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Last active May 26, 2024 00:41
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Save timelyportfolio/6001601 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rCharts Implements d3.js Sankey Plugin
#get source from original example
#this is a JSON, so will need to translate
#this is complicated and unnecessary but feel I need to replicate
#for completeness
#expect most data to come straight from R
#in form of source, target, value
links <- matrix(unlist(
file = ""
),ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
nodes <- unlist(
file = ""
#convert to data.frame so souce and target can be character and value numeric
links <- data.frame(links)
colnames(links) <- c("source", "target", "value")
links$source <- sapply(links$source, FUN = function(x) {return(as.character(nodes[x+1]))}) #x+1 since js starts at 0
links$target <- sapply(links$target, FUN = function(x) {return(nodes[x+1])}) #x+1 since js starts at 0
#now we finally have the data in the form we need
sankeyPlot <- rCharts$new()
sankeyPlot$setTemplate(script = "layouts/chart.html")
data = links,
nodeWidth = 15,
nodePadding = 10,
layout = 32,
width = 960,
height = 500,
units = "TWh",
title = "Sankey Diagram"
<!doctype HTML>
<meta charset = 'utf-8'>
<link rel='stylesheet' href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" >
<link rel='stylesheet' href="">
<link rel='stylesheet' href="">
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
.rChart {
display: block
margin: auto auto;
width: 960px;
height: 500px;
body {
margin-top: 60px;
<div class='container'>
<div class='row'>
<div class='span11'>
<div class="bs-docs-example">
<div id='chart25446adf2470' class='rChart nvd3Plot rCharts_d3_sankey'></div>
<pre><code class='r'>require(rCharts)
#get source from original example
#this is a JSON, so will need to translate
#this is complicated and unnecessary but feel I need to replicate
#for completeness
#expect most data to come straight from R
#in form of source, target, value
links &lt;- matrix(unlist(
file = &quot;;
),ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
nodes &lt;- unlist(
file = &quot;;
#convert to data.frame so souce and target can be character and value numeric
links &lt;- data.frame(links)
colnames(links) &lt;- c(&quot;source&quot;, &quot;target&quot;, &quot;value&quot;)
links$source &lt;- sapply(links$source, FUN = function(x) {return(as.character(nodes[x+1]))}) #x+1 since js starts at 0
links$target &lt;- sapply(links$target, FUN = function(x) {return(nodes[x+1])}) #x+1 since js starts at 0
#now we finally have the data in the form we need
sankeyPlot &lt;- rCharts$new()
sankeyPlot$setTemplate(script = &quot;layouts/chart.html&quot;)
data = links,
nodeWidth = 15,
nodePadding = 10,
layout = 32,
width = 960,
height = 500,
units = &quot;TWh&quot;,
title = &quot;Sankey Diagram&quot;
Mike Bostock
Mike Bostock
var params = {
"dom": "chart25446adf2470",
"width": 960,
"height": 500,
"data": {
"source": [ "Agricultural 'waste'", "Bio-conversion", "Bio-conversion", "Bio-conversion", "Bio-conversion", "Biofuel imports", "Biomass imports", "Coal imports", "Coal reserves", "Coal", "District heating", "District heating", "District heating", "Electricity grid", "Electricity grid", "Electricity grid", "Electricity grid", "Electricity grid", "Electricity grid", "Electricity grid", "Electricity grid", "Electricity grid", "Electricity grid", "Electricity grid", "Gas imports", "Gas reserves", "Gas", "Gas", "Gas", "Gas", "Gas", "Geothermal", "H2 conversion", "H2 conversion", "H2", "Hydro", "Liquid", "Liquid", "Liquid", "Liquid", "Liquid", "Liquid", "Liquid", "Liquid", "Marine algae", "Ngas", "Nuclear", "Oil imports", "Oil reserves", "Oil", "Other waste", "Other waste", "Pumped heat", "Pumped heat", "Solar PV", "Solar Thermal", "Solar", "Solar", "Solid", "Solid", "Solid", "Thermal generation", "Thermal generation", "Thermal generation", "Tidal", "UK land based bioenergy", "Wave", "Wind" ],
"target": [ "Bio-conversion", "Liquid", "Losses", "Solid", "Gas", "Liquid", "Solid", "Coal", "Coal", "Solid", "Industry", "Heating and cooling - commercial", "Heating and cooling - homes", "Over generation / exports", "Heating and cooling - homes", "H2 conversion", "Industry", "Road transport", "Agriculture", "Heating and cooling - commercial", "Losses", "Rail transport", "Lighting & appliances - commercial", "Lighting & appliances - homes", "Ngas", "Ngas", "Heating and cooling - commercial", "Losses", "Thermal generation", "Agriculture", "Industry", "Electricity grid", "H2", "Losses", "Road transport", "Electricity grid", "Industry", "International shipping", "Road transport", "Domestic aviation", "International aviation", "Agriculture", "National navigation", "Rail transport", "Bio-conversion", "Gas", "Thermal generation", "Oil", "Oil", "Liquid", "Solid", "Bio-conversion", "Heating and cooling - homes", "Heating and cooling - commercial", "Electricity grid", "Heating and cooling - homes", "Solar Thermal", "Solar PV", "Agriculture", "Thermal generation", "Industry", "Electricity grid", "Losses", "District heating", "Electricity grid", "Bio-conversion", "Electricity grid", "Electricity grid" ],
"value": [ 124.73, 0.597, 26.862, 280.32, 81.144, 35, 35, 11.606, 63.965, 75.571, 10.639, 22.505, 46.184, 104.45, 113.73, 27.14, 342.17, 37.797, 4.412, 40.858, 56.691, 7.863, 90.008, 93.494, 40.719, 82.233, 0.129, 1.401, 151.89, 2.096, 48.58, 7.013, 20.897, 6.242, 20.897, 6.995, 121.07, 128.69, 135.84, 14.458, 206.27, 3.64, 33.218, 4.413, 4.375, 122.95, 839.98, 504.29, 107.7, 611.99, 56.587, 77.81, 193.03, 70.672, 59.901, 19.263, 19.263, 59.901, 0.882, 400.12, 46.477, 525.53, 787.13, 79.329, 9.452, 182.01, 19.013, 289.37 ]
"nodeWidth": 15,
"nodePadding": 10,
"layout": 32,
"units": "TWh",
"title": "Sankey Diagram",
"id": "chart25446adf2470"
params.units ? units = " " + params.units : units = "";
//hard code these now but eventually make available
var formatNumber = d3.format("0,.0f"), // zero decimal places
format = function(d) { return formatNumber(d) + units; },
color = d3.scale.category20();
var svg ='#' +"svg")
.attr("width", params.width)
.attr("height", params.height);
var sankey = d3.sankey()
var path =;
var data =,
links = [],
nodes = [];
//get all source and target into nodes
//will reduce to unique in the next step
//also get links in object form
data.source.forEach(function (d, i) {
nodes.push({ "name": data.source[i] });
nodes.push({ "name":[i] });
links.push({ "source": data.source[i], "target":[i], "value": +data.value[i] });
//now get nodes based on links data
//thanks Mike Bostock
//this handy little function returns only the distinct / unique nodes
nodes = d3.keys(d3.nest()
.key(function (d) { return; })
//it appears d3 with force layout wants a numeric source and target
//so loop through each link replacing the text with its index from node
links.forEach(function (d, i) {
links[i].source = nodes.indexOf(links[i].source);
links[i].target = nodes.indexOf(links[i].target);
//now loop through each nodes to make nodes an array of objects rather than an array of strings
nodes.forEach(function (d, i) {
nodes[i] = { "name": d };
var link = svg.append("g").selectAll(".link")
.attr("class", "link")
.attr("d", path)
.style("stroke-width", function (d) { return Math.max(1, d.dy); })
.sort(function (a, b) { return b.dy - a.dy; });
.text(function (d) { return + " → " + + "\n" + format(d.value); });
var node = svg.append("g").selectAll(".node")
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("transform", function (d) { return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; })
.origin(function (d) { return d; })
.on("dragstart", function () { this.parentNode.appendChild(this); })
.on("drag", dragmove));
.attr("height", function (d) { return d.dy; })
.attr("width", sankey.nodeWidth())
.style("fill", function (d) { return d.color = color( .*/, "")); })
.style("stroke", function (d) { return d3.rgb(d.color).darker(2); })
.text(function (d) { return + "\n" + format(d.value); });
.attr("x", -6)
.attr("y", function (d) { return d.dy / 2; })
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.attr("transform", null)
.text(function (d) { return; })
.filter(function (d) { return d.x < params.width / 2; })
.attr("x", 6 + sankey.nodeWidth())
.attr("text-anchor", "start");
// the function for moving the nodes
function dragmove(d) {"transform",
"translate(" + (
d.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(params.width - d.dx, d3.event.x))
) + "," + (
d.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(params.height - d.dy, d3.event.y))
) + ")");
link.attr("d", path);
<!-- Google Prettify -->
<script src=""></script>
var pres = document.getElementsByTagName("pre");
for (var i=0; i < pres.length; ++i) {
pres[i].className = "prettyprint linenums";
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Thanks for enabling this great chart type in R timelyportfolio! I am able to recreate it base on my data and I wonder is there a hack that I can highlight all the paths of a node when click? Thanks!

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