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Created September 6, 2015 03:39
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' Xing Authenticator
'' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '
Implements IWebAuthenticator
Option Explicit
' --------------------------------------------- '
' Constants and Private Variables
' --------------------------------------------- '
Private Const auth_SignatureMethod As String = "HMAC-SHA1"
' --------------------------------------------- '
' Properties
' --------------------------------------------- '
Public ConsumerKey As String
Public ConsumerSecret As String
Public Token As String
Public TokenSecret As String
Public Realm As String
Public Nonce As String
Public Timestamp As String
' ============================================= '
' Public Methods
' ============================================= '
' Setup
' @param {String} ConsumerKey
' @param {String} ConsumerSecret
' @param {String} [Realm]
Public Sub Setup(ConsumerKey As String, ConsumerSecret As String, Optional Realm As String = "")
Me.ConsumerKey = ConsumerKey
Me.ConsumerSecret = ConsumerSecret
End Sub
Public Sub Login(Client As WebClient)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandling
Dim Verifier As String
Dim TokenClient As WebClient
' Use proxy and security settings from Client
Set TokenClient = Client.Clone
TokenClient.BaseUrl = ""
ObtainRequestToken TokenClient
Verifier = Authorize
ObtainAccessToken TokenClient, Verifier
Exit Sub
Me.Token = ""
Me.TokenSecret = ""
' TODO (e.g. MsgBox)
End Sub
Private Sub ObtainRequestToken(Client As WebClient)
Dim Request As New WebRequest
Dim Response As WebResponse
' 1. Obtain request token
Request.Resource = "request_token"
Request.Method = WebMethod.HttpPost
Request.Format = WebFormat.FormUrlEncoded
Request.AddQuerystringParam "oauth_consumer_key", Me.ConsumerKey
Request.AddQuerystringParam "oauth_callback", "oob"
Request.AddQuerystringParam "oauth_signature_method", auth_SignatureMethod
Request.AddQuerystringParam "oauth_signature", CreateTokenSignature
Set Response = Client.Execute(Request)
If Response.StatusCode <> WebStatusCode.Ok Then
Err.Raise 1, "Failed to get request token: " & Response.StatusCode & ", " & Response.Content
End If
Me.Token = Response.Data("oauth_token")
Me.TokenSecret = Response.Data("oauth_token_secret")
End Sub
Private Function Authorize() As String
' 2. Obtain user authorization
' Open authorize form in IE and release memory (while keeping IE open)
Dim auth_IE As Object
Set auth_IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
auth_IE.Silent = True
auth_IE.AddressBar = False
auth_IE.Navigate "" & Me.Token
auth_IE.Visible = True
Set auth_IE = Nothing
Authorize = VBA.InputBox("Opening Xing Login..." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"After you've logged in, copy the code from the browser and paste it here to authorize this application", _
Title:="Logging in...")
If Authorize = "" Then
Err.Raise 2, "No response given for authorization"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ObtainAccessToken(Client As WebClient, Verifier As String)
Dim Request As New WebRequest
Dim Response As WebResponse
' 3. Obtain access token
Set Request = New WebRequest
Request.Resource = "access_token"
Request.Method = WebMethod.HttpPost
Request.Format = WebFormat.FormUrlEncoded
Request.AddQuerystringParam "oauth_consumer_key", Me.ConsumerKey
Request.AddQuerystringParam "oauth_token", Me.Token
Request.AddQuerystringParam "oauth_verifier", Verifier
Request.AddQuerystringParam "oauth_signature_method", auth_SignatureMethod
Request.AddQuerystringParam "oauth_signature", CreateTokenSignature
Set Response = TokenClient.Execute(Request)
If Response.StatusCode <> WebStatusCode.Ok Then
Err.Raise 3, "Failed to get access token: " & Response.StatusCode & ", " & Response.Content
End If
Me.Token = Response.Data("oauth_token")
Me.TokenSecret = Response.Data("oauth_token_secret")
End Sub
Private Function CreateTokenSignature() As String
Dim auth_Nonce As String
Dim auth_Timestamp As String
Dim auth_Base As String
' Create signature with blank token
' Load or create nonce and timestamp
If Me.Nonce <> "" Then
auth_Nonce = Me.Nonce
auth_Nonce = WebHelpers.CreateNonce()
End If
If Me.Timestamp <> "" Then
auth_Timestamp = Me.Timestamp
auth_Timestamp = auth_CreateTimestamp
End If
' Create needed parts of authorization header
auth_Base = CreateBaseString(auth_Nonce, auth_Timestamp, auth_Client, auth_Request)
auth_SigningKey = auth_CreateSigningKey()
CreateTokenSignature = CreateSignature(auth_Base, auth_SigningKey)
End Function
' Hook for taking action before a request is executed
' @param {WebClient} Client The client that is about to execute the request
' @param in|out {WebRequest} Request The request about to be executed
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_BeforeExecute(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByRef Request As WebRequest)
If Me.Token = "" Then
Login Client
End If
' Add authorization header to request
Request.SetHeader "Authorization", CreateHeader(Client, Request)
End Sub
' Hook for taking action after request has been executed
' @param {WebClient} Client The client that executed request
' @param {WebRequest} Request The request that was just executed
' @param in|out {WebResponse} Response to request
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_AfterExecute(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByVal Request As WebRequest, ByRef Response As WebResponse)
' e.g. Handle 401 Unauthorized or other issues
End Sub
' Hook for updating http before send
' @param {WebClient} Client
' @param {WebRequest} Request
' @param in|out {WinHttpRequest} Http
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_PrepareHttp(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByVal Request As WebRequest, ByRef Http As Object)
' e.g. Update option, headers, etc.
End Sub
' Hook for updating cURL before send
' @param {WebClient} Client
' @param {WebRequest} Request
' @param in|out {String} Curl
Private Sub IWebAuthenticator_PrepareCurl(ByVal Client As WebClient, ByVal Request As WebRequest, ByRef Curl As String)
' e.g. Add flags to cURL
End Sub
' Create header for given client and request
' @internal
' @param {WebClient} Client
' @param {WebRequest} Request
' @return {String}
Public Function CreateHeader(auth_Client As WebClient, auth_Request As WebRequest) As String
Dim auth_Nonce As String
Dim auth_Timestamp As String
Dim auth_Base As String
Dim auth_SigningKey As String
Dim auth_Signature As String
' Load or create nonce and timestamp
If Me.Nonce <> "" Then
auth_Nonce = Me.Nonce
auth_Nonce = WebHelpers.CreateNonce()
End If
If Me.Timestamp <> "" Then
auth_Timestamp = Me.Timestamp
auth_Timestamp = auth_CreateTimestamp
End If
' Create needed parts of authorization header
auth_Base = CreateBaseString(auth_Nonce, auth_Timestamp, auth_Client, auth_Request)
auth_SigningKey = auth_CreateSigningKey()
auth_Signature = CreateSignature(auth_Base, auth_SigningKey)
' Generate header
CreateHeader = "OAuth "
' Add realm (if exists)
If Me.Realm <> "" Then
CreateHeader = CreateHeader & "realm=""" & Me.Realm & """, "
End If
' Construct header parts
' [OAuth Core 1.0 Revision A](
CreateHeader = CreateHeader & "oauth_consumer_key=""" & Me.ConsumerKey & """, "
CreateHeader = CreateHeader & "oauth_nonce=""" & auth_Nonce & """, "
CreateHeader = CreateHeader & "oauth_signature=""" & WebHelpers.UrlEncode(auth_Signature) & """, "
CreateHeader = CreateHeader & "oauth_signature_method=""" & auth_SignatureMethod & """, "
CreateHeader = CreateHeader & "oauth_timestamp=""" & auth_Timestamp & """, "
CreateHeader = CreateHeader & "oauth_token=""" & Me.Token & """, "
CreateHeader = CreateHeader & "oauth_version=""" & "1.0" & """"
CreateHeader = CreateHeader
End Function
' Create base string for given parameters
' @internal
' @param {String} Nonce
' @param {String} Timestamp
' @param {WebClient} Client
' @param {WebRequest} Request
' @return {String}
Public Function CreateBaseString(auth_Nonce As String, auth_Timestamp As String, auth_Client As WebClient, auth_Request As WebRequest) As String
Dim auth_Base As String
Dim auth_Parameters As String
' Check for parameters and add to auth_Base if present
auth_Parameters = GetRequestParameters(auth_Client, auth_Request)
If auth_Parameters <> "" Then
auth_Base = auth_Parameters & "&"
End If
auth_Base = auth_Base & "oauth_consumer_key" & "=" & Me.ConsumerKey
auth_Base = auth_Base & "&" & "oauth_nonce" & "=" & auth_Nonce
auth_Base = auth_Base & "&" & "oauth_signature_method" & "=" & auth_SignatureMethod
auth_Base = auth_Base & "&" & "oauth_timestamp" & "=" & auth_Timestamp
auth_Base = auth_Base & "&" & "oauth_token" & "=" & Me.Token
auth_Base = auth_Base & "&" & "oauth_version=1.0"
CreateBaseString = WebHelpers.MethodToName(auth_Request.Method) & "&" & _
WebHelpers.UrlEncode(GetRequestUrl(auth_Client, auth_Request), EncodeUnsafe:=False) & "&" & _
End Function
' Create signature with given parameters
' @internal
' @param {String} Base
' @param {String} SigningKey
' @return {String}
Public Function CreateSignature(auth_Base As String, auth_SigningKey As String) As String
CreateSignature = WebHelpers.HMACSHA1(auth_Base, auth_SigningKey, "Base64")
End Function
' Create request url for given client and request
' @internal
' @param {WebClient} Client
' @param {WebRequest} Request
' @return {String}
Public Function GetRequestUrl(auth_Client As WebClient, auth_Request As WebRequest) As String
' From OAuth 1.0 Docs
' The Signature Base String includes the request absolute URL, tying the signature to a specific endpoint.
' The URL used in the Signature Base String MUST include the scheme, authority, and path, and MUST exclude the query and fragment as defined by [RFC3986] section 3.
' If the absolute request URL is not available to the Service Provider (it is always available to the Consumer),
' it can be constructed by combining the scheme being used, the HTTP Host header, and the relative HTTP request URL.
' If the Host header is not available, the Service Provider SHOULD use the host name communicated to the Consumer in the documentation or other means.
' The Service Provider SHOULD document the form of URL used in the Signature Base String to avoid ambiguity due to URL normalization.
' Unless specified, URL scheme and authority MUST be lowercase and include the port number; http default port 80 and https default port 443 MUST be excluded.
Dim auth_Parts As Dictionary
Set auth_Parts = WebHelpers.GetUrlParts(auth_Client.GetFullUrl(auth_Request))
' Url scheme and authority MUST be lowercase
GetRequestUrl = LCase(auth_Parts("Protocol") & "://" & auth_Parts("Host"))
' Include port (80 and 443 MUST be excluded)
If auth_Parts("Port") <> 80 And auth_Parts("Port") <> 443 Then
GetRequestUrl = GetRequestUrl & ":" & auth_Parts("Port")
End If
' Include path
GetRequestUrl = GetRequestUrl + auth_Parts("Path")
' MUST exclude query and fragment
End Function
' Create request parameters for given client and request
' @internal
' @param {WebClient} Client
' @param {WebRequest} Request
' @return {String}
Public Function GetRequestParameters(auth_Client As WebClient, auth_Request As WebRequest) As String
' TODO Sort parameters by key then value
Dim auth_Parts As Dictionary
Set auth_Parts = WebHelpers.GetUrlParts(auth_Client.GetFullUrl(auth_Request))
' Remove leading ?
GetRequestParameters = auth_Parts("Querystring")
' Replace + for spaces with %20
GetRequestParameters = Replace(GetRequestParameters, "+", "%20")
End Function
' ============================================= '
' Private Methods
' ============================================= '
Private Function auth_CreateSigningKey() As String
auth_CreateSigningKey = Me.ConsumerSecret & "&" & Me.TokenSecret
End Function
Private Function auth_CreateTimestamp() As String
auth_CreateTimestamp = VBA.CStr(VBA.DateDiff("s", #1/1/1970#, WebHelpers.ConvertToUtc(VBA.Now)))
End Function
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