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Created December 4, 2015 11:27
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SimpleInjector ASP.NET vNext Setup
public class Startup
private Container container = new SimpleInjector.Container();
public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env) {
// ASP.NET default stuff here
// This method gets called by the runtime.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
// ASP.NET default stuff here
new SimpleInjectorControllerActivator(this.container));
// Configure is called after ConfigureServices is called.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory fac) {
// Wrap requests in a execution context scope. This allows
// scoped instances to be resolved from the container.
app.Use(async (context, next) => {
using (this.container.BeginExecutionContextScope()) {
await next();
// ASP.NET default stuff here
private void InitializeContainer(IApplicationBuilder app) {
this.container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = new ExecutionContextScopeLifestyle();
// For instance:
container.Register<IUserRepository, SqlUserRepository>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
// In the future, this RegisterControllers method will be moved to an integration package.
private void RegisterControllers(IApplicationBuilder app) {
// Register ASP.NET controllers
var provider = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<IControllerTypeProvider>();
foreach (TypeInfo type in provider.ControllerTypes) {
var registration = Lifestyle.Transient.CreateRegistration(type, container);
container.AddRegistration(type, registration);
"ASP.NET disposes controllers.");
internal sealed class SimpleInjectorControllerActivator : IControllerActivator {
private readonly Container container;
public SimpleInjectorControllerActivator(Container container) { this.container = container; }
public object Create(ActionContext context, Type controllerType) {
return this.container.GetInstance(controllerType);
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