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Forked from calebphillips/cal.clj
Last active January 30, 2017 15:10
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Clojure Unix Cal
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(import [java.time Month LocalDateTime YearMonth])
(defn left-pad [desired-width s]
(let [padding (apply str (repeat (- desired-width
(count (str s)))
" "))]
(str padding s)))
(defn right-pad [desired-width s]
(let [padding (apply str (repeat (- desired-width
(count (str s)))
" "))]
(str s padding)))
(defn center [desired-width s]
(let [after (quot (- desired-width (count s)) 2)
before (- desired-width (count s) after)]
(apply str (concat (repeat before " ")
(repeat after " ")))))
(defn divisible-by? [y d] (zero? (mod y d)))
(defn leap-year? [y]
(and (divisible-by? y 4)
(or (not (divisible-by? y 100))
(divisible-by? y 400))))
(defn week-index-of-first
"Figure out what day of the week the 1st of this month falls on.
Answer will be given in offset from Sunday (Sunday=0)"
[year month-index]
;; In the java.time DayOfWeek class Monday=1 and Sunday=7, so we mod it to get
;; it to be 0-based on Sunday
(mod (.getValue
(YearMonth/of year month-index)
(defn month-lines [year month-index]
(let [month (Month/of month-index)
month-name-header (center 20
(str/capitalize (.name month)))
days-header "Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"
days (range 1 (inc (.length month (leap-year? year))))
days-as-strings (map (partial left-pad 2)
(concat (repeat (week-index-of-first
(.getValue month)) nil)
(concat [month-name-header
(map (partial right-pad 20)
(map (partial str/join " ")
(partition-all 7 days-as-strings))))))
;; Run from the repl
(defn cal
([year month-index]
(println (str/join "\n" (month-lines year month-index))))
(let [blank-week (apply str (repeat 20 " "))
slice-weeks (fn [colls]
;; add blank lines for months that are
;; shorter than the longest month in their
;; group of 3 months
(let [max-len (apply max (map count colls))
normed (map (fn [c] (if (< (count c) max-len)
(concat c (repeat blank-week))
(apply map vector normed)))
all-months (map (partial month-lines year)
(range 1 13))]
(str/join "\n"
(map (partial str/join " ")
(mapcat slice-weeks
(partition-all 3 all-months))))))))
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