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Last active March 8, 2024 20:19
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VBA-Web - Google Calendar API
' (Based of Analytics example)
' In Client setup, set BaseUrl and Scope for Calendar
Client.BaseUrl = ""
Auth.AddScope "calendar"
Public Type CalendarEvent
Summary As String
Location As String
Attendees As Collection
StartTime As Date
EndTime As Date
End Type
' Insert event
Public Function InsertEvent(CalendarId As String, Event As CalendarEvent) As WebResponse
Dim Request As New WebRequest
Request.Resource = "calendars/{calendarId}/events"
Request.Method = WebMethod.HttpPost
Request.AddUrlSegment "calendarId", CalendarId
Dim Body As New Dictionary
Body.Add "summary", Event.Summary
Body.Add "location", SummaryLocation
Body.Add "attendees", Event.Attendees
Body.Add "start", New Dictionary
Body("start").Add "dateTime", Event.StartTime
Body.Add "end", New Dictionary
Body("end").Add "dateTime", Event.EndTime
Set Request.Body = Body
Set InsertEvent = Client.Execute(Request)
' is a good example of what it should look like
' -> POST .../calendars/calendar-id/events
' {
' "summary": "...",
' "location": "...",
' "start": {
' "dateTime": "...T...Z (Date automatically converted to UTC"
' (shouldn't need timeZone with UTC dates, but Google may require it)
' },
' ...
' }
End Function
Public Sub Test
Dim Event As CalendarEvent
Event.Summary = "Staff Meeting"
Event.Location = "Conference Room"
Event.StartTime = DateValue("Jan. 1, 2015") + TimeValue("8:00 AM")
Event.EndTime = DateAdd("h", 1, Event.StartTime)
Set Event.Attendees = New Collection
Event.Attendees.Add New Dictionary
Event.Attendees(1).Add "email", ""
Event.Attendees.Add New Dictionary
Event.Attendees(2).Add "email", ""
Dim Response As WebResponse
Set Response = InsertEvent("StaffCalendar", Event))
If Response.StatusCode = WebStatusCode.Ok Then
' Success!
End If
End Sub
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Hello, Tim. Excellent code. I did implement the module like Analytics module, tested the sub Test, but happened one error in "Set InsertEvent = Client.Execute(Request)" . Can you help me?

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Hi! Same issue here. Should maybe an extra header be added for the authentication token within Prepare method of WebRequest class?

Public Sub Prepare()
    ' Add/replace general headers for request
    SetHeader "User-Agent", Me.UserAgent
    SetHeader "Accept", Me.Accept
    If Me.Method <> WebMethod.HttpGet Then
        SetHeader "Content-Type", Me.ContentType
        SetHeader "Content-Length", VBA.CStr(Me.ContentLength)
    End If
End Sub

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