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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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# exercise in piping
# using the very fine work of Zev Ross who deserves all the credit
# devtools::install_github("renkun-ken/pipeR@0.5")
"" %>>%
read.csv( ) %>>%
mutate( date = as.Date(date) ) %>>%
filter( date > as.Date("1996-12-31") ) %>>%
mutate( year = substring(date,1,4) ) %>>%
# model - temperature against ozone
# will choose to use pipeR side effect
~ thegam = gam(o3~s(temp), data=.) %>>%
( ~ plot(., residuals=TRUE, main="Yuck, not a nice plot") )
) %>>%
# create a sequence of temperature that spans your temperature
(~ data.frame( temp = seq( min(.$temp), max(.$temp), length=300 ) ) %>>%
# predict only the temperature term (the sum of the
# term predictions and the intercept gives you the overall
# prediction)
, type="terms"
, newdata=t
) %>>%
# plot the temperature smooth but leave blank for
# now so that we can add the line on top of the polygon
plot(t$temp, .$fit, type="n", lwd=3, xlim=c(-3,90), ylim=c(-20,30),
main="Ahhh, definitely better",
ylab=paste("s(temp,", round(sum(thegam$edf[-1]),2), ")", sep=""))
) %>>%
# For the confidence grey polygon
polygon(c(t$temp, rev(t$temp)),
c(.$fit+1.96*.$,rev(.$fit-1.96*.$, col="grey",
) %>>%
lines(t$temp, .$fit, lwd=2)
) %>>%
(~ origdata ~(
predict(thegam,type="terms") + residuals(thegam) %>>%
points(origdata$temp,., pch=16, col=rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.25))
)) %>>%
# if you want to add the rug plot
( rug(.$temp) )
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