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Created November 23, 2011 20:54
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Save timcrider/1389882 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Apache 'no reboot needed' virtual host configuration for development sites.
# Apache virtual host 'no reboot needed' template.
# This apache virtualhost configuration allows a user to create development
# sites on the fly. This will not work out of the box however, you will need
# to replace the {variables} in this conf with values explained below. This
# can be done with a script, or a simple find and replace in your favorite
# editor.
# Examples
# = /path/to/development/TESTING/html/
# = /path/to/development/blog/html/
# = /path/to/development/simple/html/
# Known Issues
# All of the development sites are logged into the same access/error files.
# Variables
# {serverip} - IP apache is bound to, may include port. (ex: or
# {root} - Path to the development root. (ex: /path/to/home/devsites/)
# {logroot} - Path to the development site logs. (ex: /path/to/home/logs/)
# {domain} - Domain that will host the development. (ex:
# {adminemail} - Email address of the server admin. (ex:
<VirtualHost {serverip}>
DocumentRoot {root}dev/html/
ServerName {domain}
ServerAlias *.{domain}
AccessFileName .htaccess
ServerSignature Off
UseCanonicalName Off
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
ErrorLog {logroot}{domain}-error.log
CustomLog {logroot}{domain}-access.log combined
LogLevel debug
ServerAdmin {adminemail}
<Directory "{root}">
allow from all
Options -Indexes
AllowOverride All
VirtualDocumentRoot {root}%1/html/
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