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Created June 1, 2018 01:52
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  • Save timlesallen/8389d7f807c11a9717a98f26acf64ab4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save timlesallen/8389d7f807c11a9717a98f26acf64ab4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/usr/local/bin/npm', 'ci' ]
2 info using npm@6.1.0
3 info using node@v8.11.2
4 verbose npm-session e834e6c25bc148cd
5 info prepare initializing installer
6 verbose prepare starting workers
7 verbose prepare installation prefix: /code
8 verbose prepare using package-lock.json
9 warn prepare removing existing node_modules/ before installation
10 verbose checkLock verifying package-lock data
11 silly tree LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'contentsamurai-worker',
11 silly tree version: '1.0.0',
11 silly tree address: '',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: undefined,
11 silly tree integrity: undefined,
11 silly tree dependencies:
11 silly tree Map {
11 silly tree 'amqplib' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'amqplib',
11 silly tree version: '0.3.2',
11 silly tree address: 'amqplib',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: true,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-532Ps4QuvK54zxyTDEkNHpVPQpc=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'expect.js' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'expect.js',
11 silly tree version: '0.3.1',
11 silly tree address: 'expect.js',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: true,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-sKWaDS7/VDdUTr8M6qYBWEHQm1s=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'express' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'express',
11 silly tree version: '4.16.2',
11 silly tree address: 'express',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-41xt/i1kt9ygpc1PIXgb4ymeB2w=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'mocha' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'mocha',
11 silly tree version: '2.1.0',
11 silly tree address: 'mocha',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: true,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-d3Uv5ZL7kJJ1aCevRs0+rhuDZxw=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'nock' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'nock',
11 silly tree version: '9.2.3',
11 silly tree address: 'nock',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: true,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-4XYNSJDJ/PvNoH+cCRWcGOOFsq3jtZdNTRIlPIBA7CopGWJO56m5OaPEjjJ3WddxNYfe5HL9sQQAtMt8oyR9AA==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'nyc' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'nyc',
11 silly tree version: '11.8.0',
11 silly tree address: 'nyc',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: true,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-PUFq1PSsx5OinSk5g5aaZygcDdI3QQT5XUlbR9QRMihtMS6w0Gm8xj4BxmKeeAlpQXC5M2DIhH16Y+KejceivQ==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'proxyquire' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'proxyquire',
11 silly tree version: '1.8.0',
11 silly tree address: 'proxyquire',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-AtUUpb7ZhvBMuyCTrxZ0FTX3ntw=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'semistandard' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'semistandard',
11 silly tree version: '11.0.0',
11 silly tree address: 'semistandard',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: true,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-0tn8isOT3iExIZXgBuUMiGE5HEc=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/contentsamurai-timing' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/contentsamurai-timing',
11 silly tree version: '3.1.2',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/contentsamurai-timing',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-wLRX3dZMaCqM4fZwl9zWNw9HJBMOZjZy2no6SXfhGhGXRKUMy4U7W5jPOItSj5BACwkhSlbXRhnwv9jm7bbp/w==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/google-text-to-speech' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/google-text-to-speech',
11 silly tree version: '1.1.0-format.0',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/google-text-to-speech',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-rU5UQnRtRkra3z/+BaAmIbeLmKwSLGeZhgWiZbqXoxm+DytXxpj4v3wPERH9WsdkuQC/zuEqIHGZcfGpzWm3Nw==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/htk' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/htk',
11 silly tree version: '6.0.1',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/htk',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-a339eoY7wXO4yarHLs1jf8NYlkY=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/ns-audio' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/ns-audio',
11 silly tree version: '2.0.4',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/ns-audio',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-HKrG6Hame+YXeCt32P+ex21vgvdES5sXed0+K6Pklhd8Vt0dfeBbiFxLY1oihTH5ukuRTD4YiniljlfwD1s3/g==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/slides2dsl' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/slides2dsl',
11 silly tree version: '7.6.1',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/slides2dsl',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-ZfIkgelpInmM1jOL1uy8k/TTe3qxdtjamRtFIwYgMPvE9bGgIB0T3AD4hGf7qlgJFSeN3eT0peUcz+yXdgHR0g==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/spielberg' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/spielberg',
11 silly tree version: '5.1.0',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/spielberg',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-4Em2CCXwdNRtzqwsM5hG45H6Lz0s+BbtGFru1VQ5DzShxP4xZucUKscT3EeJuM/7d/tCMT49RPZugtJK2rgjRw==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-image' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-image',
11 silly tree version: '5.1.0',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-image',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-97611sh0T7U5BFAqEF10mjHNVXp0+wGizWVyDo+v8yaGt8W3cAni3/3FPb0Gi9gk0wkB84UCpCVca4eDDPllUg==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-shape' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-shape',
11 silly tree version: '5.1.0',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-shape',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-23DFFIRx9ZQUwTwncKqaknzJGmyIi/3CYd07OzFEfAvAcQSNfmDDxPKAmQYFkwFbB7N1CCt5ayLp0AOBVqv0Pw==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-text' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-text',
11 silly tree version: '5.3.1',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-text',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-vZGkn2YNSHEjOXcC22JtHEvAgoDuPJxmj5dNOtGynrLUMrFzZjK+ytKuDgiu9NEWUrzCABzosvWj4XTdOoLCMA==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-timeline' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-timeline',
11 silly tree version: '5.1.0',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-timeline',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-/ctYCZdvQqr8M2Jy3nJxPTNBpvteq0MtSt4T5EaS1k7DWrxf5k/jfUNWn2oMmf3+H9ayizopwMKnig0FZFp9zw==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-track' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-track',
11 silly tree version: '5.1.0',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-track',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-0d6uB1HB8ayWRA3rF3DqshQ1Paz0Axl/vBVbX8S9GIzqdKTTjEbprtvuTAi6khP72laSbYfJbG/2S3gNTCCnUA==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-video' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-video',
11 silly tree version: '5.1.1',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-video',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-N9c+8KQ/AEVnorRwb4Nc3NXxWfcfMp3OAGkQKSuw/uc/yd7w/u7n5SuWmCJqvS6M8V1EaGK6zDhsf4P4F2/dYw==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-transition-gl' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-transition-gl',
11 silly tree version: '4.1.1',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-transition-gl',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-N4daTXkbWOC9Lbiiv+5QC9322ZnthBTjgLQ4y/X+GNojiqJ3afuR87oVL86pe5dKO2F8rolawcILQG63/57oOg==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-transition-glsl' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-transition-glsl',
11 silly tree version: '4.0.0',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-transition-glsl',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-D5e4SDstNF3spiIXfZhMusfjHx8Fg9vas9oMnUT0VGHvWjcmoKR8PHi3hjlSgBLWY60lq7zfoY0l1FoVh8xHDA==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree '@noblesam/spielberg-plugins' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugins',
11 silly tree version: '5.0.0',
11 silly tree address: '@noblesam/spielberg-plugins',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-fbqKibYDEPaN6kctMuWXp/YIh6Z2u4luFjnrMjEQce50lQgzkGZ01d3/Dy2VnvJxvSAp1rwwuzkgW/u8DvkT1g==',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'amqp-wrapper' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'amqp-wrapper',
11 silly tree version: '5.5.1',
11 silly tree address: 'amqp-wrapper',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-orHg2chqAE74AJpU0m9zaSGtuGs=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'async' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'async',
11 silly tree version: '1.5.2',
11 silly tree address: 'async',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-7GphrlZIDAw8skHJVhjiCJL5Zyo=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'aws-sdk' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'aws-sdk',
11 silly tree version: '2.205.0',
11 silly tree address: 'aws-sdk',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-GpNzAlPivgJ6S9OvkkjL2gVz3oA=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'checksum' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'checksum',
11 silly tree version: '0.1.1',
11 silly tree address: 'checksum',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-3GUn1MkL6FYNvR7Uzs8yl9Uo6ek=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'debug' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'debug',
11 silly tree version: '2.6.9',
11 silly tree address: 'debug',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-bC7ElrdJaJnPbAP+1EotYvqZsb3ecl5wi6Bfi6BJTUcNowp6cvspg0jXznRTKDjm/E7AdgFBVeAPVMNcKGsHMA==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'extend' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'extend',
11 silly tree version: '2.0.1',
11 silly tree address: 'extend',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-HugBBonnOV/5RIJByYZSvHWagmA=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'ffmpeg-static' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'ffmpeg-static',
11 silly tree version: '2.1.0',
11 silly tree address: 'ffmpeg-static',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-tSX2l1iuy6BxSMTNCPheERVmYGQf4NvkQ9feNG8dQ9rRsAIOFMfDc80L78IWPh3WhITa+SSf+wmiIeCR7mHTtQ==',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'ffprobe-static' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'ffprobe-static',
11 silly tree version: '1.1.0',
11 silly tree address: 'ffprobe-static',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-vxP+1R9Or987lH4jtmAL+vgY+pI=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'fluent-ffmpeg' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'fluent-ffmpeg',
11 silly tree version: '2.1.2',
11 silly tree address: 'fluent-ffmpeg',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-yVLeIkD4EuvaCqgAbXd27irPfXQ=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'librato-simple' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'librato-simple',
11 silly tree version: '1.1.1',
11 silly tree address: 'librato-simple',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-NypCQzduqS8nadzkH83YYrNjrug=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'lodash.assign' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'lodash.assign',
11 silly tree version: '4.2.0',
11 silly tree address: 'lodash.assign',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-DZnzzNem0mHRm9rrkkUAXShYCOc=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'lodash.defaults' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'lodash.defaults',
11 silly tree version: '4.2.0',
11 silly tree address: 'lodash.defaults',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-0JF4cW/+pN3p5ft7N/bwgCJ0WAw=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'lodash.every' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'lodash.every',
11 silly tree version: '4.6.0',
11 silly tree address: 'lodash.every',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-64mYS+vENkJ5uzrvu9HKGb+mxqc=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'lodash.first' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'lodash.first',
11 silly tree version: '3.0.0',
11 silly tree address: 'lodash.first',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-Xa4YDX+BjuZfxbIQsQSnu++YoWo=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'lodash.last' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'lodash.last',
11 silly tree version: '3.0.0',
11 silly tree address: 'lodash.last',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-JC9mMRLdTG5jcoxgo8kJ0b2tvUw=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'lodash.some' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'lodash.some',
11 silly tree version: '4.6.0',
11 silly tree address: 'lodash.some',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-G7nzFO9ri63tE7VJFpsqlF62jk0=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'lodash.sumby' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'lodash.sumby',
11 silly tree version: '4.6.0',
11 silly tree address: 'lodash.sumby',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-fYdzfdshbaL35efNLdnEA6eIc0Y=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'lodash.zipwith' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'lodash.zipwith',
11 silly tree version: '4.2.0',
11 silly tree address: 'lodash.zipwith',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-r6zwP9LzhK8p4mPDxr2juA4/Uf0=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'node-slack' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'node-slack',
11 silly tree version: '0.0.7',
11 silly tree address: 'node-slack',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-KgItO1tH6qppP7Fn/L+8rXaXrOc=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'performance-now' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'performance-now',
11 silly tree version: '2.1.0',
11 silly tree address: 'performance-now',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-Ywn04OX6kT7BxpMHrjZLSzd8nns=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'pm2' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'pm2',
11 silly tree version: '2.10.1',
11 silly tree address: 'pm2',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-l5U3Hh908TMw7qyOVAlCCoRlgonpnEw5pr2YnKT8+8fuay9tAysPTccU+SLPDjI6hQ9Q03p4lfNOtJUczzTrPA==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'progress-stream' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'progress-stream',
11 silly tree version: '1.2.0',
11 silly tree address: 'progress-stream',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-LNPP6jO6OonJwSHsM0er6asSX3c=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'raven' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'raven',
11 silly tree version: '2.4.2',
11 silly tree address: 'raven',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-ASnircMHiGRv1TC2fQioziXU9tw=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'request' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'request',
11 silly tree version: '2.87.0',
11 silly tree address: 'request',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha512-fcogkm7Az5bsS6Sl0sibkbhcKsnyon/jV1kF3ajGmF0c8HrttdKTPRT9hieOaQHA5HEq6r8OyWOo/o781C1tNw==',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 's3-upload-stream' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 's3-upload-stream',
11 silly tree version: '1.0.7',
11 silly tree address: 's3-upload-stream',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-4/gCUxQcVp8QWmKqUMqbRXYOSB0=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'string' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'string',
11 silly tree version: '3.3.3',
11 silly tree address: 'string',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-XqIRzZLSKOGEKUmQpsyXs2anfLA=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'subprogress' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'subprogress',
11 silly tree version: '1.0.0',
11 silly tree address: 'subprogress',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-zdc3eY4mOR+uxETfsyzX0B623ws=',
11 silly tree dependencies: Map {},
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] },
11 silly tree 'temp' => LogicalTree {
11 silly tree name: 'temp',
11 silly tree version: '0.8.3',
11 silly tree address: 'temp',
11 silly tree optional: false,
11 silly tree dev: false,
11 silly tree bundled: false,
11 silly tree resolved: '',
11 silly tree integrity: 'sha1-4Ma8TSa5AxJEEOT+2BEDAU38H1k=',
11 silly tree dependencies: [Object],
11 silly tree requiredBy: [Object] } },
11 silly tree requiredBy: Set {} }
12 info prepare Done in 1.22s
13 verbose extractTree extracting dependencies to node_modules/
14 silly extractTree amqplib@0.3.2 -> /code/node_modules/amqplib
15 silly extractTree expect.js@0.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/expect.js
16 silly extractTree express@4.16.2 -> /code/node_modules/express
17 silly extractTree mocha@2.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/mocha
18 silly extractTree nock@9.2.3 -> /code/node_modules/nock
19 silly extractTree nyc@11.8.0 -> /code/node_modules/nyc
20 silly extractTree proxyquire@1.8.0 -> /code/node_modules/proxyquire
21 silly extractTree semistandard@11.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/semistandard
22 silly extractTree @noblesam/contentsamurai-timing@3.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/contentsamurai-timing
23 silly extractTree @noblesam/google-text-to-speech@1.1.0-format.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/google-text-to-speech
24 silly extractTree @noblesam/htk@6.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/htk
25 silly extractTree @noblesam/ns-audio@2.0.4 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/ns-audio
26 silly extractTree @noblesam/slides2dsl@7.6.1 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/slides2dsl
27 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg@5.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg
28 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-image@5.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-image
29 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-shape@5.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-shape
30 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-text@5.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-text
31 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-timeline@5.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-timeline
32 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-track@5.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-track
33 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-video@5.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-clip-video
34 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-plugin-transition-gl@4.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-transition-gl
35 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-plugin-transition-glsl@4.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-plugin-transition-glsl
36 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-plugins@5.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-plugins
37 silly extractTree amqp-wrapper@5.5.1 -> /code/node_modules/amqp-wrapper
38 silly extractTree async@1.5.2 -> /code/node_modules/async
39 silly extractTree aws-sdk@2.205.0 -> /code/node_modules/aws-sdk
40 silly extractTree checksum@0.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/checksum
41 silly extractTree debug@2.6.9 -> /code/node_modules/debug
42 silly extractTree extend@2.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/extend
43 silly extractTree ffmpeg-static@2.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/ffmpeg-static
44 silly extractTree ffprobe-static@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/ffprobe-static
45 silly extractTree fluent-ffmpeg@2.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/fluent-ffmpeg
46 silly extractTree librato-simple@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/librato-simple
47 silly extractTree lodash.assign@4.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.assign
48 silly extractTree lodash.defaults@4.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.defaults
49 silly extractTree lodash.every@4.6.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.every
50 silly extractTree lodash.first@3.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.first
51 silly extractTree lodash.last@3.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.last
52 silly extractTree lodash.some@4.6.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.some
53 silly extractTree lodash.sumby@4.6.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.sumby
54 silly extractTree lodash.zipwith@4.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.zipwith
55 silly extractTree node-slack@0.0.7 -> /code/node_modules/node-slack
56 silly extractTree performance-now@2.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/performance-now
57 silly extractTree pm2@2.10.1 -> /code/node_modules/pm2
58 silly extractTree progress-stream@1.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/progress-stream
59 silly extractTree raven@2.4.2 -> /code/node_modules/raven
60 silly extractTree request@2.87.0 -> /code/node_modules/request
61 silly extractTree s3-upload-stream@1.0.7 -> /code/node_modules/s3-upload-stream
62 silly extractTree string@3.3.3 -> /code/node_modules/string
63 silly extractTree subprogress@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/subprogress
64 silly extractTree temp@0.8.3 -> /code/node_modules/temp
65 silly extractTree @noblesam/cs-fonts@2.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/cs-fonts
66 silly extractTree @noblesam/opentype-layout@3.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/opentype-layout
67 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-clip@5.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-clip
68 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-dsl@5.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-dsl
69 silly extractTree canvas@github:aeh/node-canvas#6691b3a2c0298d0e2f36f9486ed53aa39e9af94d -> /code/node_modules/canvas
70 silly extractTree onecolor@3.0.5 -> /code/node_modules/onecolor
71 silly tarball no local data for canvas@github:aeh/node-canvas#6691b3a2c0298d0e2f36f9486ed53aa39e9af94d. Extracting by manifest.
72 silly extractTree -> /code/node_modules/
73 silly extractTree @noblesam/spielberg-cache@4.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/spielberg-cache
74 silly extractTree cacache@9.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/cacache
75 silly extractTree request-promise-native@1.0.5 -> /code/node_modules/request-promise-native
76 silly extractTree sharp@0.18.4 -> /code/node_modules/sharp
77 silly extractTree gl@4.0.4 -> /code/node_modules/gl
78 silly extractTree gl-texture2d@2.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/gl-texture2d
79 silly extractTree gl-texture2d-pixels@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/gl-texture2d-pixels
80 silly extractTree gl-transition@1.13.0 -> /code/node_modules/gl-transition
81 silly extractTree gl-transition-utils@1.18.0 -> /code/node_modules/gl-transition-utils
82 silly extractTree gl-transitions@1.43.0 -> /code/node_modules/gl-transitions
83 silly extractTree glsl-transition@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-transition
84 silly extractTree glsl-transitions@2017.4.19 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-transitions
85 silly extractTree ndarray@1.0.18 -> /code/node_modules/ndarray
86 silly extractTree ndarray-ops@1.2.2 -> /code/node_modules/ndarray-ops
87 silly extractTree to-rgba-array@1.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/to-rgba-array
88 silly extractTree optimist@0.3.7 -> /code/node_modules/optimist
89 silly extractTree deferred@0.7.1 -> /code/node_modules/deferred
90 silly extractTree speedometer@0.1.4 -> /code/node_modules/speedometer
91 silly extractTree through2@0.2.3 -> /code/node_modules/progress-stream/node_modules/through2
92 silly extractTree amqplib@0.4.2 -> /code/node_modules/amqp-wrapper/node_modules/amqplib
93 silly extractTree async@0.9.2 -> /code/node_modules/amqp-wrapper/node_modules/async
94 silly extractTree deferential@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/deferential
95 silly extractTree json-stringify-safe@5.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/json-stringify-safe
96 silly extractTree q@1.5.1 -> /code/node_modules/q
97 silly extractTree deep-freeze@0.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/deep-freeze
98 silly extractTree google-auto-auth@0.10.1 -> /code/node_modules/google-auto-auth
99 silly extractTree play-sound@1.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/play-sound
100 silly extractTree request@2.87.0 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/google-text-to-speech/node_modules/request
101 silly extractTree request-promise@4.2.2 -> /code/node_modules/request-promise
102 silly extractTree tempy@0.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/tempy
103 silly extractTree lru-cache@4.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/lru-cache
104 silly extractTree ms@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/ms
105 silly extractTree request-promise-core@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/request-promise-core
106 silly extractTree stealthy-require@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/stealthy-require
107 silly extractTree tough-cookie@2.3.4 -> /code/node_modules/tough-cookie
108 silly extractTree accepts@1.3.5 -> /code/node_modules/accepts
109 silly extractTree array-flatten@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/array-flatten
110 silly extractTree body-parser@1.18.2 -> /code/node_modules/body-parser
111 silly extractTree content-disposition@0.5.2 -> /code/node_modules/content-disposition
112 silly extractTree content-type@1.0.4 -> /code/node_modules/content-type
113 silly extractTree cookie@0.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/cookie
114 silly extractTree cookie-signature@1.0.6 -> /code/node_modules/cookie-signature
115 silly extractTree depd@1.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/depd
116 silly extractTree encodeurl@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/encodeurl
117 silly extractTree escape-html@1.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/escape-html
118 silly extractTree etag@1.8.1 -> /code/node_modules/etag
119 silly extractTree finalhandler@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/finalhandler
120 silly extractTree fresh@0.5.2 -> /code/node_modules/fresh
121 silly extractTree merge-descriptors@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/merge-descriptors
122 silly extractTree methods@1.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/methods
123 silly extractTree on-finished@2.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/on-finished
124 silly extractTree parseurl@1.3.2 -> /code/node_modules/parseurl
125 silly extractTree path-to-regexp@0.1.7 -> /code/node_modules/path-to-regexp
126 silly extractTree proxy-addr@2.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/proxy-addr
127 silly extractTree qs@6.5.1 -> /code/node_modules/qs
128 silly extractTree range-parser@1.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/range-parser
129 silly extractTree safe-buffer@5.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/safe-buffer
130 silly extractTree send@0.16.1 -> /code/node_modules/send
131 silly extractTree serve-static@1.13.1 -> /code/node_modules/serve-static
132 silly extractTree setprototypeof@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/setprototypeof
133 silly extractTree statuses@1.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/statuses
134 silly extractTree type-is@1.6.16 -> /code/node_modules/type-is
135 silly extractTree utils-merge@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/utils-merge
136 silly extractTree vary@1.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/vary
137 silly extractTree lodash.difference@4.5.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.difference
138 silly extractTree lodash.intersection@4.4.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.intersection
139 silly extractTree d3-ease@1.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/d3-ease
140 silly extractTree lodash.camelcase@4.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.camelcase
141 silly extractTree lodash.merge@4.6.1 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.merge
142 silly extractTree typedarray-pool@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/typedarray-pool
143 silly extractTree gl-shader@4.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/gl-shader
144 silly extractTree os-tmpdir@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/os-tmpdir
145 silly extractTree rimraf@2.2.8 -> /code/node_modules/temp/node_modules/rimraf
146 silly extractTree md5@2.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/md5
147 silly extractTree stack-trace@0.0.9 -> /code/node_modules/stack-trace
148 silly extractTree timed-out@4.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/timed-out
149 silly extractTree uuid@3.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/raven/node_modules/uuid
150 silly extractTree aws-sign2@0.7.0 -> /code/node_modules/aws-sign2
151 silly extractTree aws4@1.6.0 -> /code/node_modules/aws4
152 silly extractTree caseless@0.12.0 -> /code/node_modules/caseless
153 silly extractTree combined-stream@1.0.6 -> /code/node_modules/combined-stream
154 silly extractTree extend@3.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/request/node_modules/extend
155 silly extractTree forever-agent@0.6.1 -> /code/node_modules/forever-agent
156 silly extractTree form-data@2.3.2 -> /code/node_modules/form-data
157 silly extractTree har-validator@5.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/har-validator
158 silly extractTree http-signature@1.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/http-signature
159 silly extractTree is-typedarray@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/is-typedarray
160 silly extractTree isstream@0.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/isstream
161 silly extractTree mime-types@2.1.18 -> /code/node_modules/mime-types
162 silly extractTree oauth-sign@0.8.2 -> /code/node_modules/oauth-sign
163 silly extractTree tunnel-agent@0.6.0 -> /code/node_modules/tunnel-agent
164 silly extractTree uuid@3.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/uuid
165 silly extractTree ajv@5.5.2 -> /code/node_modules/ajv
166 silly extractTree ajv-merge-patch@3.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/ajv-merge-patch
167 silly extractTree url-regex@4.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/url-regex
168 silly extractTree chai@4.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/chai
169 silly extractTree debug@3.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/nock/node_modules/debug
170 silly extractTree deep-equal@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/deep-equal
171 silly extractTree lodash@4.17.5 -> /code/node_modules/lodash
172 silly extractTree mkdirp@0.5.1 -> /code/node_modules/mkdirp
173 silly extractTree propagate@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/propagate
174 silly extractTree semver@5.5.0 -> /code/node_modules/semver
175 silly extractTree iota-array@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/iota-array
176 silly extractTree is-buffer@1.1.6 -> /code/node_modules/is-buffer
177 silly extractTree cwise-compiler@1.1.3 -> /code/node_modules/cwise-compiler
178 silly extractTree find-exec@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/find-exec
179 silly extractTree glsl-parser@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-parser
180 silly extractTree glsl-token-string@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-token-string
181 silly extractTree glsl-tokenizer@2.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-tokenizer
182 silly extractTree async@2.6.1 -> /code/node_modules/google-auto-auth/node_modules/async
183 silly extractTree gcp-metadata@0.6.3 -> /code/node_modules/gcp-metadata
184 silly extractTree google-auth-library@1.5.0 -> /code/node_modules/google-auth-library
185 silly extractTree readable-stream@1.1.14 -> /code/node_modules/progress-stream/node_modules/readable-stream
186 silly extractTree xtend@2.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/progress-stream/node_modules/xtend
187 silly extractTree native-promise-only@0.8.1 -> /code/node_modules/native-promise-only
188 silly extractTree temp-dir@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/temp-dir
189 silly extractTree unique-string@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/unique-string
190 silly extractTree pseudomap@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/pseudomap
191 silly extractTree yallist@2.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/lru-cache/node_modules/yallist
192 silly extractTree fill-keys@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/fill-keys
193 silly extractTree module-not-found-error@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/module-not-found-error
194 silly extractTree resolve@1.1.7 -> /code/node_modules/resolve
195 silly extractTree commander@2.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/commander
196 silly extractTree debug@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/debug
197 silly extractTree diff@1.0.8 -> /code/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/diff
198 silly extractTree escape-string-regexp@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/escape-string-regexp
199 silly extractTree glob@3.2.3 -> /code/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/glob
200 silly extractTree growl@1.8.1 -> /code/node_modules/growl
201 silly extractTree jade@0.26.3 -> /code/node_modules/jade
202 silly extractTree mkdirp@0.5.0 -> /code/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/mkdirp
203 silly extractTree bluebird@3.5.1 -> /code/node_modules/bluebird
204 silly extractTree get-canvas-pixels@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/get-canvas-pixels
205 silly extractTree get-pixels@3.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/get-pixels
206 silly extractTree image-type@3.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/image-type
207 silly extractTree chownr@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/chownr
208 silly extractTree glob@7.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/glob
209 silly extractTree graceful-fs@4.1.11 -> /code/node_modules/graceful-fs
210 silly extractTree mississippi@1.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/mississippi
211 silly extractTree move-concurrently@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/move-concurrently
212 silly extractTree promise-inflight@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/promise-inflight
213 silly extractTree rimraf@2.6.2 -> /code/node_modules/rimraf
214 silly extractTree ssri@4.1.6 -> /code/node_modules/ssri
215 silly extractTree unique-filename@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/unique-filename
216 silly extractTree y18n@3.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/y18n
217 silly extractTree negotiator@0.6.1 -> /code/node_modules/negotiator
218 silly extractTree wordwrap@0.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/wordwrap
219 silly extractTree unpipe@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/unpipe
220 silly extractTree ee-first@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/ee-first
221 silly extractTree extend@3.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/google-text-to-speech/node_modules/extend
222 silly extractTree punycode@1.4.1 -> /code/node_modules/punycode
223 silly extractTree bytes@3.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/bytes
224 silly extractTree http-errors@1.6.2 -> /code/node_modules/http-errors
225 silly extractTree iconv-lite@0.4.19 -> /code/node_modules/iconv-lite
226 silly extractTree raw-body@2.3.2 -> /code/node_modules/raw-body
227 silly extractTree forwarded@0.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/forwarded
228 silly extractTree ipaddr.js@1.6.0 -> /code/node_modules/ipaddr.js
229 silly extractTree bitsyntax@0.0.4 -> /code/node_modules/bitsyntax
230 silly extractTree buffer-more-ints@0.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/buffer-more-ints
231 silly extractTree readable-stream@1.1.14 -> /code/node_modules/amqplib/node_modules/readable-stream
232 silly extractTree when@3.6.4 -> /code/node_modules/when
233 silly extractTree media-typer@0.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/media-typer
234 silly extractTree destroy@1.0.4 -> /code/node_modules/destroy
235 silly extractTree mime@1.4.1 -> /code/node_modules/mime
236 silly extractTree bit-twiddle@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/bit-twiddle
237 silly extractTree dup@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/dup
238 silly extractTree gl-format-compiler-error@1.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/gl-format-compiler-error
239 silly extractTree weakmap-shim@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/weakmap-shim
240 silly extract canvas@github:aeh/node-canvas#6691b3a2c0298d0e2f36f9486ed53aa39e9af94d extracted to /code/node_modules/canvas (1393ms)
241 silly extractTree nan@2.9.2 -> /code/node_modules/nan
242 silly extractTree parse-css-font@2.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/parse-css-font
243 silly extractTree units-css@0.4.0 -> /code/node_modules/units-css
244 silly extractTree charenc@0.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/charenc
245 silly extractTree crypt@0.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/crypt
246 silly extractTree eslint@3.19.0 -> /code/node_modules/eslint
247 silly extractTree eslint-config-semistandard@11.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-config-semistandard
248 silly extractTree eslint-config-standard@10.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-config-standard
249 silly extractTree eslint-config-standard-jsx@4.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-config-standard-jsx
250 silly extractTree eslint-plugin-import@2.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-plugin-import
251 silly extractTree eslint-plugin-node@4.2.3 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-plugin-node
252 silly extractTree eslint-plugin-promise@3.5.0 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-plugin-promise
253 silly extractTree eslint-plugin-react@6.10.3 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-plugin-react
254 silly extractTree eslint-plugin-standard@3.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-plugin-standard
255 silly extractTree standard-engine@7.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/standard-engine
256 silly extractTree mime-db@1.33.0 -> /code/node_modules/mime-db
257 silly extractTree har-schema@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/har-schema
258 silly extractTree ip-regex@1.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/ip-regex
259 silly extractTree tlds@1.199.0 -> /code/node_modules/tlds
260 silly extractTree delayed-stream@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/delayed-stream
261 silly extractTree assert-plus@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/assert-plus
262 silly extractTree jsprim@1.4.1 -> /code/node_modules/jsprim
263 silly extractTree sshpk@1.13.1 -> /code/node_modules/sshpk
264 silly extractTree asynckit@0.4.0 -> /code/node_modules/asynckit
265 silly extractTree readable-stream@1.1.14 -> /code/node_modules/amqp-wrapper/node_modules/readable-stream
266 silly extractTree fast-json-patch@1.2.2 -> /code/node_modules/fast-json-patch
267 silly extractTree json-merge-patch@0.2.3 -> /code/node_modules/json-merge-patch
268 silly extractTree uniq@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/uniq
269 silly extractTree sync-exec@0.6.2 -> /code/node_modules/sync-exec
270 silly extractTree d@0.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/deferred/node_modules/d
271 silly extractTree es5-ext@0.10.39 -> /code/node_modules/es5-ext
272 silly extractTree event-emitter@0.3.5 -> /code/node_modules/event-emitter
273 silly extractTree next-tick@0.2.2 -> /code/node_modules/deferred/node_modules/next-tick
274 silly extractTree through@2.3.4 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-parser/node_modules/through
275 silly extractTree through2@0.6.5 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-parser/node_modules/through2
276 silly extractTree axios@0.18.0 -> /code/node_modules/axios
277 silly extractTree extend@3.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/gcp-metadata/node_modules/extend
278 silly extractTree retry-axios@0.3.2 -> /code/node_modules/retry-axios
279 silly extractTree which@1.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/which
280 silly extractTree through2@0.6.5 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-tokenizer/node_modules/through2
281 silly extractTree crypto-random-string@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/crypto-random-string
282 silly extractTree is-object@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/is-object
283 silly extractTree object-keys@0.4.0 -> /code/node_modules/object-keys
284 silly extractTree @noblesam/word-wrapper@1.0.9 -> /code/node_modules/@noblesam/word-wrapper
285 silly extractTree lodash.clonedeepwith@4.5.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.clonedeepwith
286 silly extractTree lodash.flattendeep@4.4.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.flattendeep
287 silly extractTree opentype.js@0.6.9 -> /code/node_modules/opentype.js
288 silly extractTree parse5@3.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/parse5
289 silly extractTree minimist@0.0.8 -> /code/node_modules/minimist
290 silly extractTree file-type@4.4.0 -> /code/node_modules/file-type
291 silly extractTree concat-stream@1.6.1 -> /code/node_modules/concat-stream
292 silly extractTree duplexify@3.5.4 -> /code/node_modules/duplexify
293 silly extractTree end-of-stream@1.4.1 -> /code/node_modules/end-of-stream
294 silly extractTree flush-write-stream@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/flush-write-stream
295 silly extractTree from2@2.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/from2
296 silly extractTree parallel-transform@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/parallel-transform
297 silly extractTree pump@1.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/pump
298 silly extractTree pumpify@1.4.0 -> /code/node_modules/pumpify
299 silly extractTree stream-each@1.2.2 -> /code/node_modules/stream-each
300 silly extractTree through2@2.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/through2
301 silly extractTree aproba@1.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/aproba
302 silly extractTree copy-concurrently@1.0.5 -> /code/node_modules/copy-concurrently
303 silly extractTree fs-write-stream-atomic@1.0.10 -> /code/node_modules/fs-write-stream-atomic
304 silly extractTree run-queue@1.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/run-queue
305 silly extractTree ms@0.6.2 -> /code/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/ms
306 silly extractTree core-util-is@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/core-util-is
307 silly extractTree inherits@2.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/inherits
308 silly extractTree isarray@0.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/progress-stream/node_modules/isarray
309 silly extractTree string_decoder@0.10.31 -> /code/node_modules/progress-stream/node_modules/string_decoder
310 silly extractTree data-uri-to-buffer@0.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/data-uri-to-buffer
311 silly extractTree jpeg-js@0.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/jpeg-js
312 silly extractTree ndarray-pack@1.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/ndarray-pack
313 silly extractTree node-bitmap@0.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/node-bitmap
314 silly extractTree omggif@1.0.9 -> /code/node_modules/omggif
315 silly extractTree parse-data-uri@0.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/parse-data-uri
316 silly extractTree pngjs@2.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/pngjs
317 silly extractTree through@2.3.8 -> /code/node_modules/through
318 silly extractTree fs.realpath@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/fs.realpath
319 silly extractTree inflight@1.0.6 -> /code/node_modules/inflight
320 silly extractTree minimatch@3.0.4 -> /code/node_modules/minimatch
321 silly extractTree once@1.4.0 -> /code/node_modules/once
322 silly extractTree path-is-absolute@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/path-is-absolute
323 silly extractTree depd@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/http-errors/node_modules/depd
324 silly extractTree setprototypeof@1.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/http-errors/node_modules/setprototypeof
325 silly extractTree caw@2.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/caw
326 silly extractTree color@2.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/color
327 silly extractTree detect-libc@0.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/detect-libc
328 silly extractTree simple-get@2.7.0 -> /code/node_modules/simple-get
329 silly extractTree tar@3.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/sharp/node_modules/tar
330 silly extractTree unique-slug@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/unique-slug
331 silly extractTree graceful-fs@2.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/graceful-fs
332 silly extractTree minimatch@0.2.14 -> /code/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/minimatch
333 silly extractTree add-line-numbers@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/add-line-numbers
334 silly extractTree gl-constants@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/gl-constants
335 silly extractTree glsl-shader-name@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-shader-name
336 silly extractTree sprintf-js@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/sprintf-js
337 silly extractTree css-font-size-keywords@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/css-font-size-keywords
338 silly extractTree css-font-stretch-keywords@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/css-font-stretch-keywords
339 silly extractTree css-font-style-keywords@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/css-font-style-keywords
340 silly extractTree css-font-weight-keywords@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/css-font-weight-keywords
341 silly extractTree css-global-keywords@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/css-global-keywords
342 silly extractTree css-list-helpers@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/css-list-helpers
343 silly extractTree css-system-font-keywords@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/css-system-font-keywords
344 silly extractTree tcomb@2.7.0 -> /code/node_modules/tcomb
345 silly extractTree unquote@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/unquote
346 silly extractTree isarray@0.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/amqplib/node_modules/isarray
347 silly extractTree string_decoder@0.10.31 -> /code/node_modules/amqplib/node_modules/string_decoder
348 silly extractTree async@2.6.0 -> /code/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/async
349 silly extractTree blessed@0.1.81 -> /code/node_modules/blessed
350 silly extractTree chalk@1.1.3 -> /code/node_modules/chalk
351 silly extractTree chokidar@2.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/chokidar
352 silly extractTree cli-table-redemption@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/cli-table-redemption
353 silly extractTree commander@2.13.0 -> /code/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/commander
354 silly extractTree cron@1.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/cron
355 silly extractTree debug@3.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/debug
356 silly extractTree eventemitter2@1.0.5 -> /code/node_modules/eventemitter2
357 silly extractTree fclone@1.0.11 -> /code/node_modules/fclone
358 silly extractTree gkt@ -> /code/node_modules/gkt
359 silly extractTree moment@2.21.0 -> /code/node_modules/moment
360 silly extractTree needle@2.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/needle
361 silly extractTree nssocket@0.6.0 -> /code/node_modules/nssocket
362 silly extractTree pidusage@1.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/pidusage
363 silly extractTree pm2-axon@3.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/pm2-axon
364 silly extractTree pm2-axon-rpc@0.5.0 -> /code/node_modules/pm2-axon-rpc
365 silly extractTree pm2-deploy@0.3.9 -> /code/node_modules/pm2-deploy
366 silly extractTree pm2-multimeter@0.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/pm2-multimeter
367 silly extractTree pmx@1.6.4 -> /code/node_modules/pmx
368 silly extractTree promptly@2.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/promptly
369 silly extractTree shelljs@0.7.8 -> /code/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/shelljs
370 silly extractTree source-map-support@0.5.3 -> /code/node_modules/source-map-support
371 silly extractTree v8-compile-cache@1.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/v8-compile-cache
372 silly extractTree vizion@0.2.13 -> /code/node_modules/vizion
373 silly extractTree yamljs@0.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/yamljs
374 silly extractTree commander@0.6.1 -> /code/node_modules/jade/node_modules/commander
375 silly extractTree mkdirp@0.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/jade/node_modules/mkdirp
376 silly extractTree deglob@2.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/deglob
377 silly extractTree get-stdin@5.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/get-stdin
378 silly extractTree minimist@1.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/standard-engine/node_modules/minimist
379 silly extractTree pkg-conf@2.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/pkg-conf
380 silly extractTree extsprintf@1.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/extsprintf
381 silly extractTree json-schema@0.2.3 -> /code/node_modules/json-schema
382 silly extractTree verror@1.10.0 -> /code/node_modules/verror
383 silly extractTree gtoken@2.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/gtoken
384 silly extractTree jws@3.1.5 -> /code/node_modules/jws
385 silly extractTree lodash.isstring@4.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.isstring
386 silly extractTree assertion-error@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/assertion-error
387 silly extractTree check-error@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/check-error
388 silly extractTree deep-eql@3.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/deep-eql
389 silly extractTree get-func-name@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/get-func-name
390 silly extractTree pathval@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/pathval
391 silly extractTree type-detect@4.0.8 -> /code/node_modules/type-detect
392 silly extractTree ignore@3.3.7 -> /code/node_modules/ignore
393 silly extractTree object-assign@4.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/object-assign
394 silly extractTree semver@5.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-plugin-node/node_modules/semver
395 silly extractTree d@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/d
396 silly extractTree readable-stream@1.0.34 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-parser/node_modules/readable-stream
397 silly extractTree xtend@4.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/xtend
398 silly extractTree isexe@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/isexe
399 silly extractTree readable-stream@1.0.34 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-tokenizer/node_modules/readable-stream
400 silly extractTree isnumeric@0.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/isnumeric
401 silly extractTree viewport-dimensions@0.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/viewport-dimensions
402 silly extractTree isarray@0.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/amqp-wrapper/node_modules/isarray
403 silly extractTree string_decoder@0.10.31 -> /code/node_modules/amqp-wrapper/node_modules/string_decoder
404 silly extractTree asn1@0.2.3 -> /code/node_modules/asn1
405 silly extractTree bcrypt-pbkdf@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/bcrypt-pbkdf
406 silly extractTree dashdash@1.14.1 -> /code/node_modules/dashdash
407 silly extractTree ecc-jsbn@0.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/ecc-jsbn
408 silly extractTree getpass@0.1.7 -> /code/node_modules/getpass
409 silly extractTree jsbn@0.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/jsbn
410 silly extractTree tweetnacl@0.14.5 -> /code/node_modules/tweetnacl
411 silly extractTree readable-stream@2.3.4 -> /code/node_modules/readable-stream
412 silly extractTree stream-shift@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/stream-shift
413 silly extractTree cyclist@0.2.2 -> /code/node_modules/cyclist
414 silly extractTree pump@2.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/pumpify/node_modules/pump
415 silly extractTree typedarray@0.0.6 -> /code/node_modules/typedarray
416 silly extractTree builtin-modules@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/builtin-modules
417 silly extractTree contains-path@0.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/contains-path
418 silly extractTree doctrine@1.5.0 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-plugin-import/node_modules/doctrine
419 silly extractTree eslint-import-resolver-node@0.2.3 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-import-resolver-node
420 silly extractTree eslint-module-utils@2.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-module-utils
421 silly extractTree has@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/has
422 silly extractTree lodash.cond@4.5.2 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.cond
423 silly extractTree pkg-up@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/pkg-up
424 silly extractTree iferr@0.1.5 -> /code/node_modules/iferr
425 silly extractTree imurmurhash@0.1.4 -> /code/node_modules/imurmurhash
426 silly extractTree brace-expansion@1.1.11 -> /code/node_modules/brace-expansion
427 silly extractTree get-proxy@2.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/get-proxy
428 silly extractTree isurl@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/isurl
429 silly extractTree url-to-options@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/url-to-options
430 silly extractTree color-convert@1.9.1 -> /code/node_modules/color-convert
431 silly extractTree color-string@1.5.2 -> /code/node_modules/color-string
432 silly extractTree wrappy@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/wrappy
433 silly extractTree lodash@4.17.10 -> /code/node_modules/google-auto-auth/node_modules/lodash
434 silly extractTree decompress-response@3.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/decompress-response
435 silly extractTree simple-concat@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/simple-concat
436 silly extractTree array.prototype.find@2.0.4 -> /code/node_modules/array.prototype.find
437 silly extractTree doctrine@1.5.0 -> /code/node_modules/eslint-plugin-react/node_modules/doctrine
438 silly extractTree jsx-ast-utils@1.4.1 -> /code/node_modules/jsx-ast-utils
439 silly extractTree object.assign@4.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/object.assign
440 silly extractTree pad-left@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/pad-left
441 silly extractTree follow-redirects@1.5.0 -> /code/node_modules/follow-redirects
442 silly extractTree lru-cache@2.7.3 -> /code/node_modules/mocha/node_modules/lru-cache
443 silly extractTree sigmund@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/sigmund
444 silly extractTree minipass@2.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/minipass
445 silly extractTree minizlib@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/minizlib
446 silly extractTree yallist@3.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/yallist
447 silly extractTree ansi-styles@2.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/ansi-styles
448 silly extractTree has-ansi@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/has-ansi
449 silly extractTree strip-ansi@3.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/strip-ansi
450 silly extractTree supports-color@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/supports-color
451 silly extractTree atob-lite@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/atob-lite
452 silly extractTree anymatch@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/anymatch
453 silly extractTree async-each@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/async-each
454 silly extractTree braces@2.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/braces
455 silly extractTree fsevents@1.2.4 -> /code/node_modules/fsevents
456 silly extractTree glob-parent@3.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/glob-parent
457 silly extractTree is-binary-path@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/is-binary-path
458 silly extractTree is-glob@4.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/is-glob
459 silly extractTree normalize-path@2.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/normalize-path
460 silly extractTree readdirp@2.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/readdirp
461 silly extractTree upath@1.0.4 -> /code/node_modules/upath
462 silly extractTree moment-timezone@0.5.14 -> /code/node_modules/moment-timezone
463 silly extractTree co@4.6.0 -> /code/node_modules/co
464 silly extractTree fast-deep-equal@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/fast-deep-equal
465 silly extractTree fast-json-stable-stringify@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/fast-json-stable-stringify
466 silly extractTree json-schema-traverse@0.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/json-schema-traverse
467 silly extractTree @types/node@10.1.3 -> /code/node_modules/@types/node
468 silly extractTree debug@3.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/pm2-axon-rpc/node_modules/debug
469 silly extractTree read@1.0.7 -> /code/node_modules/read
470 silly extractTree charm@0.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/charm
471 silly extractTree eventemitter2@0.4.14 -> /code/node_modules/nssocket/node_modules/eventemitter2
472 silly extractTree lazy@1.0.11 -> /code/node_modules/lazy
473 silly extractTree source-map@0.6.1 -> /code/node_modules/source-map-support/node_modules/source-map
474 silly extractTree find-up@2.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/pkg-conf/node_modules/find-up
475 silly extractTree load-json-file@4.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/load-json-file
476 silly extractTree find-root@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/find-root
477 silly extractTree pkg-config@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/pkg-config
478 silly extractTree run-parallel@1.1.7 -> /code/node_modules/run-parallel
479 silly extractTree google-p12-pem@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/google-p12-pem
480 silly extractTree mime@2.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/gtoken/node_modules/mime
481 silly extractTree pify@3.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/pify
482 silly extractTree jwa@1.1.6 -> /code/node_modules/jwa
483 silly extractTree tv4@1.3.0 -> /code/node_modules/tv4
484 silly extractTree interpret@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/interpret
485 silly extractTree rechoir@0.6.2 -> /code/node_modules/rechoir
486 silly extractTree diff@2.2.3 -> /code/node_modules/diff
487 silly extractTree string-delim-diff@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/string-delim-diff
488 silly extractTree wav-file-info@0.0.7 -> /code/node_modules/wav-file-info
489 silly extractTree amp@0.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/amp
490 silly extractTree amp-message@0.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/amp-message
491 silly extractTree debug@3.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/pm2-axon/node_modules/debug
492 silly extractTree escape-regexp@0.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/escape-regexp
493 silly extractTree isarray@0.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-parser/node_modules/isarray
494 silly extractTree string_decoder@0.10.31 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-parser/node_modules/string_decoder
495 silly extractTree isarray@0.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-tokenizer/node_modules/isarray
496 silly extractTree string_decoder@0.10.31 -> /code/node_modules/glsl-tokenizer/node_modules/string_decoder
497 silly extractTree sax@1.2.4 -> /code/node_modules/needle/node_modules/sax
498 silly extractTree debug@3.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/pmx/node_modules/debug
499 silly extractTree deep-metrics@0.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/deep-metrics
500 silly extractTree vxx@1.2.2 -> /code/node_modules/vxx
501 silly extractTree find-up@1.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/find-up
502 silly extractTree npm-conf@1.1.3 -> /code/node_modules/npm-conf
503 silly extractTree function-bind@1.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/function-bind
504 silly extractTree balanced-match@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/balanced-match
505 silly extractTree concat-map@0.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/concat-map
506 silly extractTree color-name@1.1.3 -> /code/node_modules/color-name
507 silly extractTree simple-swizzle@0.2.2 -> /code/node_modules/simple-swizzle
508 silly extractTree esutils@2.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/esutils
509 silly extractTree isarray@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/isarray
510 silly extractTree has-to-string-tag-x@1.4.1 -> /code/node_modules/has-to-string-tag-x
511 silly extractTree pkg-dir@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/pkg-dir
512 silly extractTree process-nextick-args@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/process-nextick-args
513 silly extractTree string_decoder@1.0.3 -> /code/node_modules/string_decoder
514 silly extractTree util-deprecate@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/util-deprecate
515 silly extractTree debug@3.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/follow-redirects/node_modules/debug
516 silly extractTree ansi-regex@2.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/ansi-regex
517 silly extractTree define-properties@1.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/define-properties
518 silly extractTree es-abstract@1.10.0 -> /code/node_modules/es-abstract
519 silly extractTree repeat-string@1.6.1 -> /code/node_modules/repeat-string
520 silly extractTree micromatch@3.1.9 -> /code/node_modules/micromatch
521 silly extractTree remove-trailing-separator@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/remove-trailing-separator
522 silly extractTree binary-extensions@1.11.0 -> /code/node_modules/binary-extensions
523 silly extractTree is-glob@3.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/glob-parent/node_modules/is-glob
524 silly extractTree path-dirname@1.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/path-dirname
525 silly extractTree is-extglob@2.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/is-extglob
526 silly extractTree has-symbols@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/has-symbols
527 silly extractTree object-keys@1.0.11 -> /code/node_modules/object.assign/node_modules/object-keys
528 silly extractTree argparse@1.0.10 -> /code/node_modules/argparse
529 silly extractTree arr-flatten@1.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/arr-flatten
530 silly extractTree array-unique@0.3.2 -> /code/node_modules/array-unique
531 silly extractTree define-property@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/braces/node_modules/define-property
532 silly extractTree extend-shallow@2.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/braces/node_modules/extend-shallow
533 silly extractTree fill-range@4.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/fill-range
534 silly extractTree isobject@3.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/isobject
535 silly extractTree kind-of@6.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/kind-of
536 silly extractTree repeat-element@1.1.2 -> /code/node_modules/repeat-element
537 silly extractTree snapdragon@0.8.1 -> /code/node_modules/snapdragon
538 silly extractTree snapdragon-node@2.1.1 -> /code/node_modules/snapdragon-node
539 silly extractTree split-string@3.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/split-string
540 silly extractTree to-regex@3.0.2 -> /code/node_modules/to-regex
541 silly extractTree debug-log@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/debug-log
542 silly extractTree mimic-response@1.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/mimic-response
543 silly extractTree locate-path@2.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/locate-path
544 silly extractTree parse-json@4.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/parse-json
545 silly extractTree strip-bom@3.0.0 -> /code/node_modules/strip-bom
546 silly extractTree buffer-equal-constant-time@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/buffer-equal-constant-time
547 silly extractTree ecdsa-sig-formatter@1.0.10 -> /code/node_modules/ecdsa-sig-formatter
548 silly extractTree node-forge@0.7.5 -> /code/node_modules/node-forge
549 silly extractTree mute-stream@0.0.5 -> /code/node_modules/mute-stream
550 silly extractTree set-immediate-shim@1.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/set-immediate-shim
551 silly extractTree config-chain@1.1.11 -> /code/node_modules/config-chain
552 silly extractTree path-exists@2.1.0 -> /code/node_modules/path-exists
553 silly extractTree pinkie-promise@2.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/pinkie-promise
554 silly extractTree is-arrayish@0.3.1 -> /code/node_modules/is-arrayish
555 silly extractTree has-symbol-support-x@1.4.2 -> /code/node_modules/has-symbol-support-x
556 silly extractTree continuation-local-storage@3.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/continuation-local-storage
557 silly extractTree extend@3.0.1 -> /code/node_modules/vxx/node_modules/extend
558 silly extractTree is@3.2.1 -> /code/node_modules/is
559 silly extractTree lodash.findindex@4.6.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.findindex
560 silly extractTree lodash.isequal@4.5.0 -> /code/node_modules/lodash.isequal
561 silly extractTree shimmer@1.2.0 -> /code/node_modules/shimmer
562 silly extractTree foreach@2.0.5 -> /code/node_modules/foreach
563 silly extractTree object-keys@1.0.11 -> /code/node_modules/define-properties/node_modules/object-keys
564 verbose teardown shutting down workers.
565 info teardown Done in 0.001s
566 verbose type ProcessTerminatedError
567 verbose stack ProcessTerminatedError: cancel after 1 retries!
567 verbose stack at Farm.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/worker-farm/lib/farm.js:87:25)
567 verbose stack at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
567 verbose stack at Farm.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/worker-farm/lib/farm.js:81:36)
567 verbose stack at ontimeout (timers.js:498:11)
567 verbose stack at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:323:5)
567 verbose stack at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:290:5)
568 verbose cwd /code
569 verbose Linux 4.9.87-linuxkit-aufs
570 verbose argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "ci"
571 verbose node v8.11.2
572 verbose npm v6.1.0
573 error cancel after 1 retries!
574 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
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