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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.List (scanl)
-- To test whether my timsort implementation has the bug described in
-- Answer: yes :-(
runLengthInvariantBroken :: (Num i, Ord i) => i -> i -> i -> i -> Bool
runLengthInvariantBroken a b c i = (b - a <= i - b) || (c - b <= i - c)
performMerges :: (Num i, Ord i) => [i] -> i -> [i]
performMerges [b,a] i | i - b >= b - a = performMerges [a] i
performMerges (c:b:a:ss) i | runLengthInvariantBroken a b c i =
if i - c <= b - a
then performMerges (b:a:ss) i
else performMerges (c:a:ss) i
performMerges s _ = s
-- the output of `performMerges [245, 225, 200, 120, 0] 275` violates the
-- invariants.
-- fixed version of 'performMerges'
performMerges' :: (Num i, Ord i) => [i] -> i -> [i]
performMerges' [b,a] i | i - b >= b - a = performMerges' [a] i
performMerges' (c:b:a:ss) i | runLengthInvariantBroken a b c i =
if i - c <= b - a
then performMerges' (b:a:ss) i
else performMerges' (c : performMerges' (a:ss) c) i
performMerges' s _ = s
invariantsHold :: (Num i, Ord i) => [i] -> i -> Bool
invariantsHold [] _ = True
invariantsHold [a] i = a <= i
invariantsHold [b,a] i = b-a > i-b
invariantsHold (c:b:a:ss) i =
i-c < c-b && i-b < b-a && invariantsHold (b:a:ss) c
data Runs = Runs { runIndices :: [Integer]
, currIndex :: Integer
} deriving (Show, Eq)
mkFibby :: Num i => [i] -> [i]
mkFibby = iter 0 0
iter _ _ [] = []
iter i j (x:xs) =
let x' = i + j + x
in x' : iter j x' xs
instance Arbitrary Runs where
arbitrary = do
is <- scanr (+) 0 . mkFibby <$> listOf1 (pos <$> arbitrary)
i <- (+) (head is) . pos <$> arbitrary
return $ Runs is i
where pos n = 1 + abs n
prop_performMerges_invariantsHold :: Runs -> Bool
prop_performMerges_invariantsHold (Runs is i) =
invariantsHold (performMerges' is i) i
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