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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LiberalTypeSynonyms #-}
module CyclicTrees where
-- inspired by
newtype Id a = Id { getId :: a } deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype (:.:) f g a = Comp { getComp :: f (g a) } deriving (Show, Eq)
class IsId f where
toId :: a -> f a
fromId :: f a -> a
instance IsId Id where
toId = Id
fromId = getId
instance (IsId f, IsId g) => IsId (f :.: g) where
toId = Comp . toId . toId
fromId = fromId . fromId . getComp
class Inject f g where
inject :: f a -> g a
instance (Functor f, IsId g) => Inject f (f :.: g) where
inject = Comp . fmap toId
instance (IsId f, Inject h g) => Inject h (f :.: g) where
inject = Comp . toId . inject
data FPair f a b where
FId :: a -> b -> FPair f a b
FLeft :: FPair g (Functor f => a) (IsId f => b) -> FPair (f :.: g) a b
FRight :: FPair g (IsId f => a) (Functor f => b) -> FPair (f :.: g) a b
type FPair' f c = FPair f c c
data CTree f a where
CLeaf :: (forall v. f v -> v) -> CTree f a
CRef :: f (CTree h a) -> CTree f a
CNode :: a
-> FPair' f (CTree f a)
-> CTree f a
CRec :: a
-> (forall h. h (CTree (h :.: f) a)
-> FPair' (h :.: f) (CTree (h :.: f) a))
-> CTree f a
type Tree a = forall f. IsId f => CTree f a
fId :: a -> b -> FPair f a b
fId = FId
leaf :: IsId f => CTree f a
leaf = CLeaf fromId
simpleNode :: a -> CTree f a -> CTree f a -> CTree f a
simpleNode a l r = CNode a (fId l r)
singleton :: IsId f => a -> CTree f a
singleton a = simpleNode a leaf leaf
cRef :: Inject f g => f (CTree g a) -> CTree g a
cRef r = CRef (inject r)
exampleA :: Tree Int
exampleA =
simpleNode 1
(singleton 2)
(simpleNode 3 leaf (singleton 4))
type IdSig f a b = a -> b -> FPair f a b
exampleB :: IsId g => CTree g Int
exampleB =
CRec 1 $ \(r :: h (CTree (h :.: g) Int)) ->
FLeft $ (FId :: IdSig g (Functor h => CTree (h :.: g) Int)
(IsId h => CTree (h :.: g) Int))
(cRef r)
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