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Created June 20, 2010 03:22
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# defer can be placed in front of any function call that takes
# a callback as its last paramater.
# instead of this:
myFunc: (callback) ->
someFunction 1, 2, 3, (result) ->
# you will write this:
myFunc: (callback) ->
result: defer someFunction(1, 2, 3)
# You can also receive multiple arguments, like so:
myFunc: (callback) ->
[error, result]: defer someFunction(1, 2, 3)
return callback(false) if error
# defer can be used in comprehensions, branches, switches,
# wherever you need. for example:
getItems: (ids, callback) ->
callback(defer store.getItem(id) for id in ids)
# this translates (roughly) into the following manual code:
getItems: (ids, callback) ->
results: []
iterate: ->
if ids.length == 0
id: remaining.shift()
store.getItem id, (item) ->
# pretty awkward for a simple list comprehension, eh? good thing `defer` exists!
// for illustration (and if you aren't sure how something works),
// here's the compiled javascript of the above deferred code:
var getItems, myFunc;
// defer can be placed in front of any function call that takes
// a callback as its last paramater.
// instead of this:
myFunc = function(callback) {
return someFunction(1, 2, 3, function(result) {
return callback(true);
// you will write this:
myFunc = function(callback) {
var _a;
someFunction(1, 2, 3, function(_a) {
var result;
result = _a;
return callback(true);
// You can also receive multiple arguments, like so:
myFunc = function(callback) {
var _a;
someFunction(1, 2, 3, function(_a) {
var _b, error, result;
_b = arguments;
error = _b[0];
result = _b[1];
if (error) {
return callback(false);
return callback(true);
// defer can be used in comprehensions, branches, switches,
// wherever you need. for example:
getItems = function(ids, callback) {
var _a, _c, _d, _e, _f, _h, _i, _j, _k, _l, _m, id;
(function(_b) {
_c = (function() {
_j = []; _l = ids;
for (_k = 0, _m = _l.length; _k < _m; _k++) {
_a = _l[_k];
return _j;
_d = [];
(function(_g) {
_h = function() {
if (!(_c.length > 0)) {
return _g(undefined); //break;
id = _c.shift();
store.getItem(id, function(_o) {
_f = _o;
return _h(undefined); //continue;
return undefined;
return _h(undefined);
return _g(undefined);
})(function(_n) {
return _b(_d);
})(function(_i) {
return callback(_i);
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