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Created August 30, 2014 11:20
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Lazy lists in Idris
module Data.LazyList
%default total
%access public
data LazyListCell a = Nil | (::) a (Lazy (LazyListCell a))
LazyList : Type -> Type
LazyList a = Lazy (LazyListCell a)
(++) : LazyList a -> LazyList a -> LazyList a
(++) xs ys =
Delay $ case xs of
Nil => ys
x::xs' => x::(xs' ++ ys)
instance Semigroup (LazyList a) where
(<+>) = (++)
instance Monoid (LazyList a) where
neutral = Nil
fmap : (a -> b) -> LazyList a -> LazyList b
fmap f xs =
Delay $ case xs of
Delay Nil => Nil
Delay (x::xs') => (f x)::(fmap f xs')
instance Functor LazyList where
map = fmap
fromStrictList : List a -> LazyList a
fromStrictList Nil = Nil
fromStrictList (x::xs) = x::(fromStrictList xs)
toStrictList : LazyList a -> List a
toStrictList (Delay Nil) = Nil
toStrictList (Delay (x::xs)) = x::(toStrictList xs)
countdown : Nat -> LazyList Nat
countdown Z = [Z]
countdown (S n) = (S n)::(countdown n)
take : Nat -> LazyList a -> LazyList a
take Z _ = Nil
take (S n) xs = Delay $
case xs of
Delay Nil => Nil
Delay (x::xs') => x::(take n xs')
ack' : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
ack' Z m = S m
ack' (S n) Z = ack' n (S Z)
ack' (S n) (S m) = ack' n (ack' (S n) m)
ack : Nat -> Nat
ack n = ack' n n
example : LazyList Nat
example = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
firstThreeAckValues : List Nat
firstThreeAckValues = toStrictList $ take 3 $ fmap ack example
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