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Range and selection marker-element-based save and restore
* This is ported from Rangy's selection save and restore module and has no dependencies.
* Copyright 2019, Tim Down
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* Documentation:
* Use "rangeSelectionSaveRestore" instead of "rangy"
var rangeSelectionSaveRestore = (function() {
var markerTextChar = "\ufeff";
var selectionHasExtend = (typeof window.getSelection().extend !== "undefined");
function gEBI(id, doc) {
return (doc || document).getElementById(id);
function removeNode(node) {
// Utility function to support direction parameters in the API that may be a string ("backward", "backwards",
// "forward" or "forwards") or a Boolean (true for backwards).
function isDirectionBackward(dir) {
return (typeof dir == "string") ? /^backward(?:s)?$/i.test(dir) : !!dir;
function isSelectionBackward(sel) {
var backward = false;
if (!sel.isCollapsed) {
var range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(sel.anchorNode, sel.anchorOffset);
range.setEnd(sel.focusNode, sel.focusOffset);
backward = range.collapsed;
return backward;
function selectRangeBackwards(sel, range) {
if (selectionHasExtend) {
var endRange = range.cloneRange();
sel.extend(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
return true;
} else {
// Just select the range forwards
return false;
function insertRangeBoundaryMarker(range, atStart) {
var markerId = "selectionBoundary_" + (+new Date()) + "_" + ("" + Math.random()).slice(2);
var markerEl;
var doc = range.startContainer.ownerDocument;
// Clone the Range and collapse to the appropriate boundary point
var boundaryRange = range.cloneRange();
// Create the marker element containing a single invisible character using DOM methods and insert it
markerEl = doc.createElement("span"); = markerId; = "0"; = "none";
markerEl.textContent = markerTextChar;
return markerEl;
function setRangeBoundary(doc, range, markerId, atStart) {
var markerEl = gEBI(markerId, doc);
if (markerEl) {
range[atStart ? "setStartBefore" : "setEndBefore"](markerEl);
} else {
module.warn("Marker element has been removed. Cannot restore selection.");
function compareRanges(r1, r2) {
return r2.compareBoundaryPoints(r1.START_TO_START, r1);
function saveRange(range, direction) {
var startEl, endEl, doc = range.startContainer.ownerDocument, text = range.toString();
if (range.collapsed) {
endEl = insertRangeBoundaryMarker(range, false);
return {
document: doc,
collapsed: true
} else {
endEl = insertRangeBoundaryMarker(range, false);
startEl = insertRangeBoundaryMarker(range, true);
return {
document: doc,
collapsed: false,
backward: isDirectionBackward(direction),
toString: function() {
return "original text: '" + text + "', new text: '" + range.toString() + "'";
function restoreRange(rangeInfo) {
var doc = rangeInfo.document;
if (typeof normalize == "undefined") {
normalize = true;
var range = doc.createRange(doc);
if (rangeInfo.collapsed) {
var markerEl = gEBI(rangeInfo.markerId, doc);
if (markerEl) { = "inline";
var previousNode = markerEl.previousSibling;
if (previousNode && previousNode.nodeType == 3) {
range.setStart(previousNode, previousNode.length);
} else {
} else {
console.warn("Marker element has been removed. Cannot restore selection.");
} else {
setRangeBoundary(doc, range, rangeInfo.startMarkerId, true);
setRangeBoundary(doc, range, rangeInfo.endMarkerId, false);
return range;
function saveRanges(ranges, direction) {
// Order the ranges by position within the DOM, latest first, cloning the array to leave the original untouched
ranges = ranges.slice(0);
var backward = isDirectionBackward(direction);
var rangeInfos = {
return saveRange(range, backward)
// Now that all the markers are in place and DOM manipulation is over, adjust each range's boundaries to lie
// between its markers
for (var i = ranges.length - 1, range, doc; i >= 0; --i) {
range = ranges[i];
doc = range.startContainer.ownerDocument;
if (range.collapsed) {
range.setStartAfter(gEBI(rangeInfos[i].markerId, doc));
} else {
range.setEndBefore(gEBI(rangeInfos[i].endMarkerId, doc));
range.setStartAfter(gEBI(rangeInfos[i].startMarkerId, doc));
return rangeInfos;
function saveSelection(win) {
win = win || window;
var sel = win.getSelection();
var ranges = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sel.rangeCount; ++i) {
ranges.push( sel.getRangeAt(i) );
var backward = (ranges.length == 1 && isSelectionBackward(sel));
var rangeInfos = saveRanges(ranges, backward);
// Ensure current selection is unaffected
if (backward) {
selectRangeBackwards(sel, ranges[0]);
} else {
ranges.forEach(function(range) {
return {
win: win,
rangeInfos: rangeInfos,
restored: false
function restoreRanges(rangeInfos) {
var ranges = [];
// Ranges are in reverse order of appearance in the DOM. We want to restore earliest first to avoid
// normalization affecting previously restored ranges.
var rangeCount = rangeInfos.length;
for (var i = rangeCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ranges[i] = restoreRange(rangeInfos[i], true);
return ranges;
function restoreSelection(savedSelection, preserveDirection) {
if (!savedSelection.restored) {
var rangeInfos = savedSelection.rangeInfos;
var sel =;
var ranges = restoreRanges(rangeInfos);
var rangeCount = rangeInfos.length;
if (rangeCount == 1 && preserveDirection && selectionHasExtend && rangeInfos[0].backward) {
selectRangeBackwards(sel, ranges[0]);
} else {
ranges.forEach(function(range) {
savedSelection.restored = true;
function removeMarkerElement(doc, markerId) {
var markerEl = gEBI(markerId, doc);
if (markerEl) {
function removeMarkers(savedSelection) {
savedSelection.rangeInfos.forEach(function(rangeInfo) {
if (rangeInfo.collapsed) {
removeMarkerElement(savedSelection.doc, rangeInfo.markerId);
} else {
removeMarkerElement(savedSelection.doc, rangeInfo.startMarkerId);
removeMarkerElement(savedSelection.doc, rangeInfo.endMarkerId);
return {
saveRange: saveRange,
restoreRange: restoreRange,
saveRanges: saveRanges,
restoreRanges: restoreRanges,
saveSelection: saveSelection,
restoreSelection: restoreSelection,
removeMarkerElement: removeMarkerElement,
removeMarkers: removeMarkers
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treyles commented Nov 4, 2019

Thanks for this!

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+1, this is exactly what I needed

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Doesn't work for me, got message saying that normalize is not defined and then I removed it and got a different one:

gmail.bundle.js:1451 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'createElement' of null at insertRangeBoundaryMarker.

So I assigned a document to doc variable instead of what was there and got this:

gmail.bundle.js:1457 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'insertNode' on 'Range': Can't insert an element before a doctype. at insertRangeBoundaryMarker

Didn't manage to hook it up easily, anyone know what the issue might be? The code is:

const cursorPosition = rangeSelectionSaveRestore.saveSelection(); messageBox.innerHTML = newHtml; rangeSelectionSaveRestore.restoreSelection(cursorPosition);

messageBox is just a div.

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dagadbm commented Oct 6, 2021

just delete those 3 lines i guess.. i dont see them being used anywhere.

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const cursorPosition = rangeSelectionSaveRestore.saveSelection();
.... user adds stuff here

This worked for me like a charm. I tested in chrome, FF and Edge.

Thanks a lot. I will definitely study the rangy code in future.

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Thank you

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