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Last active July 30, 2019 16:41
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Lullaby bits, getting started

Editor note: Hey, if you're still reading or linking to this, you probably want our official documentation:

Both are distilled from this original document, but we fixed a few bugs along the way, so read those instead.


This is a short guide to help users code adapt to the changes we made to the build as part of TOOLS-2043.

How to get started

You'll probably need to create a new dev zone for the component you want to build. The 'make validate-buildenv' target in converted repositories includes instructions on how to do that, but we'll go into more detail here since that's likely to be useful.

Build environments

Each component should be built on SmartOS/Triton image containing a set of base pkgsrc packages, some additional development pkgsrc packages, and a set of build tools. The production builds impose a further restriction that the platform image (that is, the kernel and userland bits running on the bare metal) needs to be at a specific minimum version, defined via min_platform in Makefile.defs.

At the time of writing, most components will build on more modern platform images, so for now, we'll leave aside the PI restriction, other than to say that you should set '$ENGBLD_SKIP_VALIDATE_BUILD_PLATFORM' to 'true' in your environment. We'll talk more about that in the 'Going retro' section later in this document.

For convenience, we maintain a set of images that already include the required pkgsrc packages and build tools. The table below lists those image names and their corresponding uuids:

pkgsrc version base image name devzone image uuid
2011Q4 sdc-smartos@1.6.3 956f365d-2444-4163-ad48-af2f377726e0
2014Q2 sdc-base@14.2.0 83708aad-20a8-45ff-bfc0-e53de610e418
2015Q4 triton-origin-multiarch-15.4.1@1.0.1 1356e735-456e-4886-aebd-d6677921694c
2018Q1 minimal-multiarch@18.1.0 8b297456-1619-4583-8a5a-727082323f77

These image uuids are exactly what we build components on in our Jenkins infrastructure (you'll notice the images have 'jenkins-agent-..' as their default aliases)

For any component, you can see the expected image_uuid by typing 'make show-buildenv'

$ cd /home/timf/projects/submodule/phase2-putback/sdc-manatee.git
$ make show-buildenv
2015Q4 triton-origin-multiarch-15.4.1@1.0.1 1356e735-456e-4886-aebd-d6677921694c

Creating a new devzone

Taking one of the image uuids above, you need to download or import it, and create a VM from it. The mechanism to do that will depend on whether you're using a Triton instance or a SmartOS install to run your VM on. We'll describe both.

To retrieve an image on Triton, use:

# sdc-imgadm import -S '' 1356e735-456e-4886-aebd-d6677921694c

(note that this requires that your imgapi instance has a nic on the external network. This can be achieved with sdcadm post-setup common-external-nics)

or if you have the manifest and gz files already downloaded, use:

# sdc-imgadm import -m 1356e735-456e-4886-aebd-d6677921694c.manifest -f 1356e735-456e-4886-aebd-d6677921694c-file.gz

Then create a json file to pass to sdc-vmadm on Triton, or vmadm on SmartOS. There are several ways to do this, but we'll describe some simple approaches below.

When hosting dev zones on Triton, first we need to get some details to construct our json image manifest. Here, we're on a newly setup coal instance, so we're just looking for the admin user uuid, the external network uuid and the uuid of the headnode to provision to:

[root@headnode (uk-1) /zones/timf]# sdc-useradm search 'cn=*'
UUID                                  LOGIN  EMAIL           CREATED
930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853  admin  root@localhost  2019-02-13
[root@headnode (uk-1) /zones/timf]# sdc-network list
NAME         UUID                                  VLAN           SUBNET          GATEWAY
admin        680e5091-957b-4356-8bd9-67d7c9feebe5     0                -
external     2622e374-df99-491c-9c89-143ca9fdd4a4     0
[root@headnode (uk-1) /zones/timf]# sdc-server list
HOSTNAME             UUID                                 VERSION    SETUP    STATUS      RAM  ADMIN_IP
headnode             564d5104-226f-ec9a-b9d2-ed399ce525bc     7.0     true   running     8191

Now use this json to create the VM, or use the adminui. The key parts are to specify delegate_dataset, required to use the new image construction tooling, and to give yourself enough RAM to have a useful development environment.

  "brand": "joyent",
  "image_uuid": "1356e735-456e-4886-aebd-d6677921694c",
  "alias": "jenkins-agent-multiarch-15.4.1",
  "owner_uuid": "930896af-bf8c-48d4-885c-6573a94b1853",
  "server_uuid": "564d5104-226f-ec9a-b9d2-ed399ce525bc",
  "hostname": "jenkins-agent-multiarch-15.4.1",
  "ram": 4096,
  "quota": 100,
  "delegate_dataset": true,
  "resolvers": [
  "networks": [{"uuid": "2622e374-df99-491c-9c89-143ca9fdd4a4"}],
  "customer_metadata": {
    "root_authorized_keys": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y... me@myselfandi",
  "user-script": "/usr/sbin/mdata-get root_authorized_keys > ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys ; /usr/sbin/mdata-get root_authorized_keys > ~admin/.ssh/authorized_keys; svcadm enable manifest-import" }

Then create the VM:

[root@headnode (uk-1) ~]# sdc-vmadm create -f json
Creating VM 60802c6d-e458-612b-bcc5-b472fffad1a2 (job "db55fe3e-a631-4df5-a5e7-18ab9ed11afa")
[root@headnode (uk-1) ~]#

On SmartOS, use the following:

# curl -k -o img.manifest ''
# curl -k -o img.gz ''

and then do the following to add the image to your SmartOS instance:

# imgadm install -m img.manifest -f img.gz

To create the VM, use a json manifest similar to the following:

  "brand": "joyent",
  "image_uuid": "1356e735-456e-4886-aebd-d6677921694c",
  "alias": "jenkins-agent-multiarch-15.4.1",
  "hostname": "jenkins-agent-multiarch-15.4.1",
  "max_physical_memory": 4096,
  "quota": 100,
  "delegate_dataset": true,
  "fs_allowed": ["ufs", "pcfs"],
  "resolvers": [
  "nics": [
      "nic_tag": "admin",
      "ip": "dhcp"
  "customer_metadata": {
    "root_authorized_keys": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y... me@myselfandi",
  "user-script": "/usr/sbin/mdata-get root_authorized_keys > ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys ; /usr/sbin/mdata-get root_authorized_keys > ~admin/.ssh/authorized_keys; svcadm enable manifest-import " }

Then create the VM using vmadm:

[root@kura ~]# vmadm create -f json
Successfully created VM c1f04dfb-63c6-ca69-b04b-d68e5b4ffadc
[root@kura ~]#

You should then be able to login to your devzone. The build will happily run as a non-root user, however some parts of the build do need additional privileges. To add those to your non-root user inside your dev zone, do:

# usermod -P 'Primary Administrator' youruser

Building on a Dev zone

You should now be able to clone any of the repositories. The following Makefile targets are conventions used across most of Manta/Triton development:

target description
show-buildenv show the build environment and devzone image uuid for building this component
validate-buildenv check that the build machine is capable of building this component
all build all sources for this component
release build a tarball containing the bits for this component
publish publish a tarball containing the bits for this component
buildimage assemble a Triton/Manta image for this component
bits-upload post bits to Manta, and optionally for this component
bits-upload-latest just post the most recently built bits, useful in case of network outages, upload errors, etc.
check run build tests (e.g. xml validation, linting)
prepush additional testing that should occur before pushing to github

For more details on the specifics of these targets, we do have commentary in eng.git:/Makefile and eng.git:/tools/mk/Makefile.defs. We hope to flesh out the documentation in this guide over time.

Typically, the following can be used to build any component, and will leave a zfs image and manifest in ./bits

  $ make all release publish buildimage

You can also upload bits to Manta by adding the 'bits-upload' target to the above. If you've already built bits, then 'bits-upload-latest' will publish those bits to Manta without rebuilding.

Going retro

We mentioned before that most components will build on modern PIs. However, our production builds always build on the earliest possible platform we support, defined by min_platform. We do this because of the binary compatibility guarantee that comes with Illumos: binaries compiled on older platforms are guaranteed to run on newer platforms, but the converse is not true.

In addition, when compiling binaries, constant values from the platform headers may be included in those binaries at build-time. If those constants change across platform images (which several have) then the binary will have different behaviour depending on which platform the source was built on.

For these reasons, when assembling the Manta/Triton images via the 'buildimage' target, we set the min_platform of the resulting image to be the version of the platform running on the build machine.Code in vmadm checks at provisioning-time that the platform hosting the VM is greater than, or equal to the min_platform value baked into the Manta/Triton image. The implication of this is that your devzone must be running a platform equal to, or older than the Triton instance you wish to test on.

As mentioned previously, the build system itself will report an error if your build platform is not equal to the min_platform image, via the validate-buildenv make target.

In order to exactly replicate the build environment used for our production builds, and produce images that can be installed on any supported platform, we install devzones on joyent-retro VMs, which are bhyve (or KVM) SmartOS instances that boot that old platform image. (See

At the time of writing, our min_platform is set to 20151126T062538Z

That image is available as joyent-retro-20151126T062538Z, uuid bd83a9b3-65cd-4160-be2e-f7c4c56e0606


The retro image does not itself contain any devzone images, so those will have to be imported by hand.

The following example json would then be used to deploy it. Note here we're adding a 64gb data disk which will then host our dev zones.

  "brand": "bhyve",
  "alias": "retro-20151126T062538Z",
  "hostname": "retro-20151126T062538Z",
  "ram": 4096,
  "vcpus": 6,
  "quota": 100,
  "delegate_dataset": true,
  "fs_allowed": ["ufs", "pcfs"],
  "resolvers": [
  "nics": [
      "nic_tag": "admin",
      "ip": "dhcp",
      "netmask": "",
      "gateway": "",
      "model": "virtio",
      "primary": "true"
  "disks": [
                 "boot": true,
                 "model": "virtio",
                 "image_uuid": "bd83a9b3-65cd-4160-be2e-f7c4c56e0606",
                 "image_name": "joyent-retro-20151126T062747Z"
                "boot": false,
                 "model": "virtio",
                 "size": 61440,
                 "media": "disk"
  "customer_metadata": {
    "root_authorized_keys": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz... me@myselfandi"

Having deployed this image on your Triton or SmartOS host, you can then ssh into the retro VM and proceed with creating devzones as mentioned in the earlier section and do not need to set $ENGBLD_SKIP_VALIDATE_BUILD_PLATFORM in your environment.

Note that this retro image is a SmartOS instance rather than a Triton host.

To allow you to ssh directly into the devzones running in a retro VM, a simple ipnat configuration works fine. For example, this retro VM has the external IP address and our devzones are all on the network. We create a file /etc/ipf/ipnat.conf:

[root@27882aaa /etc/ipf]# cat ipnat.conf
map vioif0 -> 0/32 portmap tcp/udp auto
map vioif0 -> 0/32

rdr vioif0 port 2222 -> port 22 tcp
rdr vioif0 port 2223 -> port 22 tcp
rdr vioif0 port 2224 -> port 22 tcp
rdr vioif0 port 2225 -> port 22 tcp
rdr vioif0 port 2226 -> port 22 tcp

and enable ip forwarding and the ipfilter service in the retro VM:

[root@27882aaa ~]# routeadm -e ipv4-forwarding
[root@27882aaa ~]# svcadm enable ipfilter

We can then ssh into our individual devzones with the following changes added to ~/.ssh/config (note that we manually added 'jenkins' non-root users to our zones here)

Host retro-kabuild2
        User jenkins
        Port    2222

Host retro-kbbuild2
        User jenkins
        Port    2223

Host retro-kcbuild2
        User jenkins
        Port    2224

Host retro-kdbuild2
        User jenkins
        Port    2225

Host retro-kebuild2
        User jenkins
        Port 2226

Here's us logging in:

timf@iorangi-eth0 (master) ssh retro-kabuild2
-bash-4.1$ ifconfig
lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1
        inet netmask ff000000
net0: flags=40001000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,L3PROTECT> mtu 1500 index 2
        inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
lo0: flags=2002000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv6,VIRTUAL> mtu 8252 index 1
        inet6 ::1/128
-bash-4.1$ id
uid=103(jenkins) gid=1(other) groups=1(other)

In the future, TOOLS-2187 will allow you to bypass this min_platform check, though it's then up to you to ensure your testing with such bits remains valid (for example, are you sure those bits have no interactions with the platform from your build machine that would render them unusable when deployed on an older platform? If not, then building on a retro VM is always a safer option!)


We should draw your attention to a few things:

  • bits-upload will publish bits to $MANTA_USER/publics/builds/ so please do not set MANTA_USER to Joyent_Dev for now!
  • publishing bits to from bits-upload requires that imgapi instance to allow you to post bits there. By default, publishing to is disabled and will only happen if $ENGBLD_BITS_UPLOAD_IMAPI=true in your shell environment. Note that using the default UPDATES_IMGADM_USER=mg requires your build user to have a copy of the automation.id_rsa private key.
    You can also publish bits to a local path instead of imgapi, allowing you to then import images directly to the imgapi service on your triton instance. To do that, set $ENGBLD_DEST_OUT_PATH and $ENGBLD_BITS_UPLOAD_LOCAL For example: $ export ENGBLD_DEST_OUT_PATH=/home/timf/projects/bits $ export ENGBLD_BITS_UPLOAD_LOCAL=true

Converting additional components

The changes themselves generally follow the pattern laid down by the initial lullaby integration - for example, here's what we did for sdc-imgapi and sdc-papi:

Note that the first build of components on a new dev zone will likely take a little longer than usual as the agent-cache framework has to build each agent to be included in the image, and the buildimage tool has to download and cache the base images for the component. See TOOLS-2063 and TOOLS-2066.

Building changes from gerrit

If you're reviewing changes that have not yet integrated to the master branch of a component, it's possible to build by cloning a review from

Here's an example of us building patch set 2 of the sdc-sapi.git component, which has the gerrit id 5538:

-bash-4.1$ cd /tmp
-bash-4.1$ git clone
Cloning into 'sdc-sapi'...
remote: Counting objects: 2180, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (2180/2180)
remote: Total 2180 (delta 1464), reused 2175 (delta 1464)
Receiving objects: 100% (2180/2180), 540.64 KiB | 251.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1464/1464), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
-bash-4.1$ cd sdc-sapi
-bash-4.1$ git ls-remote | grep 5538
d2daf78578e3854069cbe194f5f9cf4c96571d22        refs/changes/38/5538/1
53f51b8e1b4e6088b22757ee230edc9b6974e46e        refs/changes/38/5538/2
-bash-4.1$ git fetch origin refs/changes/38/5538/2
remote: Counting objects: 13, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (7/7)
remote: Total 7 (delta 6), reused 7 (delta 6)
Unpacking objects: 100% (7/7), done.
 * branch            refs/changes/38/5538/2 -> FETCH_HEAD
 -bash-4.1$ git checkout FETCH_HEAD
Note: checking out 'FETCH_HEAD'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

  HEAD is now at 53f51b8... TRITON-1131 convert sdc-sapi to engbld framework
  -bash-4.1$ git describe --all --long
-bash-4.1$ make all release publish buildimage
fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref
[ 29.00080643] Saving manifest to "/tmp/sapi-zfs--20190215T144650Z-g53f51b8.imgmanifest"
[ 30.24198958] Destroyed zones/3923c435-8688-47bb-a5f1-b213b010f826/data/b9f703a4-52e1-4c3d-b862-29b8dd047669
[ 30.29018650] Deleted /zoneproto-49345
[ 30.29080095] Build complete
cp /tmp/sapi-zfs--20190215T144650Z-g53f51b8.zfs.gz /tmp/space/sdc-sapi/bits/sapi
cp /tmp/sapi-zfs--20190215T144650Z-g53f51b8.imgmanifest /tmp/space/sdc-sapi/bits/sapi
pfexec rm /tmp/sapi-zfs--20190215T144650Z-g53f51b8.zfs.gz
pfexec rm /tmp/sapi-zfs--20190215T144650Z-g53f51b8.imgmanifest
pfexec rm -rf /tmp/buildimage-sapi--20190215T144650Z-g53f51b8

Also note in the above, that the $(BRANCH) used for the build artifacts looks a little unusual due to the fact we checked out a gerrit branch that doesn't follow the same naming format as most git branches.

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