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Last active January 6, 2018 14:59
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  • Save timcowlishaw/2d8917ff1b471ec4317b7c188bdd3f44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save timcowlishaw/2d8917ff1b471ec4317b7c188bdd3f44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
export IFS=' '
read -ra voices <<< `say -v ? | grep en_ | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | tr "\n" " "`
rm alvin_lucier_*
cp original.txt alvin_lucier_1.txt
truncate -s 0 lucier.log
cat original.txt
echo ""
echo "-------------"
for i in {1..100}
rand=$(( $RANDOM % n))
echo "ITERATION $i ($voice):"
j=`expr $i + 1`
cat alvin_lucier_$i.txt | say -v $voice -o alvin_lucier_$j.aiff &> lucier.log
ffmpeg -i alvin_lucier_$j.aiff -ab 24k alvin_lucier_$j.mp3 &> lucier.log
ffmpeg -i alvin_lucier_$j.mp3 -ar 16000 alvin_lucier_$j.wav &> lucier.log
pocketsphinx_continuous -infile alvin_lucier_$j.wav > alvin_lucier_$j.txt 2> lucier.log
wdiff alvin_lucier_$i.txt alvin_lucier_$j.txt | colordiff
echo ""
echo "Output:"
cat alvin_lucier_$j.txt
echo ""
echo "-------------"
I am sitting in a room different from the one you are in now. I am recording the sound of my speaking voice and I am going to play it back into the room again and again until the resonant frequencies of the room reinforce themselves so that any semblance of my speech, with perhaps the exception of rhythm, is destroyed. What you will hear, then, are the natural resonant frequencies of the room articulated by speech. I regard this activity not so much as a demonstration of a physical fact, but more as a way to smooth out any irregularities my speech might have
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Script started on Sat Jan 6 14:50:35 2018
<span style="color:teal;font-weight:bold;">[14:50:37] </span><span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">[timco@rd016598 </span><span style="color:teal;font-weight:bold;">/Users/timco/lucier</span><span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">] </span><span style="color:teal;font-weight:bold;">$ </span>cat | pbcopyvim cat | pbcopyvim rm typescriptscriptexitvim lucier.txt ./
I am sitting in a room different from the one you are in now. I am recording the sound of my speaking voice and I am going to play it back into the room again and again until the resonant frequencies of the room reinforce themselves so that any semblance of my speech, with perhaps the exception of rhythm, is destroyed. What you will hear, then, are the natural resonant frequencies of the room articulated by speech. I regard this activity not so much as a demonstration of a physical fact, but more as a way to smooth out any irregularities my speech might have
<span style="color:red;">[-I am sitting in-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+plans at+}</span> a <span style="color:red;">[-room different from the one-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+funeral their friends for all of+}</span> you are <span style="color:red;">[-in now. I-]</span> {+a lot
i+} am <span style="color:red;">[-recording-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+reporting zones as was+}</span> the <span style="color:red;">[-sound of my speaking voice and I-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+trees was that i+}</span> am going to play <span style="color:red;">[-it back into the-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+at a+}</span> room <span style="color:red;">[-again and again-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+with that certain+}</span> until <span style="color:red;">[-the resonant-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+her resonance+}</span> frequencies <span style="color:red;">[-of the room reinforce themselves so that any semblance of my speech,-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are reinforcing cells also at a news and loses was dates+}</span> with perhaps the <span style="color:red;">[-exception of rhythm, is destroyed. What-]</span> {+apps and resume
as brought in
what+} you will <span style="color:red;">[-hear, then, are the natural resonant frequencies of the room articulated by speech. I-]</span> {+hear than ours unnatural resonance we would sneeze or rule articulate it states
i+} regard <span style="color:red;">[-this activity-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+as as in the+}</span> not so much <span style="color:red;">[-as a demonstration of-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+that that was raisins us is+}</span> a <span style="color:red;">[-physical fact, but more-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+whole stack or+}</span> as <span style="color:red;">[-a way to smooth-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+always has moved+}</span> out <span style="color:red;">[-any-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+of the+}</span> irregularities <span style="color:green;">{+was+}</span> my <span style="color:red;">[-speech might have-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+ass+}</span>
plans at a funeral their friends for all of you are a lot
i am reporting zones as was the trees was that i am going to play at a room with that certain until her resonance frequencies are reinforcing cells also at a news and loses was dates with perhaps the apps and resume
as brought in
what you will hear than ours unnatural resonance we would sneeze or rule articulate it states
i regard as as in the not so much that that was raisins us is a whole stack or as always has moved out of the irregularities was my ass
plans at a <span style="color:red;">[-funeral-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+junior all+}</span> their friends for all <span style="color:red;">[-of-]</span> you are a lot
<span style="color:red;">[-i am reporting zones as was the trees was-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+when reporters all zoos no todos los+}</span> that <span style="color:red;">[-i am going to play-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+article+}</span> at a <span style="color:red;">[-room with-]</span> {+platter
is+} that certain <span style="color:red;">[-until her resonance frequencies are-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+torres who's read news news or+}</span> reinforcing cells also at a news and loses <span style="color:red;">[-was dates-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+its+}</span> with <span style="color:red;">[-perhaps the apps-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+her hat snaps+}</span> and resume as <span style="color:red;">[-brought in-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+broad and+}</span> what you will <span style="color:red;">[-hear than ours unnatural-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+do is add hours on natural+}</span> resonance <span style="color:red;">[-we would sneeze-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+new ones news+}</span> or rule articulate it states
<span style="color:red;">[-i regard-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are a retard+}</span> as as <span style="color:red;">[-in the-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+i'm+}</span> not so much that <span style="color:red;">[-that was raisins us is a-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+raises says+}</span> whole <span style="color:red;">[-stack-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+act+}</span> or as always <span style="color:red;">[-has-]</span> moved out of the irregularities was my ass
plans at a junior all their friends for all you are a lot when reporters all zoos no todos los that article at a platter
is that certain torres who's read news news or reinforcing cells also at a news and loses its with her hat snaps and resume as broad and what you will do is add hours on natural resonance new ones news or rule articulate it states are a retard as as i'm not so much that raises says whole act or as always moved out of the irregularities was my ass
<span style="color:red;">[-plans at a-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+ours are the+}</span> junior all their friends <span style="color:red;">[-for all-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+who are+}</span> you are a lot when reporters <span style="color:red;">[-all zoos no-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+was using a+}</span> todos <span style="color:red;">[-los-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+os+}</span> that article [-at a platter
is-] <span style="color:green;">{+on cars+}</span> that <span style="color:red;">[-certain torres-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are notorious+}</span> who's read news news or reinforcing cells also <span style="color:red;">[-at a news and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+like to sing+}</span> loses its with <span style="color:red;">[-her hat snaps and resume-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+perhaps not as soon+}</span> as broad <span style="color:red;">[-and what-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+would+}</span> you <span style="color:red;">[-will do is add-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+want to lose that+}</span> hours on <span style="color:red;">[-natural resonance-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+a true presence+}</span> new ones news or <span style="color:red;">[-rule-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+who+}</span> articulate it states are <span style="color:red;">[-a retard-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+retarded+}</span> as as <span style="color:red;">[-i'm-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+ah+}</span> not so much that raises <span style="color:red;">[-says whole act or as-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+has lacked aren't+}</span> always <span style="color:red;">[-moved-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+move+}</span> out of the irregularities was <span style="color:red;">[-my ass-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+mine out+}</span>
ours are the junior all their friends who are you are a lot when reporters was using a todos os that article on cars that are notorious who's read news news or reinforcing cells also like to sing loses its with perhaps not as soon as broad would you want to lose that hours on a true presence new ones news or who articulate it states are retarded as as ah not so much that raises has lacked aren't always move out of the irregularities was mine out
ITERATION 4 (Karen):
<span style="color:red;">[-ours are the-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+was a+}</span> junior all their friends who <span style="color:red;">[-are-]</span> you are a lot when <span style="color:red;">[-reporters was-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+red bull to as+}</span> using a <span style="color:red;">[-todos os that-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+ta is also an+}</span> article on <span style="color:red;">[-cars that-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+continent+}</span> are <span style="color:red;">[-notorious who's-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+used his+}</span> read news news <span style="color:red;">[-or-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are+}</span> reinforcing cells also like to sing <span style="color:red;">[-loses its with-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+lies isn't it+}</span> perhaps not as <span style="color:red;">[-soon-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+thin+}</span> as <span style="color:red;">[-broad would you-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+gullible idiot+}</span> want to <span style="color:red;">[-lose that hours-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+leave the cows+}</span> on a <span style="color:red;">[-true-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+tray+}</span> presence new <span style="color:red;">[-ones news or who articulate it states are retarded as as ah-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+one's knees on the logic like it's taken the topic is is not+}</span> not so much that <span style="color:red;">[-raises-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+masses+}</span> has <span style="color:red;">[-lacked aren't always move-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+led to an ally is made+}</span> out of the irregularities was <span style="color:red;">[-mine out-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+announced+}</span>
was a junior all their friends who you are a lot when red bull to as using a ta is also an article on continent are used his read news news are reinforcing cells also like to sing lies isn't it perhaps not as thin as gullible idiot want to leave the cows on a tray presence new one's knees on the logic like it's taken the topic is is not not so much that masses has led to an ally is made out of the irregularities was announced
ITERATION 5 (Samantha):
was a junior all their friends who you are a lot when <span style="color:red;">[-red bull to as-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+regardless+}</span> using a <span style="color:red;">[-ta-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+tie+}</span> is also an article on continent are used his <span style="color:red;">[-read news news-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+weaknesses+}</span> are reinforcing cells also like to sing lies isn't it perhaps not as thin as gullible idiot want to <span style="color:red;">[-leave the-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+lead them+}</span> cows on a tray presence new <span style="color:red;">[-one's knees-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+ones nice+}</span> on the logic like it's taken the topic is is not not so much that masses <span style="color:red;">[-has led-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and+}</span> to an ally is made out of the irregularities was announced
was a junior all their friends who you are a lot when regardless using a tie is also an article on continent are used his weaknesses are reinforcing cells also like to sing lies isn't it perhaps not as thin as gullible idiot want to lead them cows on a tray presence new ones nice on the logic like it's taken the topic is is not not so much that masses and to an ally is made out of the irregularities was announced
ITERATION 6 (Samantha):
was a junior all their friends who you are a lot when regardless using a <span style="color:red;">[-tie is-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+tight+}</span> also an article on continent are used his weaknesses are reinforcing cells also like to sing lies isn't it perhaps not as thin as gullible idiot want to <span style="color:red;">[-lead-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+let+}</span> them cows on a tray presence new ones nice on the logic like it's taken the topic is is not not so much that masses and to an ally is made out of the irregularities was announced
was a junior all their friends who you are a lot when regardless using a tight also an article on continent are used his weaknesses are reinforcing cells also like to sing lies isn't it perhaps not as thin as gullible idiot want to let them cows on a tray presence new ones nice on the logic like it's taken the topic is is not not so much that masses and to an ally is made out of the irregularities was announced
was a junior all their friends who <span style="color:red;">[-you-]</span> are <span style="color:red;">[-a lot when-]</span> regardless <span style="color:red;">[-using a tight-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you should+}</span> also an article on <span style="color:red;">[-continent are used-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+to our use+}</span> his <span style="color:red;">[-weaknesses-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+reduces+}</span> are reinforcing cells also like to sing lies isn't it perhaps not as <span style="color:red;">[-thin-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+can+}</span> as gullible <span style="color:red;">[-idiot-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+idiots+}</span> want to <span style="color:red;">[-let them cows-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+vote and hours+}</span> on a tray presence new ones nice <span style="color:red;">[-on the-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and+}</span> logic like <span style="color:red;">[-it's taken-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+taking+}</span> the topic is is not not so much that <span style="color:red;">[-masses-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+matters is into+}</span> and <span style="color:red;">[-to an ally-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+out lie+}</span> is made out of the irregularities was <span style="color:red;">[-announced-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+in+}</span>
was a junior all their friends who are regardless you should also an article on to our use his reduces are reinforcing cells also like to sing lies isn't it perhaps not as can as gullible idiots want to vote and hours on a tray presence new ones nice and logic like taking the topic is is not not so much that matters is into and out lie is made out of the irregularities was in
ITERATION 8 (Daniel):
was <span style="color:red;">[-a junior all their-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+it to the oldest+}</span> friends <span style="color:red;">[-who-]</span> are regardless you should also <span style="color:red;">[-an-]</span> article <span style="color:red;">[-on to our use his reduces are reinforcing-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and ah you see is reduced is ah we're closing+}</span> cells also like to <span style="color:red;">[-sing lies-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+see a lot+}</span> isn't it <span style="color:red;">[-perhaps-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+oh that's+}</span> not as <span style="color:red;">[-can-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+dumb+}</span> as gullible idiots want to <span style="color:red;">[-vote and hours on a tray presence-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+go to now is all that for the grizzlies+}</span> new <span style="color:red;">[-ones-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+loans+}</span> nice and logic like taking the topic is is not not so much that <span style="color:red;">[-matters-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+masses+}</span> is into <span style="color:red;">[-and out lie-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+an outlier+}</span> is made out of the irregularities <span style="color:red;">[-was in-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+with him+}</span>
was it to the oldest friends are regardless you should also article and ah you see is reduced is ah we're closing cells also like to see a lot isn't it oh that's not as dumb as gullible idiots want to go to now is all that for the grizzlies new loans nice and logic like taking the topic is is not not so much that masses is into an outlier is made out of the irregularities with him
ITERATION 9 (Samantha):
was it to the oldest friends are regardless you should also article and <span style="color:red;">[-ah you see-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+honesty+}</span> is reduced is ah we're closing cells also like to see a lot isn't it <span style="color:red;">[-oh that's-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+odd+}</span> not as dumb as gullible idiots want to go to now is all that for the grizzlies new loans nice and logic like taking the topic is <span style="color:red;">[-is-]</span> not not so much that <span style="color:red;">[-masses is into an outlier-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+nazism to when a player+}</span> is made out of the irregularities with him
was it to the oldest friends are regardless you should also article and honesty is reduced is ah we're closing cells also like to see a lot isn't it odd not as dumb as gullible idiots want to go to now is all that for the grizzlies new loans nice and logic like taking the topic is not not so much that nazism to when a player is made out of the irregularities with him
ITERATION 10 (Victoria):
<span style="color:red;">[-was it to-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+went into+}</span> the oldest friends are <span style="color:red;">[-regardless-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+a guard list+}</span> you should also article and honesty is reduced is ah we're closing cells also like to see <span style="color:red;">[-a lot-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+lots+}</span> isn't it odd not as dumb as <span style="color:red;">[-gullible idiots want to go-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+the label it is not too good+}</span> to now is all <span style="color:red;">[-that-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+dat+}</span> for the grizzlies <span style="color:red;">[-new loans-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+maintenance+}</span> nice and logic like taking the topic is not not so much that <span style="color:red;">[-nazism to-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+not certainty+}</span> when a player is made out of the irregularities with him
went into the oldest friends are a guard list you should also article and honesty is reduced is ah we're closing cells also like to see lots isn't it odd not as dumb as the label it is not too good to now is all dat for the grizzlies maintenance nice and logic like taking the topic is not not so much that not certainty when a player is made out of the irregularities with him
ITERATION 11 (Karen):
went into the <span style="color:red;">[-oldest friends are a guard list-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+opposite and oregon least+}</span> you should also <span style="color:red;">[-article and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+not to go on+}</span> honesty is reduced is ah <span style="color:red;">[-we're closing cells also like-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+regarding still deals on+}</span> to see <span style="color:red;">[-lots-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+what+}</span> isn't <span style="color:red;">[-it odd-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+that are+}</span> not as dumb as the <span style="color:red;">[-label it is-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+languages+}</span> not <span style="color:red;">[-too good-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+to go+}</span> to now is all <span style="color:red;">[-dat-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+that+}</span> for the grizzlies maintenance nice <span style="color:red;">[-and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+in+}</span> logic like taking the topic is not not so much that <span style="color:red;">[-not certainty-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+nonsense and see+}</span> when a player is made out of the irregularities <span style="color:red;">[-with him-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+in+}</span>
went into the opposite and oregon least you should also not to go on honesty is reduced is ah regarding still deals on to see what isn't that are not as dumb as the languages not to go to now is all that for the grizzlies maintenance nice in logic like taking the topic is not not so much that nonsense and see when a player is made out of the irregularities in
ITERATION 12 (Veena):
went into the opposite and <span style="color:red;">[-oregon least-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are in the east+}</span> you should also not to go on honesty is reduced is <span style="color:red;">[-ah regarding-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+not a budding+}</span> still deals on <span style="color:red;">[-to see what isn't-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+disney why didn't+}</span> that are not as dumb as <span style="color:red;">[-the languages-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+a language is+}</span> not to go to now is all that for the grizzlies maintenance nice <span style="color:red;">[-in-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and+}</span> logic like taking the topic is not not so much that nonsense and see when a <span style="color:red;">[-player-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+day or+}</span> is made out of the irregularities in
went into the opposite and are in the east you should also not to go on honesty is reduced is not a budding still deals on disney why didn't that are not as dumb as a language is not to go to now is all that for the grizzlies maintenance nice and logic like taking the topic is not not so much that nonsense and see when a day or is made out of the irregularities in
ITERATION 13 (Alex):
went into the opposite and are in the <span style="color:red;">[-east-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+least+}</span> you should also <span style="color:red;">[-not-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+got+}</span> to go on honesty is reduced is not a <span style="color:red;">[-budding-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+bonding+}</span> still deals on disney why didn't <span style="color:red;">[-that-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+they+}</span> are not <span style="color:red;">[-as dumb as-]</span> a <span style="color:green;">{+dominant+}</span> language is not to go to now is all that for the grizzlies maintenance nice and logic like taking the topic is not not so much that nonsense and see <span style="color:red;">[-when-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+what+}</span> a day or is made out of the irregularities in
went into the opposite and are in the least you should also got to go on honesty is reduced is not a bonding still deals on disney why didn't they are not a dominant language is not to go to now is all that for the grizzlies maintenance nice and logic like taking the topic is not not so much that nonsense and see what a day or is made out of the irregularities in
ITERATION 14 (Fred):
went <span style="color:red;">[-into-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+to+}</span> the opposite and are <span style="color:red;">[-in the least you should-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and lose your shirt+}</span> also <span style="color:red;">[-got-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+de la has+}</span> to <span style="color:red;">[-go on honesty is reduced is-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+do stuff+}</span> not <span style="color:red;">[-a bonding still deals-]</span> on <span style="color:red;">[-disney why didn't-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+jews do what+}</span> they are not <span style="color:red;">[-a dominant language is-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+honest i would+}</span> not <span style="color:red;">[-to-]</span> go to now is all that <span style="color:red;">[-for-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+or+}</span> the grizzlies <span style="color:red;">[-maintenance-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+news is+}</span> nice and <span style="color:red;">[-logic like taking-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+lied to by hitting+}</span> the <span style="color:red;">[-topic-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+doctor+}</span> is not not so <span style="color:red;">[-much that nonsense and see-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+let's add ons as news knew+}</span> what <span style="color:red;">[-a day or-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+it+}</span> is <span style="color:red;">[-made out-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+or isn't a tone+}</span> of the irregularities <span style="color:red;">[-in-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and+}</span>
went to the opposite and are and lose your shirt also de la has to do stuff not on jews do what they are not honest i would not go to now is all that or the grizzlies news is nice and lied to by hitting the doctor is not not so let's add ons as news knew what it is or isn't a tone of the irregularities and
ITERATION 15 (Victoria):
went to the opposite and are and lose your shirt <span style="color:red;">[-also de la has-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+off and a lot+}</span> to do <span style="color:red;">[-stuff-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and and+}</span> not on <span style="color:red;">[-jews do-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+tuesday+}</span> what they are not honest i would not <span style="color:red;">[-go to now is all that-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+gotten are insolvent+}</span> or <span style="color:red;">[-the grizzlies news is-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+degree three sneezes+}</span> nice and lied to by hitting the doctor is not not so let's add ons as <span style="color:red;">[-news knew-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+nice and+}</span> what it is or isn't a <span style="color:red;">[-tone-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+ton+}</span> of the irregularities and
went to the opposite and are and lose your shirt off and a lot to do and and not on tuesday what they are not honest i would not gotten are insolvent or degree three sneezes nice and lied to by hitting the doctor is not not so let's add ons as nice and what it is or isn't a ton of the irregularities and
ITERATION 16 (Alex):
<span style="color:red;">[-went to-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+what do+}</span> the opposite and <span style="color:red;">[-are and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+aren't+}</span> lose <span style="color:red;">[-your-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+our+}</span> shirt <span style="color:red;">[-off-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+on+}</span> and <span style="color:red;">[-a lot-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+on+}</span> to do and <span style="color:red;">[-and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+i'm+}</span> not on tuesday <span style="color:red;">[-what they-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+which+}</span> are not honest i would not gotten are insolvent or degree three <span style="color:red;">[-sneezes-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+seasons+}</span> nice and lied to by hitting the doctor is not not so let's add ons <span style="color:red;">[-as-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+is+}</span> nice and what it is or isn't <span style="color:red;">[-a ton-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+the tone+}</span> of the <span style="color:red;">[-irregularities and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+regular season+}</span>
what do the opposite and aren't lose our shirt on and on to do and i'm not on tuesday which are not honest i would not gotten are insolvent or degree three seasons nice and lied to by hitting the doctor is not not so let's add ons is nice and what it is or isn't the tone of the regular season
ITERATION 17 (Veena):
what do the opposite and <span style="color:red;">[-aren't lose our shirt-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and do not shed+}</span> on and on to do and i'm not on tuesday which are not honest i would not gotten are insolvent <span style="color:red;">[-or-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+law+}</span> degree <span style="color:red;">[-three-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+to the+}</span> seasons nice and lied to by <span style="color:red;">[-hitting-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+getting+}</span> the <span style="color:red;">[-doctor-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+job+}</span> is not not so let's add ons is nice and what it is or isn't the tone of the regular season
what do the opposite and and do not shed on and on to do and i'm not on tuesday which are not honest i would not gotten are insolvent law degree to the seasons nice and lied to by getting the job is not not so let's add ons is nice and what it is or isn't the tone of the regular season
ITERATION 18 (Moira):
what do the opposite and and do not shed on and on to do and i'm not on tuesday which are not honest i would not <span style="color:red;">[-gotten are insolvent law degree-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+go to arkansas than to not agree+}</span> to the seasons nice and lied to by getting the job is not not so let's add ons is nice and <span style="color:red;">[-what it is or-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+watches his own+}</span> isn't the tone of the regular season
what do the opposite and and do not shed on and on to do and i'm not on tuesday which are not honest i would not go to arkansas than to not agree to the seasons nice and lied to by getting the job is not not so let's add ons is nice and watches his own isn't the tone of the regular season
ITERATION 19 (Alex):
what do <span style="color:red;">[-the opposite and and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+doctors who didn't+}</span> do not <span style="color:red;">[-shed on and-]</span> on to do and <span style="color:red;">[-i'm not on tuesday-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+aren't you today+}</span> which are not honest <span style="color:red;">[-i would not go to-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+when art+}</span> arkansas <span style="color:red;">[-than to not agree-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+content on it grew+}</span> to <span style="color:red;">[-the seasons-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+this season's+}</span> nice and lied to by getting the job is not not so let's <span style="color:red;">[-add ons-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+run+}</span> is nice and watches his own <span style="color:red;">[-isn't the tone-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+sense of how one+}</span> of the regular season
what do doctors who didn't do not on to do and aren't you today which are not honest when art arkansas content on it grew to this season's nice and lied to by getting the job is not not so let's run is nice and watches his own sense of how one of the regular season
ITERATION 20 (Tessa):
what do doctors who didn't do not <span style="color:red;">[-on-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+want+}</span> to do and <span style="color:red;">[-aren't you-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are due+}</span> today which are not <span style="color:red;">[-honest when art arkansas content-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+honestly not+}</span> on <span style="color:red;">[-it grew-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+console constant are you due+}</span> to <span style="color:red;">[-this season's-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+the seasons+}</span> nice and lied to by getting the job is not <span style="color:red;">[-not so let's run is-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+small surrogates money's+}</span> nice and <span style="color:red;">[-watches his own sense of how one of-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+watch a season since upon want all+}</span> the regular season
what do doctors who didn't do not want to do and are due today which are not honestly not on console constant are you due to the seasons nice and lied to by getting the job is not small surrogates money's nice and watch a season since upon want all the regular season
ITERATION 21 (Alex):
what do doctors who <span style="color:red;">[-didn't-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+do you+}</span> do not want to do and are <span style="color:red;">[-due-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you+}</span> today which are <span style="color:red;">[-not honestly not on console constant-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+still in our solar cars and+}</span> are you due to the seasons <span style="color:red;">[-nice-]</span> and <span style="color:red;">[-lied-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+i spent a lot+}</span> to <span style="color:red;">[-by-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+buy+}</span> getting the job is not small <span style="color:red;">[-surrogates-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+so regrets+}</span> money's nice and watch <span style="color:red;">[-a-]</span> season since upon want all the regular season
what do doctors who do you do not want to do and are you today which are still in our solar cars and are you due to the seasons and i spent a lot to buy getting the job is not small so regrets money's nice and watch season since upon want all the regular season
ITERATION 22 (Samantha):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do and are you today which are still in our solar cars and are you due to the seasons and i spent a <span style="color:red;">[-lot to buy-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+lotta by+}</span> getting the job is not small <span style="color:red;">[-so-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+some+}</span> regrets money's nice and watch season since upon want all the <span style="color:green;">{+all+}</span> regular season
what do doctors who do you do not want to do and are you today which are still in our solar cars and are you due to the seasons and i spent a lotta by getting the job is not small some regrets money's nice and watch season since upon want all the all regular season
ITERATION 23 (Tessa):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do and are you today which are still in <span style="color:red;">[-our solar cars-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+awe isn't a god+}</span> and are you due to the seasons and i spent a <span style="color:red;">[-lotta-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+lot so+}</span> by getting the job is not small some regrets <span style="color:red;">[-money's-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+not nice+}</span> nice and watch season since <span style="color:red;">[-upon want all the-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+a long long cold and+}</span> all regular season
what do doctors who do you do not want to do and are you today which are still in awe isn't a god and are you due to the seasons and i spent a lot so by getting the job is not small some regrets not nice nice and watch season since a long long cold and all regular season
ITERATION 24 (Victoria):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do <span style="color:red;">[-and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+but+}</span> are you today which are still in awe isn't a god and are you <span style="color:red;">[-due to-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+didn't see+}</span> the <span style="color:red;">[-seasons-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+incident+}</span> and <span style="color:red;">[-i spent a lot so-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+alonso+}</span> by getting the job is not small some regrets not nice nice and <span style="color:red;">[-watch-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+op's+}</span> season since <span style="color:red;">[-a-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+i'm on+}</span> long <span style="color:red;">[-long cold and all-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+coat on the on+}</span> regular season
what do doctors who do you do not want to do but are you today which are still in awe isn't a god and are you didn't see the incident and alonso by getting the job is not small some regrets not nice nice and op's season since i'm on long coat on the on regular season
ITERATION 25 (Moira):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do but are you <span style="color:red;">[-today which are still in awe-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+do you ensure stun all+}</span> isn't a god and are you <span style="color:red;">[-didn't see-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+done to+}</span> the incident and alonso by getting the job is not small some regrets not nice nice and <span style="color:red;">[-op's-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+jobs+}</span> season since i'm on long <span style="color:red;">[-coat on the-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+car something+}</span> on regular season
what do doctors who do you do not want to do but are you do you ensure stun all isn't a god and are you done to the incident and alonso by getting the job is not small some regrets not nice nice and jobs season since i'm on long car something on regular season
ITERATION 26 (Moira):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do but are you do you ensure <span style="color:red;">[-stun-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+it on+}</span> all isn't a god and are you <span style="color:red;">[-done-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+down+}</span> to the incident and alonso by getting the job is not small some regrets not nice nice and jobs season since i'm on long car something on regular season
what do doctors who do you do not want to do but are you do you ensure it on all isn't a god and are you down to the incident and alonso by getting the job is not small some regrets not nice nice and jobs season since i'm on long car something on regular season
ITERATION 27 (Daniel):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do <span style="color:red;">[-but are-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+good on+}</span> you do you <span style="color:red;">[-ensure it on all isn't-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+enjoy or it'll is+}</span> a <span style="color:red;">[-god and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+good old+}</span> are you <span style="color:red;">[-down to-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+gonna do use of+}</span> the <span style="color:red;">[-incident and alonso by-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+odds are+}</span> getting the job is not small some regrets not nice nice and <span style="color:red;">[-jobs season-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+sold seasons+}</span> since i'm on long <span style="color:red;">[-car-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+does+}</span> something on <span style="color:red;">[-regular season-]</span>
<span style="color:green;">{+agassi son+}</span>
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you enjoy or it'll is a good old are you gonna do use of the odds are getting the job is not small some regrets not nice nice and sold seasons since i'm on long does something on
agassi son
ITERATION 28 (Moira):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you enjoy <span style="color:red;">[-or it'll is a-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+our issues and+}</span> good old are you gonna do use of the odds are getting the job is not <span style="color:red;">[-small-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+all+}</span> some regrets not nice nice <span style="color:red;">[-and sold seasons-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+as old season+}</span> since i'm on long does something on
<span style="color:red;">[-agassi son-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+it does sound+}</span>
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you enjoy our issues and good old are you gonna do use of the odds are getting the job is not all some regrets not nice nice as old season since i'm on long does something on it does sound
ITERATION 29 (Moira):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you enjoy our issues and good old are you gonna do use of the odds are getting the job is not <span style="color:red;">[-all some-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+awesome+}</span> regrets not nice nice as old season since i'm on long does something on it does sound
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you enjoy our issues and good old are you gonna do use of the odds are getting the job is not awesome regrets not nice nice as old season since i'm on long does something on it does sound
ITERATION 30 (Samantha):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you enjoy our issues and good old are you gonna do use of the odds are getting the job is not <span style="color:red;">[-awesome regrets-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+dr lee grads+}</span> not nice nice as <span style="color:red;">[-old season-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+all seasons+}</span> since i'm on long does something on it does <span style="color:red;">[-sound-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+around+}</span>
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you enjoy our issues and good old are you gonna do use of the odds are getting the job is not dr lee grads not nice nice as all seasons since i'm on long does something on it does around
ITERATION 31 (Daniel):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you enjoy our issues and good old <span style="color:red;">[-are-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+argue that+}</span> you <span style="color:red;">[-gonna do-]</span> use <span style="color:red;">[-of-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+all+}</span> the odds are getting the job is not <span style="color:red;">[-dr lee grads-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+a doctor he grabs+}</span> not nice nice as all seasons since i'm on long does something <span style="color:red;">[-on it does-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+all that goes+}</span> around
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you enjoy our issues and good old argue that you use all the odds are getting the job is not a doctor he grabs not nice nice as all seasons since i'm on long does something all that goes around
ITERATION 32 (Daniel):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you <span style="color:red;">[-enjoy our-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and you are+}</span> issues and <span style="color:red;">[-good old argue that-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+goodell not+}</span> you <span style="color:green;">{+got to+}</span> use all the odds are getting the job is not a doctor he grabs <span style="color:red;">[-not-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+look+}</span> nice nice as all seasons since i'm on long does something all that goes around
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you and you are issues and goodell not you got to use all the odds are getting the job is not a doctor he grabs look nice nice as all seasons since i'm on long does something all that goes around
ITERATION 33 (Samantha):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you <span style="color:red;">[-and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+when+}</span> you are issues and <span style="color:red;">[-goodell-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are+}</span> not you got to use all the odds are getting the job is not a doctor he grabs look nice nice <span style="color:red;">[-as-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+is+}</span> all <span style="color:red;">[-seasons-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+season+}</span> since i'm on long does something all that goes around
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you when you are issues and are not you got to use all the odds are getting the job is not a doctor he grabs look nice nice is all season since i'm on long does something all that goes around
ITERATION 34 (Moira):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you when you are issues and are not you got to use all the odds are getting the job is not a doctor he grabs <span style="color:red;">[-look-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+a+}</span> nice nice is all season since i'm on long does something <span style="color:red;">[-all-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+on+}</span> that goes around
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you do you when you are issues and are not you got to use all the odds are getting the job is not a doctor he grabs a nice nice is all season since i'm on long does something on that goes around
ITERATION 35 (Alex):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you <span style="color:red;">[-do-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+to+}</span> you when you are issues and are not <span style="color:red;">[-you-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you've+}</span> got to <span style="color:red;">[-use all the odds-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+show leon+}</span> are <span style="color:red;">[-getting the-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+in good+}</span> job is not a doctor he grabs <span style="color:green;">{+and+}</span> a nice nice is all season since i'm on long does something on that goes around
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you to you when you are issues and are not you've got to show leon are in good job is not a doctor he grabs and a nice nice is all season since i'm on long does something on that goes around
ITERATION 36 (Victoria):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you to you <span style="color:red;">[-when-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and+}</span> you are issues and are not you've got to show <span style="color:red;">[-leon-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+ya+}</span> are in good job <span style="color:red;">[-is-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+but it's+}</span> not a doctor he grabs <span style="color:red;">[-and a nice nice is all season-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+in the mice not insulting since+}</span> since i'm on long does something on that goes around
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you to you and you are issues and are not you've got to show ya are in good job but it's not a doctor he grabs in the mice not insulting since since i'm on long does something on that goes around
ITERATION 37 (Samantha):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you to you <span style="color:red;">[-and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+when+}</span> you are issues and are not you've got to show <span style="color:red;">[-ya are in-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+yeah aren't+}</span> good job but <span style="color:red;">[-it's not a-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+on+}</span> doctor he grabs in the mice not insulting since since i'm on long does something on that goes around
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you to you when you are issues and are not you've got to show yeah aren't good job but on doctor he grabs in the mice not insulting since since i'm on long does something on that goes around
ITERATION 38 (Moira):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you to you when you are <span style="color:red;">[-issues and are-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+a student or+}</span> not you've got to show <span style="color:red;">[-yeah aren't-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you and+}</span> good job <span style="color:red;">[-but-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+good+}</span> on doctor he grabs <span style="color:red;">[-in the mice-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and was+}</span> not insulting since since i'm on long does something on that goes around
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you to you when you are a student or not you've got to show you and good job good on doctor he grabs and was not insulting since since i'm on long does something on that goes around
ITERATION 39 (Tessa):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you to you when you are a student or not <span style="color:red;">[-you've-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you+}</span> got to show you and good job good on <span style="color:red;">[-doctor he grabs-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+top to eke rags+}</span> and was not insulting since since i'm on long does something on that goes around
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you to you when you are a student or not you got to show you and good job good on top to eke rags and was not insulting since since i'm on long does something on that goes around
ITERATION 40 (Tessa):
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you to you when you are a student or not you got to show you <span style="color:red;">[-and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+any+}</span> good job good on top to <span style="color:red;">[-eke rags-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+the cracks+}</span> and was not insulting since since i'm on long does something on that goes around
what do doctors who do you do not want to do good on you to you when you are a student or not you got to show you any good job good on top to the cracks and was not insulting since since i'm on long does something on that goes around
ITERATION 41 (Karen):
what <span style="color:red;">[-do doctors who-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+adopted you+}</span> do you do not want to do good on you to you when <span style="color:red;">[-you are a student or-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you're arrested and you're+}</span> not you got to show you any good job good on top to the cracks and was not insulting <span style="color:red;">[-since-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+seen+}</span> since i'm on long does something on <span style="color:red;">[-that goes-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+the guys+}</span> around
what adopted you do you do not want to do good on you to you when you're arrested and you're not you got to show you any good job good on top to the cracks and was not insulting seen since i'm on long does something on the guys around
ITERATION 42 (Karen):
<span style="color:red;">[-what-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+was+}</span> adopted you do you do not want to do good on you to you when you're arrested and you're not you got to <span style="color:red;">[-show you-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+sharia+}</span> any good job good on top to the cracks and was not insulting seen since i'm on long does something on the guys around
was adopted you do you do not want to do good on you to you when you're arrested and you're not you got to sharia any good job good on top to the cracks and was not insulting seen since i'm on long does something on the guys around
ITERATION 43 (Daniel):
was adopted you do you do not want to do good on you to you when <span style="color:red;">[-you're-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you are+}</span> arrested and <span style="color:red;">[-you're-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you'll+}</span> not you got to <span style="color:red;">[-sharia-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+share in+}</span> any good job good <span style="color:red;">[-on top to the cracks-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+old ultimate august+}</span> and was not insulting seen since i'm on long does something <span style="color:red;">[-on-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+all+}</span> the guys around
was adopted you do you do not want to do good on you to you when you are arrested and you'll not you got to share in any good job good old ultimate august and was not insulting seen since i'm on long does something all the guys around
ITERATION 44 (Fred):
<span style="color:red;">[-was adopted-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+what are+}</span> you do you do not want to do <span style="color:red;">[-good on you to-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+but ah+}</span> you <span style="color:green;">{+do+}</span> when you are <span style="color:red;">[-arrested and you'll not-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+as+}</span> you <span style="color:red;">[-got to share in any good job good old ultimate august-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are not as sharon and adopt a little blood artist+}</span> and was <span style="color:red;">[-not insulting seen since i'm-]</span> on <span style="color:red;">[-long does-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+his own tuesday's news on on on+}</span> something <span style="color:red;">[-all the guys around-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+called a prize or wrong+}</span>
what are you do you do not want to do but ah you do when you are as you are not as sharon and adopt a little blood artist and was on his own tuesday's news on on on something called a prize or wrong
ITERATION 45 (Moira):
what are you do you do not want to do <span style="color:red;">[-but ah-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+that on+}</span> you do when you are as you are not <span style="color:red;">[-as sharon and adopt-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+just our land+}</span> a <span style="color:red;">[-little blood-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+job to do a good+}</span> artist and was on his own tuesday's news on on <span style="color:red;">[-on-]</span> something called a prize or wrong
what are you do you do not want to do that on you do when you are as you are not just our land a job to do a good artist and was on his own tuesday's news on on something called a prize or wrong
ITERATION 46 (Daniel):
<span style="color:red;">[-what-]</span>are you do you do not want to do that on you do when you are <span style="color:red;">[-as you are-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+a lot+}</span> not just <span style="color:red;">[-our land-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+got+}</span> a job to do a good artist and was on <span style="color:red;">[-his own-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+the+}</span> tuesday's news on <span style="color:red;">[-on-]</span> something called a prize or wrong
are you do you do not want to do that on you do when you are a lot not just got a job to do a good artist and was on the tuesday's news on something called a prize or wrong
ITERATION 47 (Fred):
are you do you do not want to do that on you <span style="color:red;">[-do when you-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+to where there+}</span> are <span style="color:red;">[-a lot not just-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+lots and lots has+}</span> got <span style="color:red;">[-a job-]</span> to <span style="color:red;">[-do a good artist and was on the tuesday's-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+trot what what our+}</span> news <span style="color:green;">{+was+}</span> on <span style="color:red;">[-something called-]</span> a <span style="color:red;">[-prize or wrong-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+new shoes on so suit on her eyes were on+}</span>
are you do you do not want to do that on you to where there are lots and lots has got to trot what what our news was on a new shoes on so suit on her eyes were on
ITERATION 48 (Victoria):
<span style="color:red;">[-are you do you do-]</span>not want to do <span style="color:red;">[-that-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+it+}</span> on <span style="color:red;">[-you to where-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+youtube and+}</span> there are lots and lots has got to <span style="color:red;">[-trot-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+do on to+}</span> what what <span style="color:red;">[-our news-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+audience+}</span> was on <span style="color:red;">[-a new shoes on so suit on-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+an issue that has to tell+}</span> her eyes were on
not want to do it on youtube and there are lots and lots has got to do on to what what audience was on an issue that has to tell her eyes were on
ITERATION 49 (Karen):
not want to do it on youtube and there are lots and lots has got to do on to what <span style="color:red;">[-what-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+was+}</span> audience was on an issue that has to tell her eyes were on
not want to do it on youtube and there are lots and lots has got to do on to what was audience was on an issue that has to tell her eyes were on
ITERATION 50 (Alex):
not want to do it on <span style="color:red;">[-youtube-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you tube+}</span> and <span style="color:red;">[-there-]</span> are lots and lots has got to do on to what was <span style="color:red;">[-audience-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+our year+}</span> was on an issue that has <span style="color:green;">{+stuck+}</span> to <span style="color:red;">[-tell her-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+our+}</span> eyes <span style="color:red;">[-were-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are+}</span> on
not want to do it on you tube and are lots and lots has got to do on to what was our year was on an issue that has stuck to our eyes are on
ITERATION 51 (Tessa):
not want to do it on <span style="color:red;">[-you tube-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+youtube+}</span> and are lots and lots has got to do on to what was our year was on an issue that has stuck to our eyes <span style="color:red;">[-are-]</span> on
not want to do it on youtube and are lots and lots has got to do on to what was our year was on an issue that has stuck to our eyes on
ITERATION 52 (Daniel):
not want to do it on youtube and are lots and lots has got to <span style="color:red;">[-do on to what-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+go onto+}</span> was <span style="color:red;">[-our year-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+was ah you know+}</span> was on an issue that has <span style="color:red;">[-stuck to-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+got+}</span> our <span style="color:red;">[-eyes-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+odds+}</span> on
not want to do it on youtube and are lots and lots has got to go onto was was ah you know was on an issue that has got our odds on
ITERATION 53 (Tessa):
not want to do it on youtube and are lots and lots has got to go onto was <span style="color:red;">[-was ah-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+close are+}</span> you <span style="color:red;">[-know-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+that+}</span> was on an issue that has got our odds on
not want to do it on youtube and are lots and lots has got to go onto was close are you that was on an issue that has got our odds on
ITERATION 54 (Samantha):
not want to do it on <span style="color:red;">[-youtube-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you tube+}</span> and are lots and lots has got to go onto was close are you that was on an issue that has got our odds on
not want to do it on you tube and are lots and lots has got to go onto was close are you that was on an issue that has got our odds on
ITERATION 55 (Fred):
<span style="color:red;">[-not want-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+a lot+}</span> to do it on you <span style="color:red;">[-tube and-]</span> are lots and lots <span style="color:red;">[-has got to-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+not+}</span> go onto was close are you <span style="color:red;">[-that was-]</span> on <span style="color:red;">[-an issue-]</span> that <span style="color:green;">{+and it+}</span> has <span style="color:red;">[-got our odds on-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+not oregon+}</span>
a lot to do it on you are lots and lots not go onto was close are you on that and it has not oregon
ITERATION 56 (Victoria):
<span style="color:red;">[-a lot-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+i want+}</span> to do it <span style="color:red;">[-on-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and+}</span> you are lots and lots not go onto was close are you on that and <span style="color:red;">[-it has-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+the us+}</span> not <span style="color:red;">[-oregon-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+again+}</span>
i want to do it and you are lots and lots not go onto was close are you on that and the us not again
ITERATION 57 (Fred):
<span style="color:red;">[-i want to-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+what+}</span> do it and you are lots and lots not <span style="color:red;">[-go onto-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+a lotta+}</span> was close are you <span style="color:red;">[-on that-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+a lot+}</span> and <span style="color:red;">[-the us-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+do+}</span> not <span style="color:red;">[-again-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+add+}</span>
what do it and you are lots and lots not a lotta was close are you a lot and do not add
ITERATION 58 (Tessa):
what do <span style="color:red;">[-it and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+they send+}</span> you are lots and lots not a lotta was <span style="color:red;">[-close-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+guns+}</span> are you a lot and do not <span style="color:red;">[-add-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+end+}</span>
what do they send you are lots and lots not a lotta was guns are you a lot and do not end
ITERATION 59 (Daniel):
<span style="color:red;">[-what do they send-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+lose and+}</span> you are lots and lots not a <span style="color:red;">[-lotta was guns-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+lot of those gods+}</span> are you a lot and do not <span style="color:red;">[-end-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and+}</span>
lose and you are lots and lots not a lot of those gods are you a lot and do not and
ITERATION 60 (Karen):
<span style="color:red;">[-lose and-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+who is on+}</span> you <span style="color:red;">[-are lots and lots not a lot of those gods are-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+op de alda guys got the+}</span> you <span style="color:red;">[-a lot-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are+}</span> and do not <span style="color:red;">[-and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+end+}</span>
who is on you op de alda guys got the you are and do not end
ITERATION 61 (Alex):
who is on you <span style="color:red;">[-op de alda guys got the you-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+lot+}</span> are <span style="color:red;">[-and do-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+good dogs aren't aren't you+}</span> not <span style="color:red;">[-end-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+and+}</span>
who is on you lot are good dogs aren't aren't you not and
ITERATION 62 (Fred):
<span style="color:red;">[-who is-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+who's+}</span> on you lot are <span style="color:red;">[-good dogs-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+what are you+}</span> aren't aren't <span style="color:red;">[-you not and-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+a lot at+}</span>
who's on you lot are what are you aren't aren't a lot at
ITERATION 63 (Tessa):
who's on <span style="color:red;">[-you-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+your+}</span> lot <span style="color:red;">[-are-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+on+}</span> what are you aren't aren't <span style="color:red;">[-a lot at-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are just+}</span>
who's on your lot on what are you aren't aren't are just
ITERATION 64 (Tessa):
who's on <span style="color:red;">[-your-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you+}</span> lot on what are you aren't aren't are just
who's on you lot on what are you aren't aren't are just
ITERATION 65 (Karen):
<span style="color:red;">[-who's on you lot on what-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+his+}</span> are you <span style="color:red;">[-aren't aren't are-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+on donna+}</span> just
his are you on donna just
ITERATION 66 (Victoria):
<span style="color:red;">[-his are-]</span>you <span style="color:red;">[-on donna-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+got you aren't gonna+}</span> just
you got you aren't gonna just
ITERATION 67 (Daniel):
you got you <span style="color:red;">[-aren't gonna-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+on that+}</span> just
you got you on that just
ITERATION 68 (Daniel):
you got you on <span style="color:red;">[-that-]</span> just
you got you on just
ITERATION 69 (Fred):
<span style="color:red;">[-you got you on just-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+not too aren't os+}</span>
not too aren't os
ITERATION 70 (Victoria):
not <span style="color:red;">[-too aren't os-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you are in dallas+}</span>
not you are in dallas
ITERATION 71 (Victoria):
not you are in dallas
not you are in dallas
ITERATION 72 (Victoria):
not you are in dallas
not you are in dallas
ITERATION 73 (Karen):
not you <span style="color:red;">[-are in dallas-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+aren't aren't+}</span>
not you aren't aren't
ITERATION 74 (Daniel):
not you <span style="color:red;">[-aren't aren't-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+are not+}</span>
not you are not
ITERATION 75 (Victoria):
not you are not
not you are not
ITERATION 76 (Moira):
not you are not
not you are not
ITERATION 77 (Veena):
<span style="color:red;">[-not-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+god+}</span> you are not
god you are not
ITERATION 78 (Alex):
<span style="color:red;">[-god-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+got+}</span> you are not
got you are not
ITERATION 79 (Moira):
<span style="color:red;">[-got-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+gosh+}</span> you are not
gosh you are not
ITERATION 80 (Karen):
gosh <span style="color:red;">[-you are-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you're+}</span> not
gosh you're not
ITERATION 81 (Tessa):
gosh you're <span style="color:red;">[-not-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+done+}</span>
gosh you're done
ITERATION 82 (Alex):
gosh <span style="color:red;">[-you're done-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+your garden+}</span>
gosh your garden
ITERATION 83 (Veena):
gosh <span style="color:red;">[-your garden-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+you gotten+}</span>
gosh you gotten
ITERATION 84 (Alex):
gosh you gotten
gosh you gotten
ITERATION 85 (Victoria):
gosh you gotten
gosh you gotten
ITERATION 86 (Samantha):
gosh you <span style="color:red;">[-gotten-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+got to+}</span>
gosh you got to
ITERATION 87 (Moira):
gosh you got to <span style="color:green;">{+look+}</span>
gosh you got to look
ITERATION 88 (Fred):
gosh you <span style="color:red;">[-got-]</span> to look
gosh you to look
ITERATION 89 (Moira):
gosh you to look <span style="color:green;">{+at+}</span>
gosh you to look at
ITERATION 90 (Karen):
<span style="color:red;">[-gosh you to look at-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+oh shit target+}</span>
oh shit target
ITERATION 91 (Victoria):
oh shit target
oh shit target
ITERATION 92 (Daniel):
<span style="color:red;">[-oh shit target-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+you should got it+}</span>
you should got it
ITERATION 93 (Fred):
<span style="color:red;">[-you should-]</span>got it
got it
ITERATION 94 (Alex):
got it
got it
ITERATION 95 (Daniel):
got it
got it
ITERATION 96 (Alex):
got it
got it
ITERATION 97 (Fred):
<span style="color:red;">[-got it-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+on that+}</span>
on that
ITERATION 98 (Fred):
on that
on that
ITERATION 99 (Veena):
<span style="color:red;">[-on-]</span><span style="color:green;">{+and+}</span> that
and that
ITERATION 100 (Karen):
and <span style="color:red;">[-that-]</span> <span style="color:green;">{+not+}</span>
and not
<span style="color:teal;font-weight:bold;">[14:56:37] </span><span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">[timco@rd016598 </span><span style="color:teal;font-weight:bold;">/Users/timco/lucier</span><span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">] </span><span style="color:teal;font-weight:bold;">$ </span>exit
Script done on Sat Jan 6 14:56:42 2018
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