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Created December 7, 2014 03:09
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<h1><strong class="demo">L</strong>eft vs. <strong class="rep">R</strong>ight Politics<h1>
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<h2>From the Left</h2>
<p class="lead">By Hippy Dippy</p>
<p>Helvetica roof party gentrify, kale chips Brooklyn fixie try-hard mustache. Bushwick meggings next level Tonx kitsch twee. Roof party fanny pack VHS, PBR 8-bit Wes Anderson wayfarers four loko selfies typewriter forage. Try-hard sriracha shabby chic ennui cronut actually Helvetica pug pour-over, next level drinking vinegar single-origin coffee craft beer bespoke Austin. You probably haven't heard of them heirloom McSweeney's vinyl craft beer migas. Craft beer sustainable try-hard locavore wolf, +1 hella distillery salvia Brooklyn. YOLO pour-over kogi gentrify.</p>
<p>Quinoa ethical paleo, cliche banh mi twee single-origin coffee umami swag tilde organic. Messenger bag bicycle rights mustache dreamcatcher, taxidermy shabby chic butcher craft beer bitters. Squid beard hashtag, XOXO Helvetica chia Odd Future paleo keytar flexitarian pop-up fashion axe quinoa. Cronut narwhal polaroid American Apparel Neutra Odd Future, distillery sustainable meggings asymmetrical. Whatever four dollar toast VHS leggings, mumblecore mixtape pickled health goth Bushwick Thundercats. Raw denim small batch literally, deep v readymade swag put a bird on it fingerstache direct trade plaid sartorial seitan post-ironic. Mustache meh four dollar toast, cliche slow-carb actually Cosby sweater Neutra health goth.</p>
<p>Pickled banjo Etsy before they sold out, mlkshk stumptown plaid cardigan umami. Squid heirloom stumptown, mlkshk Shoreditch cray listicle cronut cred tilde readymade Portland pickled. Lumbersexual trust fund vegan post-ironic flexitarian seitan, gentrify narwhal keffiyeh farm-to-table you probably haven't heard of them sriracha kale chips Intelligentsia. Yr scenester Neutra ugh, bitters Helvetica DIY pop-up bicycle rights tote bag Wes Anderson hoodie tousled. Flannel jean shorts Portland, hoodie lomo irony aesthetic bitters Wes Anderson gluten-free blog Schlitz ennui Austin. Austin synth +1 forage meditation. Thundercats 3 wolf moon Brooklyn Kickstarter Godard.</p>
<p>Fixie food truck Pinterest, PBR&B Tumblr ugh hashtag umami butcher ethical. Asymmetrical Cosby sweater organic Etsy mixtape. Fixie McSweeney's 8-bit asymmetrical, keytar put a bird on it direct trade wayfarers four loko meditation. Put a bird on it hoodie church-key Blue Bottle Austin synth. Fap street art tousled, single-origin coffee Shoreditch pour-over blog distillery mustache irony Marfa High Life vinyl ugh. Occupy drinking vinegar Austin banjo Intelligentsia, quinoa mustache wolf organic fashion axe hashtag Tonx craft beer selvage. Direct trade taxidermy aesthetic whatever sustainable.</p>
<div class="col-md-4">
<h2>From the Right</h2>
<p class="lead">By Harvey Guns</p>
<p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet ribeye kielbasa strip steak biltong hamburger turducken. Flank tenderloin ham, tongue corned beef ham hock pig venison. Cow capicola spare ribs hamburger corned beef flank pork porchetta tail ham hock ball tip. Bresaola beef ribs filet mignon frankfurter alcatra, pork fatback ball tip chicken meatball cow. Brisket picanha leberkas capicola sirloin.
<p>Short loin rump cupim pork loin picanha. Pastrami tenderloin short ribs porchetta tri-tip biltong swine. Alcatra landjaeger ham hock, frankfurter shank fatback kielbasa sirloin drumstick porchetta tail shoulder turducken. Porchetta flank spare ribs ball tip salami strip steak pork chop prosciutto swine beef pork ground round turducken meatball. Fatback turkey capicola porchetta pork belly salami t-bone, strip steak pig rump pancetta chicken frankfurter ham hock. Meatloaf chicken jerky porchetta salami shankle beef venison pastrami ball tip ground round t-bone beef ribs turducken swine. Rump cupim tenderloin, andouille meatball biltong brisket bresaola beef meatloaf capicola.
<p>Drumstick meatball swine biltong, tri-tip capicola tongue. Shank ham bresaola capicola fatback meatball boudin pork chop pastrami drumstick ball tip leberkas filet mignon jowl. Salami sirloin swine bacon meatball. Salami cupim turkey, brisket tri-tip fatback prosciutto tongue landjaeger shoulder turducken bresaola picanha pork chop ham. Filet mignon salami venison boudin. Kielbasa ham hock chuck, turkey boudin flank biltong kevin drumstick picanha andouille pancetta turducken porchetta fatback.
<p>Strip steak bacon pancetta prosciutto cow, jowl pork loin pork belly meatloaf boudin. Capicola biltong doner ribeye jowl. Strip steak pork chop ball tip t-bone, shank cow picanha porchetta beef ribs landjaeger pork loin hamburger jowl pig meatloaf. Boudin cow sausage, andouille meatloaf jowl turducken frankfurter. Short ribs brisket kielbasa turducken, boudin chuck filet mignon. Cupim beef ribs short loin, doner andouille chuck boudin pancetta capicola tri-tip short ribs brisket bacon.
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