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Last active March 28, 2020 08:56
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import pyoptixprime as prime
import tinyobjloader as tol
import Camera
import numpy as np
import cv2
def BufferDesc(ctx, bformat, arr):
buffer = ctx.createBufferDesc(bformat, prime.RTP_BUFFER_TYPE_HOST, arr)
# calculate the number of elements
buffer.setRange(0, arr.size//arr.shape[-1])
return buffer
# ('o': 3 x np.float32, 'd': 3 x np.float32)
def RaysDesc(ctx, rays):
rays = BufferDesc(ctx, prime.RTP_BUFFER_FORMAT_RAY_ORIGIN_DIRECTION, rays)
return rays
# ('t': np.float32)
def HitsDesc(ctx, rays, hformat=prime.RTP_BUFFER_FORMAT_HIT_T):
hits = BufferDesc(ctx, hformat, rays)
return hits
class Shape(object):
def __init__(self, ctx, varr, iarr):
# actually we can share vbufferdesc
self._vbdesc = BufferDesc(ctx, prime.RTP_BUFFER_FORMAT_VERTEX_FLOAT3, varr)
self._ibdesc = BufferDesc(ctx, prime.RTP_BUFFER_FORMAT_INDICES_INT3, iarr)
self._mdl = ctx.createModel()
self._mdl.setTriangles2(self._vbdesc, self._ibdesc)
def createQuery(self, rays, hits, hit_type=prime.RTP_BUFFER_FORMAT_HIT_T):
query = self._mdl.createQuery(prime.RTP_QUERY_TYPE_CLOSEST)
return query
def finish(self):
To build a shape:
1) create model from context. ctx.createModel
2) Set index and vertex buffer descriptors with mdl.setTriangles2
3) mdl.update()
4) make sure update is finish with mdl.finish()
To create a query:
1) mdl.createQuery(closest or any hit)
2) set rays descriptor with setRays
3) set hits descriptor with setHits
For more complex applications, you can change hit format.
def main():
ctx = prime.Context(prime.RTP_CONTEXT_TYPE_CUDA)
scene = tol.LoadObj("monkey.obj")
varr = np.asarray(scene['attribs']['vertices'], dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 3)
shapes = []
for name, shape in scene['shapes'].items():
# an index is a tuple of three index (vertex_id, tex_id, normal_id)
# we only need the first
# copy() is necessary here, since the api requires continous memory
iarr = np.asarray(shape['indices'], dtype=np.int32).reshape(-1, 3)[:,0].copy()
# Three indices form a triangle
new_one = Shape(ctx, varr, iarr.reshape(-1, 3))
cam = Camera.Camera(extent=(800, 800))
cam.lookAt((0, 0, 5), (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0))
# (800, 800, 2, 3) -> (800, 800, 6)
rays = cam.genRays()
rays_desc = RaysDesc(ctx, rays.reshape(800, 800, 6))
hits = np.zeros(shape=(800, 800, 1), dtype=np.float32)
hits_desc = HitsDesc(ctx, hits)
# now we create query from each shape
querys = []
for shape in shapes:
querys.append(shape.createQuery(rays_desc, hits_desc))
# Now make sure all shape is ready
for shape in shapes:
# query on the first shape
frame = np.zeros_like(hits)
frame[hits>0] = 1
cv2.imshow('Result', frame)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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