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Created May 30, 2018 18:29
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BigTree 2.x to 4.0 Upgrade Script
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<title>BigTree 2 to 4 Converter</title>
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<h1>BigTree 2 to 4 Converter</h1>
<form method="post" action="" class="module">
<h2 class="getting_started"><span></span>It's Magic</h2>
function squery($query,$con) {
global $sqlerrors;
$q = mysql_query($query,$con);
$e = mysql_error($con);
if ($e) {
$sqlerrors[] = array("query" => $query, "error" => $e);
return $q;
if ($_POST["path"]) {
$path = $_POST["path"];
$dm = $_POST["data_merge"];
include $path."templates/config.php";
// Connect to the old database
$oc = mysql_connect($config["db"]["host"],$config["db"]["user"],$config["db"]["password"],true);
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'",$oc);
// Connect to the new database
$nc = mysql_connect($bigtree["config"]["db"]["host"],$bigtree["config"]["db"]["user"],$bigtree["config"]["db"]["password"],true);
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'",$nc);
// Route making functions
function getUniqueRoute($title,$table) {
global $oc,$nc,$cms;
$route = $cms->urlify($title);
$oroute = $route;
$x = 2;
while (mysql_num_rows(squery("SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE route = '$route'",$nc))) {
$route = $oroute."-$x";
return $route;
if (!$dm) {
// Wipe every table in the new database
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_404s",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_audit_trail",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_callouts",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_feeds",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_field_types",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_locks",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_messages",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_module_actions",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_module_forms",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_module_groups",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_module_view_cache",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_module_views",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_modules",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_page_revisions",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_pages",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_pending_changes",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_resource_folders",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_resources",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_route_history",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_settings",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_tags",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_tags_rel",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_templates",$nc);
squery("DELETE FROM bigtree_users",$nc);
// Start tracking user permissions
$user_permissions = array();
$page_permissions = array();
// Start with Module Groups, then work our way in to preservef oreign key associations in BigTree 4.
$q = squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_groups",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
$route = getUniqueRoute($f["name"],"bigtree_module_groups");
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_module_groups (`id`,`name`,`route`,`position`) VALUES ($id,$name,'$route',$position)",$nc);
// Modules
$q = squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_modules",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
if (!$f["group"]) {
$group = "NULL";
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_modules (`id`,`group`,`name`,`route`,`class`,`position`) VALUES ($id,$group,$name,$route,$class,$position)",$nc);
// Module Actions
$q = squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_actions",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
if ($f["route"] == "add" && $f["in_nav"]) {
$class = "add";
} elseif ($f["in_nav"]) {
$class = "list";
$form = "NULL";
$view = "NULL";
if ($f["auto"]) {
list($action,$action_id) = explode("#",$f["auto"]);
if ($action == "form") {
$form = $action_id;
} else {
$view = $action_id;
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_module_actions (`id`,`module`,`name`,`route`,`in_nav`,`form`,`view`,`class`,`position`) VALUES ($id,$module,$name,$route,$in_nav,$form,$view,'$class',$position)",$nc);
// Module Forms
$q = squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_forms",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
// Switch old field types to new ones and make the image/upload/photo galleries append their path.
$fields = unserialize($f["fields"]);
$fields_to_update = array();
foreach ($fields as $key => &$field) {
// BigTree 2 exclusive
if ($field["type"] == "upload_thumb") {
$field["type"] = "upload";
$field["image"] = "on";
if ($field["thumbnail_width"]) {
$field["thumbs"] = array(
array("width" => $field["width"],"height" => $field["height"]),
array("prefix" => ltrim($field["thumbnail_suffix"],"_")."_","width" => $field["thumbnail_width"],"height" => $field["thumbnail_height"])
} else {
$field["thumbs"] = array(
array("width" => $field["width"],"height" => $field["height"])
$fields_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}".$field["directory"];
// BigTree 2 exclusive
} elseif ($field["type"] == "upload_crop") {
$field["type"] = "upload";
$field["image"] = "on";
if ($field["thumbnail_width"]) {
$thumbs = array("prefix" => ltrim($field["thumbnail_suffix"],"_")."_","width" => $field["thumbnail_width"],"height" => $field["thumbnail_height"]);
} else {
$thumbs = array();
$field["crops"] = array(
array("width" => $field["width"],"height" => $field["height"],"thumbs" => $thumbs)
$fields_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}".$field["directory"];
// BigTree 2 exclusive
} elseif ($field["type"] == "state") {
$field["type"] = "list";
$field["list_type"] = "state";
// BigTree 2 exclusive
} elseif ($field["type"] == "country") {
$field["type"] = "list";
$field["list_type"] = "country";
} elseif ($field["type"] == "image") {
$field["type"] = "upload";
$field["image"] = "on";
$fields_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}".$field["directory"];
} elseif ($field["type"] == "upload") {
$fields_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}".$field["directory"];
} elseif ($field["type"] == "photo-gallery") {
$field = array(
"type" => "photo-gallery",
"min_width" => $field["width"],
"min_height" => $field["height"],
"title" => $field["title"],
"crops" => array(array("width" => $field["width"],"height" => $field["height"])),
"directory" => $field["directory"]
$fields_to_update[$key] = array("prefix" => "{staticroot}".$field["directory"]);
} elseif ($field["type"] == "simplehtml") {
$field["type"] = "html";
$field["simple"] = "on";
} elseif ($field["type"] == "poplist") {
$field["type"] = "list";
$field["list_type"] = "db";
$popsort = explode(" ",$field["pop-sort"]);
$field["pop-sort"] = "`".$popsort[0]."` ".strtoupper($popsort[1]);
} elseif ($field["type"] == "list") {
$field["list_type"] == "static";
$good_list = array();
foreach ($field["list"] as $k => $v) {
$good_list[] = array("value" => $k,"description" => $v);
$field["list"] = $good_list;
} elseif ($field["type"] == "many_to_many") {
$field["type"] = "many-to-many";
// Create the connecting table.
squery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `".$field["mtm-connecting-table"]."`",$nc);
$show = mysql_fetch_assoc(squery("SHOW CREATE TABLE `".$field["mtm-connecting-table"]."`",$oc));
squery($show["Create Table"],$nc);
$qq = squery("SELECT * FROM `".$field["mtm-connecting-table"]."`",$oc);
while ($ff = mysql_fetch_assoc($qq)) {
$keys = array();
$vals = array();
foreach ($ff as $key => $val) {
$keys[] = "`".$key."`";
$vals[] = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
squery("INSERT INTO `".$field["mtm-connecting-table"]."` (".implode(",",$keys).") VALUES (".implode(",",$vals).")",$nc);
$fields = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($fields));
$positioning = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode(unserialize($f["positioning"])));
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_module_forms (`id`,`title`,`table`,`fields`,`positioning`) VALUES ($id,$title,$table,'$fields','$positioning')",$nc);
// Loop through table to update file paths.
squery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `".$f["table"]."`",$nc);
$show = mysql_fetch_assoc(squery("SHOW CREATE TABLE `".$f["table"]."`",$oc));
squery($show["Create Table"],$nc);
$qq = squery("SELECT * FROM `".$f["table"]."`",$oc);
while ($ff = mysql_fetch_assoc($qq)) {
$keys = array();
$vals = array();
foreach ($ff as $key => $val) {
$keys[] = "`".$key."`";
$is_array = @unserialize($val);
if ($fields_to_update[$key]) {
if (is_array($fields_to_update[$key])) {
$val = unserialize($val);
if (is_array($val)) {
foreach ($val as &$piece) {
if ($piece["image"]) {
$piece["image"] = $fields_to_update[$key]["prefix"].$piece["image"];
$vals[] = "'".mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($val))."'";
} else {
if ($val) {
$vals[] = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($fields_to_update[$key].$val)."'";
} else {
$vals[] = "''";
} elseif (is_array($is_array)) {
$vals[] = "'".mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($is_array))."'";
} else {
$vals[] = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
squery("INSERT INTO `".$f["table"]."` (".implode(",",$keys).") VALUES (".implode(",",$vals).")",$nc);
// Module Views
$q = squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_module_views",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
$options = unserialize($f["options"]);
$columns = unserialize($f["columns"]);
$fields = array();
if (is_array($columns)) {
foreach ($columns as $k => $t) {
$fields[$k] = array("title" => $t);
$actions = unserialize($f["actions"]);
$clean_actions = array();
if (is_array($actions)) {
foreach ($actions as $key => $val) {
$clean_actions[$val] = "on";
$actions = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($clean_actions));
// Draggable group doesn't exist anymore.
if ($type == "'draggable-group'") {
$type = "'grouped'";
$options["draggable"] = "on";
$options["ot_sort_field"] = $options["group_descriptor"];
$options["ot_sort_direction"] = "ASC";
$options["other_table"] = $options["group_table"];
$options["title_field"] = $options["group_descriptor"];
// Searchable type has different sorting now.
if ($type == "'searchable'" || $type == "'sortable'") {
$type = "'searchable'";
if ($options["sort_column"]) {
if ($options["sort_direction"] == "SORT_DESC") {
$options["sort"] = "`".$options["sort_column"]."` DESC";
} else {
$options["sort"] = "`".$options["sort_column"]."` ASC";
if ($type == "'images-group'") {
$type = "'images-grouped'";
$options = array(
"draggable" => $options["image_grouped_draggable"],
"image" => $options["image_grouped_field"],
"group_field" => $options["image_group_field"],
"other_table" => $options["image_group_table"],
"title_field" => $options["image_group_descriptor"],
"sort" => "`id` DESC"
if ($type == "'images'") {
$options = array(
"image" => $options["image_list_field"],
"sort" => "`id` DESC"
$fields = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($fields));
$options = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($options));
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_module_views (`id`,`title`,`description`,`type`,`table`,`fields`,`options`,`actions`,`suffix`) VALUES ($id,$title,$description,$type,$table,'$fields','$options','$actions',$suffix)",$nc);
// Callouts
$q = squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_sidelets",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
$resources = unserialize($f["resources"]);
if (is_array($resources)) {
foreach ($resources as &$resource) {
$resource["title"] = $resource["name"];
// BigTree 2 exclusive
if ($resource["type"] == "upload_thumb") {
$resource["type"] = "upload";
$resource["image"] = "on";
if ($resource["thumbnail_width"]) {
$resource["thumbs"] = array(
array("width" => $resource["width"],"height" => $resource["height"]),
array("prefix" => ltrim($resource["thumbnail_suffix"],"_")."_","width" => $resource["thumbnail_width"],"height" => $resource["thumbnail_height"])
} else {
$resource["thumbs"] = array(
array("width" => $resource["width"],"height" => $resource["height"])
$resources_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}files/pages/";
// BigTree 2 exclusive
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "upload_crop") {
$resource["type"] = "upload";
$resource["image"] = "on";
if ($resource["thumbnail_width"]) {
$thumbs = array("prefix" => ltrim($resource["thumbnail_suffix"],"_")."_","width" => $resource["thumbnail_width"],"height" => $resource["thumbnail_height"]);
} else {
$thumbs = array();
$resource["crops"] = array(
array("width" => $resource["width"],"height" => $resource["height"],"thumbs" => $thumbs)
$resources_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}files/pages/";
// BigTree 2 exclusive
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "state") {
$resource["type"] = "list";
$resource["list_type"] = "state";
// BigTree 2 exclusive
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "country") {
$resource["type"] = "list";
$resource["list_type"] = "country";
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "image") {
$resource["type"] = "upload";
$resource["image"] = "on";
$resources_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}files/pages/";
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "upload") {
$resources_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}files/pages/";
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "photo-gallery") {
$resource = array(
"id" => $resource["id"],
"type" => "photo-gallery",
"min_width" => $resource["width"],
"min_height" => $resource["height"],
"title" => $resource["title"],
"crops" => array(array("width" => $resource["width"],"height" => $resource["height"]))
$resources_to_update[$key] = array("prefix" => "{staticroot}files/pages/");
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "simplehtml") {
$resource["type"] = "html";
$resource["simple"] = "on";
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "poplist") {
$resource["type"] = "list";
$resource["list_type"] = "db";
$popsort = explode(" ",$resource["pop-sort"]);
$resource["pop-sort"] = "`".$popsort[0]."` ".strtoupper($popsort[1]);
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "list") {
$resource["list_type"] == "static";
$good_list = array();
foreach ($resource["list"] as $k => $v) {
$good_list[] = array("value" => $k,"description" => $v);
$resource["list"] = $good_list;
$resources = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($resources));
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_callouts (`id`,`name`,`description`,`resources`,`position`,`display_default`) VALUES ($id,$title,$description,'$resources',$position,'-')",$nc);
// Pages
function pageLoop($parent,$tree_permissions = array()) {
global $user_permissions,$oc,$nc;
$q = squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_pages WHERE parent = '$parent'",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
$resources = unserialize($f["resources"]);
$publish_at = $f["publish_at"] ? "'".$f["publish_at"]."'" : "NULL";
// We need to find out about this template and change its file paths in the resources.
$tdata = mysql_fetch_assoc(squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_templates WHERE id = '".$f["template"]."'",$oc));
if ($tdata) {
$tres = unserialize($tdata["resources"]);
if (is_array($tres)) {
foreach ($tres as $field) {
$key = $field["id"];
if ($field["type"] == "upload" || $field["type"] == "image") {
if ($resources[$key]) {
$resources[$key] = "{staticroot}files/pages/".$resources[$key];
} elseif ($field["type"] == "photo-gallery") {
$gallery = array();
$array = is_array($resources[$key]) ? $resources[$key] : unserialize($resources[$key]);
if (is_array($array)) {
foreach ($array as $item) {
$gallery[] = array("image" => "{staticroot}files/pages/".$item["image"], "caption" => $item["caption"]);
$resources[$key] = json_encode($gallery);
// Test if the value was serialized
$test = @unserialize($resources[$key]);
if (is_array($test)) {
$resources[$key] = $test;
$resources = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($resources));
$callouts = unserialize($f["sidebar"]);
if (is_array($callouts)) {
foreach ($callouts as &$callout) {
// We need to find out about this callout and change its file paths in the resources.
$tdata = mysql_fetch_assoc(squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_callouts WHERE id = '".$callout["type"]."'",$nc));
if ($tdata) {
$tres = json_decode($tdata["resources"],true);
if (is_array($tres)) {
foreach ($tres as $field) {
$key = $field["id"];
if ($field["type"] == "upload" || $field["type"] == "image") {
if ($callout[$key]) {
$callout[$key] = "{staticroot}files/pages/".$callout[$key];
} elseif ($field["type"] == "photo-gallery") {
$gallery = array();
$array = unserialize($callout[$key]);
if (is_array($array)) {
foreach ($array as $item) {
$gallery[] = array("image" => "{staticroot}files/pages/".$item["image"], "caption" => $item["caption"]);
$callout[$key] = json_encode($gallery);
// Test if the value was serialized
$test = @unserialize($callout[$key]);
if (is_array($test)) {
$callout[$key] = $test;
$callouts = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($callouts));
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_pages (`id`,`parent`,`in_nav`,`nav_title`,`route`,`title`,`meta_keywords`,`meta_description`,`template`,`external`,`new_window`,`resources`,`callouts`,`archived`,`position`,`created_at`,`updated_at`,`publish_at`) VALUES ($id,$parent,$in_nav,$nav_title,$route,$title,$meta_keywords,$meta_description,$template,$external,$new_window,'$resources','$callouts',$archived,$position,NOW(),NOW(),$publish_at)",$nc);
if ($f["id"] == "0") {
squery("UPDATE bigtree_pages SET id = '0', route = '', path = '' WHERE id = '".mysql_insert_id($nc)."'",$nc);
$permissions = unserialize($f["permissions"]);
foreach ($tree_permissions as $user => $perm) {
$user_permissions[$user]["page"][$f["id"]] = "n";
if (is_array($permissions)) {
foreach ($permissions as $user => $p) {
// Permissions types are either "p" for a single page, in which case all of the subsequent pages should be a "n" unless somewhere along the line a "t" gets in.
// If a user gets a "t" then all of the subsequent pages should be "i" or nothing at all. There was no way to explicitly remove permissions for a page under a tree grant in BigTree 3.
$user_permissions[$user]["page"][$f["id"]] = $p["level"];
if ($p["type"] == "p") {
$tree_permissions[$user] = true;
} elseif ($p["type"] == "t") {
// Settings
$q = squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_settings",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
$value = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($f["value"]));
if ($type == "'number'") {
$type = "'text'";
if ($description != "''") {
$description = "'".mysql_real_escape_string("<p>".$f["description"]."</p>")."'";
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_settings (`id`,`value`,`type`,`name`,`description`) VALUES ($id,'$value',$type,$title,$description)",$nc);
// Templates
$q = squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_templates",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
$resources = unserialize($f["resources"]);
foreach ($resources as &$resource) {
$resource["title"] = $resource["name"];
// BigTree 2 exclusive
if ($resource["type"] == "upload_thumb") {
$resource["type"] = "upload";
$resource["image"] = "on";
if ($resource["thumbnail_width"]) {
$resource["thumbs"] = array(
array("width" => $resource["width"],"height" => $resource["height"]),
array("prefix" => ltrim($resource["thumbnail_suffix"],"_")."_","width" => $resource["thumbnail_width"],"height" => $resource["thumbnail_height"])
} else {
$resource["thumbs"] = array(
array("width" => $resource["width"],"height" => $resource["height"])
$resources_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}files/pages/";
// BigTree 2 exclusive
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "upload_crop") {
$resource["type"] = "upload";
$resource["image"] = "on";
if ($resource["thumbnail_width"]) {
$thumbs = array("prefix" => ltrim($resource["thumbnail_suffix"],"_")."_","width" => $resource["thumbnail_width"],"height" => $resource["thumbnail_height"]);
} else {
$thumbs = array();
$resource["crops"] = array(
array("width" => $resource["width"],"height" => $resource["height"],"thumbs" => $thumbs)
$resources_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}files/pages/";
// BigTree 2 exclusive
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "state") {
$resource["type"] = "list";
$resource["list_type"] = "state";
// BigTree 2 exclusive
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "country") {
$resource["type"] = "list";
$resource["list_type"] = "country";
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "image") {
$resource["type"] = "upload";
$resource["image"] = "on";
$resources_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}files/pages/";
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "upload") {
$resources_to_update[$key] = "{staticroot}files/pages/";
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "photo-gallery") {
$resource = array(
"id" => $resource["id"],
"type" => "photo-gallery",
"min_width" => $resource["width"],
"min_height" => $resource["height"],
"title" => $resource["title"],
"crops" => array(array("width" => $resource["width"],"height" => $resource["height"]))
$resources_to_update[$key] = array("prefix" => "{staticroot}files/pages");
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "simplehtml") {
$resource["type"] = "html";
$resource["simple"] = "on";
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "poplist") {
$resource["type"] = "list";
$resource["list_type"] = "db";
$popsort = explode(" ",$resource["pop-sort"]);
$resource["pop-sort"] = "`".$popsort[0]."` ".strtoupper($popsort[1]);
} elseif ($resource["type"] == "list") {
$resource["list_type"] == "static";
$good_list = array();
foreach ($resource["list"] as $k => $v) {
$good_list[] = array("value" => $k,"description" => $v);
$resource["list"] = $good_list;
$resources = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($resources));
// Figure out if it's routed
if (substr($f["id"],0,7) == "module-") {
$routed = "on";
$id = "'".substr($f["id"],7)."'";
mysql_query("UPDATE bigtree_pages SET template = $id WHERE template = '".$f["id"]."'");
} else {
$routed = "";
// Figure out what module it is.
$f = mysql_fetch_assoc(squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_modules WHERE route = $module",$nc));
if ($f) {
$module = "'".$f["id"]."'";
} else {
$module = "'0'";
if ($image == "'page_module.jpg'") {
$image = "'page-module.png'";
} else {
$image = "'page-blank.png'";
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_templates (`id`,`name`,`description`,`routed`,`image`,`resources`,`callouts_enabled`,`module`,`position`) VALUES ($id,$name,$description,'$routed',$image,'$resources','on',$module,$position)",$nc);
// Users
$q = squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_users",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
$module_permissions = unserialize($f["permissions"]);
$user_permissions[$f["id"]]["module"] = $module_permissions;
$permissions = "'".mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode($user_permissions[$f["id"]]))."'";
$digest = isset($f["digest"]) ? "'".mysql_real_escape_string($f["digest"])."'" : "''";
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_users (`id`,`email`,`name`,`company`,`level`,`permissions`,`daily_digest`) VALUES ($id,$email,$name,$company,$level,$permissions,$digest)",$nc);
// Insert user
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_users (`email`,`name`,`company`,`level`,`password`) VALUES ('','Developer','Fastspot','2','".'$P$BUjyVXaNe'.".P3ZxuS.0UmMXvjYF/QoO.')",$nc);
// Pending Changes
$q = squery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_pending_changes",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($val)."'";
$comments = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode(unserialize($f["comments"])));
$changes = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode(unserialize($f["changes"])));
$mtm_changes = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode(unserialize($f["mtm_changes"])));
$tags_changes = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode(unserialize($f["tags_changes"])));
squery("INSERT INTO bigtree_pending_changes (`id`,`user`,`date`,`title`,`comments`,`table`,`changes`,`mtm_changes`,`tags_changes`,`item_id`,`type`,`module`,`pending_page_parent`) VALUES ($id,$user,$date,$title,'$comments',$table,'$changes','$mtm_changes','$tags_changes',$item_id,$type,$module,$pending_page_parent)",$nc);
// Fix Page "path"s
@$admin = new BigTreeAdmin;
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bigtree_pages",$nc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
$path = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($admin->getFullNavigationPath($f["id"]))."'";
mysql_query("UPDATE bigtree_pages SET path = $path WHERE id = '".$f["id"]."'",$nc);
// Set Page 0 to be the _home template, even if it doesn't exist.
mysql_query("UPDATE bigtree_pages SET template = 'home', path = '', route = '' WHERE id = 0",$nc);
// Copy directories
function recursiveCopyDir($from,$to) {
$d = opendir($from);
while ($r = readdir($d)) {
if ($r != "." && $r != "..") {
if (is_dir($from.$r)) {
} else {
if (isset($_POST["copy_files"]) && $_POST["copy_files"]) {
$path = $_POST["path"];
// Do stuff to Form builder if it exists.
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bigtree_templates WHERE id = 'module-formbuilder'",$oc);
if (mysql_num_rows($q)) {
// Create the new tables
mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `btx_form_builder_forms`",$nc);
mysql_query("CREATE TABLE `btx_form_builder_forms` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `title` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `paid` char(2) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `base_price` float NOT NULL, `early_bird_base_price` float NOT NULL, `early_bird_date` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `total_collected` float NOT NULL, `entries` int(11) NOT NULL, `limit_entries` char(2) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `max_entries` int(11) NOT NULL, `last_entry` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin;",$nc);
mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `btx_form_builder_fields`",$nc);
mysql_query("CREATE TABLE `btx_form_builder_fields` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `form` int(11) NOT NULL, `column` int(11) NOT NULL, `alignment` char(5) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `type` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `data` longtext COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `position` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `form` (`form`), KEY `column` (`column`), KEY `position` (`position`), CONSTRAINT `btx_form_builder_fields_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`form`) REFERENCES `btx_form_builder_forms` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `btx_form_builder_entries`",$nc);
mysql_query("CREATE TABLE `btx_form_builder_entries` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `form` int(11) NOT NULL, `data` longtext COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, `created_at` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `form` (`form`), CONSTRAINT `btx_form_builder_entries_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`form`) REFERENCES `btx_form_builder_forms` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin;",$nc);
// Copy from the old forms table.
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plugin_formbuilder_forms",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO btx_form_builder_forms (`id`,`title`,`entries`) VALUES ('$id','$title','$entries')",$nc);
// Copy from old fields table.
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plugin_formbuilder_form_fields",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
$data = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode(unserialize($f["data"])));
mysql_query("INSERT INTO btx_form_builder_fields (`id`,`form`,`column`,`type`,`data`,`position`) VALUES ('$id','$form','$column','$type','$data','$position')",$nc);
// Copy from old entries table.
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM plugin_formbuilder_entries",$oc);
while ($f = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
foreach ($f as $key => $val) {
$$key = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
$data = mysql_real_escape_string(json_encode(unserialize($f["data"])));
mysql_query("INSERT INTO btx_form_builder_entries (`id`,`form`,`data`,`created_at`) VALUES ('$id','$form','$data','$created_at')",$nc);
// Rename the template and module names.
mysql_query("UPDATE bigtree_templates SET id = 'btx-form-builder' WHERE id = 'formbuilder'",$nc);
mysql_query("UPDATE bigtree_pages SET template = 'btx-form-builder' WHERE template = 'formbuilder'",$nc);
mysql_query("UPDATE bigtree_modules SET route = 'btx-form-builder', class = 'BTXFormBuilder' WHERE route = 'form-builder'",$nc);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM bigtree_modules WHERE route = 'form-builder-entries'",$nc);
// Figure out the current module and empty / repop it's actions and such.
$current = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM bigtree_modules WHERE route = 'btx-form-builder'",$nc));
mysql_query("DELETE FROM bigtree_module_actions WHERE module = '".$current["id"]."'",$nc);
// Create the view
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `bigtree_module_views` (`title`, `description`, `type`, `table`, `fields`, `options`, `actions`, `suffix`, `preview_url`) VALUES (X'466F726D73', X'', X'73656172636861626C65', X'6274785F666F726D5F6275696C6465725F666F726D73', X'7B227469746C65223A7B227769647468223A22313933222C227469746C65223A225469746C65222C22706172736572223A22227D2C22656E7472696573223A7B227769647468223A22313933222C227469746C65223A22456E7472696573222C22706172736572223A22227D2C226C6173745F656E747279223A7B227769647468223A22313933222C227469746C65223A224C61737420456E747279222C22706172736572223A22696620282476616C756529207B202476616C7565203D2064617465285C2246206A204020673A69615C222C737472746F74696D65282476616C756529293B207D227D7D', X'7B22736F72745F636F6C756D6E223A227469746C65222C22736F72745F646972656374696F6E223A22415343222C227065725F70616765223A223135222C2266696C746572223A22227D', X'7B226578706F7274223A227B5C226E616D655C223A5C224578706F72745C222C5C22636C6173735C223A5C2269636F6E5F6578706F72745C222C5C22726F7574655C223A5C226578706F72745C222C5C2266756E6374696F6E5C223A5C225C227D222C22656E7472696573223A227B5C226E616D655C223A5C22456E74726965735C222C5C22636C6173735C223A5C2269636F6E5F766965775C222C5C22726F7574655C223A5C22656E74726965735C222C5C2266756E6374696F6E5C223A5C225C227D222C2265646974223A226F6E222C2264656C657465223A226F6E227D', X'', X'')",$nc);
$view_id = mysql_insert_id($nc);
// Add the actions.
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `bigtree_module_actions` (`module`, `name`, `route`, `in_nav`, `form`, `view`, `class`, `level`, `position`) VALUES (".$current["id"].", X'5669657720466F726D73', X'', X'6F6E', 0, $view_id, X'6C697374', 0, 3), (".$current["id"].", X'41646420466F726D', X'616464', X'6F6E', 0, 0, X'616464', 0, 2), (".$current["id"].", X'53657474696E6773', X'73657474696E6773', X'6F6E', 0, 0, X'736572766572', 0, 1);
// Now we fix the columns fields were in since we keep one column entry with alignment instead of two.
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM btx_form_builder_forms",$nc);
while ($form = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
// Go through each of form's fields
$last_was_column = false;
$qq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM btx_form_builder_fields WHERE form = '".$form["id"]."' ORDER BY position DESC, id ASC",$nc);
while ($field = mysql_fetch_assoc($qq)) {
if ($field["type"] == "column") {
if ($last_was_column) {
mysql_query("UPDATE btx_form_builder_fields SET alignment = 'right', `column` = '$last_was_column' WHERE `column` = '".$field["id"]."'",$nc);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM btx_form_builder_fields WHERE id = '".$field["id"]."'",$nc);
$last_was_column = false;
} else {
$last_was_column = $field["id"];
mysql_query("UPDATE btx_form_builder_fields SET alignment = 'left' WHERE `column` = '".$field["id"]."'",$nc);
} else {
$last_was_column = false;
<fieldset class="clear">
<p>Shazam. You're done, hopefully. Remember to update your templates to stop including paths for file uploads. You're going to need to reset all the passwords for your users.</p>
<br /><br />
} else {
<fieldset class="clear">
<p>Welcome to the BigTree converter. This should be run in a clean BigTree 4 install.</p>
<br />
<hr />
<fieldset class="left">
<label>BigTree ~2.0 Directory <small>(full path to the root directory, not /core/, but above it)</small></label>
<input class="text" type="text" name="path" tabindex="1" />
<fieldset class="right">
<label>Data Merge</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="data_merge" />
<fieldset class="right">
<label>Copy Files</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="copy_files" />
<br class="clear" />
<fieldset class="lower">
<input type="submit" class="button blue" value="Convert Now" tabindex="15" />
<a href="" class="install_logo" target="_blank">BigTree</a>
<a href="" class="install_copyright" target="_blank">&copy; <?php echo date("Y") ?> Fastspot</a>
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