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Last active November 20, 2024 11:34
A simple attempt to make a spinning globe in QGIS by continuously manipulating the CRS.

QGIS Globe Spinner

A simple attempt to make a spinning globe in QGIS by continuously manipulating the CRS. Just load a world boundaries layer and run this in the QGIS console. Definitely very prototype stuff here so be warned...


The script currently uses Orthographic North Projection.

For a great resource on projections suited for azimuthal maps, visit

Also read this great analysis of why rendering artifacts are produced.

Here is also a nice example of using R to do the same thing whilst avoiding artifacts.

Note 1: To generate the gif you need to have imagemagick installed. OSX users can easily get it using brew. Linux users using apt/dnf/package manager of your choice. Windows users sorry you will have to figure that one out yourself.

Note 2: Running this script is going to create a lot of user defined CRS's in your User CRS database in QGIS...

# This will make the QGIS use a world projection and then move the center
# of the CRS sequentially to create a spinning globe effect
import os
from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPainter
from PyQt5.QtCore import QEasingCurve
os.system('rm /tmp/globe*')
# Make this a big number while testing e.g. 19
# small number e.g. 1 will make for a smooth animation
longitude_increments = -1
image_counter = 1
# Keep the scales the same if you dont want it to zoom in an out
max_scale = 58589836
min_scale = 1830932
def render_image(name):
size = iface.mapCanvas().size()
image = QImage(size, QImage.Format_RGB32)
painter = QPainter(image)
settings = iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings()
# You can fine tune the settings here for different
# dpi, extent, antialiasing...
# Just make sure the size of the target image matches
job = QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob(settings, painter)
# See
# For the full list of available easings
map_easing = QEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.InBounce)
zoom_easing = QEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.InQuad)
for i in range(360, 0, longitude_increments):
longitude = i - 180
# Get latitude_factor as but scaled between 0 - 180
latitude_factor = i / 2
# Scale latitude_factor to a positive number from 0 to 1 for use in the easing function
# we invert the result so the flight starts at the equator rather than the poles
latitude_easing_factor = 1 - (latitude_factor / 180)
# Multiply j by the easing of y_value to create a nice wobbly effect
# as the earth rotates
latitude = (latitude_factor * map_easing.valueForProgress(latitude_easing_factor) - 90)
definition = (
'+proj=ortho +lat_0=%f +lon_0=%f +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=sphere +units=m +no_defs' % (latitude, longitude))
crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()
# Now use easings for zoom level too
zoom_easing_factor = zoom_easing.valueForProgress(latitude_easing_factor)
scale = ((max_scale - min_scale) * zoom_easing_factor) + min_scale
print('Longitude: %f Latitude: %f Latitude Easing Factor: %f Zoom Easing Factor %f Zoom Scale: %f' %
(longitude, latitude, latitude_easing_factor, zoom_easing_factor, scale))
if zoom_easing_factor == 1:
name = ('/tmp/globe-%03d.png' % image_counter)
image_counter += 1
# Now generate the GIF. If this fails try run the call from the command line
# and check the path to convert (provided by ImageMagick) is correct...
# delay of 3.33 makes the output around 30fps
os.system('/usr/bin/convert -delay 3.33 -loop 0 /tmp/globe-*.png /tmp/globe.gif')
# Now do a second pass with image magick to resize and compress the gif as much as possible.
# The remap option basically takes the first image as a reference inmage for the colour palette
# Depending on you cartography you may also want to bump up the colors param to increase palette size
# and of course adjust the scale factor to the ultimate image size you want
os.system('/usr/bin/convert /tmp/globe.gif -coalesce -scale 600x600 -fuzz 2% +dither -remap /tmp/globe.gif[20] +dither -colors 14 -layers Optimize /tmp/globe_small.gif')
# Also we will make a video of the scene - useful for cases where you have a larger colour
# pallette and gif will not hack it
# Pad option is to deal with cases where ffmpeg complains because the h or w of the image
# is an odd number of pixels.
# :color=white pads the video with white pixels. Change to black if needed.
#os.system('ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i "/tmp/globe-*.png" -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2:color=white" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p /tmp/globe.mp4')
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Now with label support since qgis/QGIS#46727


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timlinux commented Feb 3, 2022

Update version that also exports annotations (still a work in progress):

# This will make the QGIS use a world projection and then move the center
# of the CRS sequentially to create a spinning globe effect
import os
from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPainter

os.system('rm /tmp/globe*')
longitude_increments = 10 
image_counter = 1 

def render_image(name):
    size = iface.mapCanvas().size()
    settings = iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings()
    mapRendererTask = QgsMapRendererTask( settings, name, "PNG" );
    # May need to do something similar for decorations too if you want them...
    # We need to clone the annotations because otherwise SIP will 
    # pass ownership and then cause a crash when the render task is destroyed
    annotations = QgsProject.instance().annotationManager().annotations()
    annotations_list = [a.clone() for a in annotations]
    if (len(annotations_list) > 0):
        mapRendererTask.addAnnotations([a.clone() for a in annotations])
    QgsApplication.taskManager().addTask( mapRendererTask )

for i in range(-180, 180, longitude_increments):
    definition = ( 
      '+proj=ortho +lat_0=-10 +lon_0=%i +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=sphere +units=m +no_defs' % i)
    crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()
    name = ('/tmp/globe-%03d.png' % image_counter)
    image_counter += 1

# Now generate the GIF. If this fails try run the call from the command line
# and check the path to convert (provided by ImageMagick) is correct...
os.system('/usr/bin/convert -delay 35 -loop 0 /tmp/globe-*.png /tmp/globe.gif')


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timlinux commented Feb 16, 2022

Latest doodles (still definately a work in progress):

# This will make the QGIS use a world projection and then move the center
# of the CRS sequentially to create a spinning globe effect
from doctest import debug_script
import os
import timeit
import time

from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPainter
from PyQt5.QtCore import QEasingCurve
from qgis.core import QgsPointXY

def initialize_debugger():
    import multiprocessing
    if multiprocessing.current_process().pid > 1:
        import debugpy
        debugpy.listen(("", 9000))
        print("Debugger is ready to be attached, press F5", flush=True)
        print("Visual Studio Code debugger is now attached", flush=True)

os.system('rm /tmp/globe*')

debug_mode = False
if debug_mode:

# Point layer that we will visit each point for
point_layer = iface.activeLayer()
# How many frames to render for each point pair transition
# The output is generated at 30fps so choosing 30
# would fly to each point for 1s
# You can then use the 'current_point' project variable
# to determine the current point id
# and the 'point_frame' project variable to determine
# the frame number for the current point based on frames_for_interval
frames_per_point = 90

# How many frames to dwell at each point for (output at 30fps)
dwell_frames = 30

# Keep the scales the same if you dont want it to zoom in an out
max_scale = 75589836
min_scale = 2500000
image_counter = 1 
# enable this if you want wobbling panning
pan_easing_enabled = False
previous_point = None

    QgsProject.instance(), 'frames_per_point', 0)
    QgsProject.instance(), 'current_frame', 0)
    QgsProject.instance(), 'current_point_id', 0)

from enum import Enum
class MapMode(Enum):
    SPHERE = 1 # CRS will be manipulated to create a spinning globe effect
    PLANE = 2 # CRS will not be altered, but will pan and zoom to each point
    STATIC = 3 # Map will not pan / zoom
class EasingMode(Enum):
    EASE_IN = 1 # traveling away from an object
    EASE_OUT = 2 # travelling towards an object

map_mode = MapMode.PLANE
easing_mode = EasingMode.EASE_OUT

# The maximum number of concurrent threads to allow
# during rendering. Probably setting to the same number 
# of CPU cores you have would be a good conservative approach
# You could probably run 100 or more on a decently specced machine
render_thread_pool_size = 100
# Number of currently running render threads
current_render_thread_count = 0

def render_image(name):
    size = iface.mapCanvas().size()
    image = QImage(size, QImage.Format_RGB32)

    painter = QPainter(image)
    settings = iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings()
    # You can fine tune the settings here for different
    # dpi, extent, antialiasing...
    # Just make sure the size of the target image matches

    job = QgsMapRendererCustomPainterJob(settings, painter)

def free_render_lock():
    global current_render_thread_count
    print('Freeing render lock.')
    current_render_thread_count -= 1
    print(' Now %d threads used ' % current_render_thread_count)

def render_image_as_task(name,current_point_id,current_frame):
    global current_render_thread_count, render_thread_pool_size
    # Block until there is space in the render thread pool
    while current_render_thread_count > render_thread_pool_size:
        print('Waiting for render lock.')
        current_render_thread_count -= 1
        print(' Now %d threads used ' % current_render_thread_count)
    # Ready to start rendering, claim a space in the pool
    current_render_thread_count += 1
    global frames_per_point
    size = iface.mapCanvas().size()
    settings = iface.mapCanvas().mapSettings()
    # The next part sets project variables that you can use in your 
    # cartography etc. to see the progress. Here is an example
    # of a QGS expression you can use in the map decoration copyright
    # widget to show current script progress
    # [%'Frame ' || to_string(coalesce(@current_frame, 0)) || '/' || 
    # to_string(coalesce(@frames_per_point, 0)) || ' for point ' || 
    # to_string(coalesce(@current_point_id,0))%]
    task_scope = QgsExpressionContextScope()
    task_scope.setVariable('current_point_id', current_point_id)
    task_scope.setVariable('frames_per_point', frames_per_point)
    task_scope.setVariable('current_frame', current_frame)
    context = settings.expressionContext()
    # Set the output file name for the render task
    mapRendererTask = QgsMapRendererTask( settings, name, "PNG" )
    # We need to clone the annotations because otherwise SIP will 
    # pass ownership and then cause a crash when the render task is destroyed
    annotations = QgsProject.instance().annotationManager().annotations()
    annotations_list = [a.clone() for a in annotations]
    if (len(annotations_list) > 0):
        mapRendererTask.addAnnotations([a.clone() for a in annotations])
    # Add decorations to the render job
    decorations = iface.activeDecorations()
    # Allo other tasks waiting in the queue to go on and render
    # Does not work
    # Start the rendering task on the queue
    QgsApplication.taskManager().addTask( mapRendererTask )

def fly_point_to_point(start_point, end_point):
    global image_counter, frames_per_point, last_easing
    with open('/tmp/log.txt', 'a') as f: # change to append too record all
        f.write('Feature: %d\n' %
        #f.write('Render Time,Longitude,Latitude,Latitude Easing Factor,Zoom Easing Factor,Zoom Scale\n')
        image_counter += 1
        x_min = start_point.geometry().asPoint().x()
        print("XMIN : %f" % x_min)
        x_max = end_point.geometry().asPoint().x()
        print("XMAX : %f" % x_max)
        x_range = abs(x_max - x_min)
        print("XRANGE : %f" % x_range)
        x_increment = x_range / frames_per_point
        y_min = start_point.geometry().asPoint().y()
        print("YMIN : %f" % y_min)
        y_max = end_point.geometry().asPoint().y()
        print("YMAX : %f" % y_max)
        y_range = abs(y_max - y_min)
        print("YRANGE : %f" % y_range)
        y_increment = y_range / frames_per_point
        global pan_easing_enabled
        # See
        # For the full list of available easings
        # This is just to change up the easing from one point hop 
        # to the next
        if EasingMode == EasingMode.EASE_OUT:
            pan_easing = QEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.OutBack)
            zoom_easing = QEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.OutBack)
            EasingMode == EasingMode.EASE_IN
            pan_easing = QEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.InBack)
            zoom_easing = QEasingCurve(QEasingCurve.InBack)
            last_easing = 0

        for current_frame in range(0, frames_per_point, 1):
            x_offset = x_increment * current_frame
            x = x_min + x_offset 
            y_offset = y_increment * current_frame
            if pan_easing_enabled:
                y_easing_factor = y_offset / frames_per_point 
                y = y_min + (y_offset * pan_easing.valueForProgress(y_easing_factor))
                y = y_min + y_offset
            if map_mode == MapMode.SPHERE:
                definition = ( 
                '+proj=ortho +lat_0=%f +lon_0=%f +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=sphere +units=m +no_defs' % (x, y))
                crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()
            # For plane map mode we just use whatever CRS is active
            if map_mode is not MapMode.STATIC:
                # Now use easings for zoom level too
                zoom_easing_factor = zoom_easing.valueForProgress(
                scale = ((max_scale - min_scale) * zoom_easing_factor) + min_scale
                if zoom_easing_factor == 1:
                    if map_mode == MapMode.SPHERE:
            # Pad the numbers in the name so that they form a 10 digit string with left padding of 0s
            name = ('/tmp/globe-%s.png' % str(image_counter).rjust(10, '0'))
            starttime = timeit.default_timer()
            # Not crashy but no decorations and annotations....
            # crashy - check with Nyall why...
            render_image_as_task(name,, current_frame)
            #f.write('%s,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n' % (
            #    timeit.default_timer() - starttime, 
            #    x, 
            #    y, 
            #    y_easing_factor, 
            #    zoom_easing_factor, 
            #    scale))
            image_counter += 1

def dwell_at_point(feature):
    global image_counter, dwell_frames
    #f.write('Render Time,Longitude,Latitude,Latitude Easing Factor,Zoom Easing Factor,Zoom Scale\n')
    x = feature.geometry().asPoint().x()
    y = feature.geometry().asPoint().y()
    point = QgsPointXY(x,y)
    for current_frame in range(0, dwell_frames, 1):
        # Pad the numbers in the name so that they form a 10 digit string with left padding of 0s
        name = ('/tmp/globe-%s.png' % str(image_counter).rjust(10, '0'))
        # Not crashy but no decorations and annotations....
        # crashy - check with Nyall why...
        render_image_as_task(name,, current_frame)
        image_counter += 1

for feature in point_layer.getFeatures():
    if previous_point is None:
        previous_point = feature
    else: #elif image_counter < 2:
        fly_point_to_point(previous_point, feature)
        previous_point = feature        
# Now generate the GIF. If this fails try run the call from the command line
# and check the path to convert (provided by ImageMagick) is correct...
# delay of 3.33 makes the output around 30fps               
os.system('/usr/bin/convert -delay 3.33 -loop 0 /tmp/globe-*.png /tmp/globe.gif')
# Now do a second pass with image magick to resize and compress the gif as much as possible.
# The remap option basically takes the first image as a reference inmage for the colour palette
# Depending on you cartography you may also want to bump up the colors param to increase palette size
# and of course adjust the scale factor to the ultimate image size you want               
os.system('/usr/bin/convert /tmp/globe.gif -coalesce -scale 600x600 -fuzz 2% +dither -remap /tmp/globe.gif[20] +dither -colors 14 -layers Optimize /tmp/globe_small.gif')
# Also we will make a video of the scene - useful for cases where you have a larger colour
# pallette and gif will not hack it
# Pad option is to deal with cases where ffmpeg complains because the h or w of the image
# is an odd number of pixels.
# :color=white pads the video with white pixels. Change to black if needed.
#os.system('ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i "/tmp/globe-*.png" -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2:color=white" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p /tmp/globe.mp4')

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Your globe is spinning backward.

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