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RabbitMQ Password Hash - Python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import hashlib
import binascii
# Utility methods for generating and comparing RabbitMQ user password hashes.
# Rabbit Password Hash Algorithm (using SHA-256):
# Generate a random 32 bit salt:
# 908D C60A
# Concatenate that with the UTF-8 representation of the password (in this case test12):
# 908D C60A 7465 7374 3132
# Take the SHA-256 hash (assuming the hashing function wasn't modified):
# A5B9 24B3 096B 8897 D65A 3B5F 80FA 5DB62 A94 B831 22CD F4F8 FEAD 10D5 15D8 F391
# Concatenate the salt again:
# 908D C60A A5B9 24B3 096B 8897 D65A 3B5F 80FA 5DB62 A94 B831 22CD F4F8 FEAD 10D5 15D8 F391
# Convert to base64 encoding:
# kI3GCqW5JLMJa4iX1lo7X4D6XbYqlLgxIs30+P6tENUV2POR
# Sources:
def encode_rabbit_password_hash(salt, password):
sha256 = hashlib.sha256(salt + password.encode('utf-8')).digest()
password_hash = binascii.b2a_base64(salt + sha256).strip()
return password_hash
def decode_rabbit_password_hash(password_hash):
decoded_hash = binascii.a2b_base64(password_hash)
return decoded_hash[:4], decoded_hash[4:]
def check_rabbit_password(test_password, password_hash):
salt, hash_sha256 = decode_rabbit_password_hash(password_hash)
test_password_hash = encode_rabbit_password_hash(salt, test_password)
return test_password_hash == password_hash
if __name__ == '__main__':
password_hash = b'kI3GCqW5JLMJa4iX1lo7X4D6XbYqlLgxIs30+P6tENUV2POR'
assert encode_rabbit_password_hash(b'\x90\x8d\xc6\x0a', 'test12') == password_hash
assert check_rabbit_password('test12', password_hash)
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