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Last active July 4, 2016 14:44
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Private pClient As WebClient
Public Property Get Client() As WebClient
If pClient Is Nothing Then
Set pClient = New WebClient
pClient.BaseUrl = ""
' Setup authenticator (note: provide consumer key and secret here
Dim Auth As New OPSAuthenticator
' If there are issues automatically getting the token with consumer key / secret
' the token can be found in the developer console and manually entered here
' Auth.Token = "AUTH_TOKEN"
Set pClient.Authenticator = Auth
' Add XML converter
WebHelpers.RegisterConverter "xml", "application/xml", "OPS.ConvertToXml", "OPS.ParseXml"
End If
Set Client = pClient
End Property
Public Function Search(Query As String) As WebResponse
Dim Request As New WebRequest
Request.Resource = "rest-services/published-data/search"
Request.CustomResponseFormat = "xml"
Request.AddQuerystringParam "q", Query
Set Search = Client.Execute(Request)
End Function
' Enable XML parsing/converting
Public Function ParseXml(Value As String) As Object
Set ParseXml = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
ParseXml.Async = False
ParseXml.LoadXML Value
End Function
Public Function ConvertToXml(Value As Variant) As String
ConvertToXml = VBA.Trim$(VBA.Replace(Value.Xml, vbCrLf, ""))
End Function
' OPSAuthenticator v3.0.0
' (c) Tim Hall -
' OAuth2 client credentials authenticator for OPS
' @class OPSAuthenticator
' @implements IWebAuthenticator v4.*
' @author
' @license MIT
'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '
Implements IWebAuthenticator
Option Explicit
Public ConsumerKey As String
Public ConsumerSecret As String
Public Token As String
' ============================================= '
' Public Methods
' ============================================= '
' Setup authenticator
Public Sub Setup(ConsumerKey As String, ConsumerSecret As String)
Me.ConsumerKey = ConsumerKey
Me.ConsumerSecret = ConsumerSecret
End Sub
' Hook for taking action before a request is executed
' @param {WebClient} Client The client that is about to execute the request
' @param in|out {WebRequest} Request The request about to be executed
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_BeforeExecute(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByRef Request As WebRequest)
If Me.Token = "" Then
Me.Token = Me.GetToken(Client)
End If
Request.SetHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & Me.Token
End Sub
' Hook for taking action after request has been executed
' @param {WebClient} Client The client that executed request
' @param {WebRequest} Request The request that was just executed
' @param in|out {WebResponse} Response to request
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_AfterExecute(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByVal Request As WebRequest, ByRef Response As WebResponse)
' e.g. Handle 401 Unauthorized or other issues
End Sub
' Hook for updating http before send
' @param {WebClient} Client
' @param {WebRequest} Request
' @param in|out {WinHttpRequest} Http
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_PrepareHttp(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByVal Request As WebRequest, ByRef Http As Object)
' e.g. Update option, headers, etc.
End Sub
' Hook for updating cURL before send
' @param {WebClient} Client
' @param {WebRequest} Request
' @param in|out {String} Curl
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_PrepareCurl(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByVal Request As WebRequest, ByRef Curl As String)
' e.g. Add flags to cURL
End Sub
Public Function GetToken(Client As WebClient) As String
Dim TokenClient As WebClient
Dim TokenRequest As New WebRequest
Dim Encoded As String
Dim TokenResponse As WebResponse
' Clone client to avoid accidental interactions
Set TokenClient = Client.Clone
Set TokenClient.Authenticator = Nothing
' Setup request according to docs
TokenRequest.Resource = "auth/accesstoken"
TokenRequest.RequestFormat = WebFormat.FormUrlEncoded
TokenRequest.ResponseFormat = WebFormat.Json
TokenRequest.Method = WebMethod.HttpPost
' Add encoded consumer key/secret as basic authentication
Encoded = WebHelpers.Base64Encode(Me.ConsumerKey & ":" & Me.ConsumerSecret)
TokenRequest.SetHeader "Authorization", "Basic " & Encoded
' Set grant_type in body
TokenRequest.AddBodyParameter "grant_type", "client_credentials"
Set TokenResponse = TokenClient.Execute(TokenRequest)
If TokenResponse.StatusCode = WebStatusCode.Ok Then
GetToken = TokenResponse.Data("access_token")
WebHelpers.LogError "Failed to load token, " & TokenResponse.StatusCode & ": " & TokenResponse.Content
End If
End Function
Sub Test()
WebHelpers.EnableLogging = True
Dim Response As WebResponse
Set Response = OPS.Search("plastic")
If Response.StatusCode <> WebStatusCode.Ok Then
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print "Search Results"
Debug.Print "--------------"
Dim Result As Variant
Dim Family As String
Dim DocumentNumber As String
' world-patent-data > biblio-search > search-result > [publication-reference...]
For Each Result In Response.Data.LastChild.LastChild.LastChild.ChildNodes
Family = Result.Attributes(1).NodeValue
DocumentNumber = Result.FirstChild.ChildNodes(1).Text
Debug.Print "Result - " & Family & ", " & DocumentNumber
Next Result
End Sub
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