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Last active December 9, 2017 18:45
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nesting and summarizing in R and d3.js

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Nesting and summarizing data is a very common task for data analysis. I thought it would be nice to view parallel ways of nesting and summarizing with both

  • R | tidyr and dplyr
  • JavaScript | d3.js ...v4 for fun

To avoid context switching, I'll take advantage of the R package V8. If you are an R user, then these d3.js gists might be helpful d3 nest examples and Mister Nester.

Basic Nesting

# play with nesting with tidyr and d3.js


# optionally use
# devtools::install_github(timelyportfolio/listviewer")
# library(listviewer)

#####  nest mtcars in R ###########
# use base R
mtcars %>%

# use the hadleyverse
(nested_r <- mtcars %>%
  nest(-cyl) %>% #can stop here, you're nested
  tbl_df())  #use tbl_df clean view

# see it in viewer
nested_r %>%
  rename(key=cyl, values=data) %>% #not necessary but do to match d3
  jsonlite::toJSON() %>% #just verify with a json
  listviewer::jsonedit() #visualize it

##### nest mtcars in d3.js ########
# let's do it in d3.js in V8
# get context to run our JavaScript
ctx <- v8()
# source the d3.js using d3 v4 d3-collection
# could use d3 v3
# ctx$source("")
ctx$get("Object.keys(global)") #verify that d3_array is there
ctx$assign("mtcars",mtcars) #supply our context with mtcars data
(nested_d3 <- ctx$get(
      .key(function(d){return d.cyl})
) %>% tbl_df()) # use tbl_df clean view
# optionally view structure

Basic Summarizing

#### do a simple mean of mpg by cyl #########
(mean_r <- nested_r %>%
  group_by(cyl) %>%
  summarise(mpg = mean(data[[1]]$mpg)) %>%

# add d3-array to get the mean
(mean_d3 <- ctx$get(
      .key(function(d){return d.cyl})
        return d3_array.mean(d,function(d){return d.mpg})

# check our answers
mean_d3 %>%
  mutate(key=as.numeric(key)) %>%
  full_join(mean_r, c("key"="cyl")) %>%
  mutate("equals" = trunc(values,digits=5) == trunc(mpg,digits=5))

Bonus Points - use datalib

datalib is an extremely helpful JavaScript data library that is part of vega.


## try in datalib
ctx <- v8()
ctx$assign("mtcars", mtcars)
# nest
# summarize
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