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Created February 2, 2011 04:51
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Save timburks/807255 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sending and receiving mail with Pantomime.
(load "Pantomime")
(class PantomimePOP3Client is NSObject
(ivar (id) pop3 (id) user (BOOL) running)
(- (void) run is
(set @pop3 ((CWPOP3Store alloc) initWithName:(@user server:) port:(@user port:)))
(@pop3 setDelegate:self)
(@pop3 connectInBackgroundAndNotify)
(set @running YES)
(while @running
((NSRunLoop currentRunLoop) runUntilDate:(NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01))))
(- (void) authenticationCompleted:(id) theNotification is
(puts "Authentication completed! Checking for messages.")
((@pop3 defaultFolder) prefetch))
(- (void) authenticationFailed:(id) theNotification is
(puts "Authentication failed! Closing the connection.")
(@pop3 close)
(set @running NO))
(- (void) connectionEstablished:(id) theNotification is
((@pop3 connection) startSSL))
(- (void) connectionTerminated:(id) theNotification is
(puts "Connection closed.")
(set @running NO))
(- (void) folderPrefetchCompleted:(id) theNotification is
(set count ((@pop3 defaultFolder) count))
(puts "There are #{count} messages on the server.")
(if (> count 0)
(then (puts "Prefetching and initializing.")
(((@pop3 defaultFolder) allMessages) each:
(do (message)
(message setInitialized:YES))))
(else (puts "Closing the connection.")
(@pop3 close)
(set @running NO))))
(- (void) messagePrefetchCompleted:(id) theNotification is
(set message ((theNotification userInfo) Message:))
(puts "Got the message: #{(message subject)}")
(puts (NSString stringWithData:(message rawSource) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding))
(@pop3 close))
(- (void) serviceInitialized:(id) theNotification is
;(puts "SSL Handshake complete")
;(puts ((@pop3 supportedMechanisms) description))
(@pop3 authenticate:(@user username:) password:(@user password:) mechanism:"none")))
(set user (dict username:(((NSProcessInfo processInfo) environment) objectForKey:"BOT_MAIL_USERNAME")
password:(((NSProcessInfo processInfo) environment) objectForKey:"BOT_MAIL_PASSWORD")
(set client (PantomimePOP3Client new))
(client setUser:user)
(client run)
(puts "done")
(load "Pantomime")
(class PantomimeSMTPClient is NSObject
(ivar (id) smtp (id) user (BOOL) running)
(- (void) sendMessage:(id) message is
(set cwmessage ((CWMessage alloc) init))
(cwmessage setSubject:(message subject:))
(cwmessage setFrom:((CWInternetAddress alloc) initWithString:(@user username:)))
((message recipients:) each:
(do (recipient)
(set address ((CWInternetAddress alloc) initWithString:recipient))
(address setType:1)
(cwmessage addRecipient:address)))
(cwmessage setContentType:"text/plain")
(cwmessage setContent:((message text:) dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding))
(set @smtp ((CWSMTP alloc) initWithName:(@user server:) port:(@user port:)))
(@smtp setDelegate:self)
(@smtp setMessage:cwmessage)
(set @running YES)
(@smtp connectInBackgroundAndNotify))
(- (void) authenticationCompleted:(id) notification is
(@smtp sendMessage))
(- (void) authenticationFailed:(id) notification is
(puts "authentication failed")
(@smtp close))
(- (void) connectionEstablished:(id) notification is
((@smtp connection) startSSL))
(- (void) connectionTerminated:(id) notification is
(set @running NO))
(- (void) messageSent:(id) notificaiton is
(puts "message sent")
(set @running NO))
(- (void) serviceInitialized:(id) notification is
;(puts ((@smtp supportedMechanisms) description))
(@smtp authenticate:(@user username:) password:(@user password:) mechanism:"LOGIN"))
(- (void) synchronouslySendMessage:(id) message is
(self sendMessage:message)
(while @running
((NSRunLoop currentRunLoop) runUntilDate:(NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01)))))
(set user (dict username:(((NSProcessInfo processInfo) environment) objectForKey:"BOT_MAIL_USERNAME")
password:(((NSProcessInfo processInfo) environment) objectForKey:"BOT_MAIL_PASSWORD")
(set client (PantomimeSMTPClient new))
(client setUser:user)
(10 times:
(do (i)
(puts i)
(set message (dict recipients:(array (user username:))
subject:"Test Message #{i}"
text:"Hello #{i}"))
(client synchronouslySendMessage:message)))
(puts "done")
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