes a change in a DownloadItem's `filename`. */
filename?: StringDelta;
/** Describes a change in a DownloadItem's `danger`. */
danger?: StringDelta;
/** Describes a change in a DownloadItem's `mime`. */
mime?: StringDelta;
/** Describes a change in a DownloadItem's `startTime`. */
startTime?: StringDelta;
/** Describes a change in a DownloadItem's `endTime`. */
endTime?: StringDelta;
/** Describes a change in a DownloadItem's `state`. */
state?: StringDelta;
canResume?: BooleanDelta;
/** Describes a change in a DownloadItem's `paused`. */
paused?: BooleanDelta;
/** Describes a change in a DownloadItem's `error`. */
error?: StringDelta;
/** Describes a change in a DownloadItem's `totalBytes`. */
totalBytes?: DoubleDelta;
/** Describes a change in a DownloadItem's `fileSize`. */
fileSize?: DoubleDelta;
exists?: BooleanDelta;
}) => void>;
* The `` namespace contains common types used by APIs dispatching events to notify you when something
* interesting happens.
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace {
/* events types */
/** Description of a declarative rule for handling events. */
interface Rule {
/** Optional identifier that allows referencing this rule. */
id?: string;
/** Tags can be used to annotate rules and perform operations on sets of rules. */
tags?: string[];
/** List of conditions that can trigger the actions. */
conditions: any[];
/** List of actions that are triggered if one of the condtions is fulfilled. */
actions: any[];
/** Optional priority of this rule. Defaults to 100. */
priority?: number;
/** An object which allows the addition and removal of listeners for a Chrome event. */
interface Event {
* Registers an event listener _callback_ to an event.
* @param callback Called when an event occurs. The parameters of this function depend on the type of event.
addListener(callback: () => void): void;
* Deregisters an event listener _callback_ from an event.
* @param callback Listener that shall be unregistered.
removeListener(callback: () => void): void;
* @param callback Listener whose registration status shall be tested.
* @returns True if _callback_ is registered to the event.
hasListener(callback: () => void): boolean;
/** @returns True if any event listeners are registered to the event. */
hasListeners(): boolean;
* Registers rules to handle events.
* @param eventName Name of the event this function affects.
* @param webViewInstanceId If provided, this is an integer that uniquely identfies the <webview> associated
* with this function call.
* @param rules Rules to be registered. These do not replace previously registered rules.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
addRules?(eventName: string, webViewInstanceId: number, rules: Rule[]): Promise<Rule[] | undefined>;
* Returns currently registered rules.
* @param eventName Name of the event this function affects.
* @param webViewInstanceId If provided, this is an integer that uniquely identfies the <webview> associated
* with this function call.
* @param [ruleIdentifiers] If an array is passed, only rules with identifiers contained in this array are
* returned.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
getRules?(eventName: string, webViewInstanceId: number, ruleIdentifiers?: string[]): Promise<Rule[]>;
* Unregisters currently registered rules.
* @param eventName Name of the event this function affects.
* @param webViewInstanceId If provided, this is an integer that uniquely identfies the <webview> associated
* with this function call.
* @param [ruleIdentifiers] If an array is passed, only rules with identifiers contained in this array are
* unregistered.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
removeRules?(eventName: string, webViewInstanceId: number, ruleIdentifiers?: string[]): Promise<void>;
/** Filters URLs for various criteria. See event filtering. All criteria are case sensitive. */
interface UrlFilter {
* Matches if the host name of the URL contains a specified string. To test whether a host name component has a
* prefix 'foo', use hostContains: '.foo'. This matches '' and '', because an implicit dot
* is added at the beginning of the host name. Similarly, hostContains can be used to match against component
* suffix ('foo.') and to exactly match against components ('.foo.'). Suffix- and exact-matching for the last
* components need to be done separately using hostSuffix, because no implicit dot is added at the end of the
* host name.
hostContains?: string;
/** Matches if the host name of the URL is equal to a specified string. */
hostEquals?: string;
/** Matches if the host name of the URL starts with a specified string. */
hostPrefix?: string;
/** Matches if the host name of the URL ends with a specified string. */
hostSuffix?: string;
/** Matches if the path segment of the URL contains a specified string. */
pathContains?: string;
/** Matches if the path segment of the URL is equal to a specified string. */
pathEquals?: string;
/** Matches if the path segment of the URL starts with a specified string. */
pathPrefix?: string;
/** Matches if the path segment of the URL ends with a specified string. */
pathSuffix?: string;
/** Matches if the query segment of the URL contains a specified string. */
queryContains?: string;
/** Matches if the query segment of the URL is equal to a specified string. */
queryEquals?: string;
/** Matches if the query segment of the URL starts with a specified string. */
queryPrefix?: string;
/** Matches if the query segment of the URL ends with a specified string. */
querySuffix?: string;
* Matches if the URL (without fragment identifier) contains a specified string. Port numbers are stripped from
* the URL if they match the default port number.
urlContains?: string;
* Matches if the URL (without fragment identifier) is equal to a specified string. Port numbers are stripped
* from the URL if they match the default port number.
urlEquals?: string;
* Matches if the URL (without fragment identifier) matches a specified regular expression. Port numbers are
* stripped from the URL if they match the default port number. The regular expressions use the [RE2
* syntax](
urlMatches?: string;
* Matches if the URL without query segment and fragment identifier matches a specified regular expression.
* Port numbers are stripped from the URL if they match the default port number. The regular expressions use
* the [RE2 syntax](
originAndPathMatches?: string;
* Matches if the URL (without fragment identifier) starts with a specified string. Port numbers are stripped
* from the URL if they match the default port number.
urlPrefix?: string;
* Matches if the URL (without fragment identifier) ends with a specified string. Port numbers are stripped
* from the URL if they match the default port number.
urlSuffix?: string;
/** Matches if the scheme of the URL is equal to any of the schemes specified in the array. */
schemes?: string[];
* Matches if the port of the URL is contained in any of the specified port lists. For example `[80, 443,
* [1000, 1200]]` matches all requests on port 80, 443 and in the range 1000-1200.
ports?: Array<number | [number, number]>;
* The `browser.extension` API has utilities that can be used by any extension page. It includes support for exchanging
* messages between an extension and its content scripts or between extensions, as described in detail in Message
* Passing.
declare namespace browser.extension {
/* extension types */
/** The type of extension view. */
type ViewType =
| "popup"
| "sidebar";
/* extension properties */
* Set for the lifetime of a callback if an ansychronous extension api has resulted in an error. If no error has
* occured lastError will be `undefined`.
const lastError: {
/** Description of the error that has taken place. */
message: string;
} | undefined;
* True for content scripts running inside incognito tabs, and for extension pages running inside an incognito
* process. The latter only applies to extensions with 'split' incognito_behavior.
const inIncognitoContext: boolean | undefined;
/* extension functions */
* Converts a relative path within an extension install directory to a fully-qualified URL.
* @param path A path to a resource within an extension expressed relative to its install directory.
* @returns The fully-qualified URL to the resource.
function getURL(path: string): string;
* Returns an array of the JavaScript 'window' objects for each of the pages running inside the current extension.
* @returns Array of global objects
function getViews(fetchProperties?: {
* The type of view to get. If omitted, returns all views (including background pages and tabs). Valid values:
* 'tab', 'popup', 'sidebar'.
type?: ViewType;
/** The window to restrict the search to. If omitted, returns all views. */
windowId?: number;
/** Find a view according to a tab id. If this field is omitted, returns all views. */
tabId?: number;
}): Window[];
* Returns the JavaScript 'window' object for the background page running inside the current extension. Returns
* null if the extension has no background page.
function getBackgroundPage(): Window | void;
* Retrieves the state of the extension's access to Incognito-mode (as determined by the user-controlled 'Allowed
* in Incognito' checkbox.
function isAllowedIncognitoAccess(): Promise<boolean>;
* Retrieves the state of the extension's access to the 'file://' scheme (as determined by the user-controlled
* 'Allow access to File URLs' checkbox.
function isAllowedFileSchemeAccess(): Promise<boolean>;
* Sets the value of the ap CGI parameter used in the extension's update URL. This value is ignored for extensions
* that are hosted in the browser vendor's store.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function setUpdateUrlData(data: string): void;
/* extension events */
* Fired when a request is sent from either an extension process or a content script.
* @param request The request sent by the calling script.
* @param sendResponse Function to call (at most once) when you have a response. The argument should be any
* JSON-ifiable object, or undefined if there is no response. If you have more than one `onRequest` listener in
* the same document, then only one may send a response.
* @deprecated Please use `runtime.onMessage`.
const onRequest: WebExtEvent<(request: any, sender: runtime.MessageSender, sendResponse: (response?: any) => void) => void> | undefined;
* Fired when a request is sent from another extension.
* @param request The request sent by the calling script.
* @param sendResponse Function to call when you have a response. The argument should be any JSON-ifiable object,
* or undefined if there is no response.
* @deprecated Please use `runtime.onMessageExternal`.
const onRequestExternal: WebExtEvent<(request: any, sender: runtime.MessageSender, sendResponse: (response?: any) => void) => void> | undefined;
* The `browser.extensionTypes` API contains type declarations for WebExtensions.
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.extensionTypes {
/* extensionTypes types */
/** The format of an image. */
type ImageFormat =
| "png";
/** Details about the format and quality of an image. */
interface ImageDetails {
/** The format of the resulting image. Default is `"jpeg"`. */
format?: ImageFormat;
* When format is `"jpeg"`, controls the quality of the resulting image. This value is ignored for PNG images.
* As quality is decreased, the resulting image will have more visual artifacts, and the number of bytes needed
* to store it will decrease.
quality?: number;
/** The soonest that the JavaScript or CSS will be injected into the tab. */
type RunAt =
| "document_end"
| "document_idle";
/** The origin of the CSS to inject, this affects the cascading order (priority) of the stylesheet. */
type CSSOrigin =
| "author";
* Details of the script or CSS to inject. Either the code or the file property must be set, but both may not be
* set at the same time.
interface InjectDetails {
* JavaScript or CSS code to inject.
* **Warning:**
* Be careful using the `code` parameter. Incorrect use of it may open your extension to [cross site
* scripting]( attacks.
code?: string;
/** JavaScript or CSS file to inject. */
file?: string;
* If allFrames is `true`, implies that the JavaScript or CSS should be injected into all frames of current
* page. By default, it's `false` and is only injected into the top frame.
allFrames?: boolean;
* If matchAboutBlank is true, then the code is also injected in about:blank and about:srcdoc frames if your
* extension has access to its parent document. Code cannot be inserted in top-level about:-frames. By default
* it is `false`.
matchAboutBlank?: boolean;
/** The ID of the frame to inject the script into. This may not be used in combination with `allFrames`. */
frameId?: number;
/** The soonest that the JavaScript or CSS will be injected into the tab. Defaults to "document_idle". */
runAt?: RunAt;
/** The css origin of the stylesheet to inject. Defaults to "author". */
cssOrigin?: CSSOrigin;
type Date = string | number | object/*Date*/;
* Use the `browser.i18n` infrastructure to implement internationalization across your whole app or extension.
declare namespace browser.i18n {
/* i18n types */
* An ISO language code such as `en` or `fr`. For a complete list of languages supported by this method, see
* [kLanguageInfoTable](
* For an unknown language, `und` will be returned, which means that [percentage] of the text is unknown to CLD
type LanguageCode = string;
/* i18n functions */
* Gets the accept-languages of the browser. This is different from the locale used by the browser; to get the
* locale, use `i18n.getUILanguage`.
function getAcceptLanguages(): Promise<LanguageCode[]>;
* Gets the localized string for the specified message. If the message is missing, this method returns an empty
* string (''). If the format of the `getMessage()` call is wrong — for example, _messageName_ is not a string or
* the _substitutions_ array has more than 9 elements — this method returns `undefined`.
* @param messageName The name of the message, as specified in the `messages.json` file.
* @param [substitutions] Substitution strings, if the message requires any.
* @returns Message localized for current locale.
function getMessage(messageName: string, substitutions?: any): string;
* Gets the browser UI language of the browser. This is different from `i18n.getAcceptLanguages` which returns the
* preferred user languages.
* @returns The browser UI language code such as en-US or fr-FR.
function getUILanguage(): string;
* Detects the language of the provided text using CLD.
* @param text User input string to be translated.
function detectLanguage(text: string): Promise<{
/** CLD detected language reliability */
isReliable: boolean;
/** array of detectedLanguage */
languages: Array<{
language: LanguageCode;
/** The percentage of the detected language */
percentage: number;
* Use the browser.identity API to get OAuth2 access tokens.
* Permissions: `identity`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.identity {
/* identity types */
/** An object encapsulating an OAuth account id. */
interface AccountInfo {
/** A unique identifier for the account. This ID will not change for the lifetime of the account. */
id: string;
/* identity functions */
* Retrieves a list of AccountInfo objects describing the accounts present on the profile.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function getAccounts(): Promise<AccountInfo[]>;
* Gets an OAuth2 access token using the client ID and scopes specified in the oauth2 section of manifest.json.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function getAuthToken(details?: {
interactive?: boolean;
account?: AccountInfo;
scopes?: string[];
}): Promise<AccountInfo[] | undefined>;
* Retrieves email address and obfuscated gaia id of the user signed into a profile.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function getProfileUserInfo(): Promise<{
email: string;
id: string;
* Removes an OAuth2 access token from the Identity API's token cache.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function removeCachedAuthToken(details: {
token: string;
}): Promise<{
email: string;
id: string;
} | undefined>;
/** Starts an auth flow at the specified URL. */
function launchWebAuthFlow(details: {
url: string;
interactive?: boolean;
}): Promise<string>;
* Generates a redirect URL to be used in |launchWebAuthFlow|.
* @param [ path] The path appended to the end of the generated URL.
function getRedirectURL(path?: string): string;
/* identity events */
* Fired when signin state changes for an account on the user's profile.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onSignInChanged: WebExtEvent<(account: AccountInfo, signedIn: boolean) => void> | undefined;
* Use the `browser.idle` API to detect when the machine's idle state changes.
* Permissions: `idle`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.idle {
/* idle types */
type IdleState =
| "idle";
/* idle functions */
* Returns "idle" if the user has not generated any input for a specified number of seconds, or "active" otherwise.
* @param detectionIntervalInSeconds The system is considered idle if detectionIntervalInSeconds seconds have
* elapsed since the last user input detected.
function queryState(detectionIntervalInSeconds: number): Promise<IdleState>;
* Sets the interval, in seconds, used to determine when the system is in an idle state for onStateChanged events.
* The default interval is 60 seconds.
* @param intervalInSeconds Threshold, in seconds, used to determine when the system is in an idle state.
function setDetectionInterval(intervalInSeconds: number): void;
/* idle events */
* Fired when the system changes to an active or idle state. The event fires with "idle" if the the user has not
* generated any input for a specified number of seconds, and "active" when the user generates input on an idle
* system.
const onStateChanged: WebExtEvent<(newState: IdleState) => void>;
* The `` API provides ways to manage the list of extensions that are installed and running.
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace {
/* management types */
/** Information about an icon belonging to an extension. */
interface IconInfo {
* A number representing the width and height of the icon. Likely values include (but are not limited to) 128,
* 48, 24, and 16.
size: number;
* The URL for this icon image. To display a grayscale version of the icon (to indicate that an extension is
* disabled, for example), append `?grayscale=true` to the URL.
url: string;
/** A reason the item is disabled. */
type ExtensionDisabledReason =
| "permissions_increase";
/** The type of this extension. Will always be 'extension'. */
type ExtensionType =
| "theme";
* How the extension was installed. One of
* `development`: The extension was loaded unpacked in developer mode,
* `normal`: The extension was installed normally via an .xpi file,
* `sideload`: The extension was installed by other software on the machine,
* `other`: The extension was installed by other means.
type ExtensionInstallType =
| "normal"
| "sideload"
| "other";
/** Information about an installed extension. */
interface ExtensionInfo {
/** The extension's unique identifier. */
id: string;
/** The name of this extension. */
name: string;
/** A short version of the name of this extension. */
shortName?: string;
/** The description of this extension. */
description: string;
/** The version of this extension. */
version: string;
/** The version name of this extension if the manifest specified one. */
versionName?: string;
/** Whether this extension can be disabled or uninstalled by the user. */
mayDisable: boolean;
/** Whether it is currently enabled or disabled. */
enabled: boolean;
/** A reason the item is disabled. */
disabledReason?: ExtensionDisabledReason;
/** The type of this extension. Will always return 'extension'. */
type: ExtensionType;
/** The URL of the homepage of this extension. */
homepageUrl?: string;
/** The update URL of this extension. */
updateUrl?: string;
/** The url for the item's options page, if it has one. */
optionsUrl: string;
* A list of icon information. Note that this just reflects what was declared in the manifest, and the actual
* image at that url may be larger or smaller than what was declared, so you might consider using explicit
* width and height attributes on img tags referencing these images. See the manifest documentation on icons
* for more details.
icons?: IconInfo[];
/** Returns a list of API based permissions. */
permissions?: string[];
/** Returns a list of host based permissions. */
hostPermissions?: string[];
/** How the extension was installed. */
installType: ExtensionInstallType;
/* management functions */
/** Returns a list of information about installed extensions. */
function getAll(): Promise<ExtensionInfo[] | undefined>;
* Returns information about the installed extension that has the given ID.
* @param id The ID from an item of `management.ExtensionInfo`.
function get(id: _manifest.ExtensionID): Promise<ExtensionInfo | undefined>;
* Returns information about the calling extension. Note: This function can be used without requesting the
* 'management' permission in the manifest.
function getSelf(): Promise<ExtensionInfo | undefined>;
* Uninstalls the calling extension. Note: This function can be used without requesting the 'management' permission
* in the manifest.
function uninstallSelf(options?: {
/** Whether or not a confirm-uninstall dialog should prompt the user. Defaults to false. */
showConfirmDialog?: boolean;
/** The message to display to a user when being asked to confirm removal of the extension. */
dialogMessage?: string;
}): Promise<void>;
* Enables or disables the given add-on.
* @param id ID of the add-on to enable/disable.
* @param enabled Whether to enable or disable the add-on.
function setEnabled(id: string, enabled: boolean): Promise<void>;
/* management events */
/** Fired when an addon has been disabled. */
const onDisabled: WebExtEvent<(info: ExtensionInfo) => void>;
/** Fired when an addon has been enabled. */
const onEnabled: WebExtEvent<(info: ExtensionInfo) => void>;
/** Fired when an addon has been installed. */
const onInstalled: WebExtEvent<(info: ExtensionInfo) => void>;
/** Fired when an addon has been uninstalled. */
const onUninstalled: WebExtEvent<(info: ExtensionInfo) => void>;
* Permissions: `notifications`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.notifications {
/* notifications types */
type TemplateType =
| "image"
| "list"
| "progress";
type PermissionLevel =
| "denied";
interface NotificationItem {
/** Title of one item of a list notification. */
title: string;
/** Additional details about this item. */
message: string;
interface CreateNotificationOptions {
/** Which type of notification to display. */
type: TemplateType;
/** A URL to the sender's avatar, app icon, or a thumbnail for image notifications. */
iconUrl?: string;
/** A URL to the app icon mask. */
appIconMaskUrl?: string;
/** Title of the notification (e.g. sender name for email). */
title: string;
/** Main notification content. */
message: string;
/** Alternate notification content with a lower-weight font. */
contextMessage?: string;
/** Priority ranges from -2 to 2\. -2 is lowest priority. 2 is highest. Zero is default. */
priority?: number;
/** A timestamp associated with the notification, in milliseconds past the epoch. */
eventTime?: number;
* Text and icons for up to two notification action buttons.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
buttons?: Array<{
title: string;
iconUrl?: string;
/** A URL to the image thumbnail for image-type notifications. */
imageUrl?: string;
/** Items for multi-item notifications. */
items?: NotificationItem[];
/** Current progress ranges from 0 to 100. */
progress?: number;
* Whether to show UI indicating that the app will visibly respond to clicks on the body of a notification.
isClickable?: boolean;
interface UpdateNotificationOptions {
/** Which type of notification to display. */
type?: TemplateType;
/** A URL to the sender's avatar, app icon, or a thumbnail for image notifications. */
iconUrl?: string;
/** A URL to the app icon mask. */
appIconMaskUrl?: string;
/** Title of the notification (e.g. sender name for email). */
title?: string;
/** Main notification content. */
message?: string;
/** Alternate notification content with a lower-weight font. */
contextMessage?: string;
/** Priority ranges from -2 to 2\. -2 is lowest priority. 2 is highest. Zero is default. */
priority?: number;
/** A timestamp associated with the notification, in milliseconds past the epoch. */
eventTime?: number;
* Text and icons for up to two notification action buttons.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
buttons?: Array<{
title: string;
iconUrl?: string;
/** A URL to the image thumbnail for image-type notifications. */
imageUrl?: string;
/** Items for multi-item notifications. */
items?: NotificationItem[];
/** Current progress ranges from 0 to 100. */
progress?: number;
* Whether to show UI indicating that the app will visibly respond to clicks on the body of a notification.
isClickable?: boolean;
/* notifications functions */
* Creates and displays a notification.
* @param options Contents of the notification.
function create(options: CreateNotificationOptions): Promise<string | undefined>;
* Creates and displays a notification.
* @param notificationId Identifier of the notification. If it is empty, this method generates an id. If it matches
* an existing notification, this method first clears that notification before proceeding with the create
* operation.
* @param options Contents of the notification.
function create(notificationId: string, options: CreateNotificationOptions): Promise<string | undefined>;
* Updates an existing notification.
* @param notificationId The id of the notification to be updated.
* @param options Contents of the notification to update to.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function update(notificationId: string, options: UpdateNotificationOptions): Promise<boolean | undefined>;
* Clears an existing notification.
* @param notificationId The id of the notification to be updated.
function clear(notificationId: string): Promise<boolean | undefined>;
/** Retrieves all the notifications. */
function getAll(): Promise<CreateNotificationOptions>;
* Retrieves whether the user has enabled notifications from this app or extension.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function getPermissionLevel(): Promise<PermissionLevel>;
/* notifications events */
* Fired when the notification closed, either by the system or by user action.
* @param notificationId The notificationId of the closed notification.
* @param byUser True if the notification was closed by the user.
const onClosed: WebExtEvent<(notificationId: string, byUser: boolean) => void>;
* Fired when the user clicked in a non-button area of the notification.
* @param notificationId The notificationId of the clicked notification.
const onClicked: WebExtEvent<(notificationId: string) => void>;
* Fired when the user pressed a button in the notification.
* @param notificationId The notificationId of the clicked notification.
* @param buttonIndex The index of the button clicked by the user.
const onButtonClicked: WebExtEvent<(notificationId: string, buttonIndex: number) => void>;
* Fired when the user changes the permission level.
* @param level The new permission level.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onPermissionLevelChanged: WebExtEvent<(level: PermissionLevel) => void> | undefined;
* Fired when the user clicked on a link for the app's notification settings.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onShowSettings: WebExtEvent<() => void> | undefined;
* Fired when the notification is shown.
* @param notificationId The notificationId of the shown notification.
const onShown: WebExtEvent<(notificationId: string) => void>;
* Manifest keys: `optional_permissions`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.permissions {
/* permissions types */
interface Permissions {
permissions?: _manifest.OptionalPermission[];
origins?: _manifest.MatchPattern[];
interface AnyPermissions {
permissions?: _manifest.Permission[];
origins?: _manifest.MatchPatternInternal[];
/* permissions functions */
/** Get a list of all the extension's permissions. */
function getAll(): Promise<AnyPermissions>;
/** Check if the extension has the given permissions. */
function contains(permissions: AnyPermissions): Promise<boolean>;
* Request the given permissions.
* Not allowed in: Devtools pages
function request(permissions: Permissions): Promise<boolean>;
/** Relinquish the given permissions. */
function remove(permissions: Permissions): Promise<void>;
/* permissions events */
* Fired when the extension acquires new permissions.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onAdded: WebExtEvent<(permissions: Permissions) => void> | undefined;
* Fired when permissions are removed from the extension.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onRemoved: WebExtEvent<(permissions: Permissions) => void> | undefined;
* Permissions: `privacy`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.privacy {
* Use the `browser.privacy` API to control usage of the features in the browser that can affect a user's privacy.
* Permissions: `privacy`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace {
/* types */
/** The IP handling policy of WebRTC. */
type IPHandlingPolicy =
| "default_public_and_private_interfaces"
| "default_public_interface_only"
| "disable_non_proxied_udp";
/* properties */
* If enabled, the browser attempts to speed up your web browsing experience by pre-resolving DNS entries,
* prerendering sites (`<link rel='prefetch' ...>`), and preemptively opening TCP and SSL connections to servers.
* This preference's value is a boolean, defaulting to `true`.
const networkPredictionEnabled: types.Setting;
/** Allow users to enable and disable RTCPeerConnections (aka WebRTC). */
const peerConnectionEnabled: types.Setting;
* Allow users to specify the media performance/privacy tradeoffs which impacts how WebRTC traffic will be routed
* and how much local address information is exposed. This preference's value is of type IPHandlingPolicy,
* defaulting to `default`.
const webRTCIPHandlingPolicy: types.Setting;
* Use the `browser.privacy` API to control usage of the features in the browser that can affect a user's privacy.
* Permissions: `privacy`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace {
/* properties */
* If enabled, the password manager will ask if you want to save passwords. This preference's value is a boolean,
* defaulting to `true`.
const passwordSavingEnabled: types.Setting;
* Use the `browser.privacy` API to control usage of the features in the browser that can affect a user's privacy.
* Permissions: `privacy`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.privacy.websites {
/* privacy.websites types */
/** The mode for tracking protection. */
type TrackingProtectionModeOption =
| "never"
| "private_browsing";
/* privacy.websites properties */
* If disabled, the browser blocks third-party sites from setting cookies. The value of this preference is of type
* boolean, and the default value is `true`.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const thirdPartyCookiesAllowed: types.Setting | undefined;
* If enabled, the browser sends auditing pings when requested by a website (`<a ping>`). The value of this
* preference is of type boolean, and the default value is `true`.
const hyperlinkAuditingEnabled: types.Setting;
* If enabled, the browser sends `referer` headers with your requests. Yes, the name of this preference doesn't
* match the misspelled header. No, we're not going to change it. The value of this preference is of type boolean,
* and the default value is `true`.
const referrersEnabled: types.Setting;
* If enabled, the browser attempts to appear similar to other users by reporting generic information to websites.
* This can prevent websites from uniquely identifying users. Examples of data that is spoofed include number of
* CPU cores, precision of JavaScript timers, the local timezone, and disabling features such as GamePad support,
* and the WebSpeech and Navigator APIs. The value of this preference is of type boolean, and the default value is
* `false`.
const resistFingerprinting: types.Setting;
* If enabled, the browser will associate all data (including cookies, HSTS data, cached images, and more) for any
* third party domains with the domain in the address bar. This prevents third party trackers from using directly
* stored information to identify you across different websites, but may break websites where you login with a
* third party account (such as a Facebook or Google login.) The value of this preference is of type boolean, and
* the default value is `false`.
const firstPartyIsolate: types.Setting;
* **Available on Windows and ChromeOS only**: If enabled, the browser provides a unique ID to plugins in order to
* run protected content. The value of this preference is of type boolean, and the default value is `true`.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const protectedContentEnabled: types.Setting | undefined;
* Allow users to specify the mode for tracking protection. This setting's value is of type
* TrackingProtectionModeOption, defaulting to `private_browsing_only`.
const trackingProtectionMode: types.Setting;
* Use the browser.proxy API to register proxy scripts in Firefox. Proxy scripts in Firefox are proxy auto-config files
* with extra contextual information and support for additional return types.
* Permissions: `proxy`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.proxy {
/* proxy functions */
/** Registers the proxy script for the extension. */
function register(url: string): Promise<void>;
/** Unregisters the proxy script for the extension. */
function unregister(): Promise<void>;
* Registers the proxy script for the extension.
* @deprecated Please use `proxy.register`
function registerProxyScript(url: string): Promise<any>;
/* proxy events */
/** Notifies about proxy script errors. */
const onProxyError: WebExtEvent<(error: object) => void>;
* Use the `browser.runtime` API to retrieve the background page, return details about the manifest, and listen for and
* respond to events in the app or extension lifecycle. You can also use this API to convert the relative path of URLs
* to fully-qualified URLs.
* Allowed in: Proxy scripts
declare namespace browser.runtime {
/* runtime types */
/** An object which allows two way communication with other pages. */
interface Port {
name: string;
disconnect(): void;
onDisconnect: events.Event;
onMessage: events.Event;
postMessage(message: object): void;
/** This property will **only** be present on ports passed to onConnect/onConnectExternal listeners. */
sender?: MessageSender;
/** An object containing information about the script context that sent a message or request. */
interface MessageSender {
* The `tabs.Tab` which opened the connection, if any. This property will **only** be present when the
* connection was opened from a tab (including content scripts), and **only** if the receiver is an extension,
* not an app.
tab?: tabs.Tab;
* The frame that opened the connection. 0 for top-level frames, positive for child frames. This will only be
* set when `tab` is set.
frameId?: number;
/** The ID of the extension or app that opened the connection, if any. */
id?: string;
* The URL of the page or frame that opened the connection. If the sender is in an iframe, it will be iframe's
* URL not the URL of the page which hosts it.
url?: string;
* The TLS channel ID of the page or frame that opened the connection, if requested by the extension or app,
* and if available.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
tlsChannelId?: string;
/** The operating system the browser is running on. */
type PlatformOs =
| "win"
| "android"
| "cros"
| "linux"
| "openbsd";
/** The machine's processor architecture. */
type PlatformArch =
| "x86-32"
| "x86-64";
/** An object containing information about the current platform. */
interface PlatformInfo {
/** The operating system the browser is running on. */
os: PlatformOs;
/** The machine's processor architecture. */
arch: PlatformArch;
* The native client architecture. This may be different from arch on some platforms.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
nacl_arch?: PlatformNaclArch;
/** An object containing information about the current browser. */
interface BrowserInfo {
/** The name of the browser, for example 'Firefox'. */
name: string;
/** The name of the browser vendor, for example 'Mozilla'. */
vendor: string;
/** The browser's version, for example '42.0.0' or '0.8.1pre'. */
version: string;
/** The browser's build ID/date, for example '20160101'. */
buildID: string;
/** Result of the update check. */
type RequestUpdateCheckStatus =
| "no_update"
| "update_available";
/** The reason that this event is being dispatched. */
type OnInstalledReason =
| "update"
| "browser_update";
* The reason that the event is being dispatched. 'app_update' is used when the restart is needed because the
* application is updated to a newer version. 'os_update' is used when the restart is needed because the browser/OS
* is updated to a newer version. 'periodic' is used when the system runs for more than the permitted uptime set in
* the enterprise policy.
type OnRestartRequiredReason =
| "os_update"
| "periodic";
type PlatformNaclArch = any;
/* runtime properties */
/** This will be defined during an API method callback if there was an error */
const lastError: {
/** Details about the error which occurred. */
message?: string;
} | undefined;
/** The ID of the extension/app. */
const id: string;
/* runtime functions */
* Retrieves the JavaScript 'window' object for the background page running inside the current extension/app. If
* the background page is an event page, the system will ensure it is loaded before calling the callback. If there
* is no background page, an error is set.
function getBackgroundPage(): Promise<Window>;
* Open your Extension's options page, if possible.
* The precise behavior may depend on your manifest's `options_ui` or `options_page` key, or what the browser
* happens to support at the time.
* If your Extension does not declare an options page, or the browser failed to create one for some other reason,
* the callback will set `lastError`.
function openOptionsPage(): Promise<void>;
* Returns details about the app or extension from the manifest. The object returned is a serialization of the full
* manifest file.
function getManifest(): _manifest.WebExtensionManifest;
* Converts a relative path within an app/extension install directory to a fully-qualified URL.
* @param path A path to a resource within an app/extension expressed relative to its install directory.
* @returns The fully-qualified URL to the resource.
function getURL(path: string): string;
* Sets the URL to be visited upon uninstallation. This may be used to clean up server-side data, do analytics, and
* implement surveys. Maximum 255 characters.
* @param url URL to be opened after the extension is uninstalled. This URL must have an http: or https: scheme.
* Set an empty string to not open a new tab upon uninstallation.
function setUninstallURL(url: string): Promise<void>;
/** Reloads the app or extension. */
function reload(): void;
* Requests an update check for this app/extension.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function requestUpdateCheck(): Promise<object>;
* Restart the device when the app runs in kiosk mode. Otherwise, it's no-op.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function restart(): void;
* Attempts to connect to connect listeners within an extension/app (such as the background page), or other
* extensions/apps. This is useful for content scripts connecting to their extension processes, inter-app/extension
* communication, and web messaging. Note that this does not connect to any listeners in a content script.
* Extensions may connect to content scripts embedded in tabs via `tabs.connect`.
* @param [extensionId] The ID of the extension or app to connect to. If omitted, a connection will be attempted
* with your own extension. Required if sending messages from a web page for web messaging.
* @returns Port through which messages can be sent and received. The port's `runtime.Port onDisconnect` event is
* fired if the extension/app does not exist.
function connect(extensionId?: string, connectInfo?: {
/** Will be passed into onConnect for processes that are listening for the connection event. */
name?: string;
* Whether the TLS channel ID will be passed into onConnectExternal for processes that are listening for the
* connection event.
includeTlsChannelId?: boolean;
}): Port;
* Connects to a native application in the host machine.
* @param application The name of the registered application to connect to.
* @returns Port through which messages can be sent and received with the application
function connectNative(application: string): Port;
* Sends a single message to event listeners within your extension/app or a different extension/app. Similar to
* `runtime.connect` but only sends a single message, with an optional response. If sending to your extension, the
* `runtime.onMessage` event will be fired in each page, or `runtime.onMessageExternal`, if a different extension.
* Note that extensions cannot send messages to content scripts using this method. To send messages to content
* scripts, use `tabs.sendMessage`.
* Allowed in: Proxy scripts
function sendMessage(message: any, options?: {
* Whether the TLS channel ID will be passed into onMessageExternal for processes that are listening for the
* connection event.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
includeTlsChannelId?: boolean;
/** If true, the message will be directed to the extension's proxy sandbox. */
toProxyScript?: boolean;
}): Promise<any>;
* Sends a single message to event listeners within your extension/app or a different extension/app. Similar to
* `runtime.connect` but only sends a single message, with an optional response. If sending to your extension, the
* `runtime.onMessage` event will be fired in each page, or `runtime.onMessageExternal`, if a different extension.
* Note that extensions cannot send messages to content scripts using this method. To send messages to content
* scripts, use `tabs.sendMessage`.
* Allowed in: Proxy scripts
* @param extensionId The ID of the extension/app to send the message to. If omitted, the message will be sent to
* your own extension/app. Required if sending messages from a web page for web messaging.
function sendMessage(extensionId: string, message: any, options?: {
* Whether the TLS channel ID will be passed into onMessageExternal for processes that are listening for the
* connection event.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
includeTlsChannelId?: boolean;
/** If true, the message will be directed to the extension's proxy sandbox. */
toProxyScript?: boolean;
}): Promise<any>;
* Send a single message to a native application.
* @param application The name of the native messaging host.
* @param message The message that will be passed to the native messaging host.
function sendNativeMessage(application: string, message: any): Promise<any>;
/** Returns information about the current browser. */
function getBrowserInfo(): Promise<BrowserInfo>;
/** Returns information about the current platform. */
function getPlatformInfo(): Promise<PlatformInfo>;
* Returns a DirectoryEntry for the package directory.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function getPackageDirectoryEntry(): Promise<object/*DirectoryEntry*/>;
/* runtime events */
* Fired when a profile that has this extension installed first starts up. This event is not fired for incognito
* profiles.
const onStartup: WebExtEvent<() => void>;
* Fired when the extension is first installed, when the extension is updated to a new version, and when the
* browser is updated to a new version.
const onInstalled: WebExtEvent<(details: {
/** The reason that this event is being dispatched. */
reason: OnInstalledReason;
* Indicates the previous version of the extension, which has just been updated. This is present only if
* 'reason' is 'update'.
previousVersion?: string;
/** Indicates whether the addon is installed as a temporary extension. */
temporary: boolean;
* Indicates the ID of the imported shared module extension which updated. This is present only if 'reason' is
* 'shared_module_update'.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
id?: string;
}) => void>;
* Sent to the event page just before it is unloaded. This gives the extension opportunity to do some clean up.
* Note that since the page is unloading, any asynchronous operations started while handling this event are not
* guaranteed to complete. If more activity for the event page occurs before it gets unloaded the onSuspendCanceled
* event will be sent and the page won't be unloaded.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onSuspend: WebExtEvent<() => void> | undefined;
* Sent after onSuspend to indicate that the app won't be unloaded after all.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onSuspendCanceled: WebExtEvent<() => void> | undefined;
* Fired when an update is available, but isn't installed immediately because the app is currently running. If you
* do nothing, the update will be installed the next time the background page gets unloaded, if you want it to be
* installed sooner you can explicitly call `runtime.reload`. If your extension is using a persistent background
* page, the background page of course never gets unloaded, so unless you call `runtime.reload` manually in
* response to this event the update will not get installed until the next time the browser itself restarts. If no
* handlers are listening for this event, and your extension has a persistent background page, it behaves as if
* `runtime.reload` is called in response to this event.
* @param details The manifest details of the available update.
const onUpdateAvailable: WebExtEvent<(details: {
/** The version number of the available update. */
version: string;
}) => void>;
* Fired when an update for the browser is available, but isn't installed immediately because a browser restart is
* required.
* @deprecated Please use `runtime.onRestartRequired`.
const onBrowserUpdateAvailable: WebExtEvent<() => void> | undefined;
/** Fired when a connection is made from either an extension process or a content script. */
const onConnect: WebExtEvent<(port: Port) => void>;
/** Fired when a connection is made from another extension. */
const onConnectExternal: WebExtEvent<(port: Port) => void>;
* Fired when a message is sent from either an extension process or a content script.
* Allowed in: Proxy scripts
* @param message The message sent by the calling script.
* @param sendResponse Function to call (at most once) when you have a response. The argument should be any
* JSON-ifiable object. If you have more than one `onMessage` listener in the same document, then only one may
* send a response. This function becomes invalid when the event listener returns, unless you return true from
* the event listener to indicate you wish to send a response asynchronously (this will keep the message
* channel open to the other end until `sendResponse` is called).
* @returns Return true from the event listener if you wish to call `sendResponse` after the event listener
* returns.
const onMessage: WebExtEvent<(message: any, sender: MessageSender, sendResponse: (response?: any) => void) => boolean | Promise<any> | void>;
* Fired when a message is sent from another extension/app. Cannot be used in a content script.
* @param message The message sent by the calling script.
* @param sendResponse Function to call (at most once) when you have a response. The argument should be any
* JSON-ifiable object. If you have more than one `onMessage` listener in the same document, then only one may
* send a response. This function becomes invalid when the event listener returns, unless you return true from
* the event listener to indicate you wish to send a response asynchronously (this will keep the message
* channel open to the other end until `sendResponse` is called).
* @returns Return true from the event listener if you wish to call `sendResponse` after the event listener
* returns.
const onMessageExternal: WebExtEvent<(message: any, sender: MessageSender, sendResponse: (response?: any) => void) => boolean | Promise<any> | void>;
* Fired when an app or the device that it runs on needs to be restarted. The app should close all its windows at
* its earliest convenient time to let the restart to happen. If the app does nothing, a restart will be enforced
* after a 24-hour grace period has passed. Currently, this event is only fired for Chrome OS kiosk apps.
* @param reason The reason that the event is being dispatched.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onRestartRequired: WebExtEvent<(reason: OnRestartRequiredReason) => void> | undefined;
* Use the `` API to store, retrieve, and track changes to user data.
* Permissions: `storage`
declare namespace {
/* storage types */
interface StorageChange {
/** The old value of the item, if there was an old value. */
oldValue?: any;
/** The new value of the item, if there is a new value. */
newValue?: any;
interface StorageArea {
* Gets one or more items from storage.
* @param [keys] A single key to get, list of keys to get, or a dictionary specifying default values (see
* description of the object). An empty list or object will return an empty result object. Pass in `null`
* to get the entire contents of storage.
get(keys?: string | string[] | object): Promise<any>;
* Gets the amount of space (in bytes) being used by one or more items.
* @param [keys] A single key or list of keys to get the total usage for. An empty list will return 0\. Pass in
* `null` to get the total usage of all of storage.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
getBytesInUse?(keys?: string | string[]): Promise<number>;
* Sets multiple items.
* @param items An object which gives each key/value pair to update storage with. Any other key/value pairs in
* storage will not be affected.
* Primitive values such as numbers will serialize as expected. Values with a `typeof` `"object"` and
* `"function"` will typically serialize to `{}`, with the exception of `Array` (serializes as expected),
* `Date`, and `Regex` (serialize using their `String` representation).
set(items: any): Promise<void>;
* Removes one or more items from storage.
* @param keys A single key or a list of keys for items to remove.
remove(keys: string | string[]): Promise<void>;
/** Removes all items from storage. */
clear(): Promise<void>;
/* storage properties */
/** Items in the `sync` storage area are synced by the browser. */
const sync: StorageArea;
/** Items in the `local` storage area are local to each machine. */
const local: StorageArea;
* Items in the `managed` storage area are set by administrators or native applications, and are read-only for the
* extension; trying to modify this namespace results in an error.
const managed: StorageArea;
/* storage events */
* Fired when one or more items change.
* @param changes Object mapping each key that changed to its corresponding `storage.StorageChange` for that item.
* @param areaName The name of the storage area (`"sync"`, `"local"` or `"managed"`) the changes are for.
const onChanged: WebExtEvent<(changes: StorageChange, areaName: string) => void>;
* The theme API allows customizing of visual elements of the browser.
* Permissions: `theme`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.theme {
/* theme types */
/** Info provided in the onUpdated listener. */
interface ThemeUpdateInfo {
/** The new theme after update */
theme: object;
/** The id of the window the theme has been applied to */
windowId?: number;
/* theme functions */
* Returns the current theme for the specified window or the last focused window.
* @param [windowId] The window for which we want the theme.
function getCurrent(windowId?: number): Promise<_manifest.ThemeType>;
* Make complete updates to the theme. Resolves when the update has completed.
* @param details The properties of the theme to update.
function update(details: _manifest.ThemeType): void;
* Make complete updates to the theme. Resolves when the update has completed.
* @param windowId The id of the window to update. No id updates all windows.
* @param details The properties of the theme to update.
function update(windowId: number, details: _manifest.ThemeType): void;
* Removes the updates made to the theme.
* @param [windowId] The id of the window to reset. No id resets all windows.
function reset(windowId?: number): void;
/* theme events */
* Fired when a new theme has been applied
* @param updateInfo Details of the theme update
const onUpdated: WebExtEvent<(updateInfo: ThemeUpdateInfo) => void>;
* Use the browser.topSites API to access the top sites that are displayed on the new tab page.
* Permissions: `topSites`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.topSites {
/* topSites types */
/** An object encapsulating a most visited URL, such as the URLs on the new tab page. */
interface MostVisitedURL {
/** The most visited URL. */
url: string;
/** The title of the page. */
title?: string;
/* topSites functions */
/** Gets a list of top sites. */
function get(options?: {
/** Which providers to get top sites from. Possible values are "places" and "activityStream". */
providers?: string[];
}): Promise<MostVisitedURL[]>;
* Contains types used by other schemas.
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.types {
/* types types */
* The scope of the Setting. One of
* * `regular`: setting for the regular profile (which is inherited by the incognito profile if not overridden
* elsewhere),
* * `regular_only`: setting for the regular profile only (not inherited by the incognito profile),
* * `incognito_persistent`: setting for the incognito profile that survives browser restarts (overrides regular
* preferences),
* * `incognito_session_only`: setting for the incognito profile that can only be set during an incognito session
* and is deleted when the incognito session ends (overrides regular and incognito_persistent preferences).
* Only `regular` is supported by Firefox at this time.
type SettingScope =
| "regular_only"
| "incognito_persistent"
| "incognito_session_only";
* One of
* * `not_controllable`: cannot be controlled by any extension
* * `controlled_by_other_extensions`: controlled by extensions with higher precedence
* * `controllable_by_this_extension`: can be controlled by this extension
* * `controlled_by_this_extension`: controlled by this extension
type LevelOfControl =
| "controlled_by_other_extensions"
| "controllable_by_this_extension"
| "controlled_by_this_extension";
interface Setting {
* Gets the value of a setting.
* @param details Which setting to consider.
get(details: {
/** Whether to return the value that applies to the incognito session (default false). */
incognito?: boolean;
}): Promise<{
/** The value of the setting. */
value: any;
/** The level of control of the setting. */
levelOfControl: LevelOfControl;
* Whether the effective value is specific to the incognito session.
* This property will _only_ be present if the `incognito` property in the `details` parameter of `get()`
* was true.
incognitoSpecific?: boolean;
* Sets the value of a setting.
* @param details Which setting to change.
set(details: {
* The value of the setting.
* Note that every setting has a specific value type, which is described together with the setting. An
* extension should _not_ set a value of a different type.
value: any;
/** Where to set the setting (default: regular). */
scope?: SettingScope;
}): Promise<void>;
* Clears the setting, restoring any default value.
* @param details Which setting to clear.
clear(details: {
/** Where to clear the setting (default: regular). */
scope?: SettingScope;
}): Promise<void>;
* Fired after the setting changes.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
onChange: WebExtEvent<(details: {
/** The value of the setting after the change. */
value: any;
/** The level of control of the setting. */
levelOfControl: LevelOfControl;
* Whether the value that has changed is specific to the incognito session.
* This property will _only_ be present if the user has enabled the extension in incognito mode.
incognitoSpecific?: boolean;
}) => void>;
* Use the `browser.webNavigation` API to receive notifications about the status of navigation requests in-flight.
* Permissions: `webNavigation`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.webNavigation {
/* webNavigation types */
* Cause of the navigation. The same transition types as defined in the history API are used. These are the same
* transition types as defined in the history API except with `"start_page"` in place of `"auto_toplevel"` (for
* backwards compatibility).
type TransitionType =
| "typed"
| "auto_bookmark"
| "auto_subframe"
| "manual_subframe"
| "generated"
| "start_page"
| "form_submit"
| "reload"
| "keyword"
| "keyword_generated";
type TransitionQualifier =
| "server_redirect"
| "forward_back"
| "from_address_bar";
interface EventUrlFilters {
url: events.UrlFilter[];
type _WebNavigationOnBeforeNavigateEvent<T = (details: {
/** The ID of the tab in which the navigation is about to occur. */
tabId: number;
url: string;
* The ID of the process runs the renderer for this tab.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
processId?: number;
* 0 indicates the navigation happens in the tab content window; a positive value indicates navigation in a
* subframe. Frame IDs are unique for a given tab and process.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame. Set to -1 of no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
/** The time when the browser was about to start the navigation, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filters?: EventUrlFilters) => void, T>;
type _WebNavigationOnCommittedEvent<T = (details: {
/** The ID of the tab in which the navigation occurs. */
tabId: number;
url: string;
* The ID of the process runs the renderer for this tab.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
processId?: number;
* 0 indicates the navigation happens in the tab content window; a positive value indicates navigation in a
* subframe. Frame IDs are unique within a tab.
frameId: number;
* Cause of the navigation.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
transitionType?: TransitionType;
* A list of transition qualifiers.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
transitionQualifiers?: TransitionQualifier[];
/** The time when the navigation was committed, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filters?: EventUrlFilters) => void, T>;
type _WebNavigationOnDOMContentLoadedEvent<T = (details: {
/** The ID of the tab in which the navigation occurs. */
tabId: number;
url: string;
* The ID of the process runs the renderer for this tab.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
processId?: number;
* 0 indicates the navigation happens in the tab content window; a positive value indicates navigation in a
* subframe. Frame IDs are unique within a tab.
frameId: number;
/** The time when the page's DOM was fully constructed, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filters?: EventUrlFilters) => void, T>;
type _WebNavigationOnCompletedEvent<T = (details: {
/** The ID of the tab in which the navigation occurs. */
tabId: number;
url: string;
* The ID of the process runs the renderer for this tab.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
processId?: number;
* 0 indicates the navigation happens in the tab content window; a positive value indicates navigation in a
* subframe. Frame IDs are unique within a tab.
frameId: number;
/** The time when the document finished loading, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filters?: EventUrlFilters) => void, T>;
type _WebNavigationOnErrorOccurredEvent<T = (details: {
/** The ID of the tab in which the navigation occurs. */
tabId: number;
url: string;
* The ID of the process runs the renderer for this tab.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
processId?: number;
* 0 indicates the navigation happens in the tab content window; a positive value indicates navigation in a
* subframe. Frame IDs are unique within a tab.
frameId: number;
* The error description.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
error?: string;
/** The time when the error occurred, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filters?: EventUrlFilters) => void, T>;
type _WebNavigationOnCreatedNavigationTargetEvent<T = (details: {
/** The ID of the tab in which the navigation is triggered. */
sourceTabId: number;
/** The ID of the process runs the renderer for the source tab. */
sourceProcessId: number;
* The ID of the frame with sourceTabId in which the navigation is triggered. 0 indicates the main frame.
sourceFrameId: number;
/** The URL to be opened in the new window. */
url: string;
/** The ID of the tab in which the url is opened */
tabId: number;
/** The time when the browser was about to create a new view, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filters?: EventUrlFilters) => void, T>;
type _WebNavigationOnReferenceFragmentUpdatedEvent<T = (details: {
/** The ID of the tab in which the navigation occurs. */
tabId: number;
url: string;
* The ID of the process runs the renderer for this tab.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
processId?: number;
* 0 indicates the navigation happens in the tab content window; a positive value indicates navigation in a
* subframe. Frame IDs are unique within a tab.
frameId: number;
* Cause of the navigation.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
transitionType?: TransitionType;
* A list of transition qualifiers.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
transitionQualifiers?: TransitionQualifier[];
/** The time when the navigation was committed, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filters?: EventUrlFilters) => void, T>;
type _WebNavigationOnHistoryStateUpdatedEvent<T = (details: {
/** The ID of the tab in which the navigation occurs. */
tabId: number;
url: string;
* The ID of the process runs the renderer for this tab.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
processId?: number;
* 0 indicates the navigation happens in the tab content window; a positive value indicates navigation in a
* subframe. Frame IDs are unique within a tab.
frameId: number;
* Cause of the navigation.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
transitionType?: TransitionType;
* A list of transition qualifiers.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
transitionQualifiers?: TransitionQualifier[];
/** The time when the navigation was committed, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filters?: EventUrlFilters) => void, T>;
/* webNavigation functions */
* Retrieves information about the given frame. A frame refers to an <iframe> or a <frame> of a web page and is
* identified by a tab ID and a frame ID.
* @param details Information about the frame to retrieve information about.
function getFrame(details: {
/** The ID of the tab in which the frame is. */
tabId: number;
/** The ID of the process runs the renderer for this tab. */
processId?: number;
/** The ID of the frame in the given tab. */
frameId: number;
}): Promise<{
* True if the last navigation in this frame was interrupted by an error, i.e. the onErrorOccurred event fired.
errorOccurred?: boolean;
* The URL currently associated with this frame, if the frame identified by the frameId existed at one point in
* the given tab. The fact that an URL is associated with a given frameId does not imply that the corresponding
* frame still exists.
url: string;
/** The ID of the tab in which the frame is. */
tabId: number;
* The ID of the frame. 0 indicates that this is the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a
* subframe.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame. Set to -1 of no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
* Retrieves information about all frames of a given tab.
* @param details Information about the tab to retrieve all frames from.
function getAllFrames(details: {
/** The ID of the tab. */
tabId: number;
}): Promise<Array<{
* True if the last navigation in this frame was interrupted by an error, i.e. the onErrorOccurred event fired.
errorOccurred?: boolean;
* The ID of the process runs the renderer for this tab.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
processId?: number;
/** The ID of the tab in which the frame is. */
tabId: number;
* The ID of the frame. 0 indicates that this is the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a
* subframe.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame. Set to -1 of no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
/** The URL currently associated with this frame. */
url: string;
/* webNavigation events */
/** Fired when a navigation is about to occur. */
const onBeforeNavigate: _WebNavigationOnBeforeNavigateEvent;
* Fired when a navigation is committed. The document (and the resources it refers to, such as images and
* subframes) might still be downloading, but at least part of the document has been received from the server and
* the browser has decided to switch to the new document.
const onCommitted: _WebNavigationOnCommittedEvent;
/** Fired when the page's DOM is fully constructed, but the referenced resources may not finish loading. */
const onDOMContentLoaded: _WebNavigationOnDOMContentLoadedEvent;
/** Fired when a document, including the resources it refers to, is completely loaded and initialized. */
const onCompleted: _WebNavigationOnCompletedEvent;
* Fired when an error occurs and the navigation is aborted. This can happen if either a network error occurred, or
* the user aborted the navigation.
const onErrorOccurred: _WebNavigationOnErrorOccurredEvent;
/** Fired when a new window, or a new tab in an existing window, is created to host a navigation. */
const onCreatedNavigationTarget: _WebNavigationOnCreatedNavigationTargetEvent;
* Fired when the reference fragment of a frame was updated. All future events for that frame will use the updated
* URL.
const onReferenceFragmentUpdated: _WebNavigationOnReferenceFragmentUpdatedEvent;
/** Fired when the contents of the tab is replaced by a different (usually previously pre-rendered) tab. */
const onTabReplaced: WebExtEvent<(details: {
/** The ID of the tab that was replaced. */
replacedTabId: number;
/** The ID of the tab that replaced the old tab. */
tabId: number;
/** The time when the replacement happened, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
}) => void>;
* Fired when the frame's history was updated to a new URL. All future events for that frame will use the updated
* URL.
const onHistoryStateUpdated: _WebNavigationOnHistoryStateUpdatedEvent;
* Use the `browser.webRequest` API to observe and analyze traffic and to intercept, block, or modify requests
* in-flight.
* Permissions: `webRequest`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.webRequest {
/* webRequest types */
type ResourceType =
| "sub_frame"
| "stylesheet"
| "script"
| "image"
| "object"
| "object_subrequest"
| "xmlhttprequest"
| "xbl"
| "xslt"
| "ping"
| "beacon"
| "xml_dtd"
| "font"
| "media"
| "websocket"
| "csp_report"
| "imageset"
| "web_manifest"
| "other";
type OnBeforeRequestOptions =
| "requestBody";
type OnBeforeSendHeadersOptions =
| "blocking";
type OnSendHeadersOptions = "requestHeaders";
type OnHeadersReceivedOptions =
| "responseHeaders";
type OnAuthRequiredOptions =
| "blocking"
| "asyncBlocking";
type OnResponseStartedOptions = "responseHeaders";
type OnBeforeRedirectOptions = "responseHeaders";
type OnCompletedOptions = "responseHeaders";
/** An object describing filters to apply to webRequest events. */
interface RequestFilter {
/** A list of URLs or URL patterns. Requests that cannot match any of the URLs will be filtered out. */
urls: string[];
/** A list of request types. Requests that cannot match any of the types will be filtered out. */
types?: ResourceType[];
tabId?: number;
windowId?: number;
* An array of HTTP headers. Each header is represented as a dictionary containing the keys `name` and either
* `value` or `binaryValue`.
type HttpHeaders = Array<{
/** Name of the HTTP header. */
name: string;
/** Value of the HTTP header if it can be represented by UTF-8. */
value?: string;
* Value of the HTTP header if it cannot be represented by UTF-8, stored as individual byte values (0..255).
binaryValue?: number[];
* Returns value for event handlers that have the 'blocking' extraInfoSpec applied. Allows the event handler to
* modify network requests.
interface BlockingResponse {
* If true, the request is cancelled. Used in onBeforeRequest, this prevents the request from being sent.
cancel?: boolean;
* Only used as a response to the onBeforeRequest and onHeadersReceived events. If set, the original request is
* prevented from being sent/completed and is instead redirected to the given URL. Redirections to non-HTTP
* schemes such as data: are allowed. Redirects initiated by a redirect action use the original request method
* for the redirect, with one exception: If the redirect is initiated at the onHeadersReceived stage, then the
* redirect will be issued using the GET method.
redirectUrl?: string;
* Only used as a response to the onBeforeSendHeaders event. If set, the request is made with these request
* headers instead.
requestHeaders?: HttpHeaders;
* Only used as a response to the onHeadersReceived event. If set, the server is assumed to have responded with
* these response headers instead. Only return `responseHeaders` if you really want to modify the headers in
* order to limit the number of conflicts (only one extension may modify `responseHeaders` for each request).
responseHeaders?: HttpHeaders;
* Only used as a response to the onAuthRequired event. If set, the request is made using the supplied
* credentials.
authCredentials?: {
username: string;
password: string;
/** Contains data uploaded in a URL request. */
interface UploadData {
/** An ArrayBuffer with a copy of the data. */
bytes?: any;
/** A string with the file's path and name. */
file?: string;
type _WebRequestOnBeforeRequestEvent<T = (details: {
* The ID of the request. Request IDs are unique within a browser session. As a result, they could be used to
* relate different events of the same request.
requestId: string;
url: string;
/** Standard HTTP method. */
method: string;
* The value 0 indicates that the request happens in the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a
* subframe in which the request happens. If the document of a (sub-)frame is loaded (`type` is `main_frame` or
* `sub_frame`), `frameId` indicates the ID of this frame, not the ID of the outer frame. Frame IDs are unique
* within a tab.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame which sent the request. Set to -1 if no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
/** URL of the resource that triggered this request. */
originUrl?: string;
/** URL of the page into which the requested resource will be loaded. */
documentUrl?: string;
/** Contains the HTTP request body data. Only provided if extraInfoSpec contains 'requestBody'. */
requestBody?: {
/** Errors when obtaining request body data. */
error?: string;
* If the request method is POST and the body is a sequence of key-value pairs encoded in UTF8, encoded as
* either multipart/form-data, or application/x-www-form-urlencoded, this dictionary is present and for
* each key contains the list of all values for that key. If the data is of another media type, or if it is
* malformed, the dictionary is not present. An example value of this dictionary is {'key': ['value1',
* 'value2']}.
formData?: object;
* If the request method is PUT or POST, and the body is not already parsed in formData, then the unparsed
* request body elements are contained in this array.
raw?: UploadData[];
/** The ID of the tab in which the request takes place. Set to -1 if the request isn't related to a tab. */
tabId: number;
/** How the requested resource will be used. */
type: ResourceType;
/** The time when this signal is triggered, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
}) => BlockingResponse | Promise<BlockingResponse> | void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filter: RequestFilter, extraInfoSpec?: OnBeforeRequestOptions[]) => void, T>;
type _WebRequestOnBeforeSendHeadersEvent<T = (details: {
* The ID of the request. Request IDs are unique within a browser session. As a result, they could be used to
* relate different events of the same request.
requestId: string;
url: string;
/** Standard HTTP method. */
method: string;
* The value 0 indicates that the request happens in the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a
* subframe in which the request happens. If the document of a (sub-)frame is loaded (`type` is `main_frame` or
* `sub_frame`), `frameId` indicates the ID of this frame, not the ID of the outer frame. Frame IDs are unique
* within a tab.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame which sent the request. Set to -1 if no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
/** URL of the resource that triggered this request. */
originUrl?: string;
/** URL of the page into which the requested resource will be loaded. */
documentUrl?: string;
/** The ID of the tab in which the request takes place. Set to -1 if the request isn't related to a tab. */
tabId: number;
/** How the requested resource will be used. */
type: ResourceType;
/** The time when this signal is triggered, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
/** The HTTP request headers that are going to be sent out with this request. */
requestHeaders?: HttpHeaders;
}) => BlockingResponse | Promise<BlockingResponse> | void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filter: RequestFilter, extraInfoSpec?: OnBeforeSendHeadersOptions[]) => void, T>;
type _WebRequestOnSendHeadersEvent<T = (details: {
* The ID of the request. Request IDs are unique within a browser session. As a result, they could be used to
* relate different events of the same request.
requestId: string;
url: string;
/** Standard HTTP method. */
method: string;
* The value 0 indicates that the request happens in the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a
* subframe in which the request happens. If the document of a (sub-)frame is loaded (`type` is `main_frame` or
* `sub_frame`), `frameId` indicates the ID of this frame, not the ID of the outer frame. Frame IDs are unique
* within a tab.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame which sent the request. Set to -1 if no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
/** URL of the resource that triggered this request. */
originUrl?: string;
/** URL of the page into which the requested resource will be loaded. */
documentUrl?: string;
/** The ID of the tab in which the request takes place. Set to -1 if the request isn't related to a tab. */
tabId: number;
/** How the requested resource will be used. */
type: ResourceType;
/** The time when this signal is triggered, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
/** The HTTP request headers that have been sent out with this request. */
requestHeaders?: HttpHeaders;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filter: RequestFilter, extraInfoSpec?: OnSendHeadersOptions[]) => void, T>;
type _WebRequestOnHeadersReceivedEvent<T = (details: {
* The ID of the request. Request IDs are unique within a browser session. As a result, they could be used to
* relate different events of the same request.
requestId: string;
url: string;
/** Standard HTTP method. */
method: string;
* The value 0 indicates that the request happens in the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a
* subframe in which the request happens. If the document of a (sub-)frame is loaded (`type` is `main_frame` or
* `sub_frame`), `frameId` indicates the ID of this frame, not the ID of the outer frame. Frame IDs are unique
* within a tab.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame which sent the request. Set to -1 if no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
/** URL of the resource that triggered this request. */
originUrl?: string;
/** URL of the page into which the requested resource will be loaded. */
documentUrl?: string;
/** The ID of the tab in which the request takes place. Set to -1 if the request isn't related to a tab. */
tabId: number;
/** How the requested resource will be used. */
type: ResourceType;
/** The time when this signal is triggered, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
* HTTP status line of the response or the 'HTTP/0.9 200 OK' string for HTTP/0.9 responses (i.e., responses
* that lack a status line).
statusLine: string;
/** The HTTP response headers that have been received with this response. */
responseHeaders?: HttpHeaders;
/** Standard HTTP status code returned by the server. */
statusCode: number;
}) => BlockingResponse | Promise<BlockingResponse> | void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filter: RequestFilter, extraInfoSpec?: OnHeadersReceivedOptions[]) => void, T>;
type _WebRequestOnAuthRequiredEvent<T = (details: {
* The ID of the request. Request IDs are unique within a browser session. As a result, they could be used to
* relate different events of the same request.
requestId: string;
url: string;
/** Standard HTTP method. */
method: string;
* The value 0 indicates that the request happens in the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a
* subframe in which the request happens. If the document of a (sub-)frame is loaded (`type` is `main_frame` or
* `sub_frame`), `frameId` indicates the ID of this frame, not the ID of the outer frame. Frame IDs are unique
* within a tab.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame which sent the request. Set to -1 if no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
/** URL of the resource that triggered this request. */
originUrl?: string;
/** URL of the page into which the requested resource will be loaded. */
documentUrl?: string;
/** The ID of the tab in which the request takes place. Set to -1 if the request isn't related to a tab. */
tabId: number;
/** How the requested resource will be used. */
type: ResourceType;
/** The time when this signal is triggered, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
/** The authentication scheme, e.g. Basic or Digest. */
scheme: string;
/** The authentication realm provided by the server, if there is one. */
realm?: string;
/** The server requesting authentication. */
challenger: {
host: string;
port: number;
/** True for Proxy-Authenticate, false for WWW-Authenticate. */
isProxy: boolean;
/** The HTTP response headers that were received along with this response. */
responseHeaders?: HttpHeaders;
* HTTP status line of the response or the 'HTTP/0.9 200 OK' string for HTTP/0.9 responses (i.e., responses
* that lack a status line) or an empty string if there are no headers.
statusLine: string;
/** Standard HTTP status code returned by the server. */
statusCode: number;
}) => BlockingResponse | Promise<BlockingResponse> | void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filter: RequestFilter, extraInfoSpec?: OnAuthRequiredOptions[]) => void, T>;
type _WebRequestOnResponseStartedEvent<T = (details: {
* The ID of the request. Request IDs are unique within a browser session. As a result, they could be used to
* relate different events of the same request.
requestId: string;
url: string;
/** Standard HTTP method. */
method: string;
* The value 0 indicates that the request happens in the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a
* subframe in which the request happens. If the document of a (sub-)frame is loaded (`type` is `main_frame` or
* `sub_frame`), `frameId` indicates the ID of this frame, not the ID of the outer frame. Frame IDs are unique
* within a tab.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame which sent the request. Set to -1 if no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
/** URL of the resource that triggered this request. */
originUrl?: string;
/** URL of the page into which the requested resource will be loaded. */
documentUrl?: string;
/** The ID of the tab in which the request takes place. Set to -1 if the request isn't related to a tab. */
tabId: number;
/** How the requested resource will be used. */
type: ResourceType;
/** The time when this signal is triggered, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
* The server IP address that the request was actually sent to. Note that it may be a literal IPv6 address.
ip?: string;
/** Indicates if this response was fetched from disk cache. */
fromCache: boolean;
/** Standard HTTP status code returned by the server. */
statusCode: number;
/** The HTTP response headers that were received along with this response. */
responseHeaders?: HttpHeaders;
* HTTP status line of the response or the 'HTTP/0.9 200 OK' string for HTTP/0.9 responses (i.e., responses
* that lack a status line) or an empty string if there are no headers.
statusLine: string;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filter: RequestFilter, extraInfoSpec?: OnResponseStartedOptions[]) => void, T>;
type _WebRequestOnBeforeRedirectEvent<T = (details: {
* The ID of the request. Request IDs are unique within a browser session. As a result, they could be used to
* relate different events of the same request.
requestId: string;
url: string;
/** Standard HTTP method. */
method: string;
* The value 0 indicates that the request happens in the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a
* subframe in which the request happens. If the document of a (sub-)frame is loaded (`type` is `main_frame` or
* `sub_frame`), `frameId` indicates the ID of this frame, not the ID of the outer frame. Frame IDs are unique
* within a tab.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame which sent the request. Set to -1 if no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
/** URL of the resource that triggered this request. */
originUrl?: string;
/** URL of the page into which the requested resource will be loaded. */
documentUrl?: string;
/** The ID of the tab in which the request takes place. Set to -1 if the request isn't related to a tab. */
tabId: number;
/** How the requested resource will be used. */
type: ResourceType;
/** The time when this signal is triggered, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
* The server IP address that the request was actually sent to. Note that it may be a literal IPv6 address.
ip?: string;
/** Indicates if this response was fetched from disk cache. */
fromCache: boolean;
/** Standard HTTP status code returned by the server. */
statusCode: number;
/** The new URL. */
redirectUrl: string;
/** The HTTP response headers that were received along with this redirect. */
responseHeaders?: HttpHeaders;
* HTTP status line of the response or the 'HTTP/0.9 200 OK' string for HTTP/0.9 responses (i.e., responses
* that lack a status line) or an empty string if there are no headers.
statusLine: string;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filter: RequestFilter, extraInfoSpec?: OnBeforeRedirectOptions[]) => void, T>;
type _WebRequestOnCompletedEvent<T = (details: {
* The ID of the request. Request IDs are unique within a browser session. As a result, they could be used to
* relate different events of the same request.
requestId: string;
url: string;
/** Standard HTTP method. */
method: string;
* The value 0 indicates that the request happens in the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a
* subframe in which the request happens. If the document of a (sub-)frame is loaded (`type` is `main_frame` or
* `sub_frame`), `frameId` indicates the ID of this frame, not the ID of the outer frame. Frame IDs are unique
* within a tab.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame which sent the request. Set to -1 if no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
/** URL of the resource that triggered this request. */
originUrl?: string;
/** URL of the page into which the requested resource will be loaded. */
documentUrl?: string;
/** The ID of the tab in which the request takes place. Set to -1 if the request isn't related to a tab. */
tabId: number;
/** How the requested resource will be used. */
type: ResourceType;
/** The time when this signal is triggered, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
* The server IP address that the request was actually sent to. Note that it may be a literal IPv6 address.
ip?: string;
/** Indicates if this response was fetched from disk cache. */
fromCache: boolean;
/** Standard HTTP status code returned by the server. */
statusCode: number;
/** The HTTP response headers that were received along with this response. */
responseHeaders?: HttpHeaders;
* HTTP status line of the response or the 'HTTP/0.9 200 OK' string for HTTP/0.9 responses (i.e., responses
* that lack a status line) or an empty string if there are no headers.
statusLine: string;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filter: RequestFilter, extraInfoSpec?: OnCompletedOptions[]) => void, T>;
type _WebRequestOnErrorOccurredEvent<T = (details: {
* The ID of the request. Request IDs are unique within a browser session. As a result, they could be used to
* relate different events of the same request.
requestId: string;
url: string;
/** Standard HTTP method. */
method: string;
* The value 0 indicates that the request happens in the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a
* subframe in which the request happens. If the document of a (sub-)frame is loaded (`type` is `main_frame` or
* `sub_frame`), `frameId` indicates the ID of this frame, not the ID of the outer frame. Frame IDs are unique
* within a tab.
frameId: number;
/** ID of frame that wraps the frame which sent the request. Set to -1 if no parent frame exists. */
parentFrameId: number;
/** URL of the resource that triggered this request. */
originUrl?: string;
/** URL of the page into which the requested resource will be loaded. */
documentUrl?: string;
/** The ID of the tab in which the request takes place. Set to -1 if the request isn't related to a tab. */
tabId: number;
/** How the requested resource will be used. */
type: ResourceType;
/** The time when this signal is triggered, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
timeStamp: number;
* The server IP address that the request was actually sent to. Note that it may be a literal IPv6 address.
ip?: string;
/** Indicates if this response was fetched from disk cache. */
fromCache: boolean;
* The error description. This string is _not_ guaranteed to remain backwards compatible between releases. You
* must not parse and act based upon its content.
error: string;
}) => void> = WebExtEventBase<(callback: T, filter: RequestFilter) => void, T>;
/* webRequest properties */
* The maximum number of times that `handlerBehaviorChanged` can be called per 10 minute sustained interval.
* `handlerBehaviorChanged` is an expensive function call that shouldn't be called often.
/* webRequest functions */
* Needs to be called when the behavior of the webRequest handlers has changed to prevent incorrect handling due to
* caching. This function call is expensive. Don't call it often.
function handlerBehaviorChanged(): Promise<void>;
/** ... */
function filterResponseData(requestId: string): object/*StreamFilter*/;
/* webRequest events */
* Fired when a request is about to occur.
* @returns If "blocking" is specified in the "extraInfoSpec" parameter, the event listener should return an object
* of this type.
const onBeforeRequest: _WebRequestOnBeforeRequestEvent;
* Fired before sending an HTTP request, once the request headers are available. This may occur after a TCP
* connection is made to the server, but before any HTTP data is sent.
* @returns If "blocking" is specified in the "extraInfoSpec" parameter, the event listener should return an object
* of this type.
const onBeforeSendHeaders: _WebRequestOnBeforeSendHeadersEvent;
* Fired just before a request is going to be sent to the server (modifications of previous onBeforeSendHeaders
* callbacks are visible by the time onSendHeaders is fired).
const onSendHeaders: _WebRequestOnSendHeadersEvent;
* Fired when HTTP response headers of a request have been received.
* @returns If "blocking" is specified in the "extraInfoSpec" parameter, the event listener should return an object
* of this type.
const onHeadersReceived: _WebRequestOnHeadersReceivedEvent;
* Fired when an authentication failure is received. The listener has three options: it can provide authentication
* credentials, it can cancel the request and display the error page, or it can take no action on the challenge. If
* bad user credentials are provided, this may be called multiple times for the same request.
* @returns If "blocking" is specified in the "extraInfoSpec" parameter, the event listener should return an object
* of this type.
const onAuthRequired: _WebRequestOnAuthRequiredEvent;
* Fired when the first byte of the response body is received. For HTTP requests, this means that the status line
* and response headers are available.
const onResponseStarted: _WebRequestOnResponseStartedEvent;
/** Fired when a server-initiated redirect is about to occur. */
const onBeforeRedirect: _WebRequestOnBeforeRedirectEvent;
/** Fired when a request is completed. */
const onCompleted: _WebRequestOnCompletedEvent;
/** Fired when an error occurs. */
const onErrorOccurred: _WebRequestOnErrorOccurredEvent;
* Use the `browser.bookmarks` API to create, organize, and otherwise manipulate bookmarks. Also see Override Pages,
* which you can use to create a custom Bookmark Manager page.
* Permissions: `bookmarks`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.bookmarks {
/* bookmarks types */
* Indicates the reason why this node is unmodifiable. The `managed` value indicates that this node was configured
* by the system administrator or by the custodian of a supervised user. Omitted if the node can be modified by the
* user and the extension (default).
type BookmarkTreeNodeUnmodifiable = "managed";
/** Indicates the type of a BookmarkTreeNode, which can be one of bookmark, folder or separator. */
type BookmarkTreeNodeType = "bookmark" | "folder" | "separator";
* A node (either a bookmark or a folder) in the bookmark tree. Child nodes are ordered within their parent folder.
interface BookmarkTreeNode {
* The unique identifier for the node. IDs are unique within the current profile, and they remain valid even
* after the browser is restarted.
id: string;
/** The `id` of the parent folder. Omitted for the root node. */
parentId?: string;
/** The 0-based position of this node within its parent folder. */
index?: number;
/** The URL navigated to when a user clicks the bookmark. Omitted for folders. */
url?: string;
/** The text displayed for the node. */
title: string;
/** When this node was created, in milliseconds since the epoch (`new Date(dateAdded)`). */
dateAdded?: number;
/** When the contents of this folder last changed, in milliseconds since the epoch. */
dateGroupModified?: number;
* Indicates the reason why this node is unmodifiable. The `managed` value indicates that this node was
* configured by the system administrator or by the custodian of a supervised user. Omitted if the node can be
* modified by the user and the extension (default).
unmodifiable?: BookmarkTreeNodeUnmodifiable;
/** Indicates the type of the BookmarkTreeNode, which can be one of bookmark, folder or separator. */
type?: BookmarkTreeNodeType;
/** An ordered list of children of this node. */
children?: BookmarkTreeNode[];
/** Object passed to the create() function. */
interface CreateDetails {
/** Defaults to the Other Bookmarks folder. */
parentId?: string;
index?: number;
title?: string;
url?: string;
/** Indicates the type of BookmarkTreeNode to create, which can be one of bookmark, folder or separator. */
type?: BookmarkTreeNodeType;
/* bookmarks functions */
* Retrieves the specified BookmarkTreeNode(s).
* @param idOrIdList A single string-valued id, or an array of string-valued ids
function get(idOrIdList: string | string[]): Promise<BookmarkTreeNode[]>;
/** Retrieves the children of the specified BookmarkTreeNode id. */
function getChildren(id: string): Promise<BookmarkTreeNode[]>;
* Retrieves the recently added bookmarks.
* @param numberOfItems The maximum number of items to return.
function getRecent(numberOfItems: number): Promise<BookmarkTreeNode[]>;
/** Retrieves the entire Bookmarks hierarchy. */
function getTree(): Promise<BookmarkTreeNode[]>;
* Retrieves part of the Bookmarks hierarchy, starting at the specified node.
* @param id The ID of the root of the subtree to retrieve.
function getSubTree(id: string): Promise<BookmarkTreeNode[]>;
* Searches for BookmarkTreeNodes matching the given query. Queries specified with an object produce
* BookmarkTreeNodes matching all specified properties.
* @param query Either a string of words and quoted phrases that are matched against bookmark URLs and titles, or
* an object. If an object, the properties `query`, `url`, and `title` may be specified and bookmarks matching
* all specified properties will be produced.
function search(query: string | {
/** A string of words and quoted phrases that are matched against bookmark URLs and titles. */
query?: string;
/** The URL of the bookmark; matches verbatim. Note that folders have no URL. */
url?: string;
/** The title of the bookmark; matches verbatim. */
title?: string;
}): Promise<BookmarkTreeNode[]>;
* Creates a bookmark or folder under the specified parentId. If url is NULL or missing, it will be a folder.
function create(bookmark: CreateDetails): Promise<BookmarkTreeNode | undefined>;
/** Moves the specified BookmarkTreeNode to the provided location. */
function move(id: string, destination: {
parentId?: string;
index?: number;
}): Promise<BookmarkTreeNode | undefined>;
* Updates the properties of a bookmark or folder. Specify only the properties that you want to change; unspecified
* properties will be left unchanged. **Note:** Currently, only 'title' and 'url' are supported.
function update(id: string, changes: {
title?: string;
url?: string;
}): Promise<BookmarkTreeNode | undefined>;
/** Removes a bookmark or an empty bookmark folder. */
function remove(id: string): Promise<void>;
/** Recursively removes a bookmark folder. */
function removeTree(id: string): Promise<void>;
/* bookmarks events */
/** Fired when a bookmark or folder is created. */
const onCreated: WebExtEvent<(id: string, bookmark: BookmarkTreeNode) => void>;
* Fired when a bookmark or folder is removed. When a folder is removed recursively, a single notification is fired
* for the folder, and none for its contents.
const onRemoved: WebExtEvent<(id: string, removeInfo: {
parentId: string;
index: number;
node: BookmarkTreeNode;
}) => void>;
* Fired when a bookmark or folder changes. **Note:** Currently, only title and url changes trigger this.
const onChanged: WebExtEvent<(id: string, changeInfo: {
title: string;
url?: string;
}) => void>;
/** Fired when a bookmark or folder is moved to a different parent folder. */
const onMoved: WebExtEvent<(id: string, moveInfo: {
parentId: string;
index: number;
oldParentId: string;
oldIndex: number;
}) => void>;
* Fired when the children of a folder have changed their order due to the order being sorted in the UI. This is
* not called as a result of a move().
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onChildrenReordered: WebExtEvent<(id: string, reorderInfo: {
childIds: string[];
}) => void> | undefined;
* Fired when a bookmark import session is begun. Expensive observers should ignore onCreated updates until
* onImportEnded is fired. Observers should still handle other notifications immediately.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onImportBegan: WebExtEvent<() => void> | undefined;
* Fired when a bookmark import session is ended.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onImportEnded: WebExtEvent<() => void> | undefined;
* Use browser actions to put icons in the main browser toolbar, to the right of the address bar. In addition to its
* icon, a browser action can also have a tooltip, a badge, and a popup.
* Manifest keys: `browser_action`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.browserAction {
/* browserAction types */
type ColorArray = [number, number, number, number];
/** Pixel data for an image. Must be an ImageData object (for example, from a `canvas` element). */
type ImageDataType = object/*ImageData*/;
/* browserAction functions */
/** Sets the title of the browser action. This shows up in the tooltip. */
function setTitle(details: {
/** The string the browser action should display when moused over. */
title: string;
/** Limits the change to when a particular tab is selected. Automatically resets when the tab is closed. */
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<void>;
/** Gets the title of the browser action. */
function getTitle(details: {
* Specify the tab to get the title from. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific title is returned.
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<string>;
* Sets the icon for the browser action. The icon can be specified either as the path to an image file or as the
* pixel data from a canvas element, or as dictionary of either one of those. Either the **path** or the
* **imageData** property must be specified.
function setIcon(details: {
* Either an ImageData object or a dictionary {size -> ImageData} representing icon to be set. If the icon is
* specified as a dictionary, the actual image to be used is chosen depending on screen's pixel density. If the
* number of image pixels that fit into one screen space unit equals `scale`, then image with size `scale` * 19
* will be selected. Initially only scales 1 and 2 will be supported. At least one image must be specified.
* Note that 'details.imageData = foo' is equivalent to 'details.imageData = {'19': foo}'
imageData?: ImageDataType | {
[key: number]: ImageDataType;
* Either a relative image path or a dictionary {size -> relative image path} pointing to icon to be set. If
* the icon is specified as a dictionary, the actual image to be used is chosen depending on screen's pixel
* density. If the number of image pixels that fit into one screen space unit equals `scale`, then image with
* size `scale` * 19 will be selected. Initially only scales 1 and 2 will be supported. At least one image must
* be specified. Note that 'details.path = foo' is equivalent to 'details.imageData = {'19': foo}'
path?: string | {
[key: number]: string;
/** Limits the change to when a particular tab is selected. Automatically resets when the tab is closed. */
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<void>;
/** Sets the html document to be opened as a popup when the user clicks on the browser action's icon. */
function setPopup(details: {
/** Limits the change to when a particular tab is selected. Automatically resets when the tab is closed. */
tabId?: number;
/** The html file to show in a popup. If set to the empty string (''), no popup is shown. */
popup: string;
}): Promise<void>;
/** Gets the html document set as the popup for this browser action. */
function getPopup(details: {
* Specify the tab to get the popup from. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific popup is returned.
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<string>;
/** Sets the badge text for the browser action. The badge is displayed on top of the icon. */
function setBadgeText(details: {
/** Any number of characters can be passed, but only about four can fit in the space. */
text: string;
/** Limits the change to when a particular tab is selected. Automatically resets when the tab is closed. */
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<void>;
* Gets the badge text of the browser action. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific badge text is returned.
function getBadgeText(details: {
* Specify the tab to get the badge text from. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific badge text is
* returned.
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<string>;
/** Sets the background color for the badge. */
function setBadgeBackgroundColor(details: {
* An array of four integers in the range [0,255] that make up the RGBA color of the badge. For example, opaque
* red is `[255, 0, 0, 255]`. Can also be a string with a CSS value, with opaque red being `#FF0000` or `#F00`.
color: string | ColorArray;
/** Limits the change to when a particular tab is selected. Automatically resets when the tab is closed. */
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<void>;
/** Gets the background color of the browser action. */
function getBadgeBackgroundColor(details: {
* Specify the tab to get the badge background color from. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific badge
* background color is returned.
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<ColorArray>;
* Enables the browser action for a tab. By default, browser actions are enabled.
* @param [tabId] The id of the tab for which you want to modify the browser action.
function enable(tabId?: number): Promise<void>;
* Disables the browser action for a tab.
* @param [tabId] The id of the tab for which you want to modify the browser action.
function disable(tabId?: number): Promise<void>;
/** Opens the extension popup window in the active window. */
function openPopup(): Promise<void>;
/* browserAction events */
* Fired when a browser action icon is clicked. This event will not fire if the browser action has a popup.
const onClicked: WebExtEvent<(tab: tabs.Tab) => void>;
* Use the `browser.browsingData` API to remove browsing data from a user's local profile.
* Permissions: `browsingData`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.browsingData {
/* browsingData types */
/** Options that determine exactly what data will be removed. */
interface RemovalOptions {
* Remove data accumulated on or after this date, represented in milliseconds since the epoch (accessible via
* the `getTime` method of the JavaScript `Date` object). If absent, defaults to 0 (which would remove all
* browsing data).
since?: extensionTypes.Date;
/** Only remove data associated with these hostnames (only applies to cookies and localStorage). */
hostnames?: string[];
* An object whose properties specify which origin types ought to be cleared. If this object isn't specified,
* it defaults to clearing only "unprotected" origins. Please ensure that you _really_ want to remove
* application data before adding 'protectedWeb' or 'extensions'.
originTypes?: {
/** Normal websites. */
unprotectedWeb?: boolean;
/** Websites that have been installed as hosted applications (be careful!). */
protectedWeb?: boolean;
/** Extensions and packaged applications a user has installed (be _really_ careful!). */
extension?: boolean;
/** A set of data types. Missing data types are interpreted as `false`. */
interface DataTypeSet {
* The browser's cache. Note: when removing data, this clears the _entire_ cache: it is not limited to the
* range you specify.
cache?: boolean;
/** The browser's cookies. */
cookies?: boolean;
/** The browser's download list. */
downloads?: boolean;
/** The browser's stored form data. */
formData?: boolean;
/** The browser's history. */
history?: boolean;
/** Websites' IndexedDB data. */
indexedDB?: boolean;
/** Websites' local storage data. */
localStorage?: boolean;
/** Server-bound certificates. */
serverBoundCertificates?: boolean;
/** Stored passwords. */
passwords?: boolean;
/** Plugins' data. */
pluginData?: boolean;
/** Service Workers. */
serviceWorkers?: boolean;
/* browsingData functions */
* Reports which types of data are currently selected in the 'Clear browsing data' settings UI. Note: some of the
* data types included in this API are not available in the settings UI, and some UI settings control more than one
* data type listed here.
function settings(): Promise<{
options: RemovalOptions;
* All of the types will be present in the result, with values of `true` if they are both selected to be
* removed and permitted to be removed, otherwise `false`.
dataToRemove: DataTypeSet;
* All of the types will be present in the result, with values of `true` if they are permitted to be removed
* (e.g., by enterprise policy) and `false` if not.
dataRemovalPermitted: DataTypeSet;
* Clears various types of browsing data stored in a user's profile.
* @param dataToRemove The set of data types to remove.
function remove(options: RemovalOptions, dataToRemove: DataTypeSet): Promise<void>;
* Clears websites' appcache data.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function removeAppcache(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
/** Clears the browser's cache. */
function removeCache(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
/** Clears the browser's cookies and server-bound certificates modified within a particular timeframe. */
function removeCookies(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
/** Clears the browser's list of downloaded files (_not_ the downloaded files themselves). */
function removeDownloads(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
* Clears websites' file system data.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function removeFileSystems(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
/** Clears the browser's stored form data (autofill). */
function removeFormData(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
/** Clears the browser's history. */
function removeHistory(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
* Clears websites' IndexedDB data.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function removeIndexedDB(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
/** Clears websites' local storage data. */
function removeLocalStorage(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
/** Clears plugins' data. */
function removePluginData(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
/** Clears the browser's stored passwords. */
function removePasswords(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
* Clears websites' WebSQL data.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function removeWebSQL(options: RemovalOptions): Promise<void>;
* Use the commands API to add keyboard shortcuts that trigger actions in your extension, for example, an action to
* open the browser action or send a command to the xtension.
* Manifest keys: `commands`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.commands {
/* commands types */
interface Command {
/** The name of the Extension Command */
name?: string;
/** The Extension Command description */
description?: string;
/** The shortcut active for this command, or blank if not active. */
shortcut?: string;
/* commands functions */
/** Returns all the registered extension commands for this extension and their shortcut (if active). */
function getAll(): Promise<Command[] | undefined>;
/* commands events */
/** Fired when a registered command is activated using a keyboard shortcut. */
const onCommand: WebExtEvent<(command: string) => void>;
* Permissions: `devtools`
* Allowed in: Devtools pages only
declare namespace browser.devtools {
* Use the `browser.devtools.inspectedWindow` API to interact with the inspected window: obtain the tab ID for the
* inspected page, evaluate the code in the context of the inspected window, reload the page, or obtain the list of
* resources within the page.
* Allowed in: Devtools pages only
declare namespace browser.devtools.inspectedWindow {
/* devtools.inspectedWindow types */
/** A resource within the inspected page, such as a document, a script, or an image. */
interface Resource {
/** The URL of the resource. */
url: string;
* Gets the content of the resource.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
getContent?(): Promise<object>;
* Sets the content of the resource.
* @param content New content of the resource. Only resources with the text type are currently supported.
* @param commit True if the user has finished editing the resource, and the new content of the resource should
* be persisted; false if this is a minor change sent in progress of the user editing the resource.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
setContent?(content: string, commit: boolean): Promise<any>;
/* devtools.inspectedWindow properties */
/** The ID of the tab being inspected. This ID may be used with browser.tabs.* API. */
const tabId: number;
/* devtools.inspectedWindow functions */
* Evaluates a JavaScript expression in the context of the main frame of the inspected page. The expression must
* evaluate to a JSON-compliant object, otherwise an exception is thrown. The eval function can report either a
* DevTools-side error or a JavaScript exception that occurs during evaluation. In either case, the `result`
* parameter of the callback is `undefined`. In the case of a DevTools-side error, the `isException` parameter is
* non-null and has `isError` set to true and `code` set to an error code. In the case of a JavaScript error,
* `isException` is set to true and `value` is set to the string value of thrown object.
* @param expression An expression to evaluate.
* @param [options] The options parameter can contain one or more options.
function eval(expression: string, options?: {
* If specified, the expression is evaluated on the iframe whose URL matches the one specified. By default, the
* expression is evaluated in the top frame of the inspected page.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
frameURL?: string;
* Evaluate the expression in the context of the content script of the calling extension, provided that the
* content script is already injected into the inspected page. If not, the expression is not evaluated and the
* callback is invoked with the exception parameter set to an object that has the `isError` field set to true
* and the `code` field set to `E_NOTFOUND`.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
useContentScriptContext?: boolean;
* Evaluate the expression in the context of a content script of an extension that matches the specified
* origin. If given, contextSecurityOrigin overrides the 'true' setting on userContentScriptContext.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
contextSecurityOrigin?: string;
}): Promise<object | undefined>;
/** Reloads the inspected page. */
function reload(reloadOptions?: {
* When true, the loader will bypass the cache for all inspected page resources loaded before the `load` event
* is fired. The effect is similar to pressing Ctrl+Shift+R in the inspected window or within the Developer
* Tools window.
ignoreCache?: boolean;
* If specified, the string will override the value of the `User-Agent` HTTP header that's sent while loading
* the resources of the inspected page. The string will also override the value of the `navigator.userAgent`
* property that's returned to any scripts that are running within the inspected page.
userAgent?: string;
* If specified, the script will be injected into every frame of the inspected page immediately upon load,
* before any of the frame's scripts. The script will not be injected after subsequent reloads—for example, if
* the user presses Ctrl+R.
injectedScript?: string;
* If specified, this script evaluates into a function that accepts three string arguments: the source to
* preprocess, the URL of the source, and a function name if the source is an DOM event handler. The
* preprocessorerScript function should return a string to be compiled by Chrome in place of the input source.
* In the case that the source is a DOM event handler, the returned source must compile to a single JS
* function.
* @deprecated Please avoid using this parameter, it will be removed soon.
preprocessorScript?: string;
}): void;
* Retrieves the list of resources from the inspected page.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function getResources(): Promise<Resource[]>;
/* devtools.inspectedWindow events */
* Fired when a new resource is added to the inspected page.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onResourceAdded: WebExtEvent<(resource: Resource) => void> | undefined;
* Fired when a new revision of the resource is committed (e.g. user saves an edited version of the resource in the
* Developer Tools).
* @param content New content of the resource.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onResourceContentCommitted: WebExtEvent<(resource: Resource, content: string) => void> | undefined;
* Use the `` API to retrieve the information about network requests displayed by the Developer
* Tools in the Network panel.
* Allowed in: Devtools pages only
declare namespace {
/* types */
* Represents a network request for a document resource (script, image and so on). See HAR Specification for
* reference.
interface Request {
/** Returns content of the response body. */
getContent(): Promise<object>;
/* functions */
* Returns HAR log that contains all known network requests.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function getHAR(): Promise<any>;
/* events */
* Fired when a network request is finished and all request data are available.
* @param request Description of a network request in the form of a HAR entry. See HAR specification for details.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
const onRequestFinished: WebExtEvent<(request: Request) => void> | undefined;
* Fired when the inspected window navigates to a new page.
* @param url URL of the new page.
const onNavigated: WebExtEvent<(url: string) => void>;
* Use the `browser.devtools.panels` API to integrate your extension into Developer Tools window UI: create your own
* panels, access existing panels, and add sidebars.
* Allowed in: Devtools pages only
declare namespace browser.devtools.panels {
/* devtools.panels types */
/** Represents the Elements panel. */
interface ElementsPanel {
* Creates a pane within panel's sidebar.
* @param title Text that is displayed in sidebar caption.
* @param [callback] A callback invoked when the sidebar is created.
createSidebarPane(title: string, callback?: (result: ExtensionSidebarPane) => void): void;
/** Fired when an object is selected in the panel. */
onSelectionChanged: WebExtEvent<() => void>;
/** Represents the Sources panel. */
interface SourcesPanel {
* Creates a pane within panel's sidebar.
* @param title Text that is displayed in sidebar caption.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
createSidebarPane?(title: string): Promise<ExtensionSidebarPane | undefined>;
* Fired when an object is selected in the panel.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
onSelectionChanged: WebExtEvent<() => void>;
/** Represents a panel created by extension. */
interface ExtensionPanel {
* Appends a button to the status bar of the panel.
* @param iconPath Path to the icon of the button. The file should contain a 64x24-pixel image composed of two
* 32x24 icons. The left icon is used when the button is inactive; the right icon is displayed when the
* button is pressed.
* @param tooltipText Text shown as a tooltip when user hovers the mouse over the button.
* @param disabled Whether the button is disabled.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
createStatusBarButton?(iconPath: string, tooltipText: string, disabled: boolean): Button;
* Fired upon a search action (start of a new search, search result navigation, or search being canceled).
* @param action Type of search action being performed.
* @param [queryString] Query string (only for 'performSearch').
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
onSearch: WebExtEvent<(action: string, queryString?: string) => void>;
* Fired when the user switches to the panel.
* @param window The JavaScript `window` object of panel's page.
onShown: WebExtEvent<(window: object/*global*/) => void>;
/** Fired when the user switches away from the panel. */
onHidden: WebExtEvent<() => void>;
/** A sidebar created by the extension. */
interface ExtensionSidebarPane {
* Sets the height of the sidebar.
* @param height A CSS-like size specification, such as `'100px'` or `'12ex'`.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
setHeight?(height: string): void;
* Sets an expression that is evaluated within the inspected page. The result is displayed in the sidebar pane.
* @param expression An expression to be evaluated in context of the inspected page. JavaScript objects and DOM
* nodes are displayed in an expandable tree similar to the console/watch.
* @param [rootTitle] An optional title for the root of the expression tree.
setExpression(expression: string, rootTitle?: string): Promise<void>;
* Sets a JSON-compliant object to be displayed in the sidebar pane.
* @param jsonObject An object to be displayed in context of the inspected page. Evaluated in the context of
* the caller (API client).
* @param [rootTitle] An optional title for the root of the expression tree.
setObject(jsonObject: string, rootTitle?: string): Promise<void>;
* Sets an HTML page to be displayed in the sidebar pane.
* @param path Relative path of an extension page to display within the sidebar.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
setPage?(path: string): void;
* Fired when the sidebar pane becomes visible as a result of user switching to the panel that hosts it.
* @param window The JavaScript `window` object of the sidebar page, if one was set with the `setPage()` method.
onShown: WebExtEvent<(window: object/*global*/) => void>;
* Fired when the sidebar pane becomes hidden as a result of the user switching away from the panel that hosts
* the sidebar pane.
onHidden: WebExtEvent<() => void>;
/** A button created by the extension. */
interface Button {
* Updates the attributes of the button. If some of the arguments are omitted or `null`, the corresponding
* attributes are not updated.
* @param [iconPath] Path to the new icon of the button.
* @param [tooltipText] Text shown as a tooltip when user hovers the mouse over the button.
* @param [disabled] Whether the button is disabled.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
update?(iconPath?: string, tooltipText?: string, disabled?: boolean): void;
* Fired when the button is clicked.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
onClicked: WebExtEvent<() => void>;
/* devtools.panels properties */
/** Elements panel. */
const elements: ElementsPanel;
/** Sources panel. */
const sources: SourcesPanel;
/** The name of the current devtools theme. */
const themeName: string;
/* devtools.panels functions */
* Creates an extension panel.
* @param title Title that is displayed next to the extension icon in the Developer Tools toolbar.
* @param iconPath Path of the panel's icon relative to the extension directory.
* @param pagePath Path of the panel's HTML page relative to the extension directory.
function create(title: string, iconPath: string, pagePath: string): Promise<ExtensionPanel | undefined>;
* Specifies the function to be called when the user clicks a resource link in the Developer Tools window. To unset
* the handler, either call the method with no parameters or pass null as the parameter.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function setOpenResourceHandler(): Promise<devtools.inspectedWindow.Resource | undefined>;
* Requests DevTools to open a URL in a Developer Tools panel.
* @param url The URL of the resource to open.
* @param lineNumber Specifies the line number to scroll to when the resource is loaded.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function openResource(url: string, lineNumber: number): Promise<void>;
/* devtools.panels events */
* Fired when the devtools theme changes.
* @param themeName The name of the current devtools theme.
const onThemeChanged: WebExtEvent<(themeName: string) => void>;
* Use the `browser.find` API to interact with the browser's `Find` interface.
* Permissions: `find`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.find {
/* find functions */
* Search for text in document and store found ranges in array, in document order.
* @param queryphrase The string to search for.
* @param [params] Search parameters.
function find(queryphrase: string, params?: {
/** Tab to query. Defaults to the active tab. */
tabId?: number;
/** Find only ranges with case sensitive match. */
caseSensitive?: boolean;
/** Find only ranges that match entire word. */
entireWord?: boolean;
/** Return rectangle data which describes visual position of search results. */
includeRectData?: boolean;
/** Return range data which provides range data in a serializable form. */
includeRangeData?: boolean;
}): Promise<{
count: number;
rangeData?: Array<{
framePos: number;
startTextNodePos: number;
endTextNodePos: number;
startOffset: number;
endOffset: number;
rectData?: Array<{
rectsAndTexts: {
rectList: Array<{
top: number;
left: number;
bottom: number;
right: number;
textList: string[];
textList: string;
* Highlight a range
* @param [params] highlightResults parameters
function highlightResults(params?: {
/** Found range to be highlighted. Default highlights all ranges. */
rangeIndex?: number;
/** Tab to highlight. Defaults to the active tab. */
tabId?: number;
/** Don't scroll to highlighted item. */
noScroll?: boolean;
}): void;
* Remove all highlighting from previous searches.
* @param [tabId] Tab to highlight. Defaults to the active tab.
function removeHighlighting(tabId?: number): void;
* Exposes the browser's profiler.
* Permissions: `geckoProfiler`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.geckoProfiler {
/* geckoProfiler types */
type ProfilerFeature =
| "js"
| "leaf"
| "mainthreadio"
| "memory"
| "privacy"
| "restyle"
| "stackwalk"
| "tasktracer"
| "threads";
/* geckoProfiler functions */
/** Starts the profiler with the specified settings. */
function start(settings: {
* The size in bytes of the buffer used to store profiling data. A larger value allows capturing a profile that
* covers a greater amount of time.
bufferSize: number;
* Interval in milliseconds between samples of profiling data. A smaller value will increase the detail of the
* profiles captured.
interval: number;
/** A list of active features for the profiler. */
features: ProfilerFeature[];
/** A list of thread names for which to capture profiles. */
threads?: string[];
}): Promise<any>;
/** Stops the profiler and discards any captured profile data. */
function stop(): Promise<any>;
/** Pauses the profiler, keeping any profile data that is already written. */
function pause(): Promise<any>;
/** Resumes the profiler with the settings that were initially used to start it. */
function resume(): Promise<any>;
/** Gathers the profile data from the current profiling session. */
function getProfile(): Promise<any>;
* Gathers the profile data from the current profiling session. The returned promise resolves to an array buffer
* that contains a JSON string.
function getProfileAsArrayBuffer(): Promise<any>;
* Gets the debug symbols for a particular library.
* @param debugName The name of the library's debug file. For example, 'xul.pdb
* @param breakpadId The Breakpad ID of the library
function getSymbols(debugName: string, breakpadId: string): Promise<any>;
/* geckoProfiler events */
* Fires when the profiler starts/stops running.
* @param isRunning Whether the profiler is running or not. Pausing the profiler will not affect this value.
const onRunning: WebExtEvent<(isRunning: boolean) => void>;
* Use the `browser.history` API to interact with the browser's record of visited pages. You can add, remove, and query
* for URLs in the browser's history. To override the history page with your own version, see Override Pages.
* Permissions: `history`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.history {
/* history types */
/** The transition type for this visit from its referrer. */
type TransitionType =
| "typed"
| "auto_bookmark"
| "auto_subframe"
| "manual_subframe"
| "generated"
| "auto_toplevel"
| "form_submit"
| "reload"
| "keyword"
| "keyword_generated";
/** An object encapsulating one result of a history query. */
interface HistoryItem {
/** The unique identifier for the item. */
id: string;
/** The URL navigated to by a user. */
url?: string;
/** The title of the page when it was last loaded. */
title?: string;
/** When this page was last loaded, represented in milliseconds since the epoch. */
lastVisitTime?: number;
/** The number of times the user has navigated to this page. */
visitCount?: number;
/** The number of times the user has navigated to this page by typing in the address. */
typedCount?: number;
/** An object encapsulating one visit to a URL. */
interface VisitItem {
/** The unique identifier for the item. */
id: string;
/** The unique identifier for this visit. */
visitId: string;
/** When this visit occurred, represented in milliseconds since the epoch. */
visitTime?: number;
/** The visit ID of the referrer. */
referringVisitId: string;
/** The transition type for this visit from its referrer. */
transition: TransitionType;
/* history functions */
/** Searches the history for the last visit time of each page matching the query. */
function search(query: {
/** A free-text query to the history service. Leave empty to retrieve all pages. */
text: string;
* Limit results to those visited after this date. If not specified, this defaults to 24 hours in the past.
startTime?: extensionTypes.Date;
/** Limit results to those visited before this date. */
endTime?: extensionTypes.Date;
/** The maximum number of results to retrieve. Defaults to 100. */
maxResults?: number;
}): Promise<HistoryItem[]>;
/** Retrieves information about visits to a URL. */
function getVisits(details: {
* The URL for which to retrieve visit information. It must be in the format as returned from a call to
url: string;
}): Promise<VisitItem[]>;
* Adds a URL to the history with a default visitTime of the current time and a default transition type of "link".
function addUrl(details: {
/** The URL to add. Must be a valid URL that can be added to history. */
url: string;
/** The title of the page. */
title?: string;
/** The transition type for this visit from its referrer. */
transition?: TransitionType;
/** The date when this visit occurred. */
visitTime?: extensionTypes.Date;
}): Promise<void>;
/** Removes all occurrences of the given URL from the history. */
function deleteUrl(details: {
/** The URL to remove. */
url: string;
}): Promise<void>;
* Removes all items within the specified date range from the history. Pages will not be removed from the history
* unless all visits fall within the range.
function deleteRange(range: {
/** Items added to history after this date. */
startTime: extensionTypes.Date;
/** Items added to history before this date. */
endTime: extensionTypes.Date;
}): Promise<void>;
/** Deletes all items from the history. */
function deleteAll(): Promise<void>;
/* history events */
* Fired when a URL is visited, providing the HistoryItem data for that URL. This event fires before the page has
* loaded.
const onVisited: WebExtEvent<(result: HistoryItem) => void>;
* Fired when one or more URLs are removed from the history service. When all visits have been removed the URL is
* purged from history.
const onVisitRemoved: WebExtEvent<(removed: {
/** True if all history was removed. If true, then urls will be empty. */
allHistory: boolean;
urls: string[];
}) => void>;
/** Fired when the title of a URL is changed in the browser history. */
const onTitleChanged: WebExtEvent<(changed: {
/** The URL for which the title has changed */
url: string;
/** The new title for the URL. */
title: string;
}) => void>;
* Use the browser.contextMenus API to add items to the browser's context menu. You can choose what types of objects
* your context menu additions apply to, such as images, hyperlinks, and pages.
* Permissions: `contextMenus`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.contextMenus {
/* contextMenus types */
* The different contexts a menu can appear in. Specifying 'all' is equivalent to the combination of all other
* contexts except for 'tab' and 'tools_menu'.
type ContextType =
| "page"
| "frame"
| "selection"
| "link"
| "editable"
| "password"
| "image"
| "video"
| "audio"
| "launcher"
| "browser_action"
| "page_action"
| "tab";
/** The type of menu item. */
type ItemType =
| "checkbox"
| "radio"
| "separator";
/** Information sent when a context menu item is clicked. */
interface OnClickData {
/** The ID of the menu item that was clicked. */
menuItemId: number | string;
/** The parent ID, if any, for the item clicked. */
parentMenuItemId?: number | string;
* One of 'image', 'video', or 'audio' if the context menu was activated on one of these types of elements.
mediaType?: string;
/** If the element is a link, the text of that link. */
linkText?: string;
/** If the element is a link, the URL it points to. */
linkUrl?: string;
/** Will be present for elements with a 'src' URL. */
srcUrl?: string;
* The URL of the page where the menu item was clicked. This property is not set if the click occured in a
* context where there is no current page, such as in a launcher context menu.
pageUrl?: string;
/** The URL of the frame of the element where the context menu was clicked, if it was in a frame. */
frameUrl?: string;
/** The text for the context selection, if any. */
selectionText?: string;
/** A flag indicating whether the element is editable (text input, textarea, etc.). */
editable: boolean;
/** A flag indicating the state of a checkbox or radio item before it was clicked. */
wasChecked?: boolean;
/** A flag indicating the state of a checkbox or radio item after it is clicked. */
checked?: boolean;
/** An array of keyboard modifiers that were held while the menu item was clicked. */
modifiers: _OnClickDataModifiers[];
type _OnClickDataModifiers =
| "Alt"
| "Command"
| "Ctrl"
| "MacCtrl";
/* contextMenus properties */
* The maximum number of top level extension items that can be added to an extension action context menu. Any items
* beyond this limit will be ignored.
/* contextMenus functions */
* Creates a new context menu item. Note that if an error occurs during creation, you may not find out until the
* creation callback fires (the details will be in `runtime.lastError`).
* @param [callback] Called when the item has been created in the browser. If there were any problems creating the
* item, details will be available in `runtime.lastError`.
* @returns The ID of the newly created item.
function create(createProperties: {
/** The type of menu item. Defaults to 'normal' if not specified. */
type?: ItemType;
* The unique ID to assign to this item. Mandatory for event pages. Cannot be the same as another ID for this
* extension.
id?: string;
icons?: {
[key: number]: string;
* The text to be displayed in the item; this is _required_ unless `type` is 'separator'. When the context is
* 'selection', you can use `%s` within the string to show the selected text. For example, if this parameter's
* value is "Translate '%s' to Pig Latin" and the user selects the word "cool", the context menu item for the
* selection is "Translate 'cool' to Pig Latin".
title?: string;
* The initial state of a checkbox or radio item: true for selected and false for unselected. Only one radio
* item can be selected at a time in a given group of radio items.
checked?: boolean;
/** List of contexts this menu item will appear in. Defaults to ['page'] if not specified. */
contexts?: ContextType[];
* A function that will be called back when the menu item is clicked. Event pages cannot use this; instead,
* they should register a listener for `contextMenus.onClicked`.
* @param info Information about the item clicked and the context where the click happened.
* @param tab The details of the tab where the click took place. Note: this parameter only present for
* extensions.
onclick?: (info: menusInternal.OnClickData, tab: tabs.Tab) => void;
/** The ID of a parent menu item; this makes the item a child of a previously added item. */
parentId?: number | string;
* Lets you restrict the item to apply only to documents whose URL matches one of the given patterns. (This
* applies to frames as well.) For details on the format of a pattern, see Match Patterns.
documentUrlPatterns?: string[];
* Similar to documentUrlPatterns, but lets you filter based on the src attribute of img/audio/video tags and
* the href of anchor tags.
targetUrlPatterns?: string[];
/** Whether this context menu item is enabled or disabled. Defaults to true. */
enabled?: boolean;
* Specifies a command to issue for the context click. Currently supports internal commands
* _execute_page_action, _execute_browser_action and _execute_sidebar_action.
command?: string;
}, callback?: () => void): number | string;
* Updates a previously created context menu item.
* @param id The ID of the item to update.
* @param updateProperties The properties to update. Accepts the same values as the create function.
function update(id: number | string, updateProperties: {
type?: ItemType;
title?: string;
checked?: boolean;
contexts?: ContextType[];
* @param tab The details of the tab where the click took place. Note: this parameter only present for
* extensions.
onclick?: (info: menusInternal.OnClickData, tab: tabs.Tab) => void;
/** Note: You cannot change an item to be a child of one of its own descendants. */
parentId?: number | string;
documentUrlPatterns?: string[];
targetUrlPatterns?: string[];
enabled?: boolean;
}): Promise<void>;
* Removes a context menu item.
* @param menuItemId The ID of the context menu item to remove.
function remove(menuItemId: number | string): Promise<void>;
/** Removes all context menu items added by this extension. */
function removeAll(): Promise<void>;
/* contextMenus events */
* Fired when a context menu item is clicked.
* @param info Information about the item clicked and the context where the click happened.
* @param [tab] The details of the tab where the click took place. If the click did not take place in a tab, this
* parameter will be missing.
const onClicked: WebExtEvent<(info: OnClickData, tab?: tabs.Tab) => void>;
* Use the browser.menus API to add items to the browser's menus. You can choose what types of objects your context
* menu additions apply to, such as images, hyperlinks, and pages.
* Permissions: `menus`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.menus {
/* menus types */
* The different contexts a menu can appear in. Specifying 'all' is equivalent to the combination of all other
* contexts except for 'tab' and 'tools_menu'.
type ContextType =
| "page"
| "frame"
| "selection"
| "link"
| "editable"
| "password"
| "image"
| "video"
| "audio"
| "launcher"
| "browser_action"
| "page_action"
| "tab"
| "tools_menu";
/** The type of menu item. */
type ItemType =
| "checkbox"
| "radio"
| "separator";
/** Information sent when a context menu item is clicked. */
interface OnClickData {
/** The ID of the menu item that was clicked. */
menuItemId: number | string;
/** The parent ID, if any, for the item clicked. */
parentMenuItemId?: number | string;
* One of 'image', 'video', or 'audio' if the context menu was activated on one of these types of elements.
mediaType?: string;
/** If the element is a link, the text of that link. */
linkText?: string;
/** If the element is a link, the URL it points to. */
linkUrl?: string;
/** Will be present for elements with a 'src' URL. */
srcUrl?: string;
* The URL of the page where the menu item was clicked. This property is not set if the click occured in a
* context where there is no current page, such as in a launcher context menu.
pageUrl?: string;
/** The URL of the frame of the element where the context menu was clicked, if it was in a frame. */
frameUrl?: string;
/** The text for the context selection, if any. */
selectionText?: string;
/** A flag indicating whether the element is editable (text input, textarea, etc.). */
editable: boolean;
/** A flag indicating the state of a checkbox or radio item before it was clicked. */
wasChecked?: boolean;
/** A flag indicating the state of a checkbox or radio item after it is clicked. */
checked?: boolean;
/** An array of keyboard modifiers that were held while the menu item was clicked. */
modifiers: _OnClickDataModifiers[];
type _OnClickDataModifiers =
| "Alt"
| "Command"
| "Ctrl"
| "MacCtrl";
/* menus properties */
* The maximum number of top level extension items that can be added to an extension action context menu. Any items
* beyond this limit will be ignored.
/* menus functions */
* Creates a new context menu item. Note that if an error occurs during creation, you may not find out until the
* creation callback fires (the details will be in `runtime.lastError`).
* @param [callback] Called when the item has been created in the browser. If there were any problems creating the
* item, details will be available in `runtime.lastError`.
* @returns The ID of the newly created item.
function create(createProperties: {
/** The type of menu item. Defaults to 'normal' if not specified. */
type?: ItemType;
* The unique ID to assign to this item. Mandatory for event pages. Cannot be the same as another ID for this
* extension.
id?: string;
icons?: {
[key: number]: string;
* The text to be displayed in the item; this is _required_ unless `type` is 'separator'. When the context is
* 'selection', you can use `%s` within the string to show the selected text. For example, if this parameter's
* value is "Translate '%s' to Pig Latin" and the user selects the word "cool", the context menu item for the
* selection is "Translate 'cool' to Pig Latin".
title?: string;
* The initial state of a checkbox or radio item: true for selected and false for unselected. Only one radio
* item can be selected at a time in a given group of radio items.
checked?: boolean;
/** List of contexts this menu item will appear in. Defaults to ['page'] if not specified. */
contexts?: ContextType[];
* A function that will be called back when the menu item is clicked. Event pages cannot use this; instead,
* they should register a listener for `contextMenus.onClicked`.
* @param info Information about the item clicked and the context where the click happened.
* @param tab The details of the tab where the click took place. Note: this parameter only present for
* extensions.
onclick?: (info: menusInternal.OnClickData, tab: tabs.Tab) => void;
/** The ID of a parent menu item; this makes the item a child of a previously added item. */
parentId?: number | string;
* Lets you restrict the item to apply only to documents whose URL matches one of the given patterns. (This
* applies to frames as well.) For details on the format of a pattern, see Match Patterns.
documentUrlPatterns?: string[];
* Similar to documentUrlPatterns, but lets you filter based on the src attribute of img/audio/video tags and
* the href of anchor tags.
targetUrlPatterns?: string[];
/** Whether this context menu item is enabled or disabled. Defaults to true. */
enabled?: boolean;
* Specifies a command to issue for the context click. Currently supports internal commands
* _execute_page_action, _execute_browser_action and _execute_sidebar_action.
command?: string;
}, callback?: () => void): number | string;
* Updates a previously created context menu item.
* @param id The ID of the item to update.
* @param updateProperties The properties to update. Accepts the same values as the create function.
function update(id: number | string, updateProperties: {
type?: ItemType;
title?: string;
checked?: boolean;
contexts?: ContextType[];
* @param tab The details of the tab where the click took place. Note: this parameter only present for
* extensions.
onclick?: (info: menusInternal.OnClickData, tab: tabs.Tab) => void;
/** Note: You cannot change an item to be a child of one of its own descendants. */
parentId?: number | string;
documentUrlPatterns?: string[];
targetUrlPatterns?: string[];
enabled?: boolean;
}): Promise<void>;
* Removes a context menu item.
* @param menuItemId The ID of the context menu item to remove.
function remove(menuItemId: number | string): Promise<void>;
/** Removes all context menu items added by this extension. */
function removeAll(): Promise<void>;
/* menus events */
* Fired when a context menu item is clicked.
* @param info Information about the item clicked and the context where the click happened.
* @param [tab] The details of the tab where the click took place. If the click did not take place in a tab, this
* parameter will be missing.
const onClicked: WebExtEvent<(info: OnClickData, tab?: tabs.Tab) => void>;
* Use the `browser.contextMenus` API to add items to the browser's context menu. You can choose what types of objects
* your context menu additions apply to, such as images, hyperlinks, and pages.
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.menusInternal {
/* menusInternal types */
/** Information sent when a context menu item is clicked. */
interface OnClickData {
/** The ID of the menu item that was clicked. */
menuItemId: number | string;
/** The parent ID, if any, for the item clicked. */
parentMenuItemId?: number | string;
* One of 'image', 'video', or 'audio' if the context menu was activated on one of these types of elements.
mediaType?: string;
/** If the element is a link, the URL it points to. */
linkUrl?: string;
/** Will be present for elements with a 'src' URL. */
srcUrl?: string;
* The URL of the page where the menu item was clicked. This property is not set if the click occured in a
* context where there is no current page, such as in a launcher context menu.
pageUrl?: string;
/** The URL of the frame of the element where the context menu was clicked, if it was in a frame. */
frameUrl?: string;
/** The text for the context selection, if any. */
selectionText?: string;
/** A flag indicating whether the element is editable (text input, textarea, etc.). */
editable: boolean;
/** A flag indicating the state of a checkbox or radio item before it was clicked. */
wasChecked?: boolean;
/** A flag indicating the state of a checkbox or radio item after it is clicked. */
checked?: boolean;
* The omnibox API allows you to register a keyword with Firefox's address bar.
* Manifest keys: `omnibox`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.omnibox {
/* omnibox types */
/** The style type. */
type DescriptionStyleType =
| "match"
| "dim";
* The window disposition for the omnibox query. This is the recommended context to display results. For example,
* if the omnibox command is to navigate to a certain URL, a disposition of 'newForegroundTab' means the navigation
* should take place in a new selected tab.
type OnInputEnteredDisposition =
| "newForegroundTab"
| "newBackgroundTab";
/** A suggest result. */
interface SuggestResult {
* The text that is put into the URL bar, and that is sent to the extension when the user chooses this entry.
content: string;
* The text that is displayed in the URL dropdown. Can contain XML-style markup for styling. The supported tags
* are 'url' (for a literal URL), 'match' (for highlighting text that matched what the user's query), and 'dim'
* (for dim helper text). The styles can be nested, eg. <dim><match>dimmed match</match></dim>. You must escape
* the five predefined entities to display them as text:
description: string;
* An array of style ranges for the description, as provided by the extension.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
descriptionStyles?: Array<{
offset: number;
/** The style type */
type: DescriptionStyleType;
length?: number;
* An array of style ranges for the description, as provided by ToValue().
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
descriptionStylesRaw?: Array<{
offset: number;
type: number;
/** A suggest result. */
interface DefaultSuggestResult {
/** The text that is displayed in the URL dropdown. */
description: string;
* An array of style ranges for the description, as provided by the extension.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
descriptionStyles?: Array<{
offset: number;
/** The style type */
type: DescriptionStyleType;
length?: number;
* An array of style ranges for the description, as provided by ToValue().
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
descriptionStylesRaw?: Array<{
offset: number;
type: number;
/* omnibox functions */
* Sets the description and styling for the default suggestion. The default suggestion is the text that is
* displayed in the first suggestion row underneath the URL bar.
* @param suggestion A partial SuggestResult object, without the 'content' parameter.
function setDefaultSuggestion(suggestion: DefaultSuggestResult): void;
/* omnibox events */
* User has started a keyword input session by typing the extension's keyword. This is guaranteed to be sent
* exactly once per input session, and before any onInputChanged events.
const onInputStarted: WebExtEvent<() => void>;
* User has changed what is typed into the omnibox.
* @param suggest A callback passed to the onInputChanged event used for sending suggestions back to the browser.
const onInputChanged: WebExtEvent<(text: string, suggest: (suggestResults: SuggestResult[]) => void) => void>;
/** User has accepted what is typed into the omnibox. */
const onInputEntered: WebExtEvent<(text: string, disposition: OnInputEnteredDisposition) => void>;
/** User has ended the keyword input session without accepting the input. */
const onInputCancelled: WebExtEvent<() => void>;
* Use the `browser.pageAction` API to put icons inside the address bar. Page actions represent actions that can be
* taken on the current page, but that aren't applicable to all pages.
* Manifest keys: `page_action`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.pageAction {
/* pageAction types */
/** Pixel data for an image. Must be an ImageData object (for example, from a `canvas` element). */
type ImageDataType = object/*ImageData*/;
/* pageAction functions */
* Shows the page action. The page action is shown whenever the tab is selected.
* @param tabId The id of the tab for which you want to modify the page action.
function show(tabId: number): Promise<void>;
* Hides the page action.
* @param tabId The id of the tab for which you want to modify the page action.
function hide(tabId: number): Promise<void>;
/** Sets the title of the page action. This is displayed in a tooltip over the page action. */
function setTitle(details: {
/** The id of the tab for which you want to modify the page action. */
tabId: number;
/** The tooltip string. */
title: string;
}): void;
/** Gets the title of the page action. */
function getTitle(details: {
/** Specify the tab to get the title from. */
tabId: number;
}): Promise<string>;
* Sets the icon for the page action. The icon can be specified either as the path to an image file or as the pixel
* data from a canvas element, or as dictionary of either one of those. Either the **path** or the **imageData**
* property must be specified.
function setIcon(details: {
/** The id of the tab for which you want to modify the page action. */
tabId: number;
* Either an ImageData object or a dictionary {size -> ImageData} representing icon to be set. If the icon is
* specified as a dictionary, the actual image to be used is chosen depending on screen's pixel density. If the
* number of image pixels that fit into one screen space unit equals `scale`, then image with size `scale` * 19
* will be selected. Initially only scales 1 and 2 will be supported. At least one image must be specified.
* Note that 'details.imageData = foo' is equivalent to 'details.imageData = {'19': foo}'
imageData?: ImageDataType | {
[key: number]: ImageDataType;
* Either a relative image path or a dictionary {size -> relative image path} pointing to icon to be set. If
* the icon is specified as a dictionary, the actual image to be used is chosen depending on screen's pixel
* density. If the number of image pixels that fit into one screen space unit equals `scale`, then image with
* size `scale` * 19 will be selected. Initially only scales 1 and 2 will be supported. At least one image must
* be specified. Note that 'details.path = foo' is equivalent to 'details.imageData = {'19': foo}'
path?: string | {
[key: number]: string;
}): Promise<void>;
/** Sets the html document to be opened as a popup when the user clicks on the page action's icon. */
function setPopup(details: {
/** The id of the tab for which you want to modify the page action. */
tabId: number;
/** The html file to show in a popup. If set to the empty string (''), no popup is shown. */
popup: string;
}): void;
/** Gets the html document set as the popup for this page action. */
function getPopup(details: {
/** Specify the tab to get the popup from. */
tabId: number;
}): Promise<string>;
/** Opens the extension page action in the active window. */
function openPopup(): Promise<void>;
/* pageAction events */
/** Fired when a page action icon is clicked. This event will not fire if the page action has a popup. */
const onClicked: WebExtEvent<(tab: tabs.Tab) => void>;
* PKCS#11 module management API
* Permissions: `pkcs11`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.pkcs11 {
/* pkcs11 functions */
/** checks whether a PKCS#11 module, given by name, is installed */
function isModuleInstalled(name: string): Promise<boolean>;
/** Install a PKCS#11 module with a given name */
function installModule(name: string, flags?: number): Promise<void>;
/** Remove an installed PKCS#11 module from firefox */
function uninstallModule(name: string): Promise<void>;
/** Enumerate a module's slots, each with their name and whether a token is present */
function getModuleSlots(name: string): Promise<{
name: string;
token?: {
name: string;
manufacturer: string;
HWVersion: string;
FWVersion: string;
serial: string;
isLoggedIn: string;
* Use the `browser.sessions` API to query and restore tabs and windows from a browsing session.
* Permissions: `sessions`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.sessions {
/* sessions types */
interface Filter {
* The maximum number of entries to be fetched in the requested list. Omit this parameter to fetch the maximum
* number of entries (`sessions.MAX_SESSION_RESULTS`).
maxResults?: number;
interface Session {
/** The time when the window or tab was closed or modified, represented in milliseconds since the epoch. */
lastModified: number;
/** The `tabs.Tab`, if this entry describes a tab. Either this or `sessions.Session.window` will be set. */
tab?: tabs.Tab;
* The `windows.Window`, if this entry describes a window. Either this or `` will be set.
window?: windows.Window;
interface Device {
info: string;
/** The name of the foreign device. */
deviceName: string;
* A list of open window sessions for the foreign device, sorted from most recently to least recently modified
* session.
sessions: Session[];
/* sessions properties */
/** The maximum number of `sessions.Session` that will be included in a requested list. */
const MAX_SESSION_RESULTS: number;
/* sessions functions */
* Forget a recently closed tab.
* @param windowId The windowId of the window to which the recently closed tab to be forgotten belongs.
* @param sessionId The sessionId (closedId) of the recently closed tab to be forgotten.
function forgetClosedTab(windowId: number, sessionId: string): Promise<void>;
* Forget a recently closed window.
* @param sessionId The sessionId (closedId) of the recently closed window to be forgotten.
function forgetClosedWindow(sessionId: string): Promise<void>;
/** Gets the list of recently closed tabs and/or windows. */
function getRecentlyClosed(callback: (sessions: Session[]) => void): Promise<Session[]>;
/** Gets the list of recently closed tabs and/or windows. */
function getRecentlyClosed(filter: Filter, callback: (sessions: Session[]) => void): Promise<Session[]>;
* Retrieves all devices with synced sessions.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function getDevices(filter?: Filter): Promise<Device[]>;
* Reopens a `windows.Window` or `tabs.Tab`, with an optional callback to run when the entry has been restored.
* @param [sessionId] The `windows.Window.sessionId`, or `tabs.Tab.sessionId` to restore. If this parameter is not
* specified, the most recently closed session is restored.
function restore(sessionId?: string, callback?: (restoredSession: Session) => void): Promise<Session>;
* Set a key/value pair on a given tab.
* @param tabId The id of the tab that the key/value pair is being set on.
* @param key The key which corresponds to the value being set.
* @param value The value being set.
function setTabValue(tabId: number, key: string, value: any): Promise<void>;
* Retrieve a value that was set for a given key on a given tab.
* @param tabId The id of the tab whose value is being retrieved from.
* @param key The key which corresponds to the value.
function getTabValue(tabId: number, key: string): Promise<string | object | undefined>;
* Remove a key/value pair that was set on a given tab.
* @param tabId The id of the tab whose key/value pair is being removed.
* @param key The key which corresponds to the value.
function removeTabValue(tabId: number, key: string): Promise<void>;
* Set a key/value pair on a given window.
* @param windowId The id of the window that the key/value pair is being set on.
* @param key The key which corresponds to the value being set.
* @param value The value being set.
function setWindowValue(windowId: number, key: string, value: any): Promise<void>;
* Retrieve a value that was set for a given key on a given window.
* @param windowId The id of the window whose value is being retrieved from.
* @param key The key which corresponds to the value.
function getWindowValue(windowId: number, key: string): Promise<string | object | undefined>;
* Remove a key/value pair that was set on a given window.
* @param windowId The id of the window whose key/value pair is being removed.
* @param key The key which corresponds to the value.
function removeWindowValue(windowId: number, key: string): Promise<void>;
/* sessions events */
* Fired when recently closed tabs and/or windows are changed. This event does not monitor synced sessions changes.
const onChanged: WebExtEvent<() => void>;
* Use sidebar actions to add a sidebar to Firefox.
* Manifest keys: `sidebar_action`
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.sidebarAction {
/* sidebarAction types */
/** Pixel data for an image. Must be an ImageData object (for example, from a `canvas` element). */
type ImageDataType = object/*ImageData*/;
/* sidebarAction functions */
/** Sets the title of the sidebar action. This shows up in the tooltip. */
function setTitle(details: {
/** The string the sidebar action should display when moused over. */
title: string;
/** Sets the sidebar title for the tab specified by tabId. Automatically resets when the tab is closed. */
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<void>;
/** Gets the title of the sidebar action. */
function getTitle(details: {
* Specify the tab to get the title from. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific title is returned.
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<string>;
* Sets the icon for the sidebar action. The icon can be specified either as the path to an image file or as the
* pixel data from a canvas element, or as dictionary of either one of those. Either the **path** or the
* **imageData** property must be specified.
function setIcon(details: {
* Either an ImageData object or a dictionary {size -> ImageData} representing icon to be set. If the icon is
* specified as a dictionary, the actual image to be used is chosen depending on screen's pixel density. If the
* number of image pixels that fit into one screen space unit equals `scale`, then image with size `scale` * 19
* will be selected. Initially only scales 1 and 2 will be supported. At least one image must be specified.
* Note that 'details.imageData = foo' is equivalent to 'details.imageData = {'19': foo}'
imageData?: ImageDataType | {
[key: number]: ImageDataType;
* Either a relative image path or a dictionary {size -> relative image path} pointing to icon to be set. If
* the icon is specified as a dictionary, the actual image to be used is chosen depending on screen's pixel
* density. If the number of image pixels that fit into one screen space unit equals `scale`, then image with
* size `scale` * 19 will be selected. Initially only scales 1 and 2 will be supported. At least one image must
* be specified. Note that 'details.path = foo' is equivalent to 'details.imageData = {'19': foo}'
path?: string;
/** Sets the sidebar icon for the tab specified by tabId. Automatically resets when the tab is closed. */
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<void>;
* Sets the url to the html document to be opened in the sidebar when the user clicks on the sidebar action's icon.
function setPanel(details: {
/** Sets the sidebar url for the tab specified by tabId. Automatically resets when the tab is closed. */
tabId?: number;
/** The url to the html file to show in a sidebar. If set to the empty string (''), no sidebar is shown. */
panel: string;
}): Promise<void>;
/** Gets the url to the html document set as the panel for this sidebar action. */
function getPanel(details: {
* Specify the tab to get the sidebar from. If no tab is specified, the non-tab-specific sidebar is returned.
tabId?: number;
}): Promise<string>;
/** Opens the extension sidebar in the active window. */
function open(): Promise<void>;
/** Closes the extension sidebar in the active window if the sidebar belongs to the extension. */
function close(): Promise<void>;
* Use the `browser.tabs` API to interact with the browser's tab system. You can use this API to create, modify, and
* rearrange tabs in the browser.
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace browser.tabs {
/* tabs types */
/** An event that caused a muted state change. */
type MutedInfoReason =
/** A user input action has set/overridden the muted state. */
/** Tab capture started, forcing a muted state change. */
| "capture"
/** An extension, identified by the extensionId field, set the muted state. */
| "extension";
/** Tab muted state and the reason for the last state change. */
interface MutedInfo {
* Whether the tab is prevented from playing sound (but hasn't necessarily recently produced sound). Equivalent
* to whether the muted audio indicator is showing.
muted: boolean;
/** The reason the tab was muted or unmuted. Not set if the tab's mute state has never been changed. */
reason?: MutedInfoReason;
* The ID of the extension that changed the muted state. Not set if an extension was not the reason the muted
* state last changed.
extensionId?: string;
interface Tab {
* The ID of the tab. Tab IDs are unique within a browser session. Under some circumstances a Tab may not be
* assigned an ID, for example when querying foreign tabs using the `sessions` API, in which case a session ID
* may be present. Tab ID can also be set to `tabs.TAB_ID_NONE` for apps and devtools windows.
id?: number;
/** The zero-based index of the tab within its window. */
index: number;
/** The ID of the window the tab is contained within. */
windowId?: number;
* The ID of the tab that opened this tab, if any. This property is only present if the opener tab still exists.
openerTabId?: number;
* Whether the tab is selected.
* @deprecated Please use `tabs.Tab.highlighted`.
selected?: boolean;
/** Whether the tab is highlighted. Works as an alias of active */
highlighted: boolean;
/** Whether the tab is active in its window. (Does not necessarily mean the window is focused.) */
active: boolean;
/** Whether the tab is pinned. */
pinned: boolean;
/** The last time the tab was accessed as the number of milliseconds since epoch. */
lastAccessed?: number;
* Whether the tab has produced sound over the past couple of seconds (but it might not be heard if also
* muted). Equivalent to whether the speaker audio indicator is showing.
audible?: boolean;
/** Current tab muted state and the reason for the last state change. */
mutedInfo?: MutedInfo;
* The URL the tab is displaying. This property is only present if the extension's manifest includes the
* `"tabs"` permission.
url?: string;
* The title of the tab. This property is only present if the extension's manifest includes the `"tabs"`
* permission.
title?: string;
* The URL of the tab's favicon. This property is only present if the extension's manifest includes the
* `"tabs"` permission. It may also be an empty string if the tab is loading.
favIconUrl?: string;
/** Either _loading_ or _complete_. */
status?: string;
/** True while the tab is not loaded with content. */
discarded?: boolean;
/** Whether the tab is in an incognito window. */
incognito: boolean;
/** The width of the tab in pixels. */
width?: number;
/** The height of the tab in pixels. */
height?: number;
/** The session ID used to uniquely identify a Tab obtained from the `sessions` API. */
sessionId?: string;
/** The CookieStoreId used for the tab. */
cookieStoreId?: string;
/** Whether the document in the tab can be rendered in reader mode. */
isArticle?: boolean;
/** Whether the document in the tab is being rendered in reader mode. */
isInReaderMode?: boolean;
* Defines how zoom changes are handled, i.e. which entity is responsible for the actual scaling of the page;
* defaults to `automatic`.
type ZoomSettingsMode =
/** Zoom changes are handled automatically by the browser. */
* Overrides the automatic handling of zoom changes. The `onZoomChange` event will still be dispatched, and it
* is the responsibility of the extension to listen for this event and manually scale the page. This mode does
* not support `per-origin` zooming, and will thus ignore the `scope` zoom setting and assume `per-tab`.
| "manual"
* Disables all zooming in the tab. The tab will revert to the default zoom level, and all attempted zoom
* changes will be ignored.
| "disabled";
* Defines whether zoom changes will persist for the page's origin, or only take effect in this tab; defaults to
* `per-origin` when in `automatic` mode, and `per-tab` otherwise.
type ZoomSettingsScope =
* Zoom changes will persist in the zoomed page's origin, i.e. all other tabs navigated to that same origin
* will be zoomed as well. Moreover, `per-origin` zoom changes are saved with the origin, meaning that when
* navigating to other pages in the same origin, they will all be zoomed to the same zoom factor. The
* `per-origin` scope is only available in the `automatic` mode.
| "per-origin"
* Zoom changes only take effect in this tab, and zoom changes in other tabs will not affect the zooming of
* this tab. Also, `per-tab` zoom changes are reset on navigation; navigating a tab will always load pages with
* their `per-origin` zoom factors.
| "per-tab";
/** Defines how zoom changes in a tab are handled and at what scope. */
interface ZoomSettings {
* Defines how zoom changes are handled, i.e. which entity is responsible for the actual scaling of the page;
* defaults to `automatic`.
mode?: ZoomSettingsMode;
* Defines whether zoom changes will persist for the page's origin, or only take effect in this tab; defaults
* to `per-origin` when in `automatic` mode, and `per-tab` otherwise.
scope?: ZoomSettingsScope;
/** Used to return the default zoom level for the current tab in calls to tabs.getZoomSettings. */
defaultZoomFactor?: number;
/** The page settings including: orientation, scale, background, margins, headers, footers. */
interface PageSettings {
/** The page content orientation: 0 = portrait, 1 = landscape. Default: 0. */
orientation?: number;
/** The page content scaling factor: 1.0 = 100% = normal size. Default: 1.0. */
scaling?: number;
/** Whether the page content should shrink to fit the page width (overrides scaling). Default: true. */
shrinkToFit?: boolean;
/** Whether the page background colors should be shown. Default: false. */
showBackgroundColors?: boolean;
/** Whether the page background images should be shown. Default: false. */
showBackgroundImages?: boolean;
/** The page size unit: 0 = inches, 1 = millimeters. Default: 0. */
paperSizeUnit?: number;
/** The paper width in paper size units. Default: 8.5. */
paperWidth?: number;
/** The paper height in paper size units. Default: 11.0. */
paperHeight?: number;
/** The text for the page's left header. Default: '&T'. */
headerLeft?: string;
/** The text for the page's center header. Default: ''. */
headerCenter?: string;
/** The text for the page's right header. Default: '&U'. */
headerRight?: string;
/** The text for the page's left footer. Default: '&PT'. */
footerLeft?: string;
/** The text for the page's center footer. Default: ''. */
footerCenter?: string;
/** The text for the page's right footer. Default: '&D'. */
footerRight?: string;
/** The margin between the page content and the left edge of the paper (inches). Default: 0.5. */
marginLeft?: number;
/** The margin between the page content and the right edge of the paper (inches). Default: 0.5. */
marginRight?: number;
/** The margin between the page content and the top edge of the paper (inches). Default: 0.5. */
marginTop?: number;
/** The margin between the page content and the bottom edge of the paper (inches). Default: 0.5. */
marginBottom?: number;
/** Whether the tabs have completed loading. */
type TabStatus =
| "complete";
/** The type of window. */
type WindowType =
| "popup"
| "panel"
| "app"
| "devtools";
/* tabs properties */
/** An ID which represents the absence of a browser tab. */
const TAB_ID_NONE: number;
/* tabs functions */
/** Retrieves details about the specified tab. */
function get(tabId: number): Promise<Tab>;
* Gets the tab that this script call is being made from. May be undefined if called from a non-tab context (for
* example: a background page or popup view).
function getCurrent(): Promise<Tab>;
* Connects to the content script(s) in the specified tab. The `runtime.onConnect` event is fired in each content
* script running in the specified tab for the current extension. For more details, see Content Script Messaging.
* @returns A port that can be used to communicate with the content scripts running in the specified tab. The
* port's `runtime.Port` event is fired if the tab closes or does not exist.
function connect(tabId: number, connectInfo?: {
/** Will be passed into onConnect for content scripts that are listening for the connection event. */
name?: string;
/** Open a port to a specific frame identified by `frameId` instead of all frames in the tab. */
frameId?: number;
}): runtime.Port;
* Sends a single request to the content script(s) in the specified tab, with an optional callback to run when a
* response is sent back. The `extension.onRequest` event is fired in each content script running in the specified
* tab for the current extension.
* @deprecated Please use `runtime.sendMessage`.
function sendRequest(tabId: number, request: any, responseCallback?: (response: any) => void): void;
* Sends a single message to the content script(s) in the specified tab, with an optional callback to run when a
* response is sent back. The `runtime.onMessage` event is fired in each content script running in the specified
* tab for the current extension.
function sendMessage(tabId: number, message: any, options?: {
/** Send a message to a specific frame identified by `frameId` instead of all frames in the tab. */
frameId?: number;
}): Promise<any>;
* Gets the tab that is selected in the specified window.
* @param [windowId] Defaults to the current window.
* @deprecated Please use `tabs.query` `{active: true}`.
function getSelected(windowId?: number): Promise<Tab>;
* Gets details about all tabs in the specified window.
* @param [windowId] Defaults to the current window.
* @deprecated Please use `tabs.query` `{windowId: windowId}`.
function getAllInWindow(windowId?: number): Promise<Tab[]>;
/** Creates a new tab. */
function create(createProperties: {
/** The window to create the new tab in. Defaults to the current window. */
windowId?: number;
* The position the tab should take in the window. The provided value will be clamped to between zero and the
* number of tabs in the window.
index?: number;
* The URL to navigate the tab to initially. Fully-qualified URLs must include a scheme (i.e.
* '', not ''). Relative URLs will be relative to the current page within
* the extension. Defaults to the New Tab Page.
url?: string;
* Whether the tab should become the active tab in the window. Does not affect whether the window is focused
* (see `windows.update`). Defaults to `true`.
active?: boolean;
* Whether the tab should become the selected tab in the window. Defaults to `true`
* @deprecated Please use _active_.
selected?: boolean;
/** Whether the tab should be pinned. Defaults to `false` */
pinned?: boolean;
* The ID of the tab that opened this tab. If specified, the opener tab must be in the same window as the newly
* created tab.
openerTabId?: number;
/** The CookieStoreId for the tab that opened this tab. */
cookieStoreId?: string;
/** Whether the document in the tab should be opened in reader mode. */
openInReaderMode?: boolean;
}): Promise<Tab | undefined>;
* Duplicates a tab.
* @param tabId The ID of the tab which is to be duplicated.
function duplicate(tabId: number): Promise<Tab | undefined>;
/** Gets all tabs that have the specified properties, or all tabs if no properties are specified. */
function query(queryInfo: {
/** Whether the tabs are active in their windows. */
active?: boolean;
/** Whether the tabs are pinned. */
pinned?: boolean;
/** Whether the tabs are audible. */
audible?: boolean;
/** Whether the tabs are muted. */
muted?: boolean;
/** Whether the tabs are highlighted. Works as an alias of active. */
highlighted?: boolean;
/** Whether the tabs are in the current window. */
currentWindow?: boolean;
/** Whether the tabs are in the last focused window. */
lastFocusedWindow?: boolean;
/** Whether the tabs have completed loading. */
status?: TabStatus;
/** True while the tabs are not loaded with content. */
discarded?: boolean;
/** Match page titles against a pattern. */
title?: string;
/** Match tabs against one or more URL patterns. Note that fragment identifiers are not matched. */
url?: string | string[];
/** The ID of the parent window, or `windows.WINDOW_ID_CURRENT` for the current window. */
windowId?: number;
/** The type of window the tabs are in. */
windowType?: WindowType;
/** The position of the tabs within their windows. */
index?: number;
/** The CookieStoreId used for the tab. */
cookieStoreId?: string;
* The ID of the tab that opened this tab. If specified, the opener tab must be in the same window as this tab.
openerTabId?: number;
}): Promise<Tab[]>;
* Highlights the given tabs.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
function highlight(highlightInfo: {
/** The window that contains the tabs. */
windowId?: number;
/** One or more tab indices to highlight. */
tabs: number[] | number;
}): Promise<windows.Window | undefined>;
* Modifies the properties of a tab. Properties that are not specified in `updateProperties` are not modified.
function update(updateProperties: {
/** A URL to navigate the tab to. */
url?: string;
* Whether the tab should be active. Does not affect whether the window is focused (see `windows.update`).
active?: boolean;
* Adds or removes the tab from the current selection.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
highlighted?: boolean;
* Whether the tab should be selected.
* @deprecated Please use _highlighted_.
selected?: boolean;
/** Whether the tab should be pinned. */
pinned?: boolean;
/** Whether the tab should be muted. */
muted?: boolean;
* The ID of the tab that opened this tab. If specified, the opener tab must be in the same window as this tab.
openerTabId?: number;
/** Whether the load should replace the current history entry for the tab. */
loadReplace?: boolean;
}): Promise<Tab | undefined>;
* Modifies the properties of a tab. Properties that are not specified in `updateProperties` are not modified.
* @param tabId Defaults to the selected tab of the current window.
function update(tabId: number, updateProperties: {
/** A URL to navigate the tab to. */
url?: string;
* Whether the tab should be active. Does not affect whether the window is focused (see `windows.update`).
active?: boolean;
* Adds or removes the tab from the current selection.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
highlighted?: boolean;
* Whether the tab should be selected.
* @deprecated Please use _highlighted_.
selected?: boolean;
/** Whether the tab should be pinned. */
pinned?: boolean;
/** Whether the tab should be muted. */
muted?: boolean;
* The ID of the tab that opened this tab. If specified, the opener tab must be in the same window as this tab.
openerTabId?: number;
/** Whether the load should replace the current history entry for the tab. */
loadReplace?: boolean;
}): Promise<Tab | undefined>;
* Moves one or more tabs to a new position within its window, or to a new window. Note that tabs can only be moved
* to and from normal (window.type === "normal") windows.
* @param tabIds The tab or list of tabs to move.
function move(tabIds: number | number[], moveProperties: {
/** Defaults to the window the tab is currently in. */
windowId?: number;
/** The position to move the window to. -1 will place the tab at the end of the window. */
index: number;
}): Promise<Tab | Tab[] | undefined>;
* Reload a tab.
* @param [tabId] The ID of the tab to reload; defaults to the selected tab of the current window.
function reload(tabId?: number, reloadProperties?: {
/** Whether using any local cache. Default is false. */
bypassCache?: boolean;
}): Promise<void>;
* Closes one or more tabs.
* @param tabIds The tab or list of tabs to close.
function remove(tabIds: number | number[]): Promise<void>;
* discards one or more tabs.
* @param tabIds The tab or list of tabs to discard.
function discard(tabIds: number | number[]): Promise<void>;
* Detects the primary language of the content in a tab.
* @param [tabId] Defaults to the active tab of the current window.
function detectLanguage(tabId?: number): Promise<string>;
* Toggles reader mode for the document in the tab.
* @param [tabId] Defaults to the active tab of the current window.
function toggleReaderMode(tabId?: number): Promise<void>;
* Captures the visible area of the currently active tab in the specified window. You must have <all_urls>
* permission to use this method.
* @param [windowId] The target window. Defaults to the current window.
function captureVisibleTab(windowId?: number, options?: extensionTypes.ImageDetails): Promise<string>;
* Injects JavaScript code into a page. For details, see the programmatic injection section of the content scripts
* doc.
* @param details Details of the script to run.
function executeScript(details: extensionTypes.InjectDetails): Promise<any[] | undefined>;
* Injects JavaScript code into a page. For details, see the programmatic injection section of the content scripts
* doc.
* @param tabId The ID of the tab in which to run the script; defaults to the active tab of the current window.
* @param details Details of the script to run.
function executeScript(tabId: number, details: extensionTypes.InjectDetails): Promise<any[] | undefined>;
* Injects CSS into a page. For details, see the programmatic injection section of the content scripts doc.
* @param details Details of the CSS text to insert.
function insertCSS(details: extensionTypes.InjectDetails): Promise<void>;
* Injects CSS into a page. For details, see the programmatic injection section of the content scripts doc.
* @param tabId The ID of the tab in which to insert the CSS; defaults to the active tab of the current window.
* @param details Details of the CSS text to insert.
function insertCSS(tabId: number, details: extensionTypes.InjectDetails): Promise<void>;
* Removes injected CSS from a page. For details, see the programmatic injection section of the content scripts doc.
* @param details Details of the CSS text to remove.
function removeCSS(details: extensionTypes.InjectDetails): Promise<void>;
* Removes injected CSS from a page. For details, see the programmatic injection section of the content scripts
* doc.
* @param tabId The ID of the tab from which to remove the injected CSS; defaults to the active tab of the current
* window.
* @param details Details of the CSS text to remove.
function removeCSS(tabId: number, details: extensionTypes.InjectDetails): Promise<void>;
* Zooms a specified tab.
* @param zoomFactor The new zoom factor. Use a value of 0 here to set the tab to its current default zoom factor.
* Values greater than zero specify a (possibly non-default) zoom factor for the tab.
function setZoom(zoomFactor: number): Promise<void>;
* Zooms a specified tab.
* @param tabId The ID of the tab to zoom; defaults to the active tab of the current window.
* @param zoomFactor The new zoom factor. Use a value of 0 here to set the tab to its current default zoom factor.
* Values greater than zero specify a (possibly non-default) zoom factor for the tab.
function setZoom(tabId: number, zoomFactor: number): Promise<void>;
* Gets the current zoom factor of a specified tab.
* @param [tabId] The ID of the tab to get the current zoom factor from; defaults to the active tab of the current
* window.
function getZoom(tabId?: number): Promise<number>;
* Sets the zoom settings for a specified tab, which define how zoom changes are handled. These settings are reset
* to defaults upon navigating the tab.
* @param zoomSettings Defines how zoom changes are handled and at what scope.
function setZoomSettings(zoomSettings: ZoomSettings): Promise<void>;
* Sets the zoom settings for a specified tab, which define how zoom changes are handled. These settings are reset
* to defaults upon navigating the tab.
* @param tabId The ID of the tab to change the zoom settings for; defaults to the active tab of the current
* window.
* @param zoomSettings Defines how zoom changes are handled and at what scope.
function setZoomSettings(tabId: number, zoomSettings: ZoomSettings): Promise<void>;
* Gets the current zoom settings of a specified tab.
* @param [tabId] The ID of the tab to get the current zoom settings from; defaults to the active tab of the
* current window.
function getZoomSettings(tabId?: number): Promise<ZoomSettings>;
/** Prints page in active tab. */
function print(): void;
/** Shows print preview for page in active tab. */
function printPreview(): Promise<void>;
* Saves page in active tab as a PDF file.
* @param pageSettings The page settings used to save the PDF file.
function saveAsPDF(pageSettings: PageSettings): Promise<string | undefined>;
/* tabs events */
* Fired when a tab is created. Note that the tab's URL may not be set at the time this event fired, but you can
* listen to onUpdated events to be notified when a URL is set.
* @param tab Details of the tab that was created.
const onCreated: WebExtEvent<(tab: Tab) => void>;
* Fired when a tab is updated.
* @param changeInfo Lists the changes to the state of the tab that was updated.
* @param tab Gives the state of the tab that was updated.
const onUpdated: WebExtEvent<(tabId: number, changeInfo: {
/** The status of the tab. Can be either _loading_ or _complete_. */
status: string;
/** True while the tab is not loaded with content. */
discarded?: boolean;
/** The tab's URL if it has changed. */
url?: string;
/** The tab's new pinned state. */
pinned?: boolean;
/** The tab's new audible state. */
audible?: boolean;
/** The tab's new muted state and the reason for the change. */
mutedInfo?: MutedInfo;
/** The tab's new favicon URL. */
favIconUrl?: string;
}, tab: Tab) => void>;
* Fired when a tab is moved within a window. Only one move event is fired, representing the tab the user directly
* moved. Move events are not fired for the other tabs that must move in response. This event is not fired when a
* tab is moved between windows. For that, see `tabs.onDetached`.
const onMoved: WebExtEvent<(tabId: number, moveInfo: {
windowId: number;
fromIndex: number;
toIndex: number;
}) => void>;
* Fires when the selected tab in a window changes.
* @param tabId The ID of the tab that has become active.
* @deprecated Please use `tabs.onActivated`.
const onSelectionChanged: WebExtEvent<(tabId: number, selectInfo: {
/** The ID of the window the selected tab changed inside of. */
windowId: number;
}) => void> | undefined;
* Fires when the selected tab in a window changes. Note that the tab's URL may not be set at the time this event
* fired, but you can listen to `tabs.onUpdated` events to be notified when a URL is set.
* @param tabId The ID of the tab that has become active.
* @deprecated Please use `tabs.onActivated`.
const onActiveChanged: WebExtEvent<(tabId: number, selectInfo: {
/** The ID of the window the selected tab changed inside of. */
windowId: number;
}) => void> | undefined;
* Fires when the active tab in a window changes. Note that the tab's URL may not be set at the time this event
* fired, but you can listen to onUpdated events to be notified when a URL is set.
const onActivated: WebExtEvent<(activeInfo: {
/** The ID of the tab that has become active. */
tabId: number;
/** The ID of the window the active tab changed inside of. */
windowId: number;
}) => void>;
* Fired when the highlighted or selected tabs in a window changes.
* @deprecated Please use `tabs.onHighlighted`.
const onHighlightChanged: WebExtEvent<(selectInfo: {
/** The window whose tabs changed. */
windowId: number;
/** All highlighted tabs in the window. */
tabIds: number[];
}) => void> | undefined;
/** Fired when the highlighted or selected tabs in a window changes. */
const onHighlighted: WebExtEvent<(highlightInfo: {
/** The window whose tabs changed. */
windowId: number;
/** All highlighted tabs in the window. */
tabIds: number[];
}) => void>;
/** Fired when a tab is detached from a window, for example because it is being moved between windows. */
const onDetached: WebExtEvent<(tabId: number, detachInfo: {
oldWindowId: number;
oldPosition: number;
}) => void>;
/** Fired when a tab is attached to a window, for example because it was moved between windows. */
const onAttached: WebExtEvent<(tabId: number, attachInfo: {
newWindowId: number;
newPosition: number;
}) => void>;
/** Fired when a tab is closed. */
const onRemoved: WebExtEvent<(tabId: number, removeInfo: {
/** The window whose tab is closed. */
windowId: number;
/** True when the tab is being closed because its window is being closed. */
isWindowClosing: boolean;
}) => void>;
/** Fired when a tab is replaced with another tab due to prerendering or instant. */
const onReplaced: WebExtEvent<(addedTabId: number, removedTabId: number) => void>;
/** Fired when a tab is zoomed. */
const onZoomChange: WebExtEvent<(ZoomChangeInfo: {
tabId: number;
oldZoomFactor: number;
newZoomFactor: number;
zoomSettings: ZoomSettings;
}) => void>;
* Use the `` API to interact with browser windows. You can use this API to create, modify, and
* rearrange windows in the browser.
* Not allowed in: Content scripts, Devtools pages
declare namespace {
/* windows types */
* The type of browser window this is. Under some circumstances a Window may not be assigned type property, for
* example when querying closed windows from the `sessions` API.
type WindowType = "normal" | "popup" | "panel" | "app" | "devtools";
* The state of this browser window. Under some circumstances a Window may not be assigned state property, for
* example when querying closed windows from the `sessions` API.
type WindowState =
| "minimized"
| "maximized"
| "fullscreen"
| "docked";
interface Window {
* The ID of the window. Window IDs are unique within a browser session. Under some circumstances a Window may
* not be assigned an ID, for example when querying windows using the `sessions` API, in which case a session
* ID may be present.
id?: number;
/** Whether the window is currently the focused window. */
focused: boolean;
* The offset of the window from the top edge of the screen in pixels. Under some circumstances a Window may
* not be assigned top property, for example when querying closed windows from the `sessions` API.
top?: number;
* The offset of the window from the left edge of the screen in pixels. Under some circumstances a Window may
* not be assigned left property, for example when querying closed windows from the `sessions` API.
left?: number;
* The width of the window, including the frame, in pixels. Under some circumstances a Window may not be
* assigned width property, for example when querying closed windows from the `sessions` API.
width?: number;
* The height of the window, including the frame, in pixels. Under some circumstances a Window may not be
* assigned height property, for example when querying closed windows from the `sessions` API.
height?: number;
/** Array of `tabs.Tab` objects representing the current tabs in the window. */
tabs?: tabs.Tab[];
/** Whether the window is incognito. */
incognito: boolean;
/** The type of browser window this is. */
type?: WindowType;
/** The state of this browser window. */
state?: WindowState;
/** Whether the window is set to be always on top. */
alwaysOnTop: boolean;
/** The session ID used to uniquely identify a Window obtained from the `sessions` API. */
sessionId?: string;
/** The title of the window. Read-only. */
title?: string;
* Specifies what type of browser window to create. The 'panel' and 'detached_panel' types create a popup unless
* the '--enable-panels' flag is set.
type CreateType = "normal" | "popup" | "panel" | "detached_panel";
/* windows properties */
/** The windowId value that represents the absence of a browser window. */
const WINDOW_ID_NONE: number;
/** The windowId value that represents the current window. */
const WINDOW_ID_CURRENT: number;
/* windows functions */
/** Gets details about a window. */
function get(windowId: number, getInfo?: {
* If true, the `windows.Window` object will have a `tabs` property that contains a list of the `tabs.Tab`
* objects. The `Tab` objects only contain the `url`, `title` and `favIconUrl` properties if the extension's
* manifest file includes the `"tabs"` permission.
populate?: boolean;
* If set, the `windows.Window` returned will be filtered based on its type. If unset the default filter is set
* to `['app', 'normal', 'panel', 'popup']`, with `'app'` and `'panel'` window types limited to the extension's
* own windows.
windowTypes?: WindowType[];
}): Promise<Window>;
/** Gets the current window. */
function getCurrent(getInfo?: {
* If true, the `windows.Window` object will have a `tabs` property that contains a list of the `tabs.Tab`
* objects. The `Tab` objects only contain the `url`, `title` and `favIconUrl` properties if the extension's
* manifest file includes the `"tabs"` permission.
populate?: boolean;
* If set, the `windows.Window` returned will be filtered based on its type. If unset the default filter is set
* to `['app', 'normal', 'panel', 'popup']`, with `'app'` and `'panel'` window types limited to the extension's
* own windows.
windowTypes?: WindowType[];
}): Promise<Window>;
/** Gets the window that was most recently focused — typically the window 'on top'. */
function getLastFocused(getInfo?: {
* If true, the `windows.Window` object will have a `tabs` property that contains a list of the `tabs.Tab`
* objects. The `Tab` objects only contain the `url`, `title` and `favIconUrl` properties if the extension's
* manifest file includes the `"tabs"` permission.
populate?: boolean;
* If set, the `windows.Window` returned will be filtered based on its type. If unset the default filter is set
* to `['app', 'normal', 'panel', 'popup']`, with `'app'` and `'panel'` window types limited to the extension's
* own windows.
windowTypes?: WindowType[];
}): Promise<Window>;
/** Gets all windows. */
function getAll(getInfo?: {
* If true, each `windows.Window` object will have a `tabs` property that contains a list of the `tabs.Tab`
* objects for that window. The `Tab` objects only contain the `url`, `title` and `favIconUrl` properties if
* the extension's manifest file includes the `"tabs"` permission.
populate?: boolean;
* If set, the `windows.Window` returned will be filtered based on its type. If unset the default filter is set
* to `['app', 'normal', 'panel', 'popup']`, with `'app'` and `'panel'` window types limited to the extension's
* own windows.
windowTypes?: WindowType[];
}): Promise<Window[]>;
/** Creates (opens) a new browser with any optional sizing, position or default URL provided. */
function create(createData?: {
* A URL or array of URLs to open as tabs in the window. Fully-qualified URLs must include a scheme (i.e.
* '', not ''). Relative URLs will be relative to the current page within
* the extension. Defaults to the New Tab Page.
url?: string | string[];
/** The id of the tab for which you want to adopt to the new window. */
tabId?: number;
* The number of pixels to position the new window from the left edge of the screen. If not specified, the new
* window is offset naturally from the last focused window. This value is ignored for panels.
left?: number;
* The number of pixels to position the new window from the top edge of the screen. If not specified, the new
* window is offset naturally from the last focused window. This value is ignored for panels.
top?: number;
* The width in pixels of the new window, including the frame. If not specified defaults to a natural width.
width?: number;
* The height in pixels of the new window, including the frame. If not specified defaults to a natural height.
height?: number;
* If true, opens an active window. If false, opens an inactive window.
* @deprecated Unsupported on Firefox at this time.
focused?: boolean;
/** Whether the new window should be an incognito window. */
incognito?: boolean;
* Specifies what type of browser window to create. The 'panel' and 'detached_panel' types create a popup
* unless the '--enable-panels' flag is set.
type?: CreateType;
* The initial state of the window. The 'minimized', 'maximized' and 'fullscreen' states cannot be combined
* with 'left', 'top', 'width' or 'height'.
state?: WindowState;
/** Allow scripts to close the window. */
allowScriptsToClose?: boolean;
/** A string to add to the beginning of the window title. */
titlePreface?: string;
}): Promise<Window | undefined>;
* Updates the properties of a window. Specify only the properties that you want to change; unspecified properties
* will be left unchanged.
function update(windowId: number, updateInfo: {
* The offset from the left edge of the screen to move the window to in pixels. This value is ignored for
* panels.
left?: number;
* The offset from the top edge of the screen to move the window to in pixels. This value is ignored for panels.
top?: number;
/** The width to resize the window to in pixels. This value is ignored for panels. */
width?: number;
/** The height to resize the window to in pixels. This value is ignored for panels. */
height?: number;
* If true, brings the window to the front. If false, brings the next window in the z-order to the front.
focused?: boolean;
* If true, causes the window to be displayed in a manner that draws the user's attention to the window,
* without changing the focused window. The effect lasts until the user changes focus to the window. This
* option has no effect if the window already has focus. Set to false to cancel a previous draw attention
* request.
drawAttention?: boolean;
* The new state of the window. The 'minimized', 'maximized' and 'fullscreen' states cannot be combined with
* 'left', 'top', 'width' or 'height'.
state?: WindowState;
/** A string to add to the beginning of the window title. */
titlePreface?: string;
}): Promise<Window | undefined>;
/** Removes (closes) a window, and all the tabs inside it. */
function remove(windowId: number): Promise<void>;
/* windows events */
* Fired when a window is created.
* @param window Details of the window that was created.
const onCreated: WebExtEvent<(window: Window) => void>;
* Fired when a window is removed (closed).
* @param windowId ID of the removed window.
const onRemoved: WebExtEvent<(windowId: number) => void>;
* Fired when the currently focused window changes. Will be `windows.WINDOW_ID_NONE` if all browser windows have
* lost focus. Note: On some Linux window managers, WINDOW_ID_NONE will always be sent immediately preceding a
* switch from one browser window to another.
* @param windowId ID of the newly focused window.
const onFocusChanged: WebExtEvent<(windowId: number) => void>;
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