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Last active September 25, 2017 19:49
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Smooth out keys on infinite cycled controls in Maya's graph editor
import maya.cmds as cmds
import math
def getVector(val1, val2):
v1_theta = math.atan2(val1[1], val1[0])
v2_theta = math.atan2(val2[1], val2[0])
myAngle = math.degrees((v2_theta - v1_theta))
return myAngle
def setKeyTangentValue(obj, time, value, attribute):
# get the outweight so it's preserved
outWeight = cmds.keyTangent(obj, time=(time,time), attribute=attribute, q = True, outWeight=True)
cmds.keyTangent(obj, e=True, a=True, time=(time,time), outAngle=value, outWeight=outWeight[0], attribute=attribute)
# grab average of the in and out weight and set the outweight again
outAngle = (cmds.keyTangent(obj, time=(time, time), attribute=attribute, q=True, outAngle=True))[0]
inAngle = (cmds.keyTangent(obj, time=(time, time), attribute=attribute, q=True, inAngle=True))[0]
outAngleNew = ((outAngle + inAngle) / 2)
cmds.keyTangent(obj, e=True, a=True, time=(time, time), outAngle=outAngleNew, attribute=attribute)
def smoothHax(obj, time, attribute, type):
cmds.keyTangent(obj, e=True, a=True, time=(time, time), itt='linear', ott='linear', attribute=attribute)
outWeight = cmds.keyTangent(obj, time=(time, time), attribute=attribute, q=True, outWeight=True)
inWeight = cmds.keyTangent(obj, time=(time, time), attribute=attribute, q=True, inWeight=True)
outAngle = (cmds.keyTangent(obj, time=(time, time), attribute=attribute, q=True, outAngle=True))[0]
inAngle = (cmds.keyTangent(obj, time=(time, time), attribute=attribute, q=True, inAngle=True))[0]
print attribute
cmds.keyTangent(obj, e=True, a=True, time=(time, time), itt='auto', ott='auto', attribute=attribute)
if type == 'in':
a = cmds.keyTangent(obj, e=True, a=True, time=(time, time), inAngle=outAngle, inWeight=inWeight[0], attribute=attribute)
if type == 'out':
a = cmds.keyTangent(obj, e=True, a=True, time=(time, time), outAngle=inAngle, outWeight=outWeight[0], attribute=attribute)
def getAllKeys(obj, transform, overshootMultiplier):
# print obj
# get the first and second keys on the control- their time and their value
min_time = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True)
max_time = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, max=True)
allKeys = cmds.keyframe((obj + '.' + transform), time=(min_time, max_time), query=True, valueChange=True, timeChange=True)
# set all keys to non-weighted, because fucking weighted keys, am I right?
cmds.keyTangent(obj, e=True, a=True, time=(min_time, max_time), weightedTangents=False)
# Check to make sure allKeys is valid after trying to get keys on the object.
if allKeys is not None:
# allKeys is returned as a poopy array of key time, key value, key time, key value, etc.
# hence, going through it to by 2 is how we get the first two keys and last two keys in the timeline
# also make sure there's at least two keys, bruh
if len(allKeys) >= 4:
# there is probably a smarter way to do this but I don't care.
firstKeyTime = allKeys[0]
firstKeyValue= allKeys[1]
secondKeyTime = allKeys[2]
secondKeyValue = allKeys[3]
secondToLastKeyTime = allKeys[(len(allKeys) - 4)]
secondToLastKeyValue = allKeys[(len(allKeys) - 3)]
lastKeyTime = allKeys[(len(allKeys) - 2)]
lastKeyValue = allKeys[(len(allKeys) - 1)]
# normalize the first set of values to 0,0 and adjust the second one relative to that
# get the angle
# dividing the time by 2 because we want to "aim" at the middle of the curve, it turns out, not the next key, for best smoothing
# need better math for this though- dividing the time by 2 doesn't work great in all cases
# get the relative (to the midpoint) time of the second and second to last frames
length = (lastKeyTime - firstKeyTime)
secondKeyRelativeTime = (secondKeyTime / (length / 2))
secondToLastKeyRelativeTime = ((lastKeyTime - secondToLastKeyTime) / (length / 2))
firstValue = getVector((0, 0), ((secondKeyTime-firstKeyTime)/2, (secondKeyValue-firstKeyValue)))
#do the same thing again for the last frame and second to last frame. we will use the lower of these two values
secondValue = getVector((0, 0), ((lastKeyTime - secondToLastKeyTime)/2, (lastKeyValue - secondToLastKeyValue)))
value = ((firstValue + secondValue) / 2)
# overshoot mafs!
# get the difference between 89 and value (so it can never aim straight up)
# multiply that by overshootMultiplier, and then add to value
overshootDiff = 0
if value > 0:
overshootDiff = (89 - value)
if value < 0:
overshootDiff = (-89 - value)
modifiedValue = (value + (overshootDiff * overshootMultiplier))
# set the key tangent values on the first and last keys
# IDEA - change the scale of the values depending on how far from center the next key is?
setKeyTangentValue(obj, firstKeyTime, modifiedValue, transform)
setKeyTangentValue(obj, lastKeyTime, modifiedValue, transform)
# if overshootMultiplier is over 0.0, we need to aim the second and second to last key tangents at the first and last keys
# which is easy, just use the negative of the pre-multiplied value. I think.
# holy shit that worked.
# do this math better, because the closer to the start or end it is, the worse it looks
# I guess find the relative time of the range- and modify it by how far from the center it is? There is probably a math term for this.
# or maybe based on the value difference between the two keys?
# TODO: Lean math terms
# lol it colors the "TODO" lines differently. oh.
# these are shitty comments, back to the issue at hand.
if overshootMultiplier > 0.0:
# set second and second to last keys to linear, get values, set back to auto, set values.
# HAX because fuck math and it's the weekend.
smoothHax(obj, secondKeyTime, transform, 'in')
smoothHax(obj, secondToLastKeyTime, transform, 'out')
def smoothCycle(selection):
reporter = mel.eval('string $tmp = $gCommandReporter;')
cmds.cmdScrollFieldReporter(reporter, e=True, clear=True)
rots = ['rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ']
#rots = ['rotateZ']
trans = ['translateX', 'translateY', 'translateZ']
scales = ['scaleX', 'scaleY', 'scaleZ']
for obj in selection:
# SET OVERSHOOT MULTIPLIER HERE - range from 0.0 to 1.0. different per transform type
for r in rots:
getAllKeys(obj, r, 0.0)
for t in trans:
getAllKeys(obj, t, 0.0)
#for t in scales:
# getAllKeys(obj, t, 0.3)
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