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Created July 22, 2020 21:11
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A more "pythonic" ECS Implemention.

ECS v2 – Electric Boogaloo

I implemented the ECS-"Pattern" in python before, but at that variant is very optionated when it comes to all things systems, i.e. the "S" in "ECS". This time around I kept it simple and punted all the "filtering" out the user of the module. In turn this version is terser, for better or for worse.

Another sidenote, that I find important enough to actually mention, is that this implementation is actually more or less a cross between my prior version and esper. The later of which influenced the whole lru caching this time around...

from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Type, Dict, Tuple, List, Callable, TypeVar, Optional, Set, Any
from uuid import UUID, uuid1 as gen_uuid
__all__ = ("ECSManager", "Entity")
C = TypeVar("C")
class Entity:
__slots__ = ("_manager", "_uuid")
_manager: ECSManager
_uuid: UUID
def __init__(self, manager: ECSManager, uuid: UUID):
self._manager = manager
self._uuid = uuid
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Entity(uuid={self._uuid})"
__str__ = __repr__
def uuid(self):
return self._uuid
def get_children(self) -> Tuple[Entity, ...]:
return self._manager.get_children(self.uuid)
def get_parent(self) -> Optional[Entity]:
return self._manager.get_parent(self.uuid)
def add_components(self, *components: Any):
self._manager.add_components(self.uuid, *components)
def get_component(self, c_type: Type[C]) -> C:
return self._manager.get_component(self.uuid, c_type)
def get_components(self) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
return self._manager.get_components(self.uuid)
def remove_components(self, *c_types: type):
self._manager.remove_components(self.uuid, *c_types)
def remove(self):
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
return isinstance(other, Entity) and self.uuid == other.uuid
class ECSManager:
__slots__ = (
entities: Dict[UUID, Set[str]]
entity_hirarchy: Dict[UUID, Set[UUID]]
entity_hirarchy_rev: Dict[UUID, Optional[UUID]]
components: Dict[str, Dict[UUID, Any]]
systems: List[Callable[[ECSManager], None]]
system_groups: Dict[int, List[int]]
def __init__(self):
self.entities = dict()
self.entity_hirarchy = dict()
self.entity_hirarchy_rev = dict()
self.components = defaultdict(dict) = list()
self.system_groups = defaultdict(list)
def clear_cache(self):
def clear(self):
self.system_groups.clear() = []
def add_entity(
*components: Any,
parent: Optional[Entity] = None,
uuid: Optional[UUID] = None,
) -> Entity:
if uuid in self.entities:
raise KeyError("Entity uuid collisision.")
uuid = uuid or gen_uuid()
self.entity_hirarchy[uuid] = set()
if parent is not None:
self.entity_hirarchy[parent.uuid] |= {uuid}
self.entity_hirarchy_rev[uuid] = parent.uuid
self.entity_hirarchy_rev[uuid] = None
self.entities[uuid] = set()
self.add_components(uuid, *components)
return Entity(self, uuid)
def add_components(self, uuid: UUID, *components: Any):
for component in components:
c_name = type(component).__qualname__
self.entities[uuid] |= {c_name}
self.components[c_name][uuid] = component
def get_component(self, uuid: UUID, c_type: Type[C]) -> C:
return self.components[c_type.__qualname__][uuid] # type: ignore
def get_components(self, uuid: UUID) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
return tuple(self.components[c_name][uuid] for c_name in self.entities[uuid])
def get_entity(self, uuid: UUID) -> Entity:
if uuid in self.entities:
return Entity(self, uuid)
raise KeyError("Unknown entity id.")
def get_entities_with(self, *c_types: type) -> Tuple[Entity, ...]:
target_c_names = {c_type.__qualname__ for c_type in c_types}
return tuple(
for uuid, c_names in self.entities.items()
if target_c_names <= c_names
def get_children(self, uuid: UUID) -> Tuple[Entity, ...]:
return tuple(Entity(self, c_uuid) for c_uuid in self.entity_hirarchy[uuid])
def get_parent(self, uuid: UUID) -> Optional[Entity]:
return (
Entity(self, p_uuid)
if (p_uuid := self.entity_hirarchy_rev.get(uuid))
else None
def remove_components(self, uuid: UUID, *c_types: type):
self.entities[uuid] -= {c_type.__qualname__ for c_type in c_types}
for c_type in c_types:
del self.components[c_type.__qualname__][uuid]
def remove_entity(self, uuid: UUID):
for c_name in self.entities.pop(uuid, ()):
del self.components[c_name][uuid]
for c_uuid in [*self.entity_hirarchy.pop(uuid)]:
if (p_uuid := self.entity_hirarchy_rev.pop(uuid)) :
self.entity_hirarchy[p_uuid] -= {uuid}
def add_system(self, sys: Callable[[ECSManager], None], *, group: int = 0):
self.system_groups[group].append(len( - 1)
def add_systems(self, *sys: Callable[[ECSManager], None], group: int = 0):
for s in sys:
self.add_system(s, group=group)
def tick_systems(self, *, group: Optional[int] = None):
systems = (
if group is None
else ([sys_id] for sys_id in self.system_groups[group])
for system in systems:
def __hash__(self):
return id(self)
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