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Last active July 24, 2019 16:57
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using System;
class puke{
static void Main(string[] args) {
try {
} catch (Exception x) {
Console.WriteLine("Exception 1:");
try {
} catch (Exception x) {
Console.WriteLine("Exception 2:");
try {
ThrowException3(); // line 18
} catch (Exception x) {
Console.WriteLine("Exception 3:");
private static void ThrowException1() {
try {
DivByZero(); // line 27
} catch {
private static void ThrowException2() {
try {
DivByZero(); // line 35
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw ex;
private static void ThrowException3() {
try {
DivByZero(); // line 43
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception("doh", ex); // line 45
private static void DivByZero() {
int x = 0;
int y = 1 / x; // line 51
Loaded assembly: /home/tim/repo/puker/bin/Debug/puke.exe
Exception 1:
System.DivideByZeroException: Division by zero
at puke.DivByZero () [0x00002] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:51
at puke.ThrowException1 () [0x00000] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:27
Exception 2:
System.DivideByZeroException: Division by zero
at puke.DivByZero () [0x00002] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:51
at puke.ThrowException2 () [0x00000] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:35
Exception 3:
System.Exception: doh ---> System.DivideByZeroException: Division by zero
at puke.DivByZero () [0x00002] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:51
at puke.ThrowException3 () [0x00000] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:43
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at puke.ThrowException3 () [0x0000b] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:45
at puke.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00040] in /home/tim/repo/puker/puke.cs:18
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