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Last active October 14, 2015 23:12
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New development machine setup (Mac)

New development machine setup (Mac)

An attempt to store the steps for setting up a mac from scratch for web development. (Excluding any language-spcefic dependencies, for example Node.js or Ruby would not be listed here). Also note that this list only uses open source software, so replace anything with a paid alternative if appropriate.

These should be done in order:

Show hidden files by default

  • open Terminal and run defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE && killall Finder

Remove the delay when opening a hidden dock

  • open Terminal and run defaults write autohide-delay -float 0 && killall Dock

Other Mac settings

Change these settings off the defaults:

  • preferences -> dock -> size (make small), magnification off, position bottom
  • preferences -> general -> use dark menu
  • preferences -> trackpad -> set secondary click to bottom right corner, tap to click on, scroll direction: natural off
  • right click desktop -> view options -> icon size second smallest, grid spacing third smallest, text size 10, label positions; right

Install these from the AppStore

Copy the names and paste into AppStore search bar:

  • Xcode
  • Bitdefender Virus Scanner
  • Memory Clean - Monitor and Free Up Memory

Get Homebrew and Cask

  • open Terminal and run ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • run brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask

Install apps through Homebrew Cask

Open a Termainl window and run this command to instal all the basic apps you will need (it could take a while and use a lot of disk space so make sure you have both)

brew cask install appcleaner atom daisydisk iterm2 google-chrome firefox opera skype sourcetree spotify cyberduck virtualbox java android-studio openoffice shiftit slack launchrocket

Install Quicklook plugins with Homebrew Cask

These plugins for Mac's Quicklook will add the functionality for more files that a developer uses (comes from, run this command in a CLI:

brew cask install qlcolorcode qlstephen qlmarkdown quicklook-json qlprettypatch quicklook-csv betterzipql qlimagesize webpquicklook suspicious-package

Install Hack, the font designed for code

Install Sublime Text 3

(or any other editor you prefer...) But if not then go here to get the latest version

Make a place to store projects

The easiest way I've found to manage all my projets is to make a new directory at the top level of your drive called something like projects, web or www depending on what you prefer

Install browser extensions

I usually use Chrome as my developement browser as the dev tools are just better.

  • AngularJS Batarang (Chrome only)
  • ChromeVox (Chrome only)
  • Ghostery
  • uBlock
  • Postman (Chrome only)
  • Postman Interceptor (Chrome only)
  • Slearch (Chrome only)
  • JSONView
  • ColorZilla
  • Momentum
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