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Last active November 29, 2015 07:33
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Save timawesomeness/f1680f73b3a34b77388b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
timbot, a simple SSL IRC bot by timawesomeness
# timbot v1.1 by timawesomeness #
# Requires Python 3 #
# Follow the commented instructions to set up; run with 'python' #
# #
# Copyright 2015 timawesomeness #
# #
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); #
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. #
# You may obtain a copy of the License at #
# #
# #
# #
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
# limitations under the License. #
import socket, ssl, random, datetime
server = "" #insert server address here
port = #insert SSL port here
channels = "", "" #insert channels here as strings separated by commas
botnick = "" #insert bot's nick here
password = "" #if the server has a password, insert it here
def commands(nick, channel, message):
msg = decodemsg(message)
if msg == ".duck":
sendmsg(channel, pickduck())
elif (msg == ".bang") and (channel == "#penguinpower"):
sendmsg(channel, nick + " you missed the duck completely.")
elif msg == ".bamg":
sendmsg(channel, "Learn to type, " + nick)
elif message.find(parsetxt(" :.murder ")) != -1:
murderee = message.split(parsetxt('.murder '))[1].strip(parsetxt(' ')).decode('UTF-8')
if murderee == botnick:
murderee = nick
nick = botnick
sendmsg(channel, murder(nick, murderee))
elif msg == ".timsource":
sendmsg(channel, "")
elif msg == ".nsa":
sendmsg(channel, "I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Windows, is in fact, NSA/Windows, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, NSA plus Windows. Windows is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another locked down component of a fully functioning NSA system made useful by the NSA corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by the government.")
elif (msg == ".killbutt") and ((nick == "") or (nick == "")): #insert admin nicks in these strings
print("\nKilled by " + nick)
def murder(nick, murderee):
num = random.randint(0,8)
murders = {
0: nick + " brutally murders " + murderee + " with a rusty axe.",
1: nick + " brutally murders " + murderee + " with a chainsaw.",
2: nick + " brutally murders " + murderee + " with a bloody scalpel.",
3: nick + " brutally murders " + murderee + " with Winter_Fox.",
4: nick + " brutally murders " + murderee + " with a large cleaver.",
5: nick + " burns " + murderee + " to death with a napalm flamethrower.",
6: nick + " brutally murders " + murderee + " with a nail gun.",
7: nick + " brutally murders " + murderee + " using an electric chair.",
8: nick + " brutally murders " + murderee + " with a .50 caliber pistol."
return murders[num]
def decodemsg(message):
return message.split(parsetxt(' :'))[1].decode('UTF-8')
def pickduck():
num = random.randint(0,5)
ducks = {
0: "・゜゜・。。・゜ ​ ゜\_O​< QUA​CK!",
1: "・゜゜・。。 ​ ・゜゜\_o<​ qu​ack!",
2: "・゜゜・。。・゜ ​ ゜\_​ö< quac​k!",
3: "・゜゜・。。・ ​ ゜゜\_o​< F​LAP FLAP!",
4: "・゜゜ ​ ・。。・゜゜\_ó<​ qu​ack!",
5: "・゜゜・。 ​ 。・゜゜\​_0< QUACK​!"
return ducks[num]
def parsetxt(txt):
return bytes(txt, 'UTF-8')
def send(thing):
def auth(passwd):
send("PASS " + passwd + "\n")
def ping():
send("PONG :Pong\n")
def sendmsg(chan, msg):
print(parsetxt("Sending \"" + msg + "\" to " + chan))
send("PRIVMSG " + chan + " :" + msg + "\n")
def joinchan(chans):
for chan in chans:
send("JOIN " + chan + "\n")
def hello():
send("PRIVMSG " + channel + " :・゜゜・。。・゜ ​ ゜\_O​< QUA​CK!\n")
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((server, port))
ircsock = ssl.wrap_socket(s)
send("USER " + botnick + " " + botnick + " " + botnick + " :This bot is " + botnick + ", controlled by #INSERTYOURNICKHERE#\n")
send("NICK " + botnick + "\n")
while 1:
ircmsg = ircsock.recv(2048)
ircmsg = ircmsg.strip(parsetxt('\n\r'))
print(parsetxt("[%#I:%M:%S %p] ")) + ircmsg)
if ircmsg.find(parsetxt(' PRIVMSG ')) != -1:
nick = ircmsg.split(parsetxt('!'))[0][1:].decode('UTF-8')
channel = ircmsg.split(parsetxt(' PRIVMSG '))[-1].split(parsetxt(' :'))[0].decode('UTF-8')
commands(nick, channel, ircmsg)
if ircmsg.find(parsetxt("PING :")) != -1:
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