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  • Save timblair/133874 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save timblair/133874 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Patch to allow case-sensitive text matching as part of assertEquals() in mxunit.
Index: framework/Assert.cfc
--- framework/Assert.cfc (revision 1148)
+++ framework/Assert.cfc (working copy)
@@ -128,21 +128,23 @@
<cfargument name="expected" type="any" required="yes" hint="The expected string value" />
<cfargument name="actual" type="any" required="yes" hint="The actual string value" />
<cfargument name="message" required="false" default="This test failed" hint="Custom message to print in the failure." />
+ <cfargument name="caseSensitive" type="boolean" required="false" default="false" hint="If set to TRUE checks the original string unaltered. Default is to check the string in lowercase" />
<cfset arguments = normalizeArguments("equals",arguments)>
- <cfthrow type="mxunit.exception.AssertionFailedError" message="#arguments.message#:: Expected [#getStringValue(arguments.expected)#] BUT RECEIVED [#getStringValue(arguments.actual)#] " />
+ <cfthrow type="mxunit.exception.AssertionFailedError" message="#arguments.message#:: Expected [#getStringValue(arguments.expected, arguments.caseSensitive)#] BUT RECEIVED [#getStringValue(arguments.actual, arguments.caseSensitive)#] instead" />
<cffunction name="failNotEquals" access="private" returntype="void" static="true" hint="Fails the test and prints the expected and actual values to the failure message">
<cfargument name="expected" type="any" required="yes" hint="The expected string value" />
<cfargument name="actual" type="any" required="yes" hint="The actual string value" />
<cfargument name="message" required="false" default="This test failed" hint="Custom message to print in the failure." />
+ <cfargument name="caseSensitive" type="boolean" required="false" default="false" hint="If set to TRUE checks the original string unaltered. Default is to check the string in lowercase" />
<cfset arguments = normalizeArguments("equals",arguments)>
<cfif isSimpleValue(expected) AND isSimpleValue(actual)>
<cfset this.expected = arguments.expected>
<cfset this.actual = arguments.actual>
- <cfthrow type="mxunit.exception.AssertionFailedError" message="#arguments.message#:: Expected [#getStringValue(arguments.expected)#] BUT RECEIVED [#getStringValue(arguments.actual)#] " />
+ <cfthrow type="mxunit.exception.AssertionFailedError" message="#arguments.message#:: Expected [#getStringValue(arguments.expected, arguments.caseSensitive)#] BUT RECEIVED [#getStringValue(arguments.actual, arguments.caseSensitive)#] instead" />
<cffunction name="getStringValue" returntype="string" access="public" hint="Attempts to return string representation of OBJ. Tests to see if object has toString or stringValue methods to be used for comparison and returns that string if present">
@@ -201,12 +203,13 @@
<cfargument name="expected" type="any" required="yes" hint="The expected object to compare." />
<cfargument name="actual" type="any" required="yes" hint="The actual object to compare." />
<cfargument name="message" type="string" required="no" default="" hint="Optional custom message to display if comparison fails." />
+ <cfargument name="caseSensitive" type="boolean" required="false" default="false" hint="If set to TRUE checks the original string unaltered. Default is to check the string in lowercase" />
<cfset var expectedStringValue = "">
<cfset var actualStringValue = "">
<cfset arguments = normalizeArguments("equals",arguments)>
- <cfset expectedStringValue = getStringValue(arguments.expected) />
- <cfset actualStringValue = getStringValue(arguments.actual) />
+ <cfset expectedStringValue = getStringValue(arguments.expected, arguments.caseSensitive) />
+ <cfset actualStringValue = getStringValue(arguments.actual, arguments.caseSensitive) />
if (isNumeric(arguments.expected) AND isnumeric(arguments.actual) AND arguments.expected eq arguments.actual){
@@ -217,7 +220,7 @@
if (expectedStringValue is not "" AND expectedStringValue.equals(actualStringValue)){
- failNotEquals(expectedStringValue, actualStringValue, arguments.message);
+ failNotEquals(expectedStringValue, actualStringValue, arguments.message, arguments.caseSensitive);
@@ -225,21 +228,22 @@
<cfargument name="expected" type="any" required="yes" hint="The expected object to compare." />
<cfargument name="actual" type="any" required="yes" hint="The actual object to compare." />
<cfargument name="message" type="string" required="no" default="" hint="Optional custom message to display if comparison fails." />
+ <cfargument name="caseSensitive" type="boolean" required="false" default="false" hint="If set to TRUE checks the original string unaltered. Default is to check the string in lowercase" />
<cfset var expectedStringValue = "">
<cfset var actualStringValue = "">
<cfset arguments = normalizeArguments("equals",arguments)>
- <cfset expectedStringValue = getStringValue(arguments.expected) />
- <cfset actualStringValue = getStringValue(arguments.actual) />
+ <cfset expectedStringValue = getStringValue(arguments.expected, arguments.caseSensitive) />
+ <cfset actualStringValue = getStringValue(arguments.actual, arguments.caseSensitive) />
if (isNumeric(arguments.expected) AND isnumeric(arguments.actual) AND arguments.expected eq arguments.actual){
- failEquals(expectedStringValue, actualStringValue, arguments.message);
+ failEquals(expectedStringValue, actualStringValue, arguments.message, arguments.caseSensitive);
if (expectedStringValue is "" AND actualStringValue is ""){
- failEquals(expectedStringValue, actualStringValue, arguments.message);
+ failEquals(expectedStringValue, actualStringValue, arguments.message, arguments.caseSensitive);
if (expectedStringValue is not "" AND expectedStringValue.equals(actualStringValue)){
- failEquals(expectedStringValue, actualStringValue,arguments.message);
+ failEquals(expectedStringValue, actualStringValue,arguments.message, arguments.caseSensitive);
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