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Created November 27, 2021 23:41
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A (messy) version of the protoc-gen-openapi code generator that generates hierarchical names for hierarchically-defined messages.
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package generator
import (
v3 ""
type Configuration struct {
Version *string
Title *string
Description *string
Naming *string
const infoURL = ""
// OpenAPIv3Generator holds internal state needed to generate an OpenAPIv3 document for a transcoded Protocol Buffer service.
type OpenAPIv3Generator struct {
conf Configuration
plugin *protogen.Plugin
requiredSchemas []string // Names of schemas that need to be generated.
generatedSchemas []string // Names of schemas that have already been generated.
linterRulePattern *regexp.Regexp
pathPattern *regexp.Regexp
namedPathPattern *regexp.Regexp
// NewOpenAPIv3Generator creates a new generator for a protoc plugin invocation.
func NewOpenAPIv3Generator(plugin *protogen.Plugin, conf Configuration) *OpenAPIv3Generator {
return &OpenAPIv3Generator{
conf: conf,
plugin: plugin,
requiredSchemas: make([]string, 0),
generatedSchemas: make([]string, 0),
linterRulePattern: regexp.MustCompile(`\(-- .* --\)`),
pathPattern: regexp.MustCompile("{([^=}]+)}"),
namedPathPattern: regexp.MustCompile("{(.+)=(.+)}"),
// Run runs the generator.
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) Run() error {
d := g.buildDocumentV3()
bytes, err := d.YAMLValue("Generated with protoc-gen-openapi\n" + infoURL)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal yaml: %s", err.Error())
outputFile := g.plugin.NewGeneratedFile("openapi.yaml", "")
return nil
// buildDocumentV3 builds an OpenAPIv3 document for a plugin request.
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) buildDocumentV3() *v3.Document {
d := &v3.Document{}
d.Openapi = "3.0.3"
d.Info = &v3.Info{
Version: *g.conf.Version,
Title: *g.conf.Title,
Description: *g.conf.Description,
d.Paths = &v3.Paths{}
d.Components = &v3.Components{
Schemas: &v3.SchemasOrReferences{
AdditionalProperties: []*v3.NamedSchemaOrReference{},
for _, file := range g.plugin.Files {
if file.Generate {
g.addPathsToDocumentV3(d, file)
// If there is only 1 service, then use it's title for the document,
// if the document is missing it.
if len(d.Tags) == 1 {
if d.Info.Title == "" && d.Tags[0].Name != "" {
d.Info.Title = d.Tags[0].Name + " API"
if d.Info.Description == "" {
d.Info.Description = d.Tags[0].Description
d.Tags[0].Description = ""
for len(g.requiredSchemas) > 0 {
count := len(g.requiredSchemas)
for _, file := range g.plugin.Files {
g.addSchemasToDocumentV3(d, file.Messages)
g.requiredSchemas = g.requiredSchemas[count:len(g.requiredSchemas)]
// Sort the tags.
pairs := d.Tags
sort.Slice(pairs, func(i, j int) bool {
return pairs[i].Name < pairs[j].Name
d.Tags = pairs
// Sort the paths.
pairs := d.Paths.Path
sort.Slice(pairs, func(i, j int) bool {
return pairs[i].Name < pairs[j].Name
d.Paths.Path = pairs
// Sort the schemas.
pairs := d.Components.Schemas.AdditionalProperties
sort.Slice(pairs, func(i, j int) bool {
return pairs[i].Name < pairs[j].Name
d.Components.Schemas.AdditionalProperties = pairs
return d
// filterCommentString removes line breaks and linter rules from comments.
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) filterCommentString(c protogen.Comments, removeNewLines bool) string {
comment := string(c)
if removeNewLines {
comment = strings.Replace(comment, "\n", "", -1)
comment = g.linterRulePattern.ReplaceAllString(comment, "")
return strings.TrimSpace(comment)
// addPathsToDocumentV3 adds paths from a specified file descriptor.
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) addPathsToDocumentV3(d *v3.Document, file *protogen.File) {
for _, service := range file.Services {
comment := g.filterCommentString(service.Comments.Leading, false)
d.Tags = append(d.Tags, &v3.Tag{Name: service.GoName, Description: comment})
for _, method := range service.Methods {
comment := g.filterCommentString(method.Comments.Leading, false)
inputMessage := method.Input
outputMessage := method.Output
operationID := service.GoName + "_" + method.GoName
xt := annotations.E_Http
extension := proto.GetExtension(method.Desc.Options(), xt)
var path string
var methodName string
var body string
if extension != nil && extension != xt.InterfaceOf(xt.Zero()) {
rule := extension.(*annotations.HttpRule)
body = rule.Body
switch pattern := rule.Pattern.(type) {
case *annotations.HttpRule_Get:
path = pattern.Get
methodName = "GET"
case *annotations.HttpRule_Post:
path = pattern.Post
methodName = "POST"
case *annotations.HttpRule_Put:
path = pattern.Put
methodName = "PUT"
case *annotations.HttpRule_Delete:
path = pattern.Delete
methodName = "DELETE"
case *annotations.HttpRule_Patch:
path = pattern.Patch
methodName = "PATCH"
case *annotations.HttpRule_Custom:
path = "custom-unsupported"
path = "unknown-unsupported"
if methodName != "" {
op, path2 := g.buildOperationV3(
file, operationID, service.GoName, comment, path, body, inputMessage, outputMessage)
g.addOperationV3(d, op, path2, methodName)
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) formatMessageRef(name string) string {
if *g.conf.Naming == "proto" {
return name
if len(name) > 1 {
return strings.ToUpper(name[0:1]) + name[1:]
if len(name) == 1 {
return strings.ToLower(name)
return name
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) formatMessageName(message *protogen.Message) string {
prefix := ""
parent := message.Desc.Parent()
if parent != nil {
_, ok := parent.(protoreflect.MessageDescriptor)
if ok {
prefix = string(parent.Name()) + "_" + prefix
parent = parent.Parent()
} else {
parent = nil
name := prefix + string(message.Desc.Name())
if *g.conf.Naming == "proto" {
return name
if len(name) > 0 {
return strings.ToUpper(name[0:1]) + name[1:]
return name
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) formatFieldName(field *protogen.Field) string {
if *g.conf.Naming == "proto" {
return string(field.Desc.Name())
return field.Desc.JSONName()
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) findAndFormatFieldName(name string, inMessage *protogen.Message) string {
for _, field := range inMessage.Fields {
if string(field.Desc.Name()) == name {
return g.formatFieldName(field)
return name
// buildOperationV3 constructs an operation for a set of values.
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) buildOperationV3(
file *protogen.File,
operationID string,
tagName string,
description string,
path string,
bodyField string,
inputMessage *protogen.Message,
outputMessage *protogen.Message,
) (*v3.Operation, string) {
// coveredParameters tracks the parameters that have been used in the body or path.
coveredParameters := make([]string, 0)
if bodyField != "" {
coveredParameters = append(coveredParameters, bodyField)
// Initialize the list of operation parameters.
parameters := []*v3.ParameterOrReference{}
// Build a list of path parameters.
pathParameters := make([]string, 0)
// Find simple path parameters like {id}
if allMatches := g.pathPattern.FindAllStringSubmatch(path, -1); allMatches != nil {
for _, matches := range allMatches {
// Add the value to the list of covered parameters.
coveredParameters = append(coveredParameters, matches[1])
pathParameter := g.findAndFormatFieldName(matches[1], inputMessage)
path = strings.Replace(path, matches[1], pathParameter, 1)
pathParameters = append(pathParameters, pathParameter)
// Add the path parameters to the operation parameters.
for _, pathParameter := range pathParameters {
parameters = append(parameters,
Oneof: &v3.ParameterOrReference_Parameter{
Parameter: &v3.Parameter{
Name: pathParameter,
In: "path",
Required: true,
Schema: &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{
Type: "string",
// Build a list of named path parameters.
namedPathParameters := make([]string, 0)
// Find named path parameters like {name=shelves/*}
if matches := g.namedPathPattern.FindStringSubmatch(path); matches != nil {
// Add the "name=" "name" value to the list of covered parameters.
coveredParameters = append(coveredParameters, matches[1])
// Convert the path from the starred form to use named path parameters.
starredPath := matches[2]
parts := strings.Split(starredPath, "/")
// The starred path is assumed to be in the form "things/*/otherthings/*".
// We want to convert it to "things/{thingsId}/otherthings/{otherthingsId}".
for i := 0; i < len(parts)-1; i += 2 {
section := parts[i]
namedPathParameter := g.findAndFormatFieldName(section, inputMessage)
namedPathParameter = singular(namedPathParameter)
parts[i+1] = "{" + namedPathParameter + "}"
namedPathParameters = append(namedPathParameters, namedPathParameter)
// Rewrite the path to use the path parameters.
newPath := strings.Join(parts, "/")
path = strings.Replace(path, matches[0], newPath, 1)
// Add the named path parameters to the operation parameters.
for _, namedPathParameter := range namedPathParameters {
parameters = append(parameters,
Oneof: &v3.ParameterOrReference_Parameter{
Parameter: &v3.Parameter{
Name: namedPathParameter,
In: "path",
Required: true,
Description: "The " + namedPathParameter + " id.",
Schema: &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{
Type: "string",
// Add any unhandled fields in the request message as query parameters.
if bodyField != "*" {
for _, field := range inputMessage.Fields {
fieldName := string(field.Desc.Name())
if !contains(coveredParameters, fieldName) {
bodyFieldName := g.formatFieldName(field)
// Get the field description from the comments.
fieldDescription := g.filterCommentString(field.Comments.Leading, true)
parameters = append(parameters,
Oneof: &v3.ParameterOrReference_Parameter{
Parameter: &v3.Parameter{
Name: bodyFieldName,
In: "query",
Description: fieldDescription,
Required: false,
Schema: &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{
Type: "string",
// Create the response.
responses := &v3.Responses{
ResponseOrReference: []*v3.NamedResponseOrReference{
Name: "200",
Value: &v3.ResponseOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.ResponseOrReference_Response{
Response: &v3.Response{
Description: "OK",
Content: g.responseContentForMessage(outputMessage),
// Create the operation.
op := &v3.Operation{
Tags: []string{tagName},
Description: description,
OperationId: operationID,
Parameters: parameters,
Responses: responses,
// If a body field is specified, we need to pass a message as the request body.
if bodyField != "" {
var bodyFieldScalarTypeName string
var bodyFieldMessageTypeName string
if bodyField == "*" {
// Pass the entire request message as the request body.
bodyFieldMessageTypeName = fullMessageTypeName(inputMessage.Desc)
} else {
// If body refers to a message field, use that type.
for _, field := range inputMessage.Fields {
if string(field.Desc.Name()) == bodyField {
switch field.Desc.Kind() {
case protoreflect.StringKind:
bodyFieldScalarTypeName = "string"
case protoreflect.MessageKind:
bodyFieldMessageTypeName = fullMessageTypeName(field.Message.Desc)
log.Printf("unsupported field type %+v", field.Desc)
var requestSchema *v3.SchemaOrReference
if bodyFieldScalarTypeName != "" {
requestSchema = &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{
Type: bodyFieldScalarTypeName,
} else if bodyFieldMessageTypeName != "" {
switch bodyFieldMessageTypeName {
case ".google.protobuf.Empty":
case ".google.protobuf.Struct":
requestSchema = &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{
Type: "object",
requestSchema = &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Reference{
Reference: &v3.Reference{
XRef: g.schemaReferenceForTypeName(bodyFieldMessageTypeName),
op.RequestBody = &v3.RequestBodyOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.RequestBodyOrReference_RequestBody{
RequestBody: &v3.RequestBody{
Required: true,
Content: &v3.MediaTypes{
AdditionalProperties: []*v3.NamedMediaType{
Name: "application/json",
Value: &v3.MediaType{
Schema: requestSchema,
return op, path
// addOperationV3 adds an operation to the specified path/method.
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) addOperationV3(d *v3.Document, op *v3.Operation, path string, methodName string) {
var selectedPathItem *v3.NamedPathItem
for _, namedPathItem := range d.Paths.Path {
if namedPathItem.Name == path {
selectedPathItem = namedPathItem
// If we get here, we need to create a path item.
if selectedPathItem == nil {
selectedPathItem = &v3.NamedPathItem{Name: path, Value: &v3.PathItem{}}
d.Paths.Path = append(d.Paths.Path, selectedPathItem)
// Set the operation on the specified method.
switch methodName {
case "GET":
selectedPathItem.Value.Get = op
case "POST":
selectedPathItem.Value.Post = op
case "PUT":
selectedPathItem.Value.Put = op
case "DELETE":
selectedPathItem.Value.Delete = op
case "PATCH":
selectedPathItem.Value.Patch = op
// schemaReferenceForTypeName returns an OpenAPI JSON Reference to the schema that represents a type.
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) schemaReferenceForTypeName(typeName string) string {
if !contains(g.requiredSchemas, typeName) {
g.requiredSchemas = append(g.requiredSchemas, typeName)
parts := strings.Split(typeName, ".")
lastPart := parts[len(parts)-1]
return "#/components/schemas/" + g.formatMessageRef(lastPart)
// fullMessageTypeName builds the full type name of a message.
func fullMessageTypeName(message protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) string {
prefix := ""
parent := message.Parent()
if parent != nil {
_, ok := parent.(protoreflect.MessageDescriptor)
if ok {
prefix = string(parent.Name()) + "_" + prefix
parent = parent.Parent()
} else {
parent = nil
return "." + string(message.ParentFile().Package()) + "." + prefix + string(message.Name())
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) responseContentForMessage(outputMessage *protogen.Message) *v3.MediaTypes {
typeName := fullMessageTypeName(outputMessage.Desc)
if typeName == ".google.protobuf.Empty" {
return &v3.MediaTypes{}
if typeName == ".google.protobuf.Struct" {
return &v3.MediaTypes{}
if typeName == ".google.api.HttpBody" {
return &v3.MediaTypes{
AdditionalProperties: []*v3.NamedMediaType{
Name: "application/octet-stream",
Value: &v3.MediaType{},
return &v3.MediaTypes{
AdditionalProperties: []*v3.NamedMediaType{
Name: "application/json",
Value: &v3.MediaType{
Schema: &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Reference{
Reference: &v3.Reference{
XRef: g.schemaReferenceForTypeName(fullMessageTypeName(outputMessage.Desc)),
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) schemaOrReferenceForType(typeName string) *v3.SchemaOrReference {
switch typeName {
case ".google.protobuf.Timestamp":
// Timestamps are serialized as strings
return &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "string", Format: "RFC3339"}}}
case ".google.type.Date":
// Dates are serialized as strings
return &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "string", Format: "date"}}}
case ".google.type.DateTime":
// DateTimes are serialized as strings
return &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "string", Format: "date-time"}}}
case ".google.protobuf.Struct":
// Struct is equivalent to a JSON object
return &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "object"}}}
case ".google.protobuf.Empty":
// Empty is close to JSON undefined than null, so ignore this field
return nil //&v3.SchemaOrReference{Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "null"}}}
ref := g.schemaReferenceForTypeName(typeName)
return &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Reference{
Reference: &v3.Reference{XRef: ref}}}
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) schemaOrReferenceForField(field protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) *v3.SchemaOrReference {
if field.IsMap() {
return &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "object",
AdditionalProperties: &v3.AdditionalPropertiesItem{
Oneof: &v3.AdditionalPropertiesItem_SchemaOrReference{
SchemaOrReference: g.schemaOrReferenceForField(field.MapValue())}}}}}
var kindSchema *v3.SchemaOrReference
kind := field.Kind()
switch kind {
case protoreflect.MessageKind:
typeName := fullMessageTypeName(field.Message())
kindSchema = g.schemaOrReferenceForType(typeName)
if kindSchema == nil {
return nil
case protoreflect.StringKind:
kindSchema = &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "string"}}}
case protoreflect.Int32Kind, protoreflect.Sint32Kind, protoreflect.Uint32Kind,
protoreflect.Int64Kind, protoreflect.Sint64Kind, protoreflect.Uint64Kind,
protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind, protoreflect.Fixed32Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind,
kindSchema = &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "integer", Format: kind.String()}}}
case protoreflect.EnumKind:
kindSchema = &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "integer", Format: "enum"}}}
case protoreflect.BoolKind:
kindSchema = &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "boolean"}}}
case protoreflect.FloatKind, protoreflect.DoubleKind:
kindSchema = &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "number", Format: kind.String()}}}
case protoreflect.BytesKind:
kindSchema = &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{Type: "string", Format: "bytes"}}}
log.Printf("(TODO) Unsupported field type: %+v", fullMessageTypeName(field.Message()))
if field.IsList() {
return &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{
Type: "array",
Items: &v3.ItemsItem{SchemaOrReference: []*v3.SchemaOrReference{kindSchema}},
return kindSchema
// addSchemasToDocumentV3 adds info from one file descriptor.
func (g *OpenAPIv3Generator) addSchemasToDocumentV3(d *v3.Document, messages []*protogen.Message) {
// For each message, generate a definition.
for _, message := range messages {
if message.Messages != nil {
g.addSchemasToDocumentV3(d, message.Messages)
typeName := fullMessageTypeName(message.Desc)
log.Printf("Adding %s", typeName)
// Only generate this if we need it and haven't already generated it.
if !contains(g.requiredSchemas, typeName) ||
contains(g.generatedSchemas, typeName) {
g.generatedSchemas = append(g.generatedSchemas, typeName)
// Get the message description from the comments.
messageDescription := g.filterCommentString(message.Comments.Leading, true)
// Build an array holding the fields of the message.
definitionProperties := &v3.Properties{
AdditionalProperties: make([]*v3.NamedSchemaOrReference, 0),
for _, field := range message.Fields {
// Check the field annotations to see if this is a readonly field.
outputOnly := false
extension := proto.GetExtension(field.Desc.Options(), annotations.E_FieldBehavior)
if extension != nil {
switch v := extension.(type) {
case []annotations.FieldBehavior:
for _, vv := range v {
if vv == annotations.FieldBehavior_OUTPUT_ONLY {
outputOnly = true
log.Printf("unsupported extension type %T", extension)
// The field is either described by a reference or a schema.
fieldSchema := g.schemaOrReferenceForField(field.Desc)
if fieldSchema == nil {
if schema, ok := fieldSchema.Oneof.(*v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema); ok {
// Get the field description from the comments.
schema.Schema.Description = g.filterCommentString(field.Comments.Leading, true)
if outputOnly {
schema.Schema.ReadOnly = true
definitionProperties.AdditionalProperties = append(
Name: g.formatFieldName(field),
Value: fieldSchema,
// Add the schema to the components.schema list.
d.Components.Schemas.AdditionalProperties = append(d.Components.Schemas.AdditionalProperties,
Name: g.formatMessageName(message),
Value: &v3.SchemaOrReference{
Oneof: &v3.SchemaOrReference_Schema{
Schema: &v3.Schema{
Description: messageDescription,
Properties: definitionProperties,
// contains returns true if an array contains a specified string.
func contains(s []string, e string) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == e {
return true
return false
// singular produces the singular form of a collection name.
func singular(plural string) string {
if strings.HasSuffix(plural, "ves") {
return strings.TrimSuffix(plural, "ves") + "f"
if strings.HasSuffix(plural, "ies") {
return strings.TrimSuffix(plural, "ies") + "y"
if strings.HasSuffix(plural, "s") {
return strings.TrimSuffix(plural, "s")
return plural
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