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Last active March 20, 2024 05:13
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compare lme4 and rrBLUP to fit an "animal model" (LMM) in R
## Model: a specific kind of linear mixed model known as "animal model" by geneticists
## y = mu 1_N + X b + Z u + e = W a + Z u + e
## y is N x 1; X is N x P; Z is N x Q; W is N x (P+1)
## u ~ Norm_Q(0, sigma_u^2 A); e ~ Norm_N(0, sigma^2 I_N)
## Goal of this document: estimate the variance components sigma_u^2 and sigma^2
## 1) simulate some data
## 2) fit the model above using the package rrBLUP (v4.3, on CRAN)
## 3) fit the model above using lme4 (v1.7, on CRAN)
## Author: Timothée Flutre (INRA)
## ----pkg-----------------------------------------------------------------
seed <- 1859; set.seed(seed)
## ----simul_animals-------------------------------------------------------
N <- 1000 # chosen so that one has enough power
animal.ids <- sprintf(fmt=paste0("ind%0", floor(log10(N))+1, "i"), 1:N)
## ----simul_global_mean---------------------------------------------------
mu <- 4 # arbitrary
## ----simul_other_fixed_effects-------------------------------------------
P <- 1
X <- matrix(data=rnorm(n=N), nrow=N, ncol=P)
b <- matrix(data=c(2), nrow=P, ncol=1) # arbitrary
## ----simul_all_fixed_effects---------------------------------------------
W <- cbind(rep(1, N), X)
a <- matrix(c(mu, b))
## ----simul_A-------------------------------------------------------------
Q <- N
nb.factors <- 5
nb.snps <- 1000
snp.ids <- sprintf(fmt=paste0("snp%0", floor(log10(nb.snps))+1, "i"),
F <- matrix(data=rnorm(n=Q*nb.factors), nrow=Q, ncol=nb.factors)
M <- mvrnorm(n=nb.snps, mu=rep(1, Q), Sigma=F %*% t(F) + diag(Q))
M[M < 0.2] <- 0
M[M >= 0.2 & M <= 1.8] <- 1
M[M > 1.8] <- 2
A <- (1/nb.snps) * t(M) %*% M
image(A[,nrow(A):1], axes=FALSE)
## ----simul_random_effects------------------------------------------------
Z <- diag(Q)
sigmau2 <- 5 # arbitrary
G <- as.matrix(nearPD(sigmau2 * A)$mat)
u <- matrix(mvrnorm(n=1, mu=rep(0, Q), Sigma=G))
## ----simul_errors--------------------------------------------------------
lambda <- 3 # interesting to change it and see how inference goes
sigma2 <- sigmau2 / lambda
R <- sigma2 * diag(N)
e <- matrix(mvrnorm(n=1, mu=rep(0, N), Sigma=R))
## ----h2------------------------------------------------------------------
(h2 <- sigmau2 / (sigmau2 + sigma2))
## ----simul_phenotypes----------------------------------------------------
y <- W %*% a + Z %*% u + e
## ----simul_reformat------------------------------------------------------
dat <- data.frame(fix=W[,2],
## ----fit_rrBLUP----------------------------------------------------------
system.time(fit.rrBLUP <- mixed.solve(y=y,
## time: user=3.209 sys=0.004 elapsed=3.214
fit.rrBLUP$Vu # 5.008
sigmau2 # 5
fit.rrBLUP$Ve # 1.665
sigma2 # 1.667
## very good!
## ----fit_lme4------------------------------------------------------------
formula <- response ~ 1 + fix + (1|animal)
parsedFormula <- lFormula(formula=formula, data=dat,
relmat <- list(animal=A)
relfac <- relmat
flist <- parsedFormula$reTrms[["flist"]] # list of grouping factors
Ztlist <- parsedFormula$reTrms[["Ztlist"]] # list of transpose of the sparse model matrices
stopifnot(all(names(relmat) %in% names(flist)))
asgn <- attr(flist, "assign")
for(i in seq_along(relmat)) {
tn <- which(match(names(relmat)[i], names(flist)) == asgn)
if(length(tn) > 1)
stop("a relationship matrix must be associated",
" with only one random effects term", call.=FALSE)
relmat[[i]] <- Matrix(relmat[[i]], sparse=TRUE)
relfac[[i]] <- chol(relmat[[i]])
Ztlist[[i]] <- relfac[[i]] %*% Ztlist[[i]]
parsedFormula$reTrms[["Ztlist"]] <- Ztlist
parsedFormula$reTrms[["Zt"]] <-, Ztlist)
devianceFunction <-, parsedFormula)
optimizerOutput <- optimizeLmer(devianceFunction)
fit.lme4 <- mkMerMod(rho=environment(devianceFunction),
vc <-
(sigma2.hat <- vc[vc$grp == "Residual", "vcov"]) # 1.666
sigma2 # 1.667
(sigmau2.hat <- vc[vc$grp == "animal", "vcov"]) # 5.008
sigmau2 # 5
## very good, same as rrBLUP
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This is great! Thanks for posting this. One small comment: Both estimates for the 'animal' variance component are actually 4.807, so you may want to update those comments.

And I was intrigued by the problem, so I tried out fitting the same model with metafor -- yes, this isn't a meta-analysis, but the mechanics underneath the function allow you to trick the function into fitting the same model. Here is the code:

dat$residual <- dat$animal
rownames(A) <- colnames(A) <- dat$animal
res <- ~ fix, V=0, random = list(~ 1 | animal, ~ 1 | residual), R = list(animal = A), Rscale="none", data=dat, verbose=TRUE, control=list(sigma2.init=c(1,4)))

For the most part, this syntax should make some sense if you are familiar with lme(), the only peculiar things being V=0 (in meta-analyses, we typically have a known var-cov matrix for the observed outcomes, but not here, so we just set that part to 0) and the R and Rscale parts. Here we define that the matrix A is the known relationship matrix for the animal random effects and Rscale="none" is used so the A matrix does not get converted into a correlation matrix (which would be the default behavior of the function).

Note also that I am cheating a bit by setting the starting values for the two variance components closer to their final values, but the default starting values are off quite a bit and model fitting then takes even longer (improving the way the starting values are chosen is on my to-do list). Still, it's rather slow. However, the results are:

Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 1000; method: REML)

Variance Components: 

            estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed    factor    R
sigma^2.1  4.8071  2.1925   1000     no    animal  yes
sigma^2.2  1.7090  1.3073   1000     no  residual   no

Test of Moderators (coefficient(s) 2): 
QM(df = 1) = 1614.6799, p-val < .0001

Model Results:

         estimate      se     zval    pval   ci.ub     
intrcpt    2.9182  1.8096   1.6127  0.1068  -0.6285  6.4650     
fix        1.9513  0.0486  40.1831  <.0001   1.8561  2.0464  ***

Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

So things match up nicely as well here. This was more of an exercise for me (I wanted to check that works as expected), but I figured I'll post this here in case you find this useful.

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You're welcome. However, I don't understand why you say "the 'animal' variance component is actually 4.807". This is not the case for me on my machine with R 3.2.1. Did you set the seed upfront as indicated in the script?

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Yes, I did. And I just re-ran this (also on R 3.2.1) and again get:

> fit.rrBLUP$Vu            # 5.008
[1] 4.807161


> (sigmau2.hat <- vc[vc$grp == "animal", "vcov"])   # 5.008
[1] 4.807133

and again the same results with

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Ok, thanks for checking, but I don't have any explanation for that. For a given run on a given machine, as long as all the tools agree, that's the most important.

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