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Created March 29, 2023 09:13
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Removes a specified parent team from all children
# Name of the parent team to remove
# Iterate over all teams in the organization
items=$(gh api "/orgs/$org/teams" --paginate | jq -c -r '.[]')
for team in ${items[@]}; do
# Get the parent team of the current team
team_slug=$(echo $team | jq -r '.slug')
parent_team=$(echo $team | jq -r
if [[ "$parent_team" == "$PARENT_TEAM_ID" ]]; then
# Remove the parent team from the current team
gh api -X PATCH "/orgs/$org/teams/$team_slug" -F "parent_team_id=null"
echo "Parent team '$PARENT_TEAM_ID' removed from '$team_slug' team."
echo "'$team_slug' team has a different parent team: '$parent_team'."
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