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Created April 18, 2009 21:20
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Ubiquity feed - dictcn
Cache = function(namespace) {
this.namespace = namespace; =;
Cache.prototype = {
_: function(key) {
return this.namespace + '-' + key;
has: function(key) {
getJson: function(key, defaultValue) {
return Utils.decodeJson(,
defaultValue && Utils.encodeJson(defaultValue)));
setJson: function(key, value) {, Utils.encodeJson(value));
get: function(key, defaultValue) {
return, defaultValue);
set: function(key, value) {, value);
name: 'dictcn',
synonyms: ['dcn'],
description: 'Translates word via',
icon: '',
homepage: '',
help: 'Get translate from <a href=""></a>. Both English to Chinese or Chinese to English.',
author: {
name: 'Tim Green',
email: ''
license: 'MPL',
takes: {"word to translate": noun_arb_text},
cache: new Cache('ubiquity-dictcn'),
execute: function() {
// Simply return, works will be done in preview.
previewDelay: 200, // 200ms.
preview: function(pblock, directObj) {
this.translate(pblock, directObj.text);
translate: function(pblock, text) {
if (!text) {
pblock.innerHTML = 'Select or type the word need to translate.';
} else if (text.match(/\w+/) && text.length < 3) {
pblock.innerHTML = 'Need at lest 3 english chars.';
} else {
var urlbase = '';
pblock.innerHTML = 'Translating <strong style="color:#090;font-size:18px">' + Utils.escapeHtml(text) + '</strong> ...';
this.cachedPreviewGet(pblock, urlbase + encodeURI(text), function(json, cached) {
json['cached'] = cached;
var template = [
'#dictcn {',
'font-family: Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;',
'font-size: 12px;',
'.key {',
'color: #090;',
'font-weight: bold;',
'font-size: 18px;',
'margin-right: 5px;',
'text-decoration: none;',
'.pron, .text {',
'font-size: 16px;',
'.pron {',
'color: #969;',
'font-family: "lucida sans unicode",sans-serif;',
'margin-right: 5px;',
'.def {',
'font-size: 14px;',
'font-weight: bold;',
'.sents h3, .rels h3, .suggs h3 {',
'background: transparent url( repeat-x scroll center bottom;',
'font-size: 14px;',
'line-height: 26px;',
'.rels span {',
'font-size: 13px;',
'margin-right: 5px;',
'.rel {',
'color: #369;',
'text-decoration: none;',
'.cachemark {',
'float: right;',
'font-weight: bold;',
'color: grey;',
if (!json.key) {
// Not found.
CmdUtils.previewGet(pblock, urlbase + '[' + encodeURI(text) + ']', function(data2) {
var xml2 = jQuery(data2).find('dict');
'<div id="dictcn">',
'{if cached}<span class="cachemark">|Cached ${cached}|</span>{/if}',
'<a class="key" href="${key}">${key}</a>',
'<strong class="text">not found</strong>.',
'{if suggs.length}<div class="suggs">',
'{for sugg in suggs}',
'{if !isNaN(parseInt(sugg_index, 10))}',
'<a class="rel" href="${sugg}">${sugg}</a>',
var suggs = xml2.children('sugg').map(function() {
return jQuery(this).text();
pblock.innerHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate(template.join(''), {
key: text,
suggs: suggs,
cached: false
} else {
'<div id="dictcn">',
'{if cached}<span class="cachemark">|Cached ${cached}|</span>{/if}',
'<a class="key" href="${key}">${key}</a>',
'{if pron}<span class="pron">[${pron}]</span>{/if}',
'{if audio}',
'(<embed src=""',
'width="13" />)',
// FIXME(timgreen): No sound when mouseover or click.
'<div class="def">',
'{if rels.length}<div class="rels">',
'{for rel in rels}',
'{if !isNaN(parseInt(rel_index, 10))}',
'<span>&lt;<a href="${rel}" class="rel">${rel}</a>&gt;</span>',
'{if sents.length}<div class="sents">',
'{for sent in sents}',
'{if !isNaN(parseInt(sent_index, 10))}',
pblock.innerHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate(template.join(''), json);
// TODO(timgreen): enable translate related word by click.
// Currently ubiquity eat all events.
}, 'xml');
xml2json: function(data) {
var xml = jQuery(data).find('dict');
function getText(key) {
return xml.children(key).text();
var audio = getText('audio').replace(/^.*=/, '');
var def = getText('def').replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
var sents = [];
xml.children('sent').each(function() {
orig: jQuery('orig', this).text(),
trans: jQuery('trans', this).text()
var rels = [];
xml.children('rel').each(function() {
return {
key: getText('key'),
pron: getText('pron'),
audio: audio,
def: def,
sents: sents,
rels: rels
* Callback function should defined as func(data, cached).
cachedPreviewGet: function(pblock, url, func) {
var self = this;
var cachedUrls = this.cache.getJson('cachedUrls', {});
var order = this.cache.getJson('order', []);
var idx = cachedUrls[url];
if (idx) {
// Re put this url at the end.
order.splice(order.indexOf(url), 1);
func(this.cache.getJson('cache' + idx), '' + idx + '-' + order.length);
this.cache.setJson('order', order);
} else {
CmdUtils.previewGet(pblock, url, function(data) {
if (order.length >= self.MAX_CACHE) {
var oldUrl = order.shift();
idx = cachedUrls[oldUrl];
delete cachedUrls[oldUrl];
} else {
idx = order.length + 1;
cachedUrls[url] = idx;
var json = self.xml2json(data);
func(json, false);
self.cache.setJson('cache' + idx, json);
self.cache.setJson('order', order);
self.cache.setJson('cachedUrls', cachedUrls);
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