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Last active August 14, 2018 14:55
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A ruby script to generate a complete R10k ready Puppetfile from a librarian puppet style file.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'librarian/puppet'
lockfile =, 'Puppetfile.lock'
puppet_modules = {}
lockfile.load( do |mod|
mod_type ='::').last.downcase.to_sym
puppet_modules[mod_type] = {} unless puppet_modules.key?(mod_type)
puppet_modules[mod_type][] = {}
case mod_type
when :forge
puppet_modules[mod_type][][:version] = mod.version.to_s
when :git
puppet_modules[mod_type][][:git] = mod.source.uri
puppet_modules[mod_type][][:ref] = mod.source.ref
puppetfile = []
File.readlines('Puppetfile').each do |line|
break if line =~ /#{Regexp.escape("# Puppetfile.lock dependencies")}/
puppetfile << line
puppetfile.pop if puppetfile.last == "\n"
puppetfile << "\n# Puppetfile.lock dependencies"
puppet_modules.each do |mod_type, sources|
sources = sources.sort_by { |k, _v| k }
puppetfile << "\n# #{mod_type} modules"
sources.each do |mod, data|
case mod_type
when :forge
next if puppetfile.grep(/#{Regexp.escape(mod)}/).any?
puppetfile << "mod '#{mod}', '#{data[:version]}'"
when :git
next if puppetfile.grep(/#{Regexp.escape(data.to_h[:git])}/).any?
puppetfile << "mod '#{mod}',"
puppetfile << " :git => '#{data[:git]}',"
puppetfile << " :ref => '#{data[:ref]}'"
puts puppetfile
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timbirk commented Mar 4, 2018

You have to run a librarian-Puppet install first to generate the .lock file. To replace your Puppetfile with the output of this do something like:

ruby lp2r10k.rb > Puppetfile.tmp ; mv Puppetfile.tmp Puppetfile

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timbirk commented Mar 4, 2018

Performance improvements with the above complete Puppetfile and various tools:

With regular Puppetfile, no .lock file and librarian-puppet:
librarian-puppet install --clean  15.78s user 9.11s system 21% cpu 1:53.87 total

With complete Puppetfile and librarian-puppet:
librarian-puppet install --clean  16.14s user 9.59s system 38% cpu 1:06.24 total

With complete Puppetfile and r10k:
r10k puppetfile install --puppetfile Puppetfile --moduledir modules  1.50s user 1.58s system 24% cpu 12.628 total

With complete Puppetfile and g10k:
g10k -usemove -puppetfile -moduledir modules  0.37s user 1.57s system 44% cpu 4.399 total

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Impressive!! From 2 minutes down to 5 seconds?? that's an amazing improvement

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timbirk commented Mar 5, 2018

That is on a MacBook Pro with a Core i7. Of course. Mileage may vary when it comes to EC2 instances which generally have less powerful CPU’s and are prone to context switching due to a lower number of cores. Taking advantage of g10k’s concurrency (downloads, gz extracts) should still see an impressive improvement.

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