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Last active December 23, 2015 00:09
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$ mongoexport -d test -c activities | node event-convert-stream.js | mongoimport -d test -c events
var Transform = require('stream').Transform
, util = require('util')
, split = require('split')
util.inherits(ActivityToEventStream, Transform)
function ActivityToEventStream() {, {
objectMode: true
ActivityToEventStream.prototype._write = function(obj, encoding, done) {
var e
// Skip non 'EPISODE WATCHED' events
if (obj.activityType !== 'EPISODE WATCHED')
return done()
e = {
_id: obj._id,
_type: 'ViewedEpisode',
app: obj.a,
showId: obj.sourceId,
timestamp: obj.timestamp || {$date:}
// Set the userId or anonId
if (obj.a === '468')
e.anonId = obj.userId
else if (obj.userId.$oid)
e.userId = obj.userId.$oid
e.userId = obj.userId
// Set the episodeId if provided
if (obj.secondarySourceId) e.episodeId = obj.secondarySourceId
this.push(JSON.stringify(e) + '\n')
.pipe(new ActivityToEventStream())
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