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Created April 17, 2020 19:22
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Calculate random network AUPR.
# Calculate random network AUPR.
## Author: Ji Huang
## Date: 2020-04-15
# function to manipulate the edge for each network.
confirm_edge <- function(network) {
mutate({{network}}, edge = paste0(regulator, "-", target)) %>%
arrange(desc(weight)) %>%
filter(regulator %in% all_regulator) %>%
mutate(label = if_else(edge %in% filter_edge, "1", "0")) %>%
select(weight, label) %>%
mutate(label = as.integer(label))
# function to calculate a random network AUPR.
calc_random_ntwk_aupr <- function(i) {
random1 <- op3 %>% mutate(weight = sample(weight, replace = F))
random1 <- confirm_edge(random1)
msmdat <- mmdata(random1$weight, random1$label)
rand_aupr <- auc(evalmod(msmdat))[2,4]
## Load OutPredict result.
op3 <- read_csv(here("result", "Ranked_list_TF_gene_best_model_Nonly_ntree1000.csv"),
col_names = c("regulator", "target", "weight"),
skip = 1) %>%
filter(regulator!= target)
## Load the positive TARGET result. Keep the 29 TFs within the network (Discard 4 TFs)
ptarget <- read_tsv(here("data", "at_33target_result.txt"))
all_regulator <- unique(op3$regulator)[unique(op3$regulator) %in%
## Combine TF and edges, filter 29 TFs and check whether edges are confirmed by TARGET.
ptarget <- ptarget %>% filter(regulator %in% all_regulator) %>%
mutate(edge = paste0(regulator, "-", target))
filter_edge <- ptarget$edge
## Repeat 10000 times for random network.
random_aupr <- map_dbl(1:10000, calc_random_ntwk_aupr)
random_aupr <- data.frame(aupr = random_aupr)
write_tsv(random_aupr, path = here("result", "ath_root_random_network_1E5rep.tsv.gz"))
## Take a quick look.
tt1 <- read_tsv(here("result", "ath_root_random_network_1E5rep.tsv.gz"))
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