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Last active April 20, 2021 07:25
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  • Save timheilman/1bb8da91be4b79425d67314c9ae23f6b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Ruby style guide git pre-commit hook using Rubocop as the style guide checker. Only runs on staged ruby files that have been added and/or modified. Itself passes rubocop with default settings.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubocop'
require 'english'
# to prevent code injection: system is a dangerous call
def raise_single_quote_error
raise ArgumentError, 'Single quotes are not allowed in filenames here.'
def extract_file_name(file_name_with_status)
file_name_array = file_name_with_status.strip.split(' ')
fname = file_name_array.join(' ')
fname[0] = '' if fname[0] == '"'
fname[fname.length - 1] = '' if fname[fname.length - 1] == '"'
raise_single_quote_error if fname.include?("'")
changed_files =
`git status --porcelain`
.select { |file_name_with_status| file_name_with_status =~ ADDED_OR_MODIFIED }
.map { |file_name_with_status| extract_file_name file_name_with_status }
.select { |file_name| File.extname(file_name) =~ /.rb/ }
.join("' '")
system("rubocop '#{changed_files}'") unless changed_files.empty?
exit $CHILD_STATUS.to_s[-1].to_i
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How to check if staged or committing file is not (.txt, .pdf, .dll) in ruby?

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