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private void Scintilla_InsertCheck(object sender, InsertCheckEventArgs e)
if ((e.Text.EndsWith("" + Constants.vbCr) || e.Text.EndsWith("" + Constants.vbLf))) {
int startPos = Scintilla.Lines(Scintilla.LineFromPosition(Scintilla.CurrentPosition)).Position;
int endPos = e.Position;
string curLineText = Scintilla.GetTextRange(startPos, (endPos - startPos)); //Text until the caret so that the whitespace is always equal in every line.
Match indent = Regex.Match(curLineText, "^[ \\t]*");
e.Text = (e.Text + indent.Value);
if (Regex.IsMatch(curLineText, "{\\s*$")) {
const char* ssid = "MySSID";
const char* password = "SecretPassword";
WiFiUDP Udp;
unsigned int localUdpPort = 4210; // local port to listen on
char incomingPacket[255]; // buffer for incoming packets
char replyPacket[] = "Hi there! Got the message :-) "; // a reply string to send back