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Created August 18, 2017 14:53
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Double referring mutable pointer in the Struct impl
//use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;
//TODO: reseacrc: will it be bottleneck, or BufferedWriter
use std::io::{Write, Read};
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use rmp_serde::{Deserializer, Serializer};
use document::{self, Document};
pub struct IndexerError<'a> {
pub message: &'a str,
impl<'a> IndexerError<'a> {
fn new(msg: &'a str) -> IndexerError {
IndexerError { message: msg }
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Index {
pub n_terms: usize,
pub n_docs: usize,
terms: HashMap<String, usize>,
documents: Vec<Document>,
term_doc_idx: Vec<Vec<usize>>, // matrix [0 -> [docID1, docID2]]
impl Index {
pub fn new() -> Index {
Index {
n_terms: 0,
n_docs: 0,
terms: HashMap::new(), // TODO: replace with fst?
documents: Vec::new(),
term_doc_idx: vec![],
pub fn add_term(&mut self, term: String) -> Option<usize> {
if self.terms.contains_key(&term) {
let term_id:usize = *self.terms.get(&term).unwrap();
} else {
let term_id = self.n_terms;
self.terms.insert(term, term_id);
self.n_terms += 1;
pub fn add(&mut self, doc: Document ) -> Result<usize, IndexerError> {
let current_doc_id = self.n_docs;
//add document into documents;
self.documents.push( doc );
self.n_docs += 1;
pub fn index_doc(&mut self, doc_id: usize) -> Result<usize, IndexerError> {
if doc_id >= self.documents.len() {
return Err(IndexerError::new("found no such document"));
// TODO: mover tokenizer into own module
let mut doc = self.documents[doc_id].clone();
for term in doc.tcm.keys() {
match self.add_term(term.clone()) {
None => return Err(IndexerError::new("Failed to add term into index")),
Some(term_id) => {
// add document into term_doc_idx
self.add_doc_into_term_idx(term_id, doc_id);
pub fn index_all(&mut self) -> Result<usize, IndexerError> {
let mut n_success = 0;
let n_docs:u32 = self.n_docs as u32 ;
let mut this = &mut self; // from E0499, but doesnt work
for doc_id in 0..n_docs {
match self.index_doc(doc_id as usize) {
Ok(_) => n_success += 1,
Err(e) => return Err(e)
pub fn get_docs_by_term(&self, term: String) -> Option<Vec<Document>> {
if !self.terms.contains_key(&term) {
return None;
let term_id = self.terms[&term];
let docs = self.term_doc_idx[term_id]
.fold(vec![], |mut acc, &id|{
fn add_doc_into_term_idx(&mut self, term_id: usize, doc_id: usize) -> Option<usize> {
// term doesnt exist in the index
if term_id >= self.term_doc_idx.len() {
//self.term_doc_idx[term_id] = vec![]
let doc_pos = self.term_doc_idx[term_id].len();
//add doc into term index
// builds Index from json files found in the path
pub fn build_from_path<'a>(target_path: &'a str) -> Result<Index, IndexerError> {
let path = Path::new(target_path);
if !path.exists() {
return Err(IndexerError::new("target path doesnt exists or is not accessible"));
let mut idx = Index::new();
// iterate over files and build docs and add them into index
for entry in path.read_dir().expect("read_dir failed") {
if let Ok(metadata) = entry {
// add new document into index only if parsing was successful
if let Ok(doc) = document::from_json_file(metadata.path()) {
// dump index into file
pub fn save<'a>(idx: &Index, target_path: &'a str) -> Result<bool, IndexerError<'a>> {
let mut fp = match File::create(target_path) {
Ok(fp) => fp,
Err(_) => return Err(IndexerError::new("Failed to open targetfile"))
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
idx.serialize(&mut Serializer::new(&mut buf)).expect("Failed to serialize index");
fp.write_all(&buf).expect("Failed to write into file");
fp.sync_all().expect("Failed to save file on the disk");
pub fn load<'a>(source_path: &'a str) -> Result<Index, IndexerError> {
let mut fp = match File::open(source_path) {
Ok(fp) => fp,
Err(_) => return Err(IndexerError::new("Failed to open sourcefile"))
let mut buf = Vec::new();
fp.read_to_end(&mut buf).expect("Failed to read a content of the sourcefile");
let mut de = Deserializer::new(&buf[..]);
match Deserialize::deserialize(&mut de) {
Ok(idx) => Ok(idx),
Err(_) => Err(IndexerError::new("Failed to deserialize file buffer"))
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