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Created October 1, 2015 01:24
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var BitBuffer = function(sourceOrLength) {
this.bitLength = null // length in bits (can be less than the bytes/8)
this.byteLength = null // length in bytes (atleast enough to hold the bits)
this.byteArray = null // Uint8Array holding the underlying bits and bytes
//console.log('BitBuffer ctor', sourceOrLength, typeof sourceOrLength)
if (typeof sourceOrLength === 'number') {
// create a bitBuffer with *length* bits
this.bitLength = sourceOrLength
this.byteLength = Math.ceil(sourceOrLength / 8)
if (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') {
this.byteArray = new Buffer(this.byteLength)
} else {
this.byteArray = new Uint8Array(this.byteLength)
} else if (sourceOrLength instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
// create a bitBuffer from an ArrayBuffer (Uint8Array, etc)
this.bitLength = sourceOrLength.byteLength * 8
this.byteLength = sourceOrLength.byteLength
this.byteArray = new Uint8Array(sourceOrLength)
} else if (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && sourceOrLength instanceof Buffer) {
// create a bitBuffer from a node Buffer
this.bitLength = sourceOrLength.length * 8
this.byteLength = sourceOrLength.length
this.byteArray = new Uint8Array(sourceOrLength)
} else {
throw 'Unable to create BitBuffer, expected length (in bits), ArrayBuffer, or Buffer'
// Used to massage fp values so we can operate on them
// at the bit level.
BitBuffer._scratch = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8));
BitBuffer.concat = function(bitViews) {
var bitLength = 0
for (var i = 0; i < bitViews.length; i++) {
bitLength += bitViews[i].bitLength
var bitView = new BitBuffer(new Buffer(Math.ceil(bitLength/8)))
var offset = 0
for (var i = 0; i < bitViews.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < bitViews[i].bitLength; j++) {
bitView._setBit(bitViews[i]._getBit(j), offset)
return bitView
BitBuffer.prototype.toBuffer = function() {
return this.byteArray //new Buffer(this.byteArray, this.byteLength)
Object.defineProperty(BitBuffer.prototype, 'buffer', {
get: function () { return this._buffer; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
Object.defineProperty(BitBuffer.prototype, 'byteLength', {
get: function () { return this.byteArray.length; },
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
BitBuffer.prototype._getBit = function (offset) {
return this.byteArray[offset >> 3] >> (offset & 7) & 0x1;
BitBuffer.prototype._setBit = function (on, offset) {
if (on) {
this.byteArray[offset >> 3] |= 1 << (offset & 7);
} else {
this.byteArray[offset >> 3] &= ~(1 << (offset & 7));
BitBuffer.prototype.getBits = function (offset, bits, signed) {
var available = (this.byteArray.length * 8 - offset);
if (bits > available) {
throw new Error('Cannot get ' + bits + ' bit(s) from offset ' + offset + ', ' + available + ' available');
var value = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < bits;) {
var read;
// Read an entire byte if we can.
if ((bits - i) >= 8 && ((offset & 7) === 0)) {
value |= (this.byteArray[offset >> 3] << i);
read = 8;
} else {
value |= (this._getBit(offset) << i);
read = 1;
offset += read;
i += read;
if (signed) {
// If we're not working with a full 32 bits, check the
// imaginary MSB for this bit count and convert to a
// valid 32-bit signed value if set.
if (bits !== 32 && value & (1 << (bits - 1))) {
value |= -1 ^ ((1 << bits) - 1);
return value;
return value >>> 0;
BitBuffer.prototype.setBits = function (value, offset, bits) {
var available = (this.byteArray.length * 8 - offset);
if (bits > available) {
throw new Error('Cannot set ' + bits + ' bit(s) from offset ' + offset + ', ' + available + ' available');
for (var i = 0; i < bits;) {
var wrote;
// Write an entire byte if we can.
if ((bits - i) >= 8 && ((offset & 7) === 0)) {
this.byteArray[offset >> 3] = value & 0xFF;
wrote = 8;
} else {
this._setBit(value & 0x1, offset);
wrote = 1;
value = (value >> wrote);
offset += wrote;
i += wrote;
// true, false
BitBuffer.prototype.readBoolean = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 1, false) !== 0;
// -4 to 3
BitBuffer.prototype.readInt3 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 3, true);
// 0 to 7
BitBuffer.prototype.readUInt3 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 3, false);
// -8 to 7
BitBuffer.prototype.readInt4 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 4, true);
// 0 to 15
BitBuffer.prototype.readUInt4 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 4, false);
// -32 to 31
BitBuffer.prototype.readInt6 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 6, true);
// 0 to 63
BitBuffer.prototype.readUInt6 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 6, false);
// -128 to 127
BitBuffer.prototype.readInt8 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 8, true);
// 0 to 255
BitBuffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 8, false);
// -512 to 511
BitBuffer.prototype.readInt10 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 10, true);
// 0 to 1023
BitBuffer.prototype.readUInt10 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 10, false);
// -2048 to 2047
BitBuffer.prototype.readInt12 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 12, true);
// 0 to 4095
BitBuffer.prototype.readUInt12 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 12, false);
// -32768 to 32767
BitBuffer.prototype.readInt16 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 16, true);
// 0 to 65535
BitBuffer.prototype.readUInt16 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 16, false);
// -2147483648 to 2147483647
BitBuffer.prototype.readInt32 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 32, true);
// 0 to 4294967295
BitBuffer.prototype.readUInt32 = function (offset) {
return this.getBits(offset, 32, false);
BitBuffer.prototype.readFloat32 = function (offset) {
BitBuffer._scratch.setUint32(0, this.readUInt32(offset));
return BitBuffer._scratch.getFloat32(0);
BitBuffer.prototype.readFloat64 = function (offset) {
BitBuffer._scratch.setUint32(0, this.readUInt32(offset));
// DataView offset is in bytes.
BitBuffer._scratch.setUint32(4, this.readUInt32(offset+32));
return BitBuffer._scratch.getFloat64(0);
BitBuffer.prototype.writeBoolean = function (value, offset) {
this.setBits(value ? 1 : 0, offset, 1);
BitBuffer.prototype.writeInt3 =
BitBuffer.prototype.writeUInt3 = function (value, offset) {
this.setBits(value, offset, 3);
BitBuffer.prototype.writeInt4 =
BitBuffer.prototype.writeUInt4 = function (value, offset) {
this.setBits(value, offset, 4);
BitBuffer.prototype.writeInt6 =
BitBuffer.prototype.writeUInt6 = function (value, offset) {
this.setBits(value, offset, 6);
BitBuffer.prototype.writeInt8 =
BitBuffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function (value, offset) {
this.setBits(value, offset, 8);
BitBuffer.prototype.writeInt10 =
BitBuffer.prototype.writeUInt10 = function (value, offset) {
this.setBits(value, offset, 10);
BitBuffer.prototype.writeInt12 =
BitBuffer.prototype.writeUInt12 = function (value, offset) {
this.setBits(value, offset, 12);
BitBuffer.prototype.writeInt16 =
BitBuffer.prototype.writeUInt16 = function (value, offset) {
this.setBits(value, offset, 16);
BitBuffer.prototype.writeInt32 =
BitBuffer.prototype.writeUInt32 = function (value, offset) {
this.setBits(value, offset, 32);
BitBuffer.prototype.writeFloat32 = function (value, offset) {
BitBuffer._scratch.setFloat32(0, value);
this.setBits(BitBuffer._scratch.getUint32(0), offset, 32);
BitBuffer.prototype.writeFloat64 = function (value, offset) {
BitBuffer._scratch.setFloat64(0, value);
this.setBits(BitBuffer._scratch.getUint32(0), offset, 32);
this.setBits(BitBuffer._scratch.getUint32(4), offset+32, 32);
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