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Created August 6, 2011 15:20
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3D Animation with Java 2D API
public class Point3D {
public double x;
public double y;
public double z;
public Point3D(double xPos, double yPos, double zPos) {
this.x = xPos;
this.y = yPos;
this.z = zPos;
public Point3D(Point3D p) {
this.x = p.x;
this.y = p.y;
this.z = p.z;
public boolean equals(Point3D p) {
if (this.x != p.x)
return false;
if (this.y != p.y)
return false;
return this.z == p.z;
public String toString() {
return this.x + "/" + this.y + "/" + this.z;
public class GeometryObject3D {
public List<Point3D> points;
public GeometryObject3D() {
points = new ArrayList<Point3D>();
public void add(Point3D p) {
public abstract class WireframeGeometry {
public MDDA<Point3D> pointMatrix;
public GeometryObject3D points;
public List<Line> lineList;
public GeometryObject3D getPoints() {
return points;
abstract public void init();
* 3dim plane with 3d coordinates
* <pre>
* a ___ b ____ c
* / / / |
* 1- - -2 - - 3 f
* | | | /|
* 4 - - 5 - - 6 i
* | | | /
* 7 - - 8 - - 9
* a ___ b ___ c
* / | / | / |
* * -d- * -e -* -f
* | /| | /| | /|
* | -g- * -h- * -i
* | / | / | /
* * - - * - - *
* a ___ b ___ c
* / | / | / |
* 1 -d- 2 -e -3 -f
* | /| | /| | /|
* 4 -g- 5 -h- 6 -i
* | / | / | /
* 7 - - 8 - - 9
* </pre>
public class GridCube extends WireframeGeometry {
public GeometryObject3D points;
private int maxHeight;
private int maxWidth;
private int maxDepth;
private int cols;
private int rows;
private int layers;
public GridCube(int rows, int cols, int layers, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int maxDepth) {
pointMatrix = new MDDA<Point3D>(rows, cols, layers);
lineList = new ArrayList<Line>();
points = new GeometryObject3D();
this.cols = cols;
this.rows = rows;
this.layers = layers;
this.maxWidth = maxWidth;
this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
this.maxDepth = maxDepth;
public void init() {
Random rand = new Random();
// points
for (int l=0; l<layers; l++) {
for (int r=0; r<rows; r++) {
for (int c=0; c<cols; c++) {
Point3D p = new Point3D(r*maxWidth/rows, c*maxHeight/cols, l*maxDepth/layers);
pointMatrix.set(p, r,c,l);
// grid cube
for (int l=0; l<layers; l++) {
for (int r=0; r<rows; r++) {
for (int c=0; c<cols; c++) {
if (l>0) {
Line deep = new Line(pointMatrix.get(r,c,l), pointMatrix.get(r,c,l-1));
if (r>0) {
Line up = new Line(pointMatrix.get(r,c,l), pointMatrix.get(r-1,c,l));
if (c>0) {
Line left = new Line(pointMatrix.get(r,c,l), pointMatrix.get(r,c-1,l));
public GeometryObject3D getPoints() {
return points;
* Calculates the 3D to 2D transformation with an rotation
* <pre>
* [ 1 0 0 ] [ x ] [ x ]
* [ 0 cos(ax) -sin(ax) ] . [ y ] = [ y*cos(ax)-z*sin(ax) ]
* [ 0 sin(ax) cos(ax) ] [ z ] [ y*sin(ax)+z*cos(ax) ]
* [ cos(ay) 0 sin(ay) ] [ x ] [ x*cos(ay)+z*sin(ay) ]
* [ 0 1 0 ] . [ y ] = [ y ]
* [-sin(ay) 0 cos(ay) ] [ z ] [-x*sin(ay)+z*cos(ay) ]
* [ cos(az) -sin(az) 0 ] [ x ] [ x*cos(az)-y*sin(az) ]
* [ sin(az) cos(az) 0 ] . [ y ] = [ y*cos(az)+x*sin(az) ]
* [ 0 0 1 ] [ z ] [ z ]
* </pre>
* @param geo
* @param cam
* @param thetaX
* @param thetaY
* @param thetaZ
* @param geo list of points / coordinates to transform / project
* @param thetaX orientation x axis
* @param thetaY orientation y axis
* @param thetaZ orientation z axis
* @param camX x position of camera
* @param camY y position of camera
* @param camZ z position of camera
public void transform3DTo2D(GeometryObject3D geo, double thetaX, double thetaY,
double thetaZ, double camX, double camY, double camZ) {
double aX, aY, aZ; // temp point
for (Point3D p : geo.points) {
aX = p.x;
aY = p.y;
aZ = p.z;
// 3D -> 2D transformation matrix calculation with rotation
// and camera coordinate parameters
aY = p.y;
aZ = p.z;
// Rotation um x-Achse
//p[i][x] = px;
p.y = (aY-camY)*Math.cos(thetaX)-(aZ-camZ)*Math.sin(thetaX);
p.z = (aY-camY)*Math.sin(thetaX)+(aZ-camZ)*Math.cos(thetaX);
aX = p.x;
aZ = p.z;
// Rotation um y-Achse
p.x = (aX-camX)*Math.cos(thetaY)+(aZ-camZ)*Math.sin(thetaY);
//p[i][y]= py;
p.z =-(aX-camX)*Math.sin(thetaY)+(aZ-camZ)*Math.cos(thetaY);
aY = p.y;
aX = p.x;
// Rotation um z-Achse
p.x = (aX-camX)*Math.cos(thetaZ)-(aY-camY)*Math.sin(thetaZ);
p.y = (aY-camY)*Math.cos(thetaZ)+(aX-camX)*Math.sin(thetaZ);
public static void paint(Graphics2D g2d, WireframeGeometry geom, int[] offset2D) {
int wx = offset2D[0];
int wy = offset2D[1];
for (Line line : geom.lineList) {
g2d.drawLine((int)line.from.x + wx, (int)line.from.y + wy,
(int) + wx, (int) + wy);
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